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In this collaborative article, we seek to unsettle the dominance of Western, reconstructionist accounts of Indigenous Australian sport history through reflections on our past research in the Queensland Aboriginal community of Cherbourg. That research focussed on a statue of legendary 1930s cricketer, Eddie Gilbert, and on sport exhibitions in Cherbourg's Ration Shed Museum. Here, we are less concerned with unveiling the ‘true’ account of Australian Aboriginal sporting history, or even a ‘true’ Indigenous representation of events. Rather, we are interested in analysing various perspectives in order to generate a more inclusive and complete account of Aboriginal sport history and the narrative implications of these for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia. Central to this endeavour is the positioning of Indigenous knowledge and understanding at the centre of history-making. The article is in two sections: reflections on our past work from the perspectives of the researchers themselves and an Aboriginal academic colleague, followed by a discussion of how those experiences and reflections will inform our pending project on the 1950s and 1960s Cherbourg marching girls teams.  相似文献   

以Web of ScienceTM(以下简称WoS)核心合集数据库收录的近20年体育符号相关的354篇英文文献为数据来源,对其进行文献计量和内容分析。发现:体育符号研究年度发文量在整体上呈上升趋势,发文期刊集中在体育史及体育社会研究领域;近20年的体育符号研究可划分为基础研究、快速发展、深入发展3个阶段;研究者主要关注体育符号在其意义生成过程中与经济、政治、文化、教育等符号系统及与社会成员之间的互动,并采取了历时性、内部性、整体性视角进行研究;研究材料来源多样化,且研究方法的运用呈现综合化、创新化特征。  相似文献   


I am a historian, specialized in sport history and in women’s history, and started my research career in Finland in the mid-1970s. The main framework of my research has been popular movements and voluntary organizations in sport, from the nineteenth century to nowadays, with a social historical, grassroots and minority emphasis. Class, gender, language and ethnicity have been the main points of view in my work. In my paper, I discuss less my relation to sport history as science and its theories and methods. Instead, I approach the subject more as a personal process: how I, as a non-sporting woman, came into sport history and women’s history in sport, and which circumstances and contacts have been forming my research interests and life. At the end, I discuss sport historians’ contemporary relation to the understanding of (sport) history and its representations, asking how is the responsibility of the past affecting our ways to understand and interpret the past.  相似文献   

"费厄泼赖"一直是竞技体育乃至社会竞争所依据的最高法则。运用词源学和历史考察的方法,挖掘了"费厄泼赖"的词源学解释,追溯了其发展演变的社会背景和历史根源,并结合当今体坛现状,对竞技体育中的"费厄泼赖"现实体现。  相似文献   

This article discusses possibilities for a critical dialogue between the history of sport, management history, and sport management/organization studies. Many historians of sport will find themselves employed in sport management programmes, and these programmes allow the potential to interpret historical perspectives on sport, as well as historical research methods in sport management. This offers possibilities in terms of research as well. However, if historians are to engage in a research and teaching dialogue with sport management, they must also remain critical of some of the discipline’s (and practice’s) central tenets.  相似文献   

Historical research is a widely debated topic as historical knowledge is continually evolving and there is no definable recorded structure. The interpretational nature of the discipline highlights the tensions between ‘fact based’ analysis and the ‘fictional’ viewpoint which is at the heart of social science investigation. Contemporary narrative has gained acclaim from a generation of academics who demonstrate the balance between empiricism and postmodernity in their search for historical ‘truth’, helping to validate biographical methods within the sport history sphere. Biography has long been a respected source for historical inquiry, however, collective biography and prosopography; the study of connections between individuals; have been judged as lesser instruments due to their ambiguous nature and lack of socio-historic use. This paper examines the narrative methodologies employed within the field of sport history and proposes new directions within biographical research for the sport historian to consider.  相似文献   

Historians of sport now increasingly accept that visual inquiry offers another dimension to social and cultural research into sport and its history. It is complex and its boundaries are rapidly evolving. This overview offers a justification for placing more emphasis on visual approaches and an introduction to the study and interpretation of visual culture in relation to the history of sport. It stresses the importance of adopting a critical approach and the need to be reflective about that critique. An ever-widening range of visual data are now being explored; so, this paper begins with a brief survey of sources that potentially offer rich returns, from film and photographs to posters and paintings or standards and statues. It next provides a critical assessment at an introductory level of some of the more important methodologies now emerging to help interpret these. This can be no more than a personal choice, given their sheer variety and interdisciplinary nature, and the reality that many historians of sport adopt a mixture of methods and approaches. Approaches covered include content analysis, iconography and iconology, semiology, psychoanalysis, discourse analysis, and reception and audience studies. Examples of recent studies of visual studies are used to illustrate the discussion.  相似文献   

