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Activities related to body donation programs, such as donor memorial ceremonies, provide the opportunity to complement student training, especially with regard to the ethical and humanistic elements involved in medical training. This study sought to assess the impact of a ceremony in honor of the body donors has on ethical and humanistic attitudes in medical students. Medical students were surveyed about their perceptions of changes in themselves, respect for donors and donor families, and their relationship with patients. The effect of the students' contact with the family of the donor was analyzed in students who had contact with the cadaver in the dissection room and had either participated or not participated in the donor memorial ceremony. A total of 370 questionnaires were answered by first-, second-, and third-year medical students at the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre in 2017. The students who participated in the ceremony presented more positive responses in relation to commitment to their studies, reflection on death, and positive development of empathy when compared to those who did not attend the ceremony. Most of the students that attended the ceremony suggested the event led to an improvement in the doctor–patient relationship. These results suggest that cadaver dissection with accompanied memorial ceremony involving contact with donor families is an effective means of fostering ethical and humanistic attitudes among medical students from the beginning of the course.  相似文献   

Universities and medical schools in China are faced with an ongoing shortage of cadavers for education and research because of insufficient numbers of cadaver donations. This article will examine the main obstacles to cadaver donation in the Chinese culture. These include superstitious traditional views about the body, a lack of legislation regulating donations, and a deficiency of effective channels for cadaver donations. Cadaver dissection has always been the most important method of teaching anatomy to medical students. Today, ethics courses have also become essential to a complete medical education. Contemporary physicians need to be equipped to navigate the myriad of moral and ethical issues inherent to modern medicine. In China, cadaver donations lag behind those in other countries, threatening to create valid disadvantages in medical education. New legislation and public education are necessary to remove cultural barriers and change Chinese views on cadaver donation. For this reason, the Department of Human Anatomy at Nanjing Medical University has established the “Educational Center for Medical Ethics.” The goal of the Center is to promote proper respect for cadavers used for medical research and education, cherish the human lives the cadavers represent, and gain the trust of potential donors. Anat Sci Ed 1:56–59, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

On All Saints Day 2009 a monument for body donors was unveiled by the Department of Anatomy, at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC). Although body donation to medical science contributes substantially to the quality of medical education, the ceremony was only the first time that the RUNMC publicly reciprocated the anatomical gift. By means of the monument the department of Anatomy endeavors to express gratitude for the gift of body donors and raise awareness among students to value the gift and treat donor bodies with the proper respect. Furthermore, the large attendance of bereaved at the unveiling ceremony, revealed another equally important meaning of the monument, which is the significance of the monument to the donor kin. The wish of a body donor has large implications for the way bereaved can take leave of the donor; there is limited time to bade the deceased farewell, the body will not be available for a funeral, and the donor kin stay behind empty handed without even a grave or ashes. Therefore the monument can be meaningful by facilitating the bereaved with a place of commemoration. The design of the monument anticipates on these multiple meanings and symbolisms by placing an old marble dissection table in the shape of an altar and fixing a bronze sculpture of a phoenix as symbol of imperishableness. Anat Sci Educ. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The use of human tissue is critical for gross anatomy education in the health professions. Chinese medical colleges have faced a shortage of anatomical specimens over the past decade. While body donation plays an important role in overcoming this gap, this practice has only recently been introduced in China, and the donation rate is relatively low and fraught with a number of difficulties. In the past, traditional Chinese culture focused on preserving the human body intact, which often limited body donation. In recent years, the public has become more open toward body donation. At Nanjing Medical University, only 20 bodies were donated in 2001. After the university became involved in an organized body donation program, this number increased to 70 donated bodies per year (2007 to 2012). This article describes and reviews Chinese medical colleges as a special case study among body donation programs, particularly in terms of the multiple responsibilities and roles that such institutions must assume in the course of adopting these programs. Medical colleges in China must serve as advocates, coordinators, builders, managers, educators, and beneficiaries in undertaking body donation programs. It is important for medical colleges to recognize these pluripotent roles and educate the public in order to promote body donation programs. This case study may also effectively guide and encourage Chinese medical colleges in refining their own body donation programs in the future. Anat Sci Educ 7: 312–320. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Many anatomy programs that incorporate dissection of donated human bodies hold memorial ceremonies of gratitude towards body donors. The content of these ceremonies may include learners' reflections on mortality, respect, altruism, and personal growth told through various humanities modalities. The task of planning is usually student‐ and faculty‐led with participation from other health care students. Objective information on current memorial ceremonies for body donors in anatomy programs in the United States appears to be lacking. The number of programs in the United States that currently plan these memorial ceremonies and information on trends in programs undertaking such ceremonies remain unknown. Gross anatomy program directors throughout the United States were contacted and asked to respond to a voluntary questionnaire on memorial ceremonies held at their institution. The results (response rate 68.2%) indicated that a majority of human anatomy programs (95.5%) hold memorial ceremonies. These ceremonies are, for the most part, student‐driven and nondenominational or secular in nature. Participants heavily rely upon speech, music, poetry, and written essays, with a small inclusion of other humanities modalities, such as dance or visual art, to explore a variety of themes during these ceremonies. Anat Sci Educ 7: 219–223. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

