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合作学习在外语教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习是一种行之有效的教学方式,它以学生为中心,以小组活动为基本形式,注重发展学生学习的自主性和能动性。在外语教学中借鉴合作学习理论,把班级分成小组,强调以学生的学习活动为主体,一方面强调教师对合作学习指导、促进的功能,另一方面又关注学生在合作学习中的主体参与状况,对于提高外语教学质量,优化课堂教学都起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

合作学习法在课外学习中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
合作学习就是通过教师指导的小组活动让学生相互合作、共同完成学习任务。本文介绍了合作学习法的组成因素。作者将合作法应用到学生的课外自主学习当中,同时设计了“每月讨论”和“双人研究”两项学习任务。文章讨论了合作学习实施步骤和实现情况,并针对学生的报告反馈和教师的反思对合作法在英语学习中的运用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

正面的合作学习观认为合作学习能够增加学生语言互动的机会,培养学生的合作自主学习能力和策略,但合作学习要取得实效,需要正确对待学生语言输出中的错误,促进语言向准确、流利和具有一定的复杂程度的综合体发展.错误的合作学习现担心学生在合作学习中不具备互相改错的能力而导致学习的低效率.  相似文献   

合作学习作为一种新型教学模式,能使学生在宽松舒适的语言环境中充分地与他人交流,促进口语交际能力的发展。尤其是在大班型英语口语教学中,小组合作学习能促进学生的积极自主参与和学生间的互动、互助,从而有效地提高大班型英语口语教学的质量。  相似文献   

化学教学中的合作学习及合作意识、能力培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合作学习是以生生互动为主要途径促进学生学习的教学活动和学习策略。结合我国基础教育改革的发展和新课程标准的实施,从合作学习的基本理念入手,探索在化学课堂教学、化学实验教学、课外学习的活动中引导学生学会尊重与欣赏,培养自信心与团队精神,营造合作学习氛围,创设实验条件,增加课外实验,深入社会实际生活,实施合作学习,培养合作意识和合作能力。通过对教学评价的调整,实现教学评价的科学化,提高学生对合作的内涵和价值的认识,促进合作意识的形成。  相似文献   

全文就合作学习在大学英语教学中如何应用的问题进行探讨,强调合作学习在大学英语课堂教学中的重要性,并根据合作学习的基本理论采用了提问、讨论、口头训练、复述和翻译等各种课堂活动来促进学生的合作学习行为,激发学生的学习兴趣、学习动机,培养学生运用语言的能力,达到大学英语综合能力提高的目的。  相似文献   

我国大学英语教学正处于改革与发展阶段,各高校英语教师积极探索大学英语切实有效的教学方法。合作学习作为目前教育界普遍采用的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论和策略,备受大学英语教师关注。本研究以大学英语教学实践为研究背景,从课堂与课后英语教学实践出发,深入探讨合作式学习对学生英语学习与学生发展的影响。通过研究发现,合作式学习促使学生树立积极正确的英语学习态度,增强学习者的英语学习策略意识;帮助学生逐渐消除自我中心意识,加快构建学生关系融洽的学习共同体,培养规范意识、责任意识、以及合作意识。  相似文献   

作为辅助教育者建立有效的网络课程的管理系统,Moodle是一个优秀的在线课程开发平台。基于此平台建立的课程具有超课堂的开放性,符合建构主义和认知学习理论。其中的体验式课程是一种经过精心设计的学习过程,强调学生的体验学习和合作学习。此课程在充分尊重学生的学习主体的基础上开发学生的潜能,培养学生合作学习的能力,为学生提供了一个充分开放的体验环境,以期实现学生学习能力的提高和培养学生的相互协作精神。  相似文献   

This paper first focuses on a brief evaluation of the teacher-centered and the learner-centered methodologies and the relevant result and the necessily for changing. Secondly,it represents the practical ways of teaching based on the learner-cen-tered approach in classrooms to show how students' initiative is given .Thirdly , it presents the guidance for fellow teachers and students in group activities .The author of the paper believes that getting students started is the initial step towards active learning and fruitful teaching. It is proposed that efforts made to get students involved should focus not only on forms of activities but also on their contents , skill integration and establishing cooperative relationships between teachers and students or among students.  相似文献   

合作可以充分利用教学资源,引导学生相互学习,提高学习效率,培养团队合作素质。本文通过小组合作学习在普通高校英语阅读课中的实践和反思,对教师与学生的行为在小组合作学习中的有效性进行分析,并提出了解决策略。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the degree of effectiveness of cooperative learning instruction over a traditional approach on 11th grade students' understanding of electrochemistry. The study involved forty-one 11th grade students from two science classes with the same teacher. To determine students' misconceptions concerning electrochemistry, the Electrochemistry Concept Test consisting of 8 open-ended and 12 multiple-choice questions was used as a pre-test and some students were interviewed. According to the results, twenty-four misconceptions (six of them initially identified) about electrochemistry were identified. The classrooms were randomly assigned to a control group (traditional instruction, 21 students) and an experimental group (cooperative learning based on a constructivist approach, 20 students). After instruction, the same test was administered to both groups as a post-test. The results from the t-test indicated that the students who were trained using cooperative learning instruction had significantly higher scores in terms of achievement than those taught by the traditional approach. According to the post-test and interviews, it was also found that instruction for the cooperative group was more successful in remediation of the predetermined misconceptions.  相似文献   

