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采用文献资料、调研等方法,从文化的视角对广州成功申办2010年亚运会以后的体育社团实体化发展状况进行分析,认为通过期间的理论和实践,广州体育社团实体化形成内在组织文化特征及外在发展文化特色.  相似文献   

以广州2010年举办第十六届亚运会为背景,通过对广州各大高校学生亚运会前期的准备工作的调查分析,论证亚运会将对广州高校体育事业的发展带来前所未有的契机。这些必将对亚运会文化和高校体育文化两者产生相互影响、融合、渗透,促进对广州高校体育设施的建设、丰富校园文化生活、体育课程的改革等起到重要作用。  相似文献   

对2010年亚运会广州城市体育发展的解析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对2010年亚运会城市规划建设及主要场馆规划建设进行研究,在分析2010年亚运会主要场馆建设现状的基础上,提出目前广州城市体育发展的一些不足。研究认为:2010年亚运会给广州城市体育发展带来巨大的经济效应和社会效应;但应进一步加强将公共体育设施列入城市建设总体规划;把体育设施建设与小区住宅建设同步进行;适当配置服务设施,焕发体育场馆的活力;加大旧城区体育设施建设力度,营造体育文化氛围;建立新的体育行业,形成体育产业链、加强各社区体育文化交流。  相似文献   

北京奥运会在申办、筹办与举办的过程中始终秉承人文奥运理念,以创新的理念、艺术的视角彰显传统文化的积淀,以天地万物,唯人为贵的理念建设着人文与自然环境,以海纳百川的开放姿态融汇中西文化、展现独特魅力,诠释出中华传统文化的厚重之美.广州亚运会应借鉴北京奥运会的成功经验,在筹备过程中注重规划、创新,做到体育性与超体育性,有形性与无形性,本土化与全球化,传统、现代与未来的融合、协调.通过会徽、吉祥物、宣传画等的设计,开闭幕式等的文艺表演彰显岭南文化特色,展现历史名城风采.通过加大对体育设施、历史文化名城保护与修缮、城市环境改善等投入力度,提高市民的生活质量,吸引更多的外国客人来广州观光旅游和投资.在保护与传承的同时进行合理开发,充分发挥亚运文化遗产的教育、文化功能和多元价值,促进体育、文化、经济等方面可持续性发展.广州亚运会的举办将给亚洲、世界奥林匹克运动、广州留下一笔可观的亚运文化遗产.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、调查访谈等方法,对广州亚运会的办赛理念与广东单项体育协会的办会宗旨进行研究比较。结果表明,两者有着许多共融和相似之处,亚运会的举办将为广东单项体育协会的改革带来机遇,而体育协会在自身改革过程中对亚运会的筹办和举办也产生着巨大的支撑作用,广州亚运会和广东单项体育协会之间相互联系、相互影响,两者在兼容并蓄中共同促进着广东体育事业的快速发展。  相似文献   

2010年广州亚运会要弘扬奥林匹克和亚运精神,促进亚洲各国的团结、友谊和交流,致力于构建和谐亚洲。人力资源是成功举办亚运会的基本保障,人文管理是人力资源管理的工作基础。人文管理以建立人文环境为目标。构建充满人文关怀的人力资源管理体系。通过建立劳动关系管理、沟通与交流管理、文化与精神文明管理、激励与奖惩管理等内在的管理体系,达到畅通沟通渠道,提高各级工作人员的满意度、忠诚度、创建融洽、和谐的劳动关系,提高办会工作效率,把本届亚运会办成具有中国特色、广东风格、广州风采,祥和、精彩的体育文化盛会。  相似文献   

