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国内学者目前对法律人的论域多限定在职业属性范围内,远不能涵盖现实生活中法律人内涵的丰富性,而且这一限定也不利于日常生活中职业性法律群体与非职业性法律群体之间的场域交流,同时也有碍于法律规则与非法律规则之间的场域交流,对于法律人与法律规则双方品格的塑造都是不利的.从"人"的角度分析,也污损了"人"作为法律规则侧面的较好形象.文章试图突破这一论域,努力拓展现实生活中法律人的实践空间,在这一更为广阔的理论背景下,以英美法律人为特例,考察法律人职业范式的轨迹.  相似文献   

研究生教育是培养拔尖创新人才的重要途径,提升研究生创新能力,是研究生教育的核心问题。以布尔迪厄场域理论为基础,聚焦研究生创新能力培养,阐述了研究生教育场域中资本属性、主体互动、惯习培养与研究生创新能力提升的关系。以中南大学“五场协同”创新实践为例,从课程场域、项目场域、平台场域、竞赛场域、交叉创新场域出发,提出了提升研究生创新能力的实践路径,介绍了取得的实践成效,试图为研究生教育研究与实践提供一个分析和诠释的新视角,并为新时期研究生创新能力培养带来启示。  相似文献   

以"中国梦"为表述的中国实践形成了现代中国的文化形象,是中华民族近代以来追求和探索"国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福"梦想的文化体现,是中国梦的文化场域。可以说,以实践为基础的中国梦的文化场域呈现的开放性、延展性、整合性及现实性都是中国社会历史进程的文化理路,是理论与实践、现实与理想、超越与具体、普遍与特殊、社会与个体的统一。开展中国梦主题教育,进行大学文化建设,形成大学生自觉的文化实践意识,对中国人实现梦想具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

场域创新下的数学活动是在创新的学习场域中进行的一种数学探索活动。在教学中,教师可以尝试顺应儿童学习的"自由性"创新问题场域,顺应儿童学习的"不厌性"创新探究场域,顺应儿童学习的"觉悟性"创新关系场域,顺应儿童学习的"转化性"创新思维场域。  相似文献   

知识资本化是知识场域与经济场域产生交集并形成知识资本化共同体的过程。在这一过程中,大学以"求真善,明致用"的学术文化为本,与"求义利,合商道"的商业文化保持一定的张力;以"在矛盾中共生"为理念,形成在规范中求创新的大文化观。  相似文献   

乡村教育发展的关键在于乡村教师,教师对于乡村教育职业特性的适应程度直接影响其专业发展。当前,乡村教师专业发展普遍面临着"自身"与"场域"脱节的困境。为此,应立足于乡村教师所在场域的特点,结合其自身专业发展的需求取向,通过重视场域引领制度支持,基于场域实践加强高校辅助以及依托场域情感引导的舆论宣传等途径,结合场域内外多维力量,提高乡村教师的场域适应性,更好地促进乡村教师专业发展。  相似文献   

中国要实现高等教育大国向高等教育强国转变必须重视大学文化生态建设,实现大学文化生态治理。文化不同于文明,它总是与生态相辅相成,大学文化生态既是历史的,也是现实的。大学文化生态的演变常常会带来大学治理的变化,是历史与传承、创新与内生的统一。随着信息时代到来,大学形成了独特的虚拟空间场域,这既给大学文化生态带来了冲击,也为重构提供现实可能和新的治理路径。大学的精神网络是大学文化生态发展之魂,纵观两千多年来,大学发展变革的历史,大学精神都是大学的核心追求。在信息时代,大学文化生态治理逐步从抽象走向具体、从内隐趋于外显,依据场域理论,借助虚拟的"信息网络",构建大学的"精神网络",形成"教学文化场域""学术文化场域"和"管理文化场域"的"三域两网"分析构型将是大学文化生态治理架构的路径选择。  相似文献   

国内对农民的性别偏好及其生育行为的相关研究对个人与结构、微观与宏观之间的学术断裂未能提供更有效的解释路径,布迪厄的实践理论为此提供了新的研究范式。文章在对"场域""惯习"重新理解的基础上,引入"阶层""资本"概念,对农民生育性别偏好行为进行微观剖析。研究发现:在村庄场域中,生育惯习是一种生育行为的"实践感",也是一种历史沉淀的群体认知和记忆;农民的生育惯习是一种策略性与选择性的实践过程;在同一场域和惯习中,不同阶层的"精英分子"和"村民百姓"对性别偏好的理解具有不同的选择性和差异性。  相似文献   

创新的场域分别是指创新的内部结构和外部环境。创新场是由创新者、创新方法和创新果三个要素构成的。创新域主要由"自然域"和"社会域"两大部分组成,"社会域"又可以细分为经济域、政治域、文化域等。创新场和创新域的相互关系可以分为对立关系、统一关系和追随关系。存在于创新场域之间的对话、沟通、协作是塑造未来的关键。  相似文献   

以布迪厄的场域、惯习和资本等基本理论,分析研究在高等教育阶段,大学英语教学中引入人文教学的重要性.具体的实践策略是通过培养生产性双语认知,唤醒学生对自我"惯习"的认知,进而改变思维角度和世界观,最终使高校场域和社会场域的资本分配发生变化,使场域再生产朝良性方向发展.  相似文献   

