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一、躁关节扭伤的原因和原理 踝关节扭伤是一种最常见的运动损伤,有资料显示,它占所有运动创伤的20%~40%。踝关节扭伤多为踝关节周围韧带的过度牵拉或撕裂,严重者可伴有撕脱骨折。踝关节是人运动的重要枢纽及承重关节,是由胫、腓骨下的关节面与距骨上部的关节面(距骨滑车)构成。  相似文献   

黄忠梅 《体育科技》2011,32(4):68-69
目的:分析腕关节损伤原因、治疗现状,探讨腕关节损伤的治疗方法。方法:选取76例腕关节损伤患者,随机分为两组,一组为传统治疗组,用传统休息、中药外敷、理疗等方法治疗。另一组为静力训练组,进行静力训练,牵仲治疗,10天为一个疗程。2~3个疗程后进行疗效观察比较。结果:传统治疗组治愈率和总有效率分别是40.0%和90.6%,静力训练组治愈率和总有效率分别是58.6%和94.5%。两组疗效经统计学检验,有显著性差异(p〈0.01)。结论:静力训练治疗腕关节损伤明显优于传统治疗,可作为此种损伤的预防手段。  相似文献   

运用Cybex-NORM等速肌力测试系统,RSscan足底压力板测试系统对27名在校大学生(男15名,女12名)进行步向角测试,30°/s,120°/s两种角速度踝关节内收、外展的等动肌力测试,旨在探讨大学生步态特点及内、外八字形成的肌力学机制.研究结果:(1)大学生青年步向角的正常范围为1~15°;(2)男性步向角均值约为11.4°,女性步向角均值约为4.7°,男女性别差异具显著性;(3)角速度为30°/s和120°/s的内收、外展峰力矩,内收、外展平均力矩以及外展内收力矩比值均显示男性大于女性,且有显著性差异;(4)踝关节外展、内收肌力并非随着步向角的增大而增大或减小,内、外八字步态踝关节外展、内收肌力均小于正常步态;(5)30°/s和120°/s两种速度下,3种步态的踝关节外展内收肌力比都几近相等,没有显著性差异.结论:(1)23岁左右青年大学生步向角的正常范围为1~15°,小于1°为内八字步态,大于15°为外八字步态;(2)步向角、踝关节外展、内收肌力矩,外展内收肌力比均存在性别差异;(3)内、外八字不良步态形成的肌力学原因是踝关节外展、内收肌力同时薄弱,而不是外展内收肌力发展失衡,深层原因需要进一步深入探讨和研究.  相似文献   

目的:研究我国华东地区运动相关颅脑创伤的流行病学特征,了解运动相关颅脑创伤的伤情特点,为预防与治疗提供科学依据。方法:从“20(14年华东六省一市颅脑创伤住院患者”数据库中整群抽取运动伤患者.用SPSS13.0统计软件包分析。结果:689例运动相关颅脑创伤患者中男女之比为5.06:1。平均年龄(21.49±7.98)岁.21~30岁年龄组所占比例最大,为45.0%。颅脑创伤多发生于足球、拳击等对抗性运动,其中足球所占比例最大,为16.0%。689例患者大多数为轻型颅脑创伤(GCS13分~15分),占81.6%。脑震荡是最常见的损伤类型,占299例。患者最常见合并有颌面部损伤。所有住院病人中无死亡病例,植物生存占5.2%,重度残疾占3.9%,中度残疾占10.9%,恢复良好占80.0%。spearman等级相关分析显示,患者的出院GOS评分与入院GCS评分和运动类型显著相关(P〈0.001);而年龄与GOS无显著相关性。结论在我国华东地区,运动相关颅脑创伤高发于参与对抗性运动的中青年男性,脑震荡是最常见的损伤类型,患者多伴有颌面部损伤。我国相关机构应针对运动相关颅脑创伤的发病特点,制定有针对性的预防措施,以降低其发生率。  相似文献   

安在峰 《健身科学》2009,(11):22-23
(二)按摩方法 1.推摩神庭至哑门穴:用两手食指指腹部,按于神庭穴上,自神庭(图18)推摩至哑门穴(图19)15—20次。 2.分抹前额:用两拇指指腹按于额前,两拇指分抹前额(图20)10~15次。  相似文献   