分析了广州及大珠江三角洲区域体育旅游业的优势及举办亚运会对其发展的影响因素,同时提出以亚运会为契机来促进发展大珠江三角洲区域体育旅游业的相应措施.  相似文献   

广州亚运期间市民对广州城市管理的满意度直接体现广州作为国际化大都市的形象和地位。调查结果显示,广州亚运会期间,市民对亚运会的支持率较高,对城市管理和赛事管理的满意度总体上较高,人们用较理性的态度来解读城市管理水平。广州市需借助亚运会的契机,增加投入,提高城市管理水平,提高广州在国际大都市中的地位。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、调查、访谈等方法,通过对广州亚运会与广州单项体育协会在承办项目上互动关系的研究,分析了广州亚运会与各单项体育协会的相互关系和作用,通过对互动关系影响因素的分析并提出相应对策,旨在为更好地办好亚运会提供相应的参考和借鉴,也为各单项体育协会自身的发展提供思路,进一步推动单项体育协会的实体化进程。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法及访谈法等,分析广州亚运会对广州全民健身体系的影响,思考广州亚运会对广州全民健身体系发挥的作用及存在的问题,以期为发挥广州大型体育赛事的示范效应,带动全民健身活动的开展,实现广州市全民健身体系的跳跃式发展提供参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对我国省市申办全国运动会的影响因素进行了探讨。研究认为,我国城市申办全国运动会的影响因素分为核心影响因素和外周影响因素两部分,其中核心影响因素包括申办省市承办全国运动会比赛的条件以及与投票人沟通的能力两部分,当申办省市均具备了承办全国运动会比赛的基本条件之后,与投票人沟通的能力对于获得全运会承办权具有重要的意义。外周影响因素包括各省市针对全运会申办所进行的公共宣传、申办城市在国家发展战略中的地位、申办城市筹措资金以及对全运会的吸纳能力、申办城市陈述报告的制作水平等几个部分,对我国省市申办全运会具有辅助性的促进作用。希望通过本研究可以为我国城市申办全国运动会提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(5):587-598
This case provides information on the Chicago 2016 bid process and the efforts by No Games Chicago to prevent the city of Chicago from hosting the 2016 Olympics, and allows students to consider the bid process through a community development lens. After learning about the Chicago 2016 bid, students are asked to apply this information to a hypothetical bid organization, Houston 2028, and consider how to work with community organizations to maximize the chances of success for this bid. In 2009, Chicago lost the vote to host the 2016 Olympics, and after years of planning and campaigning, the loss came as a surprise and disappointment to many. One group that was not disappointed, though, was No Games Chicago, a vocal opposition group to the bid. No Games Chicago organized protests, public forums, media efforts and more in an effort to prevent the bid from being successful. After learning about the Chicago 2016 bid, students are asked to apply this information to a hypothetical bid organization, Houston 2028, and consider how to work with community organizations to maximize the chances of success for this bid.  相似文献   

Any international bid involves a zero-sum competition among two or more national candidates vying for the right to host a particular international event. Chinese cities in total have participated in the Asian Games and Asian Winter Games bids four times since 1980. Beijing's bid for the 1990 Asian Games; Harbin's bid for the 1996 Asian Winter Games; Changchun's bid for the 2007 Asian Winter Games and Guangzhou's bid for the 2010 Asian Games: not one encountered failure. The argument here is that all the bids were used to build up China's hegemonic status in the Asian sports community with wider resonances for the geopolitical hegemonic influence of China. Evidence is drawn from contemporary literature and media reports.  相似文献   

Most scholarship about improprieties surrounding Olympic host city selections starts with the Salt Lake City scandal, which television reporters broke in 1998, after which more details emerged revealing similar actions by previous Olympic hosts (as well as unsuccessful bid committees). Yet, the actions of these post-Los Angeles bid committees were not new, with local newspapers from the cities bidding for Games in the 1960s regularly reporting on significant amounts of money bid committees spent in the hope of winning the Games. The actions of the candidate cities for the 1968 Olympic Games went to great lengths to secure the Games. IOC efforts to impose regulations in response to these actions failed to yield significant changes on candidate cities. These examples from the 1960s demonstrate that the bribery of Nagano, Sydney, and Salt Lake City did not start from nowhere. Instead, the IOC long had a culture of improprieties when it came to selecting Olympic host cities – albeit on a smaller scale.  相似文献   

This paper examines an application for a franchise license in Australia's professional rugby league competition, the National Rugby League (NRL). Frooman's (1999) typology of stakeholder influence strategies is used to analyse the negotiation of resource relationships between a Gold Coast franchise bid team and its key stakeholders. Primary data came from 12 interviews with nine key actors in the bid process; these were buttressed by secondary data. Frooman's typology provided a useful heuristic, but did not fully account for the critical role of firm legitimacy in stakeholders’ choice of influence strategies. The bid team negotiated stakeholders’ initial direct withholding strategies by creating access to the intangible resource of legitimacy. This subsequently provided access to material resources such as finance, a new stadium, and, ultimately, a franchise license. The findings are of note to practitioners and scholars interested professional sport and stakeholder theory.  相似文献   

