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《中华内科杂志》是如何发挥导向作用的   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
介绍《中华内科杂志)发挥导向作用的经验。指出坚持正确的思想导向是科技期刊的首要任务。科技期刊的导向可分为思想导向、学术导向和其他导向。通过大量的实例向读者介绍了借助开设述评类栏目、组织期刊的重点号、重视学术争鸣等具体措施开展各种导向所取得的成果。  相似文献   

学术期刊作为学术共同体之一,需要以问题导向推进学术研究不断发展。选题策划是学术期刊实现高质量发展的重要环节。学术期刊要在选题策划中辨识“真”问题,从问题到选题,主动设置议题,聚焦新时代的理论问题和实践问题,推动构建中国气派的话语体系;跟踪学术前沿问题,把握学术发展脉络,营造问题意识的学术环境;坚持问题导向与学科导向相结合,鼓励跨学科研究。  相似文献   

20世纪八十年代以来,随着我国新闻媒体的迅速发展,许多新闻传播类的理论期刊也随之发展起来。与新闻媒体一样,新闻传播类的理论期刊也具有重要的社会舆论导向功能,这是由我国现阶段的基本国情决定的。我国的新闻传播理论期刊要把握好舆论导向。需要从以下三种途径做起:其一,坚持“政治家办刊”原则,始终把好理论研究期刊的政治导向;其二,坚持“学术质量第一”的原则。确保期刊出版质量;其三,坚持“以人为本、学以致用”的办刊理念;带动和促进传媒业人员学习新闻传播理论,提升新闻传播队伍人员素质。只有这样,才能真正实现对“导向之导向”的有效把握。  相似文献   

尹明 《新闻窗》2007,(4):88-89
编辑在版面设计时,要把新闻报道的思想性和版面美化的艺术性紧密地联系在一起。新闻思想会产生导向的作用,而导向是有原则的,艺术性却可以百花齐放、百家争鸣。怎样在坚持正确导向的基础上充分发挥编排工作的艺术性,从而扮靓报纸版面、促进报业发展?笔者拟从组成版面的几大要素:版式、头条、标题、图片、色彩等谈一谈报纸版面的美化事宜。[第一段]  相似文献   

罗建周 《中国出版》2018,(22):67-69
生活书店受党的指引,坚持了之前以社会改造、抗日救亡为主的出版思想导向,还根据战时斗争的需要逐步形成隐秘、稳健的编辑出版导向,先后培植《文艺阵地》《文艺战线》《笔谈》等重要文学期刊,其文本内容以译介俄苏左翼文学、隐秘传播社会主义思潮、马列主义思想、毛泽东早期文艺思想为导向,在战时国统区传播党的思想、引导广大革命青年走上正确道路上功不可没,也在新中国出版史上具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   

林庆玉 《新闻世界》2012,(11):95-97
广播广告作为广播宣传的组成部分,实质上也同新闻报道一样,起着舆论引导的作用。目前有的地方广播电台为了保证足够的广告收入,放松对广告稿件的编审,导致了出现广告导向方面的偏差,产生了负面的舆论影响。广播人不能为经济效益放松对广告稿件的严格把关。把好政治导向关,发挥广告舆论引导作用;把好广告真实关,切实维护消费者的利益;把好...  相似文献   

吴杰忠 《出版广角》2021,(21):74-76
《成都体育学院学报》是北大中文核心期刊,也是CSSCI来源期刊,该刊始终坚持为体育教学、训练、科研服务的办刊宗旨,坚持问题导向、重视学科对话、扎根中国经验,在同类专业领域期刊中具有较高的学术认同度和较大的社会影响力.《成都体育学院学报》在长期的办刊实践中坚持高质量、特色化发展,通过彰显院校特色、把握学术前沿和凝聚学术共同体等方式积极构建学术声誉.  相似文献   

王兰 《新闻前哨》2007,(2):19-20
党的十六届六中全会《决定》指出:“正确的思想舆论导向是促进社会和谐的重要因素。新闻出版、广播影视、文学艺术、社会科学,要坚持正确导向,唱响主旋律,为改革发展稳定营造良好思想舆论氛围。新闻媒体要增强社会责任感,宣传党的主张,弘扬社会正气,通达社情民意,引导社会热点,疏导公众情绪,搞好舆论监督。”坚持正确导向、营造积极健康的思想舆论氛围,是促进社会和谐的重要因素,也是建设和谐文化的重要任务。  相似文献   