在健美操训练中,腿部弹跳力量是非常重要的,更是不可缺少的身体素质之一,在跳难度动作中都离不开腿部的力量。下面针对弹跳力量进行专门的训练。 1.原地纵跳 两臂由下向上摆,踝关节、膝关节,由曲到伸,起跳后梗头稍含胸,落地后踝关节、膝关节缓冲(图1)。 2.单脚跳 用前脚掌着地,快速起跳。可先左脚连续向前跳20米,然后换右脚先前跳20米(图2)。 3.原地双脚跳上体操凳 跳起时两腿伸直跳上体操凳,然后立即跳下(图3)。 4.原地深蹲跳 向下深蹲后迅速向上跳起(图4)。 5.向前蛙跳 手背在身后,腿向下深蹲,然后迅速向前跳起…  相似文献   

一、临床资料本组236例,男97例,女139例。年龄最小的29岁,最大的72岁,其中36~52岁212例,占病例总数的90%。病程最短15天,最长26年。根据临床症状、体征,结合X线平片诊断为颈型颈椎病86例(占36.45%);神经根型68例(占28.8%);椎动脉型23例(占9.75%);混合型59例(占25%)。二、治疗方法(一)推拿按摩手法抚摩法:医者站位于患者侧后方,用手掌或指腹在局部作来回摩动,力量宜轻,只作用于皮肤,是按摩的准备手法。揉法:是用手指指腹或大小鱼际肌贴放于局部,作轻揉和缓慢回旋揉动。揉捏法:手成钳形,将掌面及各指…  相似文献   

陈健 《上海集邮》2013,(12):41-43,F0002
美国切利斯通·2013.1.9-10 意大利在华客邮北京第一次加盖50分改作20分新轻贴,附有Raybaudi汪朽,1.4万元(美元,另加15%佣金,本节下同)。北京第二次加盖5里拉改作2元新轻贴上品(图1),存世仅15枚,附有Alberto Diccla证书,3.25万元。  相似文献   

采用蒙医外治手法结合外敷利比巴拉珠尔散治疗急、慢性软组织损伤及骨质增生、在节炎225例,经3个疗程(3天为1个疗程)观察,其中治愈191例,占84.9%;显效28例,占12.4%;无效6例,占2.7%。结果提示,蒙医手法及蒙药利比巴粒珠尔治疗和康复急、慢性软组织损伤具有重要的临床作用。  相似文献   

400米和500码项目的训练(Train.ingfor400Mand500YdEvents)据测算,持续时间在15~20分钟的运动项目,无氧能力的贡献率为14%(Darabos,Bulbulian,andWilcox1984)。而对400米或500码比赛项目来说,无氧代谢贡献率可能在30~40%之间。因此,无氧能力较强的长距离运动员在中距离项目上有优势。  相似文献   

目的:观察中药熏蒸疗法对青少年足球运动员踝前撞击综合征的疗效。方法:将24例患者随即分为对照组、理疗组及中药熏蒸组,每组8例。对照组不做处理;理疗组采用超短波治疗,每次治疗30min,每日1次,治疗10次;中药熏蒸组采用中药熏蒸,每次治疗30min,每日1次,治疗10次。疗效评价采用AOFASY足踝评分和Myotonometer测试系统检测踝关节肿胀,结果:理疗组和中药熏蒸组的治疗都有效(P〈0.05),但中药熏蒸组的疗效更好(P〈0.05):结论:理疗纽和中药熏蒸组的治疗效果较对照组有明显疗效,其中中药熏蒸组的疗效更好,  相似文献   

于越  阮槟  高颀 《体育科研》2018,(1):93-98
踝关节扭伤被认为是最常发生的反复损伤。32%~74%的急性踝关节扭伤患者会转变为慢性踝关节不稳。由于慢性踝关节不稳的专业术语、定义以及在ICF(International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health)模式下的损伤因素均未达成统一看法,研究人员及临床从业者对其了解甚少。基于国际足踝联盟(International Ankle Consortium)提出的慢性踝关节不稳筛选标准、Hertel提出的慢性踝关节不稳模型及Hiller改良后的模型,为今后慢性踝关节不稳的相关研究提供筛选标准并针对性指导临床治疗。  相似文献   