祭祀是中国古代社会重要的政治活动。清帝北巡、木兰秋狝中的祭祀活动一直伴随其始终,并且有一些独特的祭祀项目。如祭兴安大岭、祭祖、祭天、祈谷、祭文圣、祭武圣。  相似文献   

Multiple body donation programs have been established throughout China over the last 20 years, but these programs remain challenged by an insufficient supply of cadavers for medical education. The commemoration of body donors is a feature of many successful programs, and adopting this practice throughout the country could be an important element of raising public awareness and encouraging body donation among the public. The present study aimed to investigate public views on the commemoration of whole-body donors and postdonation services in China by analyzing the factors that influence participants' willingness to donate. A survey was conducted using convenience sampling with a non-probability sampling method, and data were analyzed using chi-square and post hoc multiple comparisons tests. A total of 1,800 questionnaires were distributed, 1,717 were returned, and 1,605 were considered valid. Of the respondents, 20.87% were willing to donate, and 64.80% thought that it is necessary to commemorate donors. The results of multiple comparisons demonstrated that the elderly and those with a higher educational level were more willing to donate than participants in other groups. Education was also found to influence views on donation memorial activities, and the chi-square test revealed that conducting commemorations and improving postdonation services can promote the establishment of successful donor programs in China and improve the social acceptance of body donation.  相似文献   

Humanistic medicine, as an interdisciplinary science, synthesizes knowledge concerning medical philosophy, medical ethics, medical law, medical history, medical sociology, medical logic, and doctor-patient communication. On Mainland China, increasing attention is being paid to humanistic medicine, as evidenced by doctoral education programs being carried out at Shandong University, Dalian Medical University, and Nanjing Medical University. Constructing the discipline of humanistic medicine involves team building, academic research, academic activities, academic journals, and personnel cultivation. The development of humanistic medicine on the Chinese mainland is characterized by systematic planning, standard teaching arrangements, intensified clinical practice, and a new mode of cultivating advanced talent.  相似文献   

“( )”(咪嘎好)是生活在云南省石屏县哨冲镇水瓜冲村委会的花腰彝每年春耕开始之前祭奠始祖“( )”(阿竜)、祭祀天地,向祖先和神灵祈祷人畜安康,丰产丰收的年俗祭祀活动.时间在每年农历立春之后的第一个“( )”(属马日),其仪式繁杂,文化内涵丰富.  相似文献   

McGill University has continued to maintain whole body dissection as an integral component of its medical school curriculum. To better explore the factors influencing body procurement at McGill University, records of body receipts were collected from their paper and electronic records and analyzed from 1883 to 2019. The data collected allowed for discussion on the number of bodies received at McGill University each year, the age at death of the bodies, their sex, as well as religious affiliation and language spoken at home. As bodies of the deceased have a long held and unique status in law, this information was considered in light of historical and legislative data and, in the case of religion and language, it was compared to census data for Montréal, Québec, Canada. Overall numbers of bodies procured by McGill University have varied throughout the years, with no discernable target number over time. The current body donor profile at McGill University is likely to be a male in his 70's and likely to speak French at home. However, the strong connection of the University with the Anglophone community of Montréal is reflected by the significantly higher proportion of English-speaking donors when compared to the general population of the city. In regard to legislation, it appears that the most recent legislations did not affect the rate of procurement. However, when legislations were embraced by religious institutions in 1883, there was a 261% increase in bodies sent for dissection, over the following two decades.  相似文献   

The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine has conducted an annual Anatomical Donor Luncheon where families of the anatomical donors met anatomy dissection groups of medical students. The luncheon presented an opportunity for donor family members to share the life story of their loved one with the medical students prior to the start of the anatomy course. This study was designed to understand the impact of the Anatomical Donor Luncheon on families of the donors. Seven families in two different focus groups were included to explore the reactions and attitudes of the donor families to meeting the medical students. Conversations were digitally recorded and transcribed. Qualitative analysis of textual data were coded by three investigators using the Constant Comparative Method. To provide evidence of validity, a form of member checking was utilized. For further triangulation, an analyst not involved in conducting the focus groups or analyzing the data, re-coded all data. This analyst used categories and themes identified by the original analysts, ensuring validity of the themes and any negative cases (data not supporting or contradictory of the established categories and themes). One meta-theme and three sub-themes were identified. The meta-theme was Donor Family Participants Experience Transformation and Closure, and sub-themes were Motivators for Participation, Optimal Venue Factors, and Optimal Medical Student–Anatomical Donor Family Interactions. Study findings indicated the Anatomical Donor Luncheon facilitated closure on the death of their loved one, and transformed their apprehension about the luncheon and body donation into an attitude of gratitude and appreciation.  相似文献   

祇园祭是日本京都八坂神社的例祭,以其悠久的历史、浩大的规模被列为“日本三大祭”之一。它不仅表现出引人入胜的日本传统文化特色,更以汇集东西方不同地域文化的特点而吸引世界的目光。其中,中国文化的影响显而易见,无论在广度还是深度上都有着非常突出的位置。本文通过讨论其成立的历史过程中表现出的与中国文化的渊源关系,探讨在民俗信仰方面中国文化对日本文化的影响。  相似文献   