何伟 《记者摇篮》2006,(12):19-20,7
党的十六届六中全会提出,要坚持正确导向,唱响主旋律,为改革发展稳定营造良好思想舆论氛围。新闻媒体要增强社会责任感,宣传党的主张,弘扬社会正气,通达社情民意,引导社会热点,疏导公众情绪,搞好舆论监督。省第十次党代会也明确提出,要坚持正确导向,为改革发展稳定和辽宁全面振兴营造良好思想舆论氛围。在构建社会主义和谐社会和推进辽宁全面振兴进程中,如何发挥好新闻媒体的作用,这是摆在广播新闻人面前的重大课题。本溪电台在学习十六届六中全会和省第十次党代会精神过程中认为,必须立足本溪实际,坚持“三贴近”原则,以新闻节目为龙头,做…  相似文献   

科技论文作者署名应根据研究者的实际贡献来决定,但由于学术评价的影响,科技论文作者署名面临着各种利益和力量的角力,导致了各种作者署名异化现象.在分析作者署名异化产生原因及危害的基础上,本文提出了治理对策:加强科研伦理建设,坚持实事求是的优良学风;科技期刊应坚持以质论稿,有效遏制"名人"被挂名现象;加强编辑流程管理,防范"虚假作者"和"搭便车"署名;充分发挥论文"致谢"功能,引导作者避免"感谢型"署名.  相似文献   

图书馆在科学数据管理中的角色定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从整个学术交流体系的角度对科学数据管理中相关主体--政府和基金组织、研究者和研究机构、数据中心、数据出版机构、IT部门的角色进行探析,明确这些利益主体在科学数据管理中的作用。在此基础上,结合图书馆的发展诉求,认为图书馆在科学数据管理中可以扮演如下角色:嵌入式科学数据管理专家、基于过程的科学数据监护机构、科学数据存档与长期保存机构、数据素养的教育机构。  相似文献   

AMLC检测结果之《著作权法》与科研道德分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈锐锋 《编辑学报》2012,24(3):219-221
使用AMLC为检测工具,检测国内某医学期刊2011年第1~4期所发表的139篇论文中存在的学术不端问题,检出可疑对象21篇,发现合法发表6篇(4.3%),存在学术不端15篇(10.8%)。并据此进行著作权分析和科研道德分析。指出AMLC的检测结果存在"假阳性"问题。提出大力推广应用AMLC,从编辑出版各环节防范学术不端的同时,应科学分析AMLC的检测结果,对"假阳性"结果应加以剔除,同时应加强科研道德教化和《著作权法》的普及教育,加强立法,坚决打击侵犯著作权的行为等一系列措施。  相似文献   



This study is intended to (1) identify emerging roles for biomedical librarians and determine how common these roles are in a variety of library settings, (2) identify barriers to taking on new roles, and (3) determine how librarians are developing the capacity to take on new roles.


A survey was conducted of librarians in biomedical settings.


Most biomedical librarians are taking on new roles. The most common roles selected by survey respondents include analysis and enhancement of user experiences, support for social media, support for systematic reviews, clinical informationist, help for faculty or staff with authorship issues, and implementation of researcher profiling and collaboration tools. Respondents in academic settings are more likely to report new roles than hospital librarians are, but some new roles are common in both settings. Respondents use a variety of methods to free up time for new roles, but predominant methods vary between directors and librarians and between academic and hospital respondents. Lack of time is the biggest barrier that librarians face when trying to adopt new roles. New roles are associated with increased collaboration with individuals and/or groups outside the library.

Conclusion and Implications:

This survey documents the widespread incorporation of new roles in biomedical libraries in the United States, as well as the barriers to adopting these roles and the means by which librarians are making time for them. The results of the survey can be used to inform strategic planning, succession planning, library education, and career development for biomedical librarians.  相似文献   



The research explored the current practices of information literacy (IL) instruction in medical libraries of Pakistan.


A semi-structured questionnaire was mailed to the head librarians of all 114 academic medical libraries in Pakistan. It investigated the types of IL instruction provided, topics covered, methods of delivery and assessment, level of integration in the curriculum, and level of collaboration with teaching staff.


The study revealed that 74% of the respondents had offered some types of IL instruction in their institutions during the previous year, ranging from library orientation to research-level skills. IL instruction is typically only offered to new students or first-time library users or on demand. A majority of the respondents developed IL instruction programs without faculty involvement. Librarians were primarily responsible for offering IL instruction in medical institutions. Face-to-face instruction in computer labs or lecture halls and individual instruction at reference desks were identified as the most common IL instruction delivery methods. The data indicated that oral feedback, written feedback, and searching in a computer lab were the most popular assessment methods that medical librarians used.


IL instruction activities in medical libraries of Pakistan are in their infancy. Medical librarians also lack systematic approaches to IL instruction.