利用凝聚态物理学方法研究了处于静电平衡状态的带电体周围空间静电场能量的来源问题,讨论了改变导体内价电子在晶格势场中电势能的方式,得出了改变价电子密度、加热和使导体载流等三种方式均可以改变价电子在晶格势场中电势能的结论。进一步分析了处于静电平衡状态的导体周围空间的静电场能量来源的问题,得出了静电场能量来源于导体内载流子在晶格势场中电势能变化量的结论。  相似文献   

针对质子在磁场中运动聚焦的问题(2010年江苏高考物理第9题),分析了附加磁场的边界形状以及其与原磁场方向的关系,发现附加磁场边界与质子进入磁场速度的方向、附加磁场的大小和方向等有明确关系。对文献[2]中关于附加磁场方向不确定的观点给予否定。  相似文献   


BSW and MSW students' evaluations of their field instructors and these individuals' use of various supervisory skills and assignments were assessed early in the field placement. Skills that directly enhanced students' learning in the field were most influential. Supervisory activities that introduced students to the agency and what would be expected of them were particularly helpful. Differences in first-time and second-year students' reactions suggest that students' learning needs vary, based on their prior experience with and understanding of the field. The findings also suggest the need for training to help field instructors make the transition from social work practitioner to social work educator.  相似文献   

模糊语言在人们生活中大量存在,由于其语义的模糊性,而产生了一系列的语用效果。对于民间文学田野作业调查法来说尤显重要,因为模糊语言是获得被调查人群认可的先导,在田野调查中模糊语言的运用要以情感为动力。田野作业的成功与否,灵活地运用模糊语言是个关键。  相似文献   

田径是体育教学中的一个基础项目,其能够锻炼学生的耐力、柔韧性,有助于学生身体发育.就我国而言,田径教学从小学到大学都是体育教学的一个基础性教学性项目.虽然如此,但是目前我国高等院校田径教学还存在一些不可忽视的问题,这些问题直接导致田径教学效果差.为了进一步提高田径教学效果,本文提出了“优化田径课堂内容,增加课堂让趣味性”这个途径来解决这些问题.  相似文献   

文章从静电场力作功的特点出发,说明静电场是保守力场。然后通过与高斯定理比较,阐述了静电场环路定理在静电场中的地位。并通过两个典型例子说明静电场环路定理的应用。  相似文献   

国内关于语义场的研究主要集中在词汇教学、写作教学、翻译、语义场与语义模糊性等几个方面,而对语义场理论关照下的修辞研究却为数不多。因此在本文中,我们以《论语》研究为例,跳出往常人们从译本对比和修辞手法的研究角度,选择在语义场理论下考察《论语》中的修辞现象的研究角度,或许可以为《论语》的解读提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

By using the theory of measured phase operator proposed by Barnett and Pegg,dynamic properties of phase of a field are studied.The time evolution and squeezing of measured phase opoerators of a coherent field ineracting with a two-level atom in the cavity with or without the Kerr medium are investigated.The influences of virtual cavity field on squeezing of measured phase operator are studied.Our numerical results show that the squeezing effects are clearly influenced Kerr medium parameters,the field intensity,and the detuning.Moreover,the influence of the virtual-photon field makes more quantum noise in the evolution of measured phase opoerators.  相似文献   

Labels and Labelling in the Field of Educational Leadership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on theorising based on developing histories of the field of educational leadership in higher education in the UK. These histories are being constructed through the collection of professional biographies of field members, reading the outputs of the field in the form of journals and books, and analysing the papers from the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society. In this paper I focus on how the field has changed its label over the last forty years from “educational administration” to “educational management”, and more recently “educational leadership”, and the link between labels and knowledge claims. In particular I argue that while there is a continuity of knowledge underpinning this relabelling process there is also a mutation in the form of management in education that has become performance leadership in schools. The latter is official government policy and practitioners are being located in an all‐embracing training framework. The paper argues that knowing about knowledge claims and field labels is an important means by which we can control our practice and identities. Through Bourdieu's theory of practice I describe and explain the development of the field and the struggle to be located and to stay located within higher education. By putting Bourdieu to work in this way I also seek to analyse how habitus and field can contribute to the development of explanatory frameworks regarding the power structures underpinning knowledge production.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly assumed that Paulo Freire was widely influential in the field of education in the United States immediately upon publication of his classic work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, in 1970, the historical evidence indicates otherwise. In fact, Freire's work only began to gain wide reception in the field in the mid- and late 1980s. In the process of charting a new history of the reception of Freire's work in the field, this historical article illuminates contemporary issues with the use of Freire's ideas in educational conversations about social structure and agency. In particular, the article seeks to renew a close, contextual read of Freire's texts, especially Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and invigorate discussion about Freire's primary claim—that education must be the central feature of building movements for radical social change. Similarly, the article seeks to renew attention to the structural concerns that initiated the turn towards critical Marxist scholarship in the field—concerns about the relationship between school and society in the United States that the initial wave of critical scholars knew must be addressed before fully engaging ideas about the ways in which schools may participate in the push for social change.  相似文献   

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