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The Art of Wood     
"Unbelievable!There are no nails in it."What an interesting woodcarving!"是什么让同学们赞不绝口?原来是浦江县园区小学正在举办的“木韵千年,匠心传承”百年老物件展览。在展览中,同学们看到许多元明清时期的老物件,比如元代饭桌、明代画桌和清代官帽椅、镖箱、御用食盒等等。  相似文献   

Tea Drinking Historyea drinking started in England in the 17th century and the tradition of afternoon tea dates back to the early 1800s.Afternoon tea began as a chance for women to meet together without men. The hostess would always pour the tea and would often serve the tea with sandwiches, crumpets, scones, cakes and pastries.  相似文献   

邢慈静是明末多才多艺的杰出女性,诗文书画等方面造诣颇深,特别是书法堪称一家,博得历代书家的赞誉。其书法渊源来自深厚的家庭启蒙、传统的经典范本、艰辛的人生历练以及佛教影响等方面。其书法特点为高古、遒劲、中和。其历史贡献在于:坚守、弘扬了魏晋书法传统;保护、传承了邢侗书法艺术成果;开创了中国古代妇女新书风之先河。  相似文献   

<正>Trying to teach English well gives many teachers a headache even though they try very hard.One of the major reasons is that these teachers lack the art of English as a classroom language,which they stillhaven’t realized.Here,the writer would like to discuss the problem with readers from four points of view.  相似文献   

细密画(miniature),一种精细刻画的小型绘画,是波斯(现今伊朗一带)艺术的重要门类,始于《古兰经》的边饰图案。主要作书籍的插图和封面、扉页上的装饰图案。画于羊皮纸、纸或书籍封画的象牙板或木板上。多采用矿物质颜料,甚至以珍珠、蓝宝石磨粉作颜料。奥斯坦·穆罕默德·法尔希奇扬(Ostad Mahmoud Farshchian)(1930-),伊朗细密画的杰出代表,曾被联合国教科文组织总干事马约尔称赞为"一位属于全人类的画家"。  相似文献   

吴婧  祁素萍 《海外英语》2012,(18):275-276
English study is becoming more and more important.However,art students have weak English level on average.Thus,it’ s a problem for students and teachers to improve the quality of English study.In this article,it analyses the reason for the weak English level and the responding strategy.What’ s more,it encourages students to study actively and advocates teach ing based on art knowledge.  相似文献   

曹祺婕 《海外英语》2013,(15):229-230
The Nightingale and the Rose is the masterpiece of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales,he is famous in American literature as an outstanding representative of aestheticism.This paper uses the method of comparison to analyze the theme,and introduces the aesthetic ideology.The aim is to express that the main purpose of this tale is its educational role,not just "art for art’s sake".  相似文献   

In the cross-cultural context,as artistic and cultural phenomena between the East and the West,the palace art in the mid-Qing Dynasty and the French“Rococo”art is bound to be influenced by the social history,artistic and cultural environment in which they live.Through a parallel comparison of the aesthetics of court art in the mid-Qing Dynasty and French Rococo art,it is found that there are similarities in the social and cultural environments and the aesthetic tastes of the aesthetic subject at that time,and there are differences in the presentation of the function of art culture and the aesthetic style of the aesthetic subject.At the same time,there is a phenomenon of the east-west integration of“western law for use”and“eastern elements”.  相似文献   

Herbert Read's Education through Art (henceforth ETA) is a pioneering attempt to provide empirical evidence for the need for art in the public school system. Rooting for art education, Read applies the conclusions of the newly evolving psychological research to his thesis on education, which he holds to be a contemporary revival of Plato's educational theory. Psychological research proves, Read believes, that art is required for the healthy cognitive and emotional development of the child, thereby creating a stable and productive society. ‘Education through art’ nurtures each individual's potential, so that every professional direction one would later take would be ‘art'. Since its publication in 1943, art‐education enthusiasts seem to hold that Read was on the right track, but that ETA suffers from a lack of evidence – a mere technicality that can be amended when research advances. Contrariwise, I argue that Read's thesis is inherently problematic, rather than empirically inaccurate. Psychological research may never suffice for the justification of art education, if ‘art education’ is both substituted for ‘creativity’ and expected to produce testable – immediate and quantifiable – results. My interest is not only in Read's theory per se, but in this form of justification. To wit, the discussion examines ETA as a case study in the empirical justification of art education.  相似文献   

In this paper I address some questions pertinent to the development of school art education. I begin by considering how we relate to art and how we might understand the notion of this relation in terms of human subjectivity and the art object. To do this I describe particular art practices that have broadened social conceptions of art, which in turn, become part of art itself and shape performances of understanding, learning and practice. Implicit to this discussion is a change in how artists, art practice and engagement with art are conceived. I then consider some art events in school art education and analyse how human subjects, art practices and objects are understood in this context. This leads to further remarks about how learners and practice in school art education might be discerned in the light of the preceding discussion.  相似文献   

▲静物(水粉画) 欧智慧 阳山县犁头中心小学▲瑶山在呼唤(中国画) 陈柯倩 珠海市教育学院附属小学阳山县教师进修学校▲周末的早晨(水彩画) 黄素媚 五华县田家炳中学Art艺术长廊  相似文献   

孙宏 《海外英语》2012,(9):181-182
Literary translation is the re-creation of the language art.To translate an English novel into Chinese one,translators need the skill of literature re-creation.Taking Zhang Guruo’s translated version Tess of the D’urbervilles as an example,we perceive that translators have subjectivity and they should break the boundary between writing and translating.When a translator translates a piece of works,he must get rid of the constraint of the surface structures of the original works,and reproduces the flavor of the original novel.But the translators should try to show the original scenes in the original English novel to target readers.  相似文献   

I guess you could say my life began pretty normally. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 24th, 1982. No big thing at all except for the fact that I was the first son of Terry and Kim Edwards and the first grandson for both sets of grandparents.  相似文献   

<正>I guess you could say my life began pretty normally. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 24th, 1982. No big thing at all except for the fact that I was the first son of Terry and Kim Edwards and the first grandson for both sets of grandparents. My life was about to get interesting, and for the next few years it wouldn’t stop spinning.  相似文献   

I guess you could say my life began pretty normally. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 24th,1982.No big thing at all except for the fact that I was  相似文献   

1942年毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》是文艺大众化理论的典范之作。毛泽东以马克思主义哲学作为立论基础,以“文艺与人民”的关系为逻辑起点,强调社会实践在文艺创造中的意义和价值,抓住文化、文艺的创造性特征,形成了辩证的文艺发展理论。重读《讲话》,对于我们认识和理解当代文艺发展的矛盾和问题,具有重要的理论指导意义和价值。  相似文献   

藏族说唱艺术中最具代表的是《格萨尔王传》,它是千百年来流传在西藏的一部伟大的英雄史诗,被外国研究学者誉为“东方的《伊利亚特》”,本文从它的音乐、文化等方面阐述其重要的研究价值。应该说,它是研究古代雪域文化的重要参考资料,是一部“活性态”史诗,也是一部典型的非物质文化遗产。  相似文献   

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