Research indicates that cooperative learning with teacher‐guided instruction is more effective in helping young children to learn than cooperative learning with minimal guidance. In the present study, two different cooperative learning activities (jigsaw and drama) and a control condition (a traditional teacher‐led approach) were compared. The participants were 279 Grade 5 Hong Kong students located in nine classrooms. The two experimental conditions emphasised teachers' cognitive support in helping students to understand a text through both teacher‐led and student‐led activities. Post‐test data included a reading comprehension test and three questionnaires that investigated students' goal orientations, initial level of relative autonomy and perceptions of instructional practices. Findings indicate that students in the jigsaw group outperformed students in both the drama group and the control group in the reading comprehension test. The implications of conducting cooperative learning activities with well‐planned teacher guidance are discussed.  相似文献   

交际法强调通过让学生大量地参与课堂交际活动达到培养和提高学生交际能力的目的。分组讨论即为交际活动的一种,在外语课堂上进行分组讨论不仅有助于学生思维能力的培养、团结合作能力的培养,而且更加有助于学生交际能力的培养。  相似文献   

本文以合作学习理论和自主学习论为依据,运用实证研究的方法,探讨了小组合作学习对提高高职院校学生英语学习效果的作用。通过对某高校高职专业2008级学生小组合作学习实例分析后认为,小组合作学习是提高高职院校学生英语水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

“合作学习”在英语教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语学科是义务教育阶段的必修课,也是新时代公民基本素质教育的重要组成部分。在教学中,教师要转变观念,通过合作学习等多种形式的课堂活动,充分体现学生的潜能和主体地位,培养学生的团队意识、合作精神与探索精神,改善英语课堂气氛,促进学生形成良好的非认知品质,大面积提高学生语言学习和实际应用语言的能力。  相似文献   

The aim of this innovation project is toconduct a pilot by employing cooperative learning strategies, peer assessment and self-assessment in the process of teaching cultural background in College English Integrated Course to change teachers' role as a dominator as that to explore a feasible yet effective way which will help students to learn the cultural background and obtained some cognitive progress in performance and achievements. According to the findings obtained from the survey, we can see that by employing of the cooperative learning strategy, students' enthusiasm, participation and learning effectiveness have been greatly enhanced. What's more, the application of cooperative learning strategy in teaching cultural background not only motivated students, enhanced students' critical thinking but also reduced teachers' heavy workload. It is a win-win situation both for teacher and the students.  相似文献   

This study examined possible ways to increase student engagement in small sections of a large, introductory-level, required university course. Research shows that cooperative group learning boosts achievement through fostering better interpersonal relationships between students. Cooperative group learning is an evidence-based instructional practice engaging students in active learning. The present study investigated whether cooperative groups with sustained-membership functioned more effectively for boosting performance than shifting-membership cooperative groups. Findings indicated that the amount of class time spent in groups influenced the impact of shifting or sustained-membership. A significant difference in performance was found for sustained-group students when group activities were used the majority of the time during recitation.  相似文献   

Students in a physical sciences course were introduced to cooperative learning at the University of Queensland, Gatton Campus. Groups of four to five students worked together in tutorial and practical sessions. Mid-term and practical examinations were abolished and 40% of total marks were allocated to the cooperative learning activities. A peer- and self-assessment system was successfully adapted to account for individual performance in cooperative learning group assignments. The results suggest that cooperative learning was very well received by students, and they expressed willingness to join cooperative learning groups in other courses. In addition, cooperative learning offered many benefits to students in terms of graduate attributes such as teamwork, communication, lifelong learning and problem-solving.  相似文献   

在教学中善于利用情感因素,会创造有利的学习环境,提高教学效果。外语教学实践中教师可以通过以下方式将语言活动和情感因素结合起来,即加强师生与材料的共鸣,控制课堂节奏,适时表扬与纠错,提高学生的交际适切性,创造合作的学习环境,建立良好的师生关系。  相似文献   

在数学教学过程中,教师通过组织有效的合作学习,鼓励学生主动质疑、深入思考,开拓创新,不仅能使学生在小组活动过程中成为数学学习的主人,而且能让学生在相互碰撞启发中达成深度学习。文章以"复式统计表"教学为例,探讨如何以有效合作学习促进深度学习的发生。  相似文献   

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