We investigated the effects of static stretch duration on peak isometric plantarflexor moment and passive ankle moment in seven healthy volunteers. After the passive ankle plantarflexor moment was recorded on an isokinetic dynamometer, the peak isometric ankle moment was measured with simultaneous electromyographic monitoring of the medial gastrocnemius. The participants subsequently performed a single 5-s stretch, a single 15-s stretch, four 5-s stretches, four 15-s stretches or no stretch (control) before being re-tested. All participants randomly completed each condition with a 24-h rest between tests. The main finding of the study was a significant correlation between reductions in peak moment and stretch duration (r=0.68; P<0.05), which became significantly different from the control group after four 15-s stretches (16.7%, s=5.3; P<0.05). There was a similar decrease in passive moment (20.9%, s=1.3; P<0.05) after each stretch condition, but this was not accompanied by a change in hysteresis. The electromyographic activity recorded during maximal plantarflexion did not change significantly after stretching. Our results are the first to show a duration-dependent effect of stretch on force (moment) production of the plantarflexors. Further research is required to elucidate the mechanisms responsible, as alterations in the stiffness properties of the muscle–tendon complex or muscle recruitment cannot completely explain the changes.  相似文献   

Biomechanical differences in double poling (DP) between sex and performance level were investigated in female and male cross-country skiers during a classical race (10/15 km). Skiers were divided into faster and slower on basis of race performance: females faster (n=20), females slower (n=20), males faster (n=20), and males slower (n=20). Based on video analysis while DP in a flat section of the track, joint and pole angles at pole plant (PP) and pole-off, cycle characteristics and the use and coordination pattern of heel-raise (raise of heels from the ground to have a higher body position at PP) were analysed. Faster females and males had 4.3% and 7.8% higher DP velocity than their slower counterparts (both P<0.001). Faster males had 6.5% longer cycles than slower males (P<0.001). Faster skiers stopped heel-raise later than slower skiers (females: 2.0±3.4% vs. ?1.0±3.5%, P<0.05; males: 3.9±2.4% vs. 0.8±3.2% of cycle time in relation to PP, P<0.001). At PP, faster skiers and male skiers had a smaller pole angle and greater ankle to hip and ankle to shoulder angle with respect to vertical, resulting in a more distinct forward body lean. However, the majority of the differences are likely due to higher DP velocity.  相似文献   


Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries and as a response, clinicians often use external ankle taping prophylactically to reduce the prevalence of injuries. External ankle taping techniques have been shown to significantly reduce passive ankle range of motion; however, there is limited research on the effects of external ankle taping on lower extremity kinematics or kinetics during sport specific tasks. Therefore, our objective was to compare the effects of external ankle taping on ankle, knee and hip kinematics and kinetics compared to no taping during an anticipated sidestep cutting task and a straight sprint task. We conducted a cross-over laboratory study with 16 healthy males. Three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics were collected with a motion capture system and in-ground force plate during 5 trials of a sprint and anticipated side-step cut with or without external ankle taping. Group means and associated 90% confidence intervals were plotted across 100 data points for each task, significance being identified when the confidence intervals did not overlap for three consecutive data points. No significant kinetic or kinematic differences were identified between conditions for the tasks. External ankle taping does not influence lower extremity biomechanics during a control cutting task.  相似文献   

研究目的 :了解太极拳训练疗法与普通运动疗法对踝关节骨折后僵硬的康复治疗效果的区别 ,进一步探讨采用中药熏洗配合太极拳训练对踝关节骨折后僵硬的康复治疗作用。研究方法 :将 40例踝关节骨折性质、程度、部位、复位方法及效果等基本相同的患者随机分为三组 ,采用中药熏洗配合太极拳训练作为其功能康复手段的为A组 ,共 1 4例 :太极拳训练作为康复手段的为B组 ,共 1 3例 ;普通运动康复的为C组 ,共 1 3例。经不同方法康复治疗 3个月后 ,采用关节测角器测得伤踝康复后的活动度 (主要为背伸与跖屈的角度 ) ,通过统计学t检验进行差异显著性比较。研究结果 :A组的效果优于B组 (P <0 .0 5) ,B组的效果优于C组 (P <0 .0 5) ,A组与C组差异非常显著 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 :为了使踝关节骨折后的活动度得到充分恢复 ,关节不至僵化 ,中药熏洗配合太极拳训练同时进行是一种更好的康复疗法  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of a horizontal approach to mechanical output during drop jumps. Participants performed drop jumps from heights of 15, 30, 45, and 60 cm with zero, one, two, and three approach steps. The peak summed power during the push-off phase changed quadratically across heights (6.2 +/- 0.3, 6.7 +/- 0.4, 6.4 +/- 0.4, and 6.0 +/- 0.4 kW, respectively) driven by the ankle joint response. Summed peak power was 10% greater with an approach attributed to the knee joint response. Downward phase dorsiflexion (31%), knee flexion (35%), and peak vertical force (32%) increased with drop heights. Vertical approach force (22%) increased, while knee flexion (11%) and downward duration (17%) decreased. An approach may improve drop jump training for explosive tasks.  相似文献   

