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朗读是把书面语言转化为发音规范的有声语言的再创作活动.朗读者要在深入分析理解作品内容的基础上,加深感受,产生真实的感情,鲜明的态度,多面手通过对作品的理解,引起共鸣,激起感情从而达到朗读目的.  相似文献   

小学语文朗读教学探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小学语文课程标准特别强调要加强朗读,即要求"能用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读"。有感情地朗读一定要建立在对作品充分理解感悟的基础上。小学生的朗读要有感情,必须要有过渡,要有铺垫,教师要设法架设朗读与有感情朗读之间的桥梁。文章从问题、情感、情境、想象、激励五个方面进行探讨,以期达到提升小学生朗读能力的目的。  相似文献   

听广播、看电视,以及看一些现场表演,我们往往会被节目中朗读者深情的朗读所感染而陶醉。我们在赞叹的时候。却忽略了一个很重要的细节:朗读者声情并茂地朗读背后.为理解作品所下的功夫。没有对作品精准地理解.就不可能把握作品的含义、精神、作者的感情.就不可能通过声音把作品的内涵全部表达出来。因此,好的朗读首先应来自于对作品深刻地理解。  相似文献   

《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》(以下简称"2011版课标")对"有感情朗读"作了特别的说明,在各学段关于朗读的目标中都要求"有感情地朗读",这是指,要让学生在朗读中通过品味语言,体会作者及其作品中的情感态度,学习用恰当的语气语调朗读,表现自己对作者及其作品的情感态度的理解。提倡朗读要自然,要摒弃矫情做作的腔调。这分明是针对朗读教学中"重技巧,轻感悟""感情夸大,矫  相似文献   

朗读是理解作品的一种有效方式。通过情境的创设、多样化的朗读和有效的点拨,教师可以帮助学生在有感情朗读的基础上达到真正的有所感悟,从而提高学习效果。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》各个学段的阅读教学都提出了关于朗读的教学目标,即正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。这里"有感情地朗读"是指让学生在朗读中通过品味语言,体会作者及作品中的情感态度,学习用恰当的语气语调朗读,表现自己对作者及其作品情感态度的理解。朗读要提倡自然,要摒弃矫情做作的腔调。在日常的教学中,每个教师都能要求学生做到正确、流利地朗读课文,但能达到"有感情地朗读"就很难。本篇论文从自身的教学实践出发,研究朗读教学,该如何有效地进行朗读。  相似文献   

对于朗读,新课标各个学段都提出了“正确、流利、有感情”的要求。“正确、流利”比较容易做到。何为“有感情”?新课标(修订版)明确提出:“要让学生在朗读中通过品味语言,体会作者及其作品中的情感态度,学习用恰当的语气语调朗读,表现自己对作者及其作品情感态度的理解。  相似文献   

修订版语文课程标准在目标条提出“有感情地朗读”的要求是:要让学生在朗读中通过品味语言,体会作者其作品中的情感态度,学习用恰当的语气语调朗读,表现自己对作者及其作品情感态度的理解,朗读要提倡自然,要摒弃矫情做作的腔调。  相似文献   

前些日子,学校举行校园公开课大赛,参赛者纷纷以“有感情朗读”作为决胜筹码,结果却是适得其反.当老师一提到“有感情朗读”时,学生便有模有样地拿腔作调读文章. 什么是“有感情朗读”?课标中讲到“要让学生在朗读中通过品味语言,体会作者及其作品中的情感态度,学习用恰当的语气语调朗读,表现自己对作者及其作品情感态度的理解,是一种情感的自然流露,而不是拿腔作调,矫揉造作.  相似文献   

朗读是语文教学中的重要活动,是有声语言基于文字语言的再创作。理解与感受是朗读教学活动的起点。在朗读教学过程中,通过理解创作背景与创作目的把握作品感情基调,通过体验作者的创作活动感受作品中的情感变化,通过提高对文字的感悟能力领会文字的内在意蕴,从而使朗读创作进入情声和谐的理想境界,实现理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

"培养学生高尚的道德情操和健康的审美情趣,形成正确的价值观和积极的人生态度",是新课程理念下语文课程的重要内容,语文教师应在阅读教学中,充分利用语文教材丰富的文本资源,培养学生在理解中感受形象美,在想象中拓展意境美,在品味中体会语言美,在诵读中体验情感美,培养学生健康的审美情趣,提高学生的审美素质.  相似文献   

The current study tested the effects of positive and negative emotion at the beginning and end of texts, as well as the consistency in valence throughout a text on readers’ response choice to items on a multiple-choice reading comprehension assessment. Multinomial logistic regressions were performed on 1,161 college participants’ assessment responses to test whether emotion in narrative and informational text items significantly predicted which distractor response options readers chose in comparison to the correct response option. Overall, consistent emotion throughout text and positive and negative emotion at the beginning and end of text were significant predictors of readers’ response choices. The results are discussed in terms of emotion being an indicator of readers’ causal processing. Specifically, findings provide a better understanding of how emotional features in narrative and informational texts may influence how readers develop causal coherence and comprehension during reading. This understanding could also help inform the development of instructional tools that encourage readers to focus on aspects of text (i.e., emotion) which could, in turn, help improve comprehension for readers who struggle.  相似文献   

