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从一些具体的实例出发,介绍了如何借助建模思想和Matlab数学软件的图像具有静态和动态可视化的优点,在解析几何的教学过程中创设一系列的情境,使教学的内容更加生动形象,切实提高教学水平和学生学习的积极性和创新能力。  相似文献   

Sternberg's (1985) triarchic theory of human intelligence distinguished among three types of intellectual abilities: analytic, creative, and practical. Our study explored the relationships between student abilities and the cognitive and attitudinal outcomes that resulted from student immersion in a computer-based inquiry environment. In particular, we examined outcome variables related to content understanding, problem solving, and science-related attitudes. Results indicated that more practical abilities predicted greater content understanding and transfer of problem-solving skills. High analytic abilities were predictive of content understanding but not transfer of problem-solving skills. High creative abilities predicted problem solving, but were not predictive of performance on content understanding. In terms of science-related attitudes, students who were dominant in practical abilities had significantly more positive posttest attitudes than those dominant in analytic abilities. The results from this study were used to make recommendations regarding design principles used in the subsequent development of computer-based inquiry environments.  相似文献   

文章主要阐述的是如何通过细节观察、整体观察、动态观察、立体观察等多角度的观察方法来培养学生绘画的整体性和训练创造性思维,提高学生的观察能力,使学生在从事专业设计中拥有新颖、独特的创造能力,更好地把握客观对象的全貌,促进创意思想的表达。  相似文献   

The importance of students’ problem-posing abilities in mathematics has been emphasized in the K-12 curricula in the USA and China. There are claims that problem-posing activities are helpful in developing creative approaches to mathematics. At the same time, there are also claims that students’ mathematical content knowledge could be highly related to creativity in mathematics, too. This paper reports on a study that investigated USA and Chinese high school students’ mathematical content knowledge, their abilities in mathematical problem posing, and the relationships between students’ mathematical content knowledge and their problem-posing abilities in mathematics.  相似文献   

《企业经济数学》是职业院校经济类专业必修基础课,该教材以问题———理论———问题的教学思想,提高学生解决实际问题能力,在强调直观教学的基础上,提高学生发现问题和解决问题的能力,使感性概括通过分析、综合上升到理性认识,从而在提高学生创新思维的同时培养学生的实践能力。  相似文献   

仪器分析是一门实践性很强的专业基础课,其内容繁杂,理论性强。结合师范院校化学专业学生的学习特点,对仪器分析课程理论及实验教学提出了改革措施,以激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率,培养学生创新及实践能力。  相似文献   

In two studies with a total of 324 participants, dentistry students were assessed on psychometric measures of spatial ability, reasoning ability, and on new measures of the ability to infer the appearance of a cross-section of a three-dimensional (3-D) object. We examined how these abilities and skills predict success in dental education programs, and whether dental education enhances an individual's spatial competence. The cross-section tests were correlated with spatial ability measures, even after controlling for reasoning ability, suggesting that they rely specifically on the ability to store and transform spatial representations. Sex differences in these measures indicated a male advantage, as is often found on measures of spatial ability. Spatial ability was somewhat predictive of performance in restorative dentistry practical laboratory classes, but not of learning anatomy in general. Comparisons of the performance of students early and late in their dental education indicated that dentistry students develop spatial mental models of the 3-D structure of teeth, which improves their ability to mentally maintain and manipulate representations of these specific structures, but there is no evidence that dental education improves spatial transformation abilities more generally.  相似文献   


Whilst spatial reasoning skills have been found to predict mathematical achievement, little is known about how primary (elementary) students’ conceptual understanding of three-dimensional objects develops. In this article, we report a qualitative study and the impact of rich learning experiences on 48 Years 3–6 students’ geometric reasoning relating to prisms. A one-to-one task-based interview, refined by the researchers, was used to assess student learning. Coding and data analysis were informed by our previous research. The findings reveal noticeable shifts in students’ knowledge of and reasoning about prisms, their ability to construct and describe prisms with geometric language, and their visualisation and spatial structuring skills. The implications of these findings highlight the importance of teachers’ choice of tasks that require students to compose and decompose three-dimensional (3D) objects; compare 3D objects through physical and mental transformations; take different perspectives; and visualise and reason geometrically.