释教节日盂兰盆会古印度本无,是中国汉传佛教徒据《佛说盂兰盆经》而建成的"救拔父母"度七世父母的一种法会,在中国本土文化冲击下,深受儒、道、俗的影响,孟兰盆会由庄重肃穆的佛教行仪日益演变成中国的一大民间节日。由"斋僧"到"荐亡",由寺院到民间,在其民俗化进程中传载着中国传统的思想和文化。  相似文献   

The First Hangzhou International Symposium on the Medical and Laboratory Applications of Medical Genetics and Genomics was held in Hang-zhou from October 6~8, 2005. The symposium was organized and sponsored by the First Affiliated Hos-pital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University and co-sponsored by the Zhejiang Medical Association; School of Medicine of Zhejiang University; the James Watson Institute of Genomics Sciences and Beijing Genomics Institute/Huada Genomics Center of t…  相似文献   

李大钊于1918年1月任北大图书馆主任,1920年7月改为教授兼图书馆主任,1922年12月由图书馆主任改为校长室秘书。李大钊作为教授兼校长室秘书,直到1926年止,一直与代理校长蒋梦麟朝夕相处,共理校务,合作默契,往还日密,结下了深厚的友情。李大钊遇难后,遗榇停厝六年未葬,蒋梦麟本友谊感情起见,以北大校长名义承办了李大钊的出殡安葬诸事。  相似文献   

首届"京师数学新课程教学与评价会议暨北京师范大学数学科学学院课程教材研究中心成立大会"于2019年10月18-21日在北京师范大学成功召开.来自全国高校、教育行政机构、教育出版社、中小学校、教研机构等共计七百余名代表参加了会议.会议围绕数学核心素养导向的课程、教材、教学与评价等关键议题,特邀大会报告9项,组织专题工作坊3场、分组报告112项、研究者论坛3场,这为新时代以数学课程教材建设为抓手,助推中国特色先进水平数学教育发展提供启示.  相似文献   

曹植黄初初年获罪事由探隐   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄初初年,曹植两次获罪朝廷,几乎被杀。关于这两次获罪的经过,人们已作了较详细、清晰的考证,但获罪的具体事由尚不明朗。在诸贤考证的基础上进一步探索,可以发现,曹植第一次获罪的真正事由是其在父亲曹操去世周年之际违诏私祭,为监国谒者所阻挠,因而发生冲突;第二次获罪的具体原因是曹植暗派属下前往邺城私祭父亲曹操,被王机等人诬告为私祭甄后。这也就是《责躬诗》中"茕茕仆夫,于彼冀方。嗟予小子,乃罹斯殃"的真正所指。  相似文献   

模拟医学教育在我国起步较晚,与欧美发达国家水平有一定的差距。本文旨在研究模拟医学教育在专业学位型硕士研究生临床技能培训中的作用。结果显示较多研究生认可模拟医学教育,赞成模拟教育改革,在考核结果方面实验组的完成项目人数、动作娴熟度、准确度及无菌要求和人文关怀掌握度等方面,模拟医学教育更胜一筹,不失为一种更好的临床技能操作培训方法。  相似文献   

春秋战国时期,中国学术史上的第一个无神论思潮已经到来。以孔子为代表的儒家以鲜明的人文性与现实性特立于时代学术思想之前沿,孔子已具有鲜明的无神论倾向。孔子推崇周礼,而丧祭之礼侍奉的对象即鬼神,所以孔子不能明言否定鬼神,其无神论观念在礼学中处于两难境遇。但处于两难之中的孔子,其思想体系已归属于无神论。  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the profiles of whole body donors in Muslim majority countries where donation is scarce. Therefore, this study aims to profile registered donors in Turkey by means of a survey. The explored data could be used to improve ongoing campaign efforts and ethical practices such as commemoration services. Registered donors of the donation programs at the two faculties of medicine of Istanbul University were compared with the national population and a cluster analysis was performed to reveal any concealed sub-groups. Data from 188 respondents were analyzed. The majority of registered donors were married (42%), male (65.4%), aged over 50 years (76%), held a tertiary education degree (49.7%), and were irreligious (58.5%). Cluster analysis revealed two groups with significantly different educational levels, marital statuses, and religious choices. Regarding whether their bodies could be used for education or research, the majority (64.5%) of the respondents left the decision to the anatomy department. Similarly, 73.8% approved indefinite use of their organs, body parts and/or skeletons. The respondents were also willing to share their medical history (94.2%) and personal information (81.6%) if needed. Motivational themes for body donation including usefulness, impermanence, religion, awareness, and kinship were devised after a thematic analysis. Among the respondents, 56.5% were registered organ donors and 63.3% were frequent blood donors. The results of this study provide data that may help revising informed consent forms, developing and implementing thanksgiving ceremonies, and selecting additional targets for supporting body donation campaign activities such as organ and blood donation units.  相似文献   

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