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对比赛速度游泳时手、腿配合动作技术的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狄建  杨萍 《体育科学》2001,21(6):51-55
运用阻力与速度的平方成正比定律,深层次审视游泳手、腿配合技术,认为在比赛速度条件下,游泳技术的合理性在于通过技术动作所产生出的推进阻力纯值的大小来给予评价。为探索推进阻力纯值的根源,提出在比赛速度条件下与手、腿配合技术相关的3种新技术观点:1.流线型体位的重新诠释。2.快速率,小幅度打腿对手腿配合技术协调的影响。3.吻合受身材高度局限的中国运动员的手指分开划水技术。并对以上3种技术的成立展开讨论和提出支持理论依据。  相似文献   

游泳是以水为介质的运动项目,人在水中游进会受到水的阻力,同时通过肢体与水的“作用力与反作用力”获得游进的推进力,游泳的阻力和推进力的大小会影响游泳速度。本文运用“流体力学的基本原理”对蛙泳腿部技术进行力学分析,阐述如何减小蛙泳腿的阻力,增大蛙泳腿的推进力,从而提高蛙泳游速。  相似文献   

当前世界优秀自由泳选手无论短距离选手还是长距离选手,几乎都采用六次打腿,二次划手的配合节奏,强而有力的打腿,使上身位置较高的浮在水面,以减小在水中的截面阻力,从而提高速度。  相似文献   

游泳打腿训练作为技术教学最重要的基础环节之一,打腿不但能保持身体在水中的平衡和稳定性,而且能减少身体左右摇摆,对于提高身体位置,形成良好的流线型与游进速度,以及日后成绩的提高有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

许琦 《游泳》2007,(2):17-21
技术训练的目的是通过不同的技术练习手段,使运动员掌握合理的游泳技术。因此游泳技术训练就要符合游泳技术的力学、解剖学原理。 一、外形姿态与游泳技术 游泳中,运动员受到的阻力大小与物体的形状有很大的关系。在水里,运动时在物体前后形成的压力差引起的阻力,称为压差阻力,也被称为形状阻力。不同形状的物体在水中运动时所受到的形状阻力是不同的。  相似文献   

3.3 基本技术与素质、速度、耐力的比较分析 游泳运动成绩的好坏取决于运动员在水中克服阻力获得最大速度的能力。因此,除了必须具备一定的形态、机能、素质条件外,水中运动能力是一个相当重要的选材指标。 3.3.1 基本技术与素质、速度、耐力的总体情况  相似文献   

打腿速度决定了游泳的底线速度。拉开选手之间差距的正是打腿速度。要想激发打腿的潜能,增加打腿的推进力,脚踝的柔韧性非常关键。现在还没有提高打腿成绩的捷径。就像自行车项目的骑速与骑车总里程成正比一样,打腿速度通常也与打腿总里程成正比。不过,如果你肯下苦功,不厌其烦地做脚踝柔韧性练习,腿部力量训练以及体能训练,经过这些重要训练之后,你的打腿速度将稳步提高,游泳的底线速度也将随之提高。  相似文献   

爬泳,俗称“自由泳”,是竞技游泳技术中速度最快的一种姿势。由于它动作结构简单,因此,有利于初学者掌握。但是,要想真正游好爬泳,还必须注意以下一些问题。一、掌握正确打腿技术虽然爬泳打腿对推动身体前进作用并不太大,但打腿能有效地维持身体平衡,使身体保持较好流线型及协调配合上肢划水动  相似文献   

3.1.2 一次打腿二次加速 腿部一次打腿动作周期可分成为下打和上打两个阶段。传统的技术要求是:向上提腿时,不要过于用力,以便减少阻力。打腿的重点应放在向下打水动作上,腿向下打水的速度应比向上提腿快二倍多。图<4>是青山绫里与汤普森出发后的第三次打腿)的打腿技术解析(圈号与序号是一致的)。从图的速度变化可看出,两人在一次打腿周期内除向下打腿时有一次加速外,在腿上提过程中都还有一次加速度,汤普森和青山绫里分别出现在上抬  相似文献   

高阳 《游泳》2014,(2):64-65
在自由泳打腿基础教学中我们会发现很多问题,如:身体控制不住、身体下沉、腰部扭曲、摆动过大等问题。本期针对这些较普遍的技术问题,介绍三种无板自由泳打腿技术提高练习以及错误动作示范,希望可以帮助大家改进自由泳打腿技术,减少阻力,从而提高游泳成绩。  相似文献   