“以赛促学”在动画制作类课程改革中的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动画制作类课程对学生的动手操作能力和创新思维能力要求非常高,而传统的教学方法往往只照顾到动手操作能力的培养,而无法兼顾创新思维能力的培养。对现有教学状况进行分析,以学生的创新和动手综合能力培养作为课程目标,将各类动画竞赛引入课堂教学,可以激发学生在创作方面的潜能。  相似文献   

工程制图是一门基础性、技术性和实践性很强的课程,它既有系统性较强的理论,又有丰富的空间想象和思维内容,笔者结合本课程的特点及教学内容总结与探索出几点创新、创造性教学的经验,最大可能地发挥学生的潜能,提高学生的综合能力,培养全面发展的创新、创造性型人才。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to describe the relationship between the creative abilities and the school grades of high school students in Poland. Almost six hundred (N = 589) students from 34 high schools from all over Poland participated in the study. Their creative abilities were measured by using the Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), and the school results were measured by GPA. Students’ intelligence level (as measured by the Raven's Progressive Matrices) and their gender were controlled. The analyses were based on OLS regressions as well as on multilevel models controlling for grouping students into classes. It was shown that creative abilities are not correlated with students’ GPA, yet the multilevel control of grouping students into classes demonstrated interesting and potentially important differences. In some schools, the relations were positive, strong and statistically significant, while in others they were non-existent or negative. The role of creative abilities for GPA was greater in larger schools and in schools located in big cities. We discuss the possible reasons for and consequences of our findings.  相似文献   

本文通过对艺术设计专业学生实施分方向培养、模块化教学等教学模式的改革与探索,建立了一套系统而完整的较适合学生实际的立体化教学体系。它对于培养为社会及地方经济建设服务的实用型设计创新人才具有指导意义。  相似文献   

在解析几何教学中,提出"理论教学与实验教学相融合"的全新教学模式,这可以打破传统的讲授和实验分离的方式,将实验和讲课融合在一起,从而丰富了课堂教学,提高了学生的学习兴趣,有利于培养学生的实践能力和创新能力。本文以旋转曲面为例,给出新的教学案例,对解析几何教学有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

在儿童舞蹈中培养学生的创新能力应遵循以学生为中心的原则。关键是如何训练和促进儿童顿悟和创造性思维。要正确地引导学生,培养学生的观察力,激发学生的创新潜能。  相似文献   

专业学习型社团是第二课堂活动的有效载体,有利于培养学生的实践创新能力.专业学习型社团对学风建设具有重要的促进作用,专业教师的指导是建设专业学习型社团的重要条件  相似文献   

综合实验是按照课程体系要求,将几个相关实验按一定方式进行组合,促进学生对基本知识的理解,提高分析问题、解决问题能力,培养学生的创新意识,提高学生实际操作技能的有效手段之一.以电子秒表实验为例进行分析.  相似文献   

德国行动导向小组教学法带来了领导、教师、学生三个观念的改变,培养学生各种能力,最终实现学生综合素质与能力的培养。商务英语是一门语言和国际商务技能有机结合的专业,其中实训教学是商务英语专业技能人才培养实践教学的重要环节,培养学生的实际操作能力和创造能力,德国行动导向小组教学法恰好满足了这一要求。  相似文献   

绿色课堂追求教与学之间关系的和谐化、生态化,强调学生主体性精神、创新意识和实践能力的培养。以传统课堂的四个要素为前提,立足教育实践,抽象出绿色课堂的主体、客体以及本体功能三个方面的理论关系:教师和学生是"绿色"意义的共同决定者,是主体;作为与主体相对应的存在,教育教学活动是客体;课堂环境是这种主体和客体交互作用的场所,其本体功能在于对人的培养。在绿色课堂阈限下,高职教育要建立相互信任的平等的民主的师生关系;强调人本位的教育理念;培养具有稳定的政治素质,以健康的身心为基础、以科技知识和人文综合教育为内容的实践能力突出、富有主体精神和创新意识的全面发展的人才。  相似文献   

普通高中新课程教学中学习方式的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新的课程改革目标之一就是培养学生以"自主、合作、探究"为特征的学习方式.对于普通高中学生,要从学生的学习动机和目的入手,促进学生自主学习方式的形成,从实践性、综合性、开放性、创新性的角度使学生形成探究的学习方式.根据高中学生的年龄特征和自主能力培养合作学习的学习方式.并且,根据学生的实际,形成个性的多样化的学习方式,通过自我评价强化新的学习方式的形成.  相似文献   

This study concerns the contingent nature of the relationships of student–teacher style match (or mismatch) to students’ academic achievement. Participants were 135 (59 male and 76 female) students (average age of 21.5 years) from three academic disciplines (mathematics, physics, and public administration) who responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory and rated their own abilities (analytical, creative, and practical). The academic achievement scores in two subject matters for each student were also used. The students’ subject matter teachers responded to the Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory. Three major findings were obtained. First, the effects of style match/mismatch upon students’ achievement vary as a function of academic discipline and subject matter. Second, the statistical procedures used to analyse the data play an important role in the relationships under investigation. Third, students’ self‐rated abilities make a difference in the tested relationships. Findings have implications for both researchers and teachers.  相似文献   

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