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数学史融人课堂教学可以活跃学习氛围,激发学生学习的兴趣;使学生在了解数学价值的同时缩短心理上接受某一观念的时间.荷兰数学教育家弗莱登塔尔在谈及数学史的教育价值时,认为“年轻的学习重蹈人类的学习过程,尽管方式改变”,所以教学应该通过数学史的融入,将“冰冷的美丽转化为火热的发现”.另一位数学史家M·克莱因更是深刻地指出,“数学史是教学的指南”.[第一段]  相似文献   

数学学习活动应该是生动活泼的、主动的、富有个性的,有利于学生各方面品质在课堂上得到发展的。由此笔者认为,在数学教学中要强调让学生“做数学“,通过“做数学”让学生体验、理解正确的数学思想和方法,使数学学习不仅成为增长知识的过程,也成为学生情感、态度、价值和谐发展的过程。以下就“求最值问题”这一课的教学谈谈笔者的几点做法。  相似文献   

“做数学”是目前数学教育的一个重要观点,它强调学生学习数学是一个现实的体验、理解和反思的过程。小学数学学习方式应该多样化,现实的、有趣的、探索性的数学学习活动应该成为数学学习的主要形式之一。因此,小学生的数学学  相似文献   

学习不仅仅是学生认知方式的改变,也是学生学习情感、学习取向形成的过程。学生怎样投入数学学习,甚至比学习何种数学知识更为重要。数学教师的任务不仅要使学生获得知识和发展能力,而且要关注学生的数学学习过程,特别是应该充分重视学生在数学学习中的情感投入,提倡具有愉悦感、充实感的数学学习活动,提倡培养学生对数学学习的“丰富的感觉”,在教学过程中不断地给学生以“有趣”和“成功”的体验,使其逐渐形成正确的学习态度和坚强的意志。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》指出:有效的数学学习活动不能单境地依赖模仿与记忆,动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。经过几年的课改,广大教师对数学课堂合作学习进行了深入的研究。本文就小学数学学生课外合作学习进行初步探索。在新课程中,已完成了从“以教师为中心”到“以学生为主体”的转变。在这一转变过程中主渠道仍然是课堂教学,但应该加强学生课外自主学习的教育与指导,使学生的数学学习从“封闭”转向“开放”,从“单一”转向“全方位”,从“被动”转向“主动”,从“学会”转向“会学”,从而全面提高学生素质,实现素质教育目标。  相似文献   

杨华 《教育》2007,(12)
应该从学生的生活实际出发,从生活中挖掘有数学价值的素材,让多彩的生活成为学生学习数学的“源头活水”,成为学生学习数学的“大课堂”,使学生学习生活中的数学,学习“自己的数学”,让数学学习更具有灵性与魅力。  相似文献   

中学数学教学大纲把“使学生成创新意识”作为教学目的之一,要求教师“要激发学生学习数学的好奇心和求知欲”,使数学学习“成为再发现、再创造的过程”。数学课堂教学中实施“创新教育”,主要有三项内容:培养学生的创新意识,训练学生的创新思维,开发学生创新能力。  相似文献   

《课程标准》特别提出数学教学是数学活动的教学,数学活动是学生经历数学化过程的活动,是学生自己构建知识的活动,这充分表明学生应该是数学学习的主人。那么如何组织教学,怎样体现“学生是学习的主人”,怎样实现“人人学有价值的数学,人人都能获得必需的数学,不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展”,如何使学生不仅“喜欢数学”而且“会做数学”,真正使学生在情感、  相似文献   

数学教学的价值与教学教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨骞  涂荣豹 《学科教育》2003,(2):5-8,13
历史上每一次重大的数学教育改革,无不关涉到数学教育价值的抉择与建构;数学教育的“训练价值”与“实用价值”、“知识价值”与“能力价值”一直处在“钟摆”与“嬗变”之中;新世纪的数学教育、尤其是数学课程改革,应该把握住数学的本质特征和根本特点,在提高学生的数学素质(数学知识、技能和思想、方法,数学概括、抽象和推理、证明能力等)的基础之上,促进学生理性和非理性充分、和谐地发展。  相似文献   

一般认为,数学的能力分为两种水平:一种是独立创造具有社会价值的数学新成果的能力;一种是在数学学习过程中学习数学的能力。中学阶段应该培养学生怎样的数学能力呢?无疑首先应该培养学生的“数学学习能力”,但是学习数学的最终目的却是数学的运用与创新。当前教育的症结就在于教师太重视学生的学习能力,  相似文献   

Teachers in higher education throughout the world are making use of course-management systems (CMS) to support their courses. None of these teachers grew up with using a CMS; they must themselves learn how to use them effectively at the same time that they are using them with their students. While institutions commonly provide some sort of introductory workshop for CMS use, these workshops have limitations in terms of their transfer value into practice. In this paper we discuss an example of embedded justin-time support within the CMS itself to help teachers learn how to use a CMS efficiently but also so that both they and their students can take on new roles in the learning process. A new form of computer-based support for teaching and learning has emerged since the late 1990s. It is a system of integrated tools that makes use of both database and web functionalities in order to make a web environment available to support a course or learning event. One name for such a system is a course-management system (CMS). Course-management systems are new tools for teachers and thus teachers must learn how to use them in a technical sense as well as in a meaningful sense. By meaningful, we mean not only to increase the efficiency of participating in a course but also to enrich and extend learning processes.  相似文献   

成人教育有其特有的自身规律。任课教师要根据成人教育的特点进行教学工作 ;要站在专业的角度去研究课程 ,搞清所授课程在专业培养目标中的位置和作用 ;要依照专业课程教学大纲去认真钻研教材 ,确定教学方案 ;要根据学员实际组织教学 ,特别要注意帮助学员正确处理工作和学习之间的矛盾 ;要把指导学员自学作为自己的一项重要任务认真抓好 ;教学中 ,要严于律己 ,率先垂范 ,树立良好的师德师风  相似文献   

高职学生数学学习状况剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过课堂听课、查看作业、测试分析、课后访谈、调查问卷等方式,考察高职学生数学学习状况,发现有相当一部分的学生数学学习习惯存在问题,学习态度不够积极,男生的问题多于女生。认为应进一步帮助学生增强自信心,转变数学学习方式,注重数学思想、方法的教学,培养学生良好的数学学习习惯,提升学生的数学学习品质是高职数学教育所面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

数学学习的性别差异一直是人们关心的问题。PISA 2012测评结果显示,虽然天津男生与女生数学学习成绩不存在差异,但男女生数学学习的驱动力、动机和自我信念还是有明显差异。与男生相比,女生学习的坚持性、问题解决的开发性、对自身解决数学问题能力的自信更差,而数学焦虑更强,更倾向于将数学学习失败的责任归咎于自身以外的因素。  相似文献   

This article explains how teachers might navigate inquiry learning despite the experience of a constant tension between abandoning their students and controlling them. They do this by conceiving of themselves as guides who decide the path with students, not for them. I build on a conception of teaching as guiding from Burbules, and argue that inquiry teachers should take the particular stance of an expedition-educator (rather than the stance of either a tour-leader or an expedition-leader). They should guide students to make progress during co-inquiry, rather than leading them to follow the teacher’s agenda. This stance gives a heuristic they can use to balance control and abandonment in their pedagogical practice—they judge which pedagogical actions to take, and when, according to which actions are likely to help their students to engage in autonomous inquiry and hence learn to guide themselves. Students thus can learn to inquire by participating in an inquiry which is guided, but not controlled, by their teacher.  相似文献   

The use of computers and technology in mathematics education affects students’ learning, achievements, and affective dimensions. This study explores prospective Turkish primary mathematics teachers’ views about the use of computers in mathematics education. The sample comprised of 129 fourth-year prospective primary mathematics teachers from two different universities in Turkey. Data consisting of participants’ written responses were qualitatively analyzed and categorized according to TPACK. Results show that the prospective teachers’ views about computers and their use in mathematics are usually positive. They enjoy working with computers, even though they are only able to perform relatively minor calculations with computers. They stated that improved use of computers can help them to learn and teach mathematics more effectively. However, they did not feel confident about their ability to teach mathematics using computers.  相似文献   

学习型社会要求大学生必须具备自主学习的能力。培养高师学生心理学课程自主学习能力,要善于激发学生学习兴趣,使学生"想学";增设互动方式,使学生体验"能学";指导学习策略,使学生"会学";巧用"登门槛效应",让学生"坚持学"。  相似文献   

In most counseling classes, entering students are very eager to learn techniques and theories of counseling. It is as if the students believe that these techniques will then enable them to be good counselors. If students were to succeed at their initial intention—the mastery of counseling theory and technique—all they would have are tools to distance them from their clients. In essence, the students would have the tools to work on clients and not with them. This article comments on the paradoxical nature of the teaching of counseling theory. The article demonstrates that what is correct are people and not the image people have of themselves. What is correct are the counselor's feelings between his or her clients and him or her. All counselors need do is pay attention to the correctness of their own responses to each client. They can only take a client as far along the road as they have traveled. All counselors really need to know is themselves. At this point their imperfections may be viewed as perfect and they need not depend on theories of counseling.  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育需要从改