诵读是我国语文教学的优良传统,只有发出声,才能掌握书面语符号,才能加速书面语的内化,才能“复活”书面语的生气,熟读成诵,能积淀书面语的语感,提高对语文的敏感性,培养思维的条理性和逻辑性,提高想象力、概括力和口头表达能力,它与朗读的区别在于指向、适用、要求、结果、对象等方面。诵读是一种出声响亮而稍有节奏感、重在熟读、意在积累内化的读书法。  相似文献   

This study explored third-graders’ oral reading fluency (ORF) in easy text in relation to their third- and fourth-grade reading comprehension. It also examined the children’s performance on two different measures of text exposure, a self-report questionnaire and a title-recognition test. Although third-graders’ ORF related significantly to their reading comprehension, oral language comprehension accounted for most of the variance in reading comprehension, whereas single word reading speed accounted for most of the variance in ORF. Third-grade reading comprehension and ORF each predicted unique variance in children’s scores on a fourth-grade state-mandated reading comprehension assessment. Scores on the self-report questionnaire correlated significantly with third-grade ORF and fourth-grade reading; the self-report accounted for reliable variance in ORF even with all of the other reading ability variables entered first. Results are consistent with the viewpoint that text exposure affects reading fluency. They also demonstrate that ORF is a valuable predictor of middle-elementary children’s reading comprehension, even when the ORF measure employs very easy text in which children achieve near-perfect word accuracy.  相似文献   

According to the simple view of reading (SVR), reading comprehension relies on “decoding” (pseudoword, word reading) and “oral comprehension” skills. Testing 556 French pupils, we aimed at unpacking these two components and tracking their longitudinal development in first grade. We have found that: (1) lower level language skills (vocabulary, syntax) and discourse skills (oral text comprehension) emerged as two dimensions of “oral comprehension”; (2) lower level language skills longitudinally predicted reading comprehension outcomes, above code-related skills; (3) decoding precursors (letter knowledge, naming speed and phonemic awareness) predicted reading comprehension directly, and indirectly, through decoding skills (pseudoword, word reading, text reading fluency); (4) Oral comprehension skills did not favour the development of decoding. Our results support the independency of the SVR components. However, we suggest that a more fine-grained conceptualisation of oral comprehension skills would help to better understand the individual and pedagogical factors influencing the early development of reading comprehension.  相似文献   

When reading in the classroom, teachers may use different methods. We examined the impact of different reading conditions on comprehension. Reading aloud involved reading the text aloud for an audience. Silent reading required the students to read the text silently. Follower reading involved listening to another student read the text aloud while having the text available for individual reading. Thirty-six fifth- and sixth-grade students read texts under the three conditions and then took comprehension tests. The students performed equally well under reading aloud and silent reading. Follower reading resulted in worse comprehension. The data suggest that the follower readers focused on their individual reading, making an effort not to listen to the student reading out loud, which consumed cognitive resources. Since reading aloud in the classroom involves not only one loud reader but also a lot of follower readers, silent reading might be the smartest choice.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of three different read-aloud methods on text reading fluency and reading comprehension. The sample included a total of 152 first-grade and third-grade students. The data were collected by evaluating students' text reading fluency and reading comprehension levels. The analyses showed that while the first graders’ text reading fluency scores did not vary by the read-aloud methods, the first graders’ reading comprehension varied by the read-aloud methods in favor of the group practicing just reading. This result would be important for first-grade students’ teachers. However, the findings from the third graders indicated that neither their text reading fluency nor their reading comprehension levels varied by the read-aloud method. The results of this study provide evidence on the effectiveness of three different read-aloud methods on reading fluency and reading comprehension in the Turkish language context, which is more orthographically transparent than the English language.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the current study was to identify the strongest independent predictors of reading comprehension using word reading, language and memory variables in a normal sample of 180 children in grades 3–5, with a range of word reading skills. It was hypothesized that orthographic processing, receptive vocabulary and verbal working memory would all make independent contributions to reading comprehension. The contributions of reading speed, receptive grammatical skills, exposure to print, visuospatial working memory and verbal learning and retrieval (a measure of longer-term retention) were also investigated. Working memory tasks that required the processing and storage of numerical and spatial material were used. One of the numerical working memory tasks was based on the number span task developed by Yuill, Oakhill, and Parkin British Journal of Psychology, 1989, 80, 351–361. A visuospatial equivalent of that task was developed from the forward Corsi block task [Corsi, Abstracts International, 1973, 34, 891]. The results revealed that, after controlling for age and general intellectual ability, the word reading and the language variables had a much stronger relation with reading comprehension than the memory variables. The strongest independent predictor of reading comprehension was orthographic processing since it captured variance in both word reading, language skills and verbal working memory. The forward Corsi task and performance on a measure of verbal learning and retrieval each made small independent contributions to reading comprehension but the contribution of verbal working memory was not significant. It was concluded that tasks measuring the interplay between short-term and long-term memory, in which new information is combined with information already stored in long-term memory, may better predict reading comprehension measured with the text available than working memory tasks which only have a short-term memory component.  相似文献   

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