Medical librarians need to develop educational partnerships with faculty for integrating IL instruction into the mainstream curriculum.  相似文献   

夏登武 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):520-523
从内容生产、重构“传—受”关系、拓展多媒体传播渠道3个维度分析学术期刊跨平台传播问题.提出:1)改变学术期刊生存逻辑——将学术内容采集“点”延成“链”,信息加工由单元化变为多元化;2)重新定位学术期刊的“传—受”关系,利用互动平台让学术期刊回到学术共同体的中心,并把“小众”学术推向“大众”视野;3)根据不同媒介平台功能,拓展学术期刊传播渠道等实现学术期刊跨平台传播的路径,以使学术期刊获得立体化展示科研信息的传播效应,并在全媒体领域形成一个多层次学术信息传播圈.  相似文献   

News mentions to academic papers has provided an important channel for research to yield impact on broad audience in the society, and is particularly useful in scholarly communication, scientific outreach and altmetrics. Unlike academic paper, news articles are often influenced by social factors such as culture, ideology and geography. It is therefore uncertain whether news mentions to academic paper is valid for evaluative purpose as expected by altmetrics studies. In response, this study has conducted large scale statistical analysis to explore country's preference over news mentions, based on the assumption that if news mentions to academic paper is not (or weakly) influenced by social factors, no obvious country's preference would be observed, and the vice versa. The major findings are: (1) From the macro perspective, overall distribution of news mentions is highly imbalanced, with several developed countries taking the dominant position. However, no obvious preference towards domestic papers was observed. (2) From the micro perspective, based on the ZINB test results, news from all countries have more positively mentioned domestic papers and simultaneously shown preference over papers from certain countries. (3) In terms of disciplinary comparison, disciplinary differences were observed in the impact strength and specific preference. These results suggest that in micro level country's preference exist for news mentions to academic papers, but in macro level, country's preference is insignificant. Therefore, it is suggested that news mentions can be used for assessing purpose in the macro level.  相似文献   



How can a library-based bioinformatics support program be implemented and expanded to continuously support the growing and changing needs of the research community?


A program at a health sciences library serving a large academic medical center with a strong research focus is described.


The bioinformatics service program was established at the Norris Medical Library in 2005. As part of program development, the library assessed users'' bioinformatics needs, acquired additional funds, established and expanded service offerings, and explored additional roles in promoting on-campus collaboration.


Personnel and software have increased along with the number of registered software users and use of the provided services.


With strategic efforts and persistent advocacy within the broader university environment, library-based bioinformatics service programs can become a key part of an institution''s comprehensive solution to researchers'' ever-increasing bioinformatics needs.  相似文献   



This paper offers insight into the processes that have shaped the Eskind Biomedical Library''s (EBL''s) strategic direction and its alignment to the institution''s transformative vision.


The academic biomedical library has a notable track record for developing and pioneering roles for information professionals focused on a sophisticated level of information provision that draws from and fuels practice evolutions.


The medical center''s overall transformative vision informs the creation of a fully aligned library strategic plan designed to effectively contribute to the execution of key organizational goals. Annual goals reflect organizational priorities and contain quantifiable and measurable deliverables. Two strategic themes, facilitating genetic literacy and preserving community history, are described in detail to illustrate the concept of goal setting.


The strategic planning model reflects EBL''s adaptation to the ever-changing needs of its organization. The paper provides a characterization of a workable model that can be replicated by other institutions.  相似文献   

本文旨在从贵州战略全局顶层设计和提出具有可操作性举措的双重角度,思考求解推动贵州发展竞争情报与 促进大数据产业应用交互促进、实现可持续发展的战略和举措问题,这既是已有竞争情报和大数据资源开发利用领域研 究的拓展深化,也是基于求解现实工作问题的思考研究。通过文献资料研究、专家组讨论、专项调研、代表性竞争情报 用户需求访谈相结合的方法,研究贵州大数据资源开发利用的竞争情报解决方略的主要问题。提出竞争情报解决方略: 在确立正确认知基础上,从系统工程顶层设计和竞争情报系统构建视角,确定指导思想和总体目标,进行组织  相似文献   



The study evaluated medical students'' familiarity with information literacy and informatics during the health sciences library orientation.


A survey was fielded at the start of the 2013 school year.


Seventy-two of 77 students (94%) completed the survey. Over one-half (57%) expected to use library research materials and services. About half (43%) expected to use library physical space. Students preferred accessing biomedical research on laptops and learning via online-asynchronous modes.


The library identified areas for service development and outreach to medical students and academic departments.  相似文献   

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