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In the current research-focused climate, academics are facing increasing pressure to produce research outputs. This pressure can prove particularly daunting for early career (EC) academics, who are simultaneously attempting to master new teaching and administrative demands while establishing their own independent research trajectories. Previous reports suggest that academic writing retreats can be an effective way of increasing research outputs. Such retreats generally involve academics from a range of career stages and require expert facilitators. Through organising a series of structured writing events, this project aims to cultivate an enduring community of practice for academic writers. Reflecting on our EC retreat and subsequent writing days with academics from different career stages, we suggest that success hinged on three key factors: (1) A formal structure comprising bounded periods of intense writing, flanked by group reviewing and goal-setting; (2) Co-located writing with participants based in a shared space, away from their usual workstation and distractions; (3) Peer discussions involving participants at a similar career stage. Specifically we found that writing amongst ‘equals’ increased productivity and confidence amongst EC academics.  相似文献   

Writing retreats are structured events during which a group of people write in the same room over several days. In this paper, we report on findings from a study exploring the impact of writing retreats on PhD students’ writing and their sense of self as academic writers. A second aim of the study was to contribute to the search for appropriate pedagogies to support writing at the PhD level. The data consist of interviews with 19 PhD students who had taken part in writing retreats as well as evaluations and pre- and post-retreat reflections by these students. In the interviews, we discussed the role of writing retreats in the context of the students’ wider biographies as writers and how it relates to their experiences of writing. Our findings suggest that writing retreats can be important events for PhD students positively affecting their relationship with literacy [Besse, J.-M. 1995. L’écrit, l’école et l’illettrisme. Paris: Magnard]. Taking part in a retreat generates pleasure, emphasising the role of emotions in academic writing. Writing retreats and the opportunities they offer students to write and to reflect on their experiences as writers are a valuable part of PhD training.  相似文献   

当代陕西作家长时间一直忽视都市写作.在对都市生活的叙事中,陕西作家出现了反城市化和反城镇化的倾向,这种乡村与城市的二元对立导致作家文化转型陷入了两难的悲剧困境.陕西青年作家的都市写作彰显个体意识与私人化的叙事方式,直面人在精神的苦痛中寻找精神家园的自我救赎,但是存在很大的不足.只有不被固有的都市写作模式所束缚,我们才有可能打破都市写作的困境,毕竟都市写作是一种大势所趋.  相似文献   

从上世纪20—40年代到90年代,相当部分女性作家一直注重对女性精神世界的书写和提升。近些年来,一批“美女作家”用“身体书写”涂抹着文化泥潭,无论对文学创作还是精神启迪,都起着某种腐蚀和伤害的作用。女性写作应该成为与世界进行精神对话的方式。  相似文献   

This article features student perspectives on the role of personal writing in English class. Key findings and quotations are shared from two in-depth interviews with students who wrote exceptional personal essays as part of a narrative nonfiction unit in a 10th grade English class. Participants reported that writing personally generated more investment than a traditional academic assignment, controlling the level of sharing was key to being able to write honestly and openly, and mentor texts and writers’ notebooks were key tools which empowered their successful writing.  相似文献   

This article explores the role a writing group played in influencing the scholarly identities of a group of doctoral students by fostering their writing expertise. While the interest in writing groups usually centres on their potential to support doctoral students to publish, few studies have been conducted and written by the students themselves. Using a situated learning perspective on identity, we explore the connection that emerged between our perceptions of ourselves as developing expertise as scholarly writers and the function of the writing group as a dynamic space for transforming our identities. Findings show that our writing group served as a flexible and interactive Community of Practice (CoP) that shaped critical and durable shifts in identity amongst members.  相似文献   