Interest in staging the Olympic Games waned in cities across the world in the 1970s, given the intrusion of world geo-politics on recent festivals and the exploding costs of staging them. In running the show in Los Angeles, Peter Ueberroth prioritised pre-existing facilities, a new and more profitable means of affiliating corporate sponsors with an organising committee, and maximising revenue from television rights negotiations. His success encouraged cities to re-enter the bidding for Olympic festivals, and when combined with initiatives launched by the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) President, Juan Antonio Samaranch, brighter days for the IOC lay ahead in the 1980s and 1990s. Yet, Ueberroth's legacy was not well managed ultimately by Samaranch, who permitted the enhanced competition among bid cities, and the behaviour of bid officials and some of his own members to endanger the IOC's reputation and autonomy, highlighted notably by the Salt Lake City scandal. Last, in light of the cost of the Olympic festivals in Beijing and Sochi, and its dampening effect on the current host city bidding environment, it seems wise for the IOC and future bid cities to re-visit the Ueberroth model for lessons in cost containment, and like Ueberroth, exhibit a willingness to explore novel, more cost-effective means for cities to host the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

While understanding the planning and hosting of major sporting events is a popular research area, less is known about the bid process despite the potential economic and political spinoffs. Some studies offer criteria for successful bids and even consider the stakeholder network as a key factor. Considering the importance of the stakeholder network, we delve deeper into this area. Using the power, legitimacy and urgency framework by Mitchell et al. (1997), we examine the 2018 Olympic Winter Games’ French national bid competition (four candidacies) to analyse the stakeholder relationships, identify their salience and then determine stakeholder-based bid key success factors. Archival material and 28 interviews were analysed. We notably found that to increase the probability of winning, no actor alone should have a definitive status, the sport stakeholder group should have at least the expectant status, and no strategic stakeholder should have the latent status. We also find that a three-level analysis of the stakeholder network allows for a greater understanding of the bid governance and process dynamics at play, which help to elucidate a successful bid. We contribute to the literature by (a) showing how stakeholder salience analysis can assist in understanding the bid network governance structure; (b) demonstrating that stakeholder salience depends on the level which is analysed (local, between bids, and with the event owner), the stage (deciding to bid, national bid competition, national bid win/international competition), and the case/context; and (c) determining stakeholder-based key bid success factors such as who should and should not be more salient in the bid process.  相似文献   

In 2012, five Qatari women participated in a qualitative research study, which aimed to explore the negotiation of opportunity to be members of Qatar's first national women's football team. Qatar is a conservative Islamic country which is experiencing rapid modernisation. Part of this modernisation includes the increasing visibility of sport, for example the successful bid for the 2022 men's Football World Cup. In response to this bid, the first Qatari women's national football team was established in 2011. The project was positioned within a social constructivist framework. Five out of 12 squad members, over the age of 18, volunteered to participate in semi-structured interviews. Interview questions probed the women's experiences and influences on their opportunities and journey to membership in the national team. From a thematic analysis, issues such as the management of gender norms and the influence of significant others dominated the data. This research indicated that the women's agency enabled them to manage their situation with a range of strategies and to change attitudes towards women footballers. The winning of the bid to host the men's World Cup has been a catalyst for change in making spaces for Qatari sportswomen.  相似文献   

The controversial awarding to Qatar of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the world's most important sporting event alongside the Olympic Games, has emerged as a potential monkey wrench for social and political change. The tournament has to the Qataris' surprise given international trade unions, human rights groups and a reluctant governing world soccer body, Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), leverage they lacked prior to the awarding to pressure Qatar to radically reform the Gulf state's long-criticised labour system. It has also offered critics of the awarding of the event a stick with which to beat Qatar. In response, Qatar has pledged significant reform in a bid to secure achievement of its soft and subtle power goals and fend off demands that would fundamentally alter its political and social structures. In doing so, it is walking a tightrope, balancing the soft power-dictated need to embed itself favourably at multiple levels in the international community and defeat the mounting threat of losing the right to host the World Cup with maintaining a socially and politically restrictive system whose long-term viability is being called into question.  相似文献   

中华民族传统体育走向世界的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中华民族传统体育项目丰富多彩,具有浓郁的民族文化色彩和娱乐、健身、竞技功能,但是它至今难以推向世界,甚至难以跻身大众娱乐天地。吸取其代表性项目武术、围棋、中国象棋、风筝走向世界的经验,中华民族传统体育要走向世界,必须加强理论研究,扶持引导;完善竞赛机制,与国际惯例接轨;民运会实行申办制,比赛项目、会场安排也应改革调整  相似文献   

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