利用文献资料法和比较分析法等,立足史实,采用历史学、文化学等理论,对新中国50年来中西方体育文化在中国的冲突与融合进行了研究,旨在找出中西方体育文化冲突与融合的原因,揭示其历史根源。通过研究,得出以下结论:新中国成立50年来,中西方体育文化的冲突与融合主要分成三个发展阶段;中国体育文化的发展始终处在与不同派别西方体育文化的冲突与融合之中,但其主旋律是以融合为主;在中西方体育文化的冲突与融合中,中国体育文化始终未占据主导;中西方体育文化的冲突与融合表现出来的不同特点与当时的社会大文化特点是一脉相承的。  相似文献   

斯迪虎  王胜利 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):127-129
体育社会学的方法论原则是与其主干学科社会学相一致的,目前在体育社会研究中广泛运用社会调查的实证研究方法。体育社会学因果关系的本质存在于决定论与人的自由意志之中。数理统计是关于体育社会现象之间量的相关分析。而逻辑实证则是根据一定的程序和策略来分析变量关系的逻辑方法,它更能考察到体育社会现象中人的社会属性,帮助我们探索到因果关系的本质。这两种方法在体育社会研究的资料分析中各有其特点,在作用上两是相互补充的。因此,探究体育社会现象产生、发展、变化中变量之间因果关系时,数理统计与逻辑实证的结合是必需的。  相似文献   

我国社区体育发展中学术理念的探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用文献资料法和社会学有关思想,探讨了我国社区体育发展中的学术理念。阐述了我国社区体育发展的宏观社会背景、指导思想和理论基础;归纳出街道社区体育、小区体育、小城镇体育、学区体育和体育生活圈等我国当前较有代表性的社区体育发展模式;指出了我国社区体育发展所面临的弱势人群等社会问题;并从构建和谐社区角度展望了我国社区体育发展的趋势和研究的热点;最后从社会学方法论角度指出了我国社区体育科研模式上存在的不足以及科研革新的方向。  相似文献   

运用历史与现实、层次与类型以及系统的整体性对体育概念及其分类进行探讨,指出:体育是以身体练习和运动项目为基本手段,增强体质,促进人体全面发展,提高运动技术水平的一种社会文化活动,以其活动主体和目的为依据可分为:群众体育,学校体育,竞技体育三个组成部分,体育的方法手段,知识理论,场地器材是一体化的,竞技只是体育的一种活动形式和方法,将体育与竞技分开缺乏理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

体育消费的研究范式、内容分析及特征启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用文献资料法,从体育消费的经济学概念、体育消费的"现状调查"涉及不同地区不同年龄和不同阶层等、体育消费与体育产业关系研究、体育消费者行为研究、体育消费文化研究以及小城镇体育消费研究6个方面对目前国内外有关体育消费的研究内容进行分析总结,发现体育消费的研究范式主要集中于"消费经济学"、"传统社会学"和"消费文化学"3个方面,这3个方面都有自己独立的核心解释性概念,应用途径与方法各不相同.从最后的总体特征分析来看,国内体育消费研究以传统社会学和消费文化学范式的研究居多,消费经济学范式的研究较少,分布特征不均匀,并且在研究方法上各研究范式的深度略显不足.有待于开启新视角,进一步深化研究..  相似文献   

This paper addresses a major blind spot in the history of Australian sport by investigating women's participation in sport with relation to social class. This is a question that has been largely overlooked in the current literature on the history of women's sport, but stands out as an issue deserving of further attention. The paper considers whether the obstacles faced by Australian sportswomen have been irrespective of social class and status, or if working-class women faced a double burden of both gender and economic barriers to sporting activity? Drawing upon an in-depth examination of sport and identities in an inner-city working-class Australian suburb, the paper examines and analyses the sporting experiences of local women in the early part of the twentieth century. Based on an extensive evaluation (and critique) of the local, city and sporting press and local histories, the paper argues that not only did working-class women have far fewer opportunities to participate in sport than their working-class male counterparts, but that they also had much less access to sport than middle- and upper-class women. It concludes that issues relating to class were the most significant deterrent to sporting involvement amongst local women.  相似文献   