Weassessed the net forces created when towing swimmers while gliding and kicking underwater to establish an appropriate speed for initiating underwater kicking, and the most effective gliding position and kicking technique to be applied after a turn. Sixteen experienced male swimmers of similar body shape were towed by a motorized winch and pulley system. A load cell measured net force (propulsive force - drag force) at speeds of 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, 2.5 and 3.1 m· s-1 . At each speed, the swimmers performed a prone streamline glide, a lateral streamline glide, a prone freestyle kick, a prone dolphin kick and a lateral dolphin kick. A two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the gliding and kicking conditions at different speeds. The results demonstrated an optimal range of speeds (1.9 to 2.2 m· s-1 ) at which to begin underwater kicking to prevent energy loss from excessive active drag. No significant differences were found between the prone and lateral streamline glide positions or between the three underwater kicking techniques. Therefore, there appears to be no significant advantage in using one streamlining technique over another or in using one kicking style over another.  相似文献   

We assessed the net forces created when towing swimmers while gliding and kicking underwater to establish an appropriate speed for initiating underwater kicking, and the most effective gliding position and kicking technique to be applied after a turn. Sixteen experienced male swimmers of similar body shape were towed by a motorized winch and pulley system. A load cell measured net force (propulsive force - drag force) at speeds of 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, 2.5 and 3.1 m x s(-1). At each speed, the swimmers performed a prone streamline glide, a lateral streamline glide, a prone freestyle kick, a prone dolphin kick and a lateral dolphin kick. A two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the gliding and kicking conditions at different speeds. The results demonstrated an optimal range of speeds (1.9 to 2.2 m x s(-1)) at which to begin underwater kicking to prevent energy loss from excessive active drag. No significant differences were found between the prone and lateral streamline glide positions or between the three underwater kicking techniques. Therefore, there appears to be no significant advantage in using one streamlining technique over another or in using one kicking style over another.  相似文献   


The swim section of Sprint- and Olympic-distance triathlon race formats is integral to the success of subsequent cycle and running disciplines, and to overall race performance. The current body of swimming-based triathlon research suggests that the energy used, and the positioning gained among competitors during the swim, is important in determining the success of an athlete's race, especially professional athletes in draft-legal settings. Furthermore, by swimming at a reduced intensity, it has been shown that the performance of the subsequent disciplines may be enhanced. However, reductions in energy output can be obtained without compromising swimming speed. This review highlights the importance of swimming intensity during a triathlon and how it impacts on the ensuing cycle and run. Furthermore, consideration is given to current methods used to manipulate swimming performance.  相似文献   

探究高水平跆拳道运动员身体出现不同量度的运动性疲劳时,横踢技术动作特征出现的差异及其对击打速度产生的影响程度。对20名跆拳道运动员采用Excalibur Sport cycle ergometer功率自行车进行诱导疲劳和YSI 1500 SPORT乳酸测试仪测定疲劳程度并划分为轻度、中度、重度三个量度;运用VICON Nexus三维系统捕捉横踢技术的运动轨迹,运用VICON Polygon软件将运动轨迹划分为启动、击打、回收三个时段进行分析。结果显示:启动时段三种疲劳的动作时间为:轻度疲劳0.25 s < 中度疲劳0.27 s < 重度疲劳0.29 s;击打时段的动作速度为:轻度疲劳12.20 m/s > 中度疲劳11.75 m/s > 重度疲劳10.64 m/s;横踢技术在回收时段的启动和加速过程中,三种类型之间的动作特征所表现出来的差异存在显著性(p<.05)。运动性疲劳的量度对横踢技术动作特征及其击打速度的影响较为显著。运动性疲劳的量度越大,技术动作的稳定性相对较差,鞭打动作形式也相对较差,对动作特征和击打速度的影响程度也越大;运动性疲劳的量度随着体内乳酸含量的变化而发生改变,乳酸峰值出现的时间节点是反映身体重度疲劳的时间节点,同时也是教练员合理调整技战术,通过消除疲劳的方式,减小对技术动作影响的重要节点。  相似文献   

The initial stance position (ISP) has been observed as a factor affecting the execution technique during taekwondo kicks. In the present study, authors aimed to analyse a roundhouse kick to the chest by measuring movement coordination and the variability of coordination and comparing this across the different ISP (0°, 45° and 90°). Eight experienced taekwondo athletes performed consecutive kicking trials in random order from every of the three relative positions. The execution was divided into three phases (stance, first swing and second swing phase). A motion capture system was used to measure athletes’ angular displacement of pelvis and thigh. A modified vector coding technique was used to quantify the coordination of the segments which contributed to the overall movement. The variability of this coordination (CV) for each ISP was also calculated. Comparative analysis showed that during the stance phase in the transverse plane, athletes coordinated movement of the trunk and thigh with a higher frequency of in-phase and lower frequency of exclusive thigh rotation in the 0° stance than the 90° stance position (< 0.05). CV was also influenced by the different ISP. During the first swing and the majority of the second swing phase, predominant in-phase coordination of the pelvis and thigh was observed. Including exercises that require in-phase movement could not only help athletes to acquire coordination stability but also efficiency. The existence of a constraint such as ISP implies an increase of the variability when the athletes have to kick from ISP they are not used to adopt (i.e., 0° and 90° ISP) as an evidence of adaptability in the athletes’ execution technique.  相似文献   