The use of writing groups to support students undertaking post-graduate research within universities has begun to receive attention from academic supervisors and doctoral researchers. Very little has been written by doctoral students themselves on the benefits of working within such writing groups. In this article, the experiences of working within a doctoral writing group at an Australian University are presented, primarily from the perspective of students. The authors identify two main benefits they have experienced through participating in a writing group using a ‘multi-voiced’ approach. First, they discuss the kind of learning that they achieved through working in a writing group. They do this with reference to key principles of peer learning and of peer review. Second, they focus on the ways the group worked as a community of discursive social practice. An overarching message for them in participating in the group and now writing this article is the shift in their thinking and experience of writing from seeing writing as an essentially private and implicit process to writing becoming a matter of public and shared work. These two notions are bound by the concept of identity building, drawing from the literature on communities of practice.  相似文献   

This paper discusses writing as a social practice and speculates on how wikis might be used to promote higher quality academic writing and support collaborative learning. This study of undergraduate teacher trainees’ online learning activities focuses on how shared spaces – wikis – might be used to communicate ideas and generate course‐specific content. The study also explored how students, through such activities, were able to improve their academic writing skills and engage more critically in learning. Data captured from student discussion boards and a post‐module email questionnaire (n = 35) were used to map student perceptions of the usefulness of wikis in support of their academic studies. The data indicate that most students raised their skill level in writing directly to the publicly viewable wiki space, in sharp contrast to the more informal content they posted on the discussion boards. The scope of collaborative writing was limited due to students’ reluctance to edit each others’ work, but students appreciated the shared environment as a means of discussing their work and the content of the course. Students reported that their academic writing skills had improved through their formal participation in the wiki.  相似文献   

With continuing pressure to publish or perish, interventions such as writing groups are increasingly part of the academic landscape. In this paper, we discuss our writing group's experiment with collaborative writing, which came unstuck as simmering concerns led to a mutiny within the group. The mutiny provided insights into tensions that are inevitably present in writing groups and collaborative writing exercises but are seldom written about. We explore these tensions via a collaborative autoethnography, drawing on published literature on writing groups and collaborative writing. The mutiny revealed three key dynamics. Experienced voices can have an important role to play but these voices need to be moderated so that other voices might be recognised and valued. Pleasure and productivity are two necessary components for sustaining writing groups and writing collaborations. Finally, hierarchies in the academic context are inescapable but they can be renegotiated so that more enabling power relations can be generated.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to (a) design and examine the effects of a yearlong professional development model on the writing quality of 3rd to 5th graders across genres and on their teachers’ confidence, and (b) to make revisions based on results and teacher’s feedback. Participants were 11 teachers, 273 students, and a principal. The study had a one-year duration, and instruction was based on genre-based strategy instruction for the genres of opinion, story, and compare-contrast. Data were collected across the academic year, and results showed that students’ writing quality improved across genres taught during the academic year while there were no gender differences on performance. Teachers expressed challenges regarding time to teach writing and meet with peer. Further they shared the need to be provided with quality resources and continuous PD. Revisions for Cycle 2 are included and implications for research and practice are further discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports consequences for student writing quality based on a long-term professional learning project. Project teachers, representing all school subjects in grades 3–7, were presented with a writing construct, ‘Wheel of Writing’, and norms of expectation for writing proficiency. Participating teachers used the writing construct and norms as a basis for writing instruction and writing assessment. The project was conducted in 24 schools across Norway. 3088 students from 20 project schools participated. Two hundred and thirty three students from 4 schools were used as a comparison group. The investigation showed that students in primary school improved their writing quality significantly. Students in lower secondary school did not. However, there was substantial variation in writing quality effects between schools, classes, and individual students. For instance at a number of schools, project students from lower secondary school improved their writing quality significantly. The article discusses potential explanations of the effects.  相似文献   

