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本文基于2013年全国高校毕业生就业状况调查数据,利用统计描述和计量回归方法对高校毕业生跨省流动状况进行了性别比较。研究内容包括流动比例、流动方向、流动收益、流动成本、流动影响因素。主要结论如下:第一,女性跨省流动的比例显著低于男性。男性的流动率为50.8%,而女性的流动率为39.1%,比男性低11.7个百分点。第二,无论是男性还是女性,跨省流动都显著增加了收入。第三,经济因素是跨省流动的主要原因之一。第四,人口特征变量、人力资本变量、家庭社会经济背景都是显著影响跨省流动和收入的因素。  相似文献   

我国高等教育机会、学业及就业的性别比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文通过对1998年和2003年两次全国性高校毕业生调查数据的分析,对我国高等学校学生入学机会、学业成绩和就业结果的性别差异及其变化趋势进行了比较分析,发现男女在学业成绩和就业收入等方面并没有显著差异,但在入学机会和就业率方面女性则明显低于男性,而较低的高考成绩和较少的工作机会则是造成这种差异的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

了解当代大学毕业生在找工作过程中的职业价值观现状及其变化特征,对预测他们的发展走向、提高就业指导工作的有效性,具有重要的意义。本研究采用自编的“大学毕业生职业价值观问卷”,对415名处于不同工作寻访阶段的大学毕业生进行了调查研究。结果发现:(1)当代大学毕业生在工作中更注重个人价值的实现,对社会维度的价值要素较为冷漠;同时也更重视手段性职业价值观的实现,显示出急功近利的特征;(2)男性在社会促进和社交活动这两项职业价值观上得分高于女性,但女性在身心安全、社会贡献、薪酬待遇、稳定舒适、社会关系职业价值观上得分高于男性,性别差异显著;文科毕业生在求职过程中,比工科、理科和艺术类毕业生更认同人情世故的价值观,且差异显著;(3)处于求职波动期的大学毕业生对职业价值观的追求有一定的盲目性;(4)目的性职业价值观影响着手段性职业价值观的选择。  相似文献   

<正>性别差异:性别有"性别"(sex)和"社会性别"(gender)之分。前者指男性和女性的生理差别,后者指男女两性在社会文化的建构下形成的性别特征和差异,即由社会文化形成的对男女差异的理解,以及在社会文化中形成的属于男性或女性的群体特征和行为方式。这里指的是男性班主任和女性班主任的一切非生物方面的差异,主要包括心理学、社会学方  相似文献   

基于“全国高校毕业生就业状况抽样调查”数据,从具有哪些特征的毕业生会选择教师职业、什么动机促使毕业生选择教师职业两个方面进行分性别的实证分析。结果表明,男性大学毕业生选择教师职业的概率显著低于女性;选择教师职业的男性和女性存在一定的特征差异。薪酬和就业选择方面,选择教师职业的毕业生起薪低于选择其他职业的毕业生,选择教师职业的毕业生在中西部地区就业的概率更高。教师与其他职业的职业收入差距在男性毕业生群体中更加显著。选择教师职业的女性更注重职业符合兴趣爱好、职业稳定性以及为他人和社会服务,也更容易对所选工作的稳定性、社会地位以及工作的独立自主性感到满意。给定个人特征和家庭背景,选择教师职业的毕业生群体内部不存在显著的性别工资差距。  相似文献   

据调查 ,在家庭教育中以女性为主的占50 % ,以男性为主的占20% ,男女相当的占30%。家庭教育中教育者男女比例关系失衡 ,不利于对孩子的教育。孩子在“性度”(性度是抛开男女生理上的天赋差异 ,即依据其体质、性格、行为表现和能力特征来区别“男性”和“女性” ,是混合交织地存在于每一个个体之中的。不同的只是在一般情况下 ,男性的“男性度”强于“女性度” ,女性的“女性度”强于“男性度”)表现上的差异 ,很大程度上 ,是由于父母特定的不同活动方式影响的结果。国外有人做过一个实验 ,把孩子分为与父亲同居和不与父亲同居两组 ,…  相似文献   