为研究DaeDo电子护具对男子竞技跆拳道比赛技战术特点的影响,以参加2012年全国跆拳道锦标赛男子58kg级共44场比赛的48名运动员为研究对象,运用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计等研究方法,对竞技跆拳道比赛男子运动员的技战术进行分析。结果显示:三个回合中,技术运用次数逐渐增加,第一回合技术运用成功率最高,第三回合技术得分最多;下劈是得分最多的技术,占技术总得分的41.0%,横踢是运用最多的技术,使用率达44.9%;击头得分占总得分的61.2%,明显高于躯干得分,下劈是击头次数和得分最多的技术;各战术运用中,直接进攻、直接反击的使用率和得分率较高,而防守反击、攻防转换的使用率和得分率偏低,有待加强。  相似文献   

对我国第 10届冬季运动会短道速滑比赛单项每轮次、每组单圈领先运动员及成绩进行现场调研 ,对比赛的概况、特点、比赛结果、冠军运动员完成超越的时机及速度进行了分析。结果显示 ,在 5 0 0 m比赛中 ,运动员采取抢占有利位置 ,全程领滑战术而取胜 ;在 10 0 0 m比赛中 ,运动员采取中途加速超越对手 ;在长距离比赛中 ,运动员采用后程加速夺取胜利。  相似文献   

The reliability of active drag values was examined using a method that compared free swim speed with measurements taken by towing swimmers slightly faster than their maximum swim speed, while allowing their intra-stroke speed fluctuations. Twelve national age and open level swimmers were tested on two alternate days (Day 1 and Day 2). All participants completed four maximum swim speed, three passive drag and five active drag trials on each of the days. The reliability was determined using within-participant intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) within each day and between the days. The ICCs for Day 1 and Day 2 were 0.82 and 0.85, respectively, while the comparison of the mean active drag values between days was 0.93. The data showed that the assisted towing method (ATM) with fluctuating speed was only moderately reliable within a single test. However, this method was more reliable when using the average value of active drag from both days (ICC = 0.93). This study identified that the ATM method with fluctuating speed had moderate reliability within-participant trials on values in a single day but high reliability for the average active drag values across different days.  相似文献   


In taekwondo, the stance position can potentially affect kick performance. The aim of this study was to analyse mechanical variables in the roundhouse kick in taekwondo according to three stance positions (0°, 45°, 90°). Nine experienced taekwondo athletes performed consecutive kicking trials in a random order according to these three relative positions of the feet on the ground. Measurements for the mechanical analysis were performed using two 3D force plates and an eight-camera motion capture system. The taekwondo athletes’ reaction and execution times were shorter when starting from the 0° and 45° stance positions than from the 90° position (P < 0.05). Moreover, the ground reaction force was negatively correlated with execution time and positively with velocity of thigh and shank. Our results suggest that the stance position affects the execution technique of taekwondo athletes’ kicks. It is suggested that athletes should not adopt the 90° stance position because it will not enable them to achieve the best performance in the roundhouse kick.  相似文献   

目的:检测太极拳蹬腿动作支撑腿和动作腿的协调活动,揭示中枢双重命令下的下肢运动控制的特征.方法:太极拳运动员和初学者各10人,分两组.记录太极蹬腿动作时下肢肌肌电图、双下肢关节的角运动、足底中心压力的移位.每次试验8 s完成,重复5次.统计处理后,做肌电、运动和平衡分析.鲒果:两组间支撑腿的EMG、关节活动和COP位移出现了在形态上和幅度上的差别,但是在动作腿多表现在幅度上的差别.运动员支撑腿的平均EMG都高于初学者,只有股直肌有显著差异;运动员膝和髋关节的平均最大运动角度小于初学者,踝关节的平均最大运动角度稍稍比初学者大,只有髋关节的平均最大运动角度较为显著.运动员动作腿的平均EMG只有股直肌和胫骨前肌显著地高于初学者,而臀中肌显著地低于初学者;所有关节的平均最大运动角度都是运动员的显著大于初学者.平均足底中心压力的侧方和前后方位移都是运动员的显著大于初学者.运动员动作腿的起始运动约250~350ms,滞后于支撑腿起始运动的延迟时间.结论:运动员和初学者都可以用踝-髋策略来调节单腿直立的姿势平衡,但是运动员能够启动一个根据任务需要的前馈控制技术,通过下肢肌的积极活动,预先形成一个对抗蹬腿反作用力干扰的姿势稳定.因此,训练太极拳可以获得这个前馈控制技术.持续降低重心时,初学者的蹬腿和支撑两任务间出现了相互冲突.  相似文献   

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