In this paper I call for ‘new forms of thinking and new ways of theorizing’ the complex relations between the biological and social in sport and physical culture. I illustrate the inseparability of our biological and social bodies in sport and physical culture via the case of exercise and female reproductive hormones. Inspired by feminist biologists and philosophers of science such as Lynda Birke and Elizabeth Grosz, I describe my current research project in which I am seeking to create space for female exercisers' (as distinct from female athletes) voices about their embodied experiences of exercise-associated amenorrhea. I offer reflections from my ongoing study and reveal a number of dilemmas that emerge as I consider how we might bring biology—and particularly hormones—back into conversations about women's moving bodies in non-reductionist and non-determinist terms. I conclude by advocating the need for more transdisciplinary approaches to help us move toward more multidimensional understandings of the body in sport and physical culture.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(以下简称"疫情")下的体育叙事,不仅要阐发疫情期间体育事件及其社会意义,更应揭示不同体育要素在社会发展中的功能与作用,将对体育现实问题的思考转化为未来体育转型的应对策略。基于叙事的角度,以访谈的方式,探讨体育产业发展、东京奥运会延期、体育组织治理、奥运备战、居家体育、体育在线教学、体育中考等热点事件和话题。认为:①疫情对体育产业的影响呈现持续性、结构性、社会性等特征,在"转危为机"的话语下,应借助政府的积极行为,实现体育行业与体育产业的多层次融合,增强对消费端的刺激,提高体育企业的抗风险能力,最大程度地释放后疫情时代体育产业发展动力;②东京奥运会延期举办凸显国际奥委会内部治理的困境与危机,引发对中国体育赛事治理效能的思考,给奥运备战带来挑战,促使运动训练由传统化模式向集群化工业模式转变;③空间重叠与权力空间渗透造就居家体育的特殊"脱域"空间,成为"家庭-学校-社区"体育互动发展的催化剂,引发体育教学、社区体育、群众体育活动方式的改变,形成自觉行为更高的群众体育"在地化"驱动模式;④在疫情防控期间,体育话语在不同语境中的表达、转型与辩驳为体育话语转为文化资源提供契机,促进文化与体育的互动与整合,深刻影响人们的体育观念。  相似文献   

给体育社会学一个准确的学科定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过论述体育社会学的研究对象、研究方法和基本研究内容,结合逻辑学给事物下定义的方法,找出不同于其他体育学学科的特点,解决体育社会学的学科定位问题。总结了一些研究者对这门学科的定义,找出这些定义的异同以及不足之处,总结出体育社会学的定义。体育社会学是运用社会学的社会视角和研究方法研究体育与其他社会现象、体育与人之间的关系,以及作为一种社会制度的体育内部结构和作为一种社会文化活动的体育的发展规律的社会学分支学科。这门社会学的应用学科将促进体育的健康发展和社会的良性运行。阐述了体育社会学和其他学科直接的关系以及如何发展中国体育社会学的学科本土化问题。  相似文献   

This article contains a brief set of reflections on the history and development of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport and of sport philosophy in general over the past four decades.  相似文献   

分析珠三角绿道规划建设、绿道体育研究活动以及绿道体育文献成果现状,发现绿道体育理论研究已经滞后于绿道体育实践,研究主体不足,研究方法单一。社会转型期,绿道体育研究趋势为:研究思路应囊括宏观、中观、微观多维度;研究方法应结合多学科中外文献,定性分析结合定量分析,理论研究配合实证研究;研究趋向领域为绿道体育实践与文化内涵、绿道体育产品开发与供给主体多元化、绿道体育公共服务、绿道体育旅游、绿道体育组织管理与规制、绿道体育管理绩效评估等。  相似文献   

There is a dearth of research and writing on women's cricket in South Africa. In an attempt to enhance understanding of the nature and effects of women's involvement in the game of cricket over the past 200 years, this essay offers a chronological account of the sport and the role women played in it. It draws on readings from the international scholarship on women's early involvement in sport, the fragments that have existed to date about women's cricket in South Africa and some newly discovered primary material from the 1950s onwards. The essay aims to provide a historical context and open a window for historians and social analysts into an area few knew existed before. There is now a distinctive history and subculture of cricket with multiple social dimensions for scholars to explore; here I offer some preliminary insights.  相似文献   

舞龙运动是一项中华民族传统文化体育活动,历史悠久、内涵丰富、社会价值高,是中国传统文化的沉积反映和产物再现。舞龙运动在长期的发展过程中,融汇和吸取了诸多社会领域的营养,有着丰富的文化内涵,是中华民族得以繁衍昌盛下来的一个优秀传统体育项目。文章运用文献资料法,逻辑推理法,实际观察法,专家访谈法等研究方法对舞龙运动发展现状进行了分析研究,试图从中找出一些成功因素,为我国民族传统体育项目的发展提供可参考的理论和现实依据。  相似文献   

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