男性和女性在语言使用方面是有差异的,本文以支配论、差异论为理论依据,探讨了男女在语言使用上的性别差异特征,并指出不能夸大这些差异,极端地将其统统与语言性别歧视对等起来。  相似文献   

本文回顾了英语语言性别差异研究的发展过程,从闲谈这一角度出发,通过分析美国电影《伴侣度假村》中的人物对白,对英语中的性别差异现象加以剖析。通过研究揭示闲谈在面对面交流中的不同功能;在男性对话、女性对话和男女对话中起到的不同作用;在话语量的大小、话轮、话题选择、话题展开、合作性或竞争性的话语方式、会话场合等方面体现出的性别差异。  相似文献   

朱艳 《考试周刊》2011,(23):27-29
语言与性别研究是一个非常普遍的研究课题,受到了许多学科领域的共同关注。然而研究者多数是关注男性和女性的语言差异问题,过于强调这种差异,从而忽视了男性和女性在语言使用方面的共性。为了全面、公正、客观地说明语言与性别的关系,在具体研究中,我们应该同时关注并研究语言使用中的性别差异和共性。排除对语言的性别刻板印象,有助于我们更好地理解男女交际的特点,减少男女性别交际的失误,为两性间的社会和谐提出指导性意见。  相似文献   

目的:探究某医学院校连续4届男护生升学及就业情况,分析相关影响因素.方法:对某医学院校2012-2015连续4届的男性护理学毕业生整群抽样并采用回顾性分析的方法,分析男性护理学本科毕业生升学及就业情况.结果:2012-2015连续4届男性护理学毕业生的升学率为9.0%,高于女性护理学毕业生的升学率(3.8%),就业率为91.0%,就业形势良好,就业率较高;连续4年升学率差异无统计学意义,维持在2.8%-6.2%之间.就业医院多为三甲医院,占94.1%,但仍有少数男护生选择到二甲及以下医院就业.结论男性护理学毕业生升学率总体处于较低水平但高于女性护理学本科毕业生;就业率较高,就业医院多为三甲医院,就业形势良好.  相似文献   

The study investigates the effects of certain school characteristics on students’ mathematics performances in Turkey in the PISA 2006 while controlling for family background and demographic characteristics. Three models of Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) are constructed. The results reveal that 55% of the variance is attributable to between-schools and the remaining 45% to individual student characteristics. About two-thirds of the 55% is explained by selectivity in admissions, time to study mathematics and students’ SES, gender and the geographical region. The findings are interpreted to explain why Turkish schools differed greatly in average student performance in PISA 2006 by using the conceptual efforts on school quality factors and family background characteristics.  相似文献   

By using unique survey data, we conduct a detailed study of the gender salary gap within economics departments in Japan. Despite the presence of rigid pay scales emphasizing age and experience, there is a 7% gender salary gap after controlling for rank and detailed personal, job, institutional and human capital characteristics. This gender salary gap exists within ranks. We find no gender promotion differences. In addition, we find a concentration of the salary gap in public universities and in research oriented universities. Our results show no evidence that the gender salary gap is reducing over time, and reject the hypothesis that females’ choice between household work and market activities is responsible for the gender salary gap.  相似文献   

In many Chinese universities and colleges, female students outperform male students in social science subjects. This paper presents a case study, which examines gender difference in economic education in a Chinese university. We look at a sample of students from the Chinese university and find that holding constant observed student characteristics, female students on average appear to earn higher scores than male students and the gender difference is primarily driven by low achieving students. We further find that the gender difference in exam scores is not because of female students' ability, family background and other unobservable student characteristics. Instead, it is simply a result of female students exerting more effort than male students. We finally explore a wide range of possible explanations for the gender difference in diligence, but find little support for any of the explanations.  相似文献   

对性别角色的相关研究进行回顾,对性别角色特点、性别角色与人格、心理健康的关系进行梳理发现:性别角色特点表现在类型方面、研究的特殊群体方面、跨文化方面,性别角色与人格、心理健康各因素相关显著,性别角色的类型对人格、心理健康具有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