Ankle sprains are one of the most severe musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries during physical activity. Although many risk factors have been offered, it is unclear why some individuals develop noncontact ankle sprains when participating in comparable levels of physical exertion under identical environmental conditions and others do not. The ACTN3 gene that encodes the α-actinin-3 protein, which is, only expressed in the Z line of fast glycolytic muscle fibres was found to associate with power/strength performance. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate whether the ACTN3 gene polymorphism is associated with noncontact acute ankle sprains. One hundred and forty-two participants with clinically diagnosed noncontact acute ankle sprains as well as 280 physically active controls participants without any history of ankle sprains were included in this case–control genetic association study. The RR genotype (odds ratio (OR) = 0.56; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.32–0.65, P = 0.011) and R allele (OR = 0.64; 95% CI, 0.37–0.68, P = 0.002) of the ACTN3 were significantly low-represented in the acute ankle sprains group compared with the control group. The ACTN3 R577X is associated with acute ankle sprains in Chinese participants in this study. This is the first study to suggest that an individual with a RR genotype is at a decreased risk of acute ankle sprains.  相似文献   

文章从日常对跆拳道高水平运动员诊治过程出发,对跆拳道运动员踝关节损伤进行统计,并对踝关节主要损伤原因进行分析,提出治疗方案与康复训练方法,为减少优秀运动员踝关节损伤发生率,保持健康及竞技水平提供理论与实践支撑。  相似文献   

ObjectiveRunning-related musculoskeletal injuries (RRMIs), especially stemming from overuse, frequently occur in runners. This study aimed to systematically review the literature and determine the incidence and prevalence proportion of RRMIs by anatomic location and specific pathology.MethodsAn electronic database search with no date beginning restrictions was performed in SPORTDiscus, PubMed, and MEDLINE up to June 2020. Prospective studies were used to find the anatomic location and the incidence proportion of each RRMI, whereas retrospective or cross-sectional studies were used to find the prevalence proportion of each RRMI. A separate analysis for ultramarathon runners was performed.ResultsThe overall injury incidence and prevalence were 40.2% ± 18.8% and 44.6% ± 18.4% (mean ± SD), respectively. The knee, ankle, and lower leg accounted for the highest proportion of injury incidence, whereas the knee, lower leg, and foot/toes had the highest proportion of injury prevalence. Achilles tendinopathy (10.3%), medial tibial stress syndrome (9.4%), patellofemoral pain syndrome (6.3%), plantar fasciitis (6.1%), and ankle sprains (5.8%) accounted for the highest proportion of injury incidence, whereas patellofemoral pain syndrome (16.7%), medial tibial stress syndrome (9.1%), plantar fasciitis (7.9%), iliotibial band syndrome (7.9%), and Achilles tendinopathy (6.6%) had the highest proportion of injury prevalence. The ankle (34.5%), knee (28.1%), and lower leg (12.9%) were the 3 most frequently injured sites among ultramarathoners.ConclusionThe injury incidence proportions by anatomic location between ultramarathoners and non-ultramarathoners were not significantly different (p = 0.798). The pathologies with the highest incidence proportion of injuries were anterior compartment tendinopathy (19.4%), patellofemoral pain syndrome (15.8%), and Achilles tendinopathy (13.7%). The interpretation of epidemiological data in RRMIs is limited due to several methodological issues encountered.  相似文献   

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