This article addresses multi‐disciplinary writing groups in supporting writing for publication for higher degree by research candidates in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. Drawing on focus group discussions with postgraduate research students from the Faculty of Arts at Monash University in Australia who participated in the writing groups, it investigates the participants’ perceptions of the multi‐disciplinary nature of the groups and some of the benefits of sharing writing with fellow postgraduate research students from different fields of study. Discussing both the strengths and weaknesses of the multi‐disciplinarity of the groups as identified by participants, the authors suggest that such groups can provide a forum for postgraduates to develop their ‘professional’ academic identity and develop their writing beyond the context of their theses and can have some unexpected benefits to participants’ sense of themselves as disciplinary proponents. The multi‐disciplinary context is thus considered as providing a level playing field in which postgraduates may approach the writing process as a shared methodology, encompassing a suite of specialised but generic skills that cross‐disciplinary boundaries.  相似文献   

散文是一种最为开放的文体,它注重个体生命体验的直接表达,以短小精悍的方式传递出一种能感动人心的大情怀。好散文的精神特质有两点,其一,散文创作者最终要形成自己的、能够显著地区别于他人的创作风格,如史铁生与人生、命运抗争,李泽厚对历史进行隐性批判的写作风格;其二,要有突破性的视角关注社会,如周国平对"自我"的表达、贾平凹对城乡差别以及社会伦理角色冲突的关注。两种精神特质也是两种创作方法,散文创作者只有结合自身生命体验将二者灵活运用并一以贯之,才能写出精品散文,写出好散文。  相似文献   

Writing retreat as structured intervention: margin or mainstream?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Academics across the world face increasing pressure to publish. Research shows that writing retreats have helped by creating dedicated writing time and building collegiality. A new form of ‘structured’ writing retreat was created to increase its impact by taking a community of practice approach. This paper reports on an evaluation, funded by the British Academy, in which participants were interviewed one year after structured retreat. They reported many changes in their approaches to writing and in their sense of themselves as writers and some of these changes were sustained on return to campus. This paper argues that structured retreat increases learning through participation and helps academics to mainstream writing in their lives and careers. We conclude by suggesting that, since publishing is a mainstream academic activity, it makes sense to mainstream this intervention in academic careers.  相似文献   

写作心理是写作主体进行写作活动时的心理活动规律与特征,体现了由原始、无序的写作对象或材料经过写作主体的心理活动转化为初步有序的写作主体意识,再转化为有序地用恰当的语言与文体表现写作成品——文本的过程,体现为写作主体在写作活动中直觉的敏锐,想象的飞升,灵感的活跃。这就要求写作主体必须有一个最佳的写作心理状态,而这种心理状态也正和道家所言的虚静观相契合。道家虚静观中有形生于无形、有声源于无声的思想,体现了写作乃是一个由无到有的过程的思想观念,也体现了写作主体不受任何主客观因素的干扰,专心致志的精神状态。文章对于道家的虚静观对汉语写作的影响从虚静观与写作主体自由想象的关系、虚静观与写作主体直觉的关系、虚静观与写作主体灵感的关系、虚静观与写作主体的审美指向与意象创造的关系四个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):581-594

Many students enter tertiary education unfamiliar with the ‘norms and conventions’ of their disciplines. Research into academic literacies has shown that in order to succeed in their studies, students are expected to conform to these norms and conventions, which are often unrecognized or seen as ‘common sense’ by lecturers. Students have to develop their own ‘map’ of their programme's expectations in order to make sense of the seemingly mysterious practices they are expected to take on. This study, undertaken at a University of Technology in South Africa, details students’ perceptions of their writing difficulties and their attempts to navigate their way through various writing tasks. The findings reveal that students experience a range of difficulties and that the students often feel unsupported in their travails with academic writing.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explore the issue of intercultural and transnational negotiation in written English communication. I am interested in the reciprocal development of written discourse across cultural boundaries. My analysis focuses on academic writers’ sense of self and their individual ability to reach otherness when they share the roles of writer, translator, editor and reader. Using my experiences of writing instruction, translation and editing in the USA, South Korea and Russia, this article discusses the unconventional yet resourceful development of confidence in writing in English in the context of cross-lingual and transnational communication. As the examples show, emotional clarity and care for specific social purposes are often important in intercultural English academic written discourse.  相似文献   

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