Gender stereotypes in the natural sciences may discourage girls from pursuing STEM fields, thus contributing to the differential STEM pathways of males and females. This paper exploits quasi-experimental data from a vignette study to investigate teachers’ gender bias in STEM at the transition to upper secondary school in Denmark—a key stage in students’ educational trajectories. I investigate if teachers have a higher probability of recommending a STEM track to a (vignette) male student compared with a (vignette) female student and if teachers’ STEM recommendations interact with their demographic characteristics. Results show that, while there is a gender gap of 10 percentage points in the likelihood of being recommended a STEM track, the difference is not statistically significant. Furthermore, teachers’ gender bias is influenced by the teacher's own gender and cultural capital. Consequently, the paper shows that teachers’ gender bias varies with teachers’ demographic characteristics and teachers with high levels of cultural capital can push back against gender stereotypes in STEM.  相似文献   


This study investigated the differences between demographic, enrollment, academic, and self-directed learning characteristics of completers and noncompleters in online courses at one community college. The study also obtained students' self-reported reasons for not completing their coursework. No significant differences were found in the characteristics of age, gender, ethnicity, financial aid eligibility, grade point average, and total hours enrolled; significant differences were found in gender, academic readiness, and completers enrolled in more online courses than noncompleters.  相似文献   

论学校教育视域里的性别文化建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学校教育与性别文化建构存在非常密切的关联 ,建构先进性别文化的教育突显三个主要特征。在学校教育领域 ,存在三个影响较大的制约性别文化建构因素 :异化教育的观念与机制、教师的落后性别观念、课程中大量性别偏见的存在。教育要在性别文化研究、教育研究和实践性别分析视角的引入、女教师人力资源开发和人本管理、相关课程改造与建设、开发有效学习途径、教学运用感性审美原则、改变学生传统学习方式、建设班级女生性别文化、消除教师性别刻板印象和尊重差异、对女生进行挫折教育等方面做出努力。  相似文献   

Relying on the results of the achievement tests in mathematics, science, native language (Hebrew/Arabic) and English, administered to 1430 5th-grade co-educational classes in Israel, this study examines the between-class variability of the within-class mean score gender differences and its class and school correlates. The four main results of the study are: (1) remarkable between-test stability of the within-class gender gap; (2) considerable variability of the within-class gender gap, in terms of both sign and magnitude, found for each of the four tests: children studying in different classes are exposed to different, sometimes quite opposite, gender differences and this variability is effectively masked by the aggregate-level analyses typically reported in the literature; (3) the lion’s share of the variability of the within-class gender gap lies within, rather than between schools; and (4) the relative frequency of within-class gender gaps favouring boys is positively related to school-level characteristics, which qualify as positive indicators of the school’s quality and negatively to class size. The within- and between-sector (Arab vs. Jewish) components of this relation are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to determine and predict 12th-grade students' physics achievement in terms of some selected cognitive, physics-related effective, personal, and socioeconomic characteristics in Turkey. Four hundred and ninety-six students (273 female and 223 male) from 18 high schools formed the study group. Findings indicated that cognitive characteristics including science achievement and physics course grades explained the largest amount of variance (60.6%) in the achievement by itself. Physics interest and physics motivation as well as gender and perception of teacher-directed activities also explained a small amount of variance in student achievement. Although none of the socioeconomic characteristic variables were found to be significant, the entire model accounted for 64% of the variance in physics achievement.  相似文献   

This study investigated how student characteristics predict the nature of girls' and boys' verbal interactions with their teachers in physics classes. The sample included (N = 1378) students from 81 randomly selected high-school physics classrooms in Germany and the German-speaking part of Switzerland. At the beginning of the school year, the following student characteristics were assessed: cognitive abilities, pre-knowledge, self-concept, and interest. Each student was classified as having one of five profiles previously identified by Seidel (2006). Classroom instruction was videotaped four months after student characteristics were assessed. The videotaped classroom interactions were coded and analyzed with respect to the students' profiles. Multilevel analysis indicated the highest amount of verbal engagement for girls and boys with high-level cognitive and motivational-affective characteristics. There are significant interactions between student profile and gender for girls with high-level characteristics. We argue that the interaction between gender and other characteristics is a valuable predictor of verbal engagement in physics instruction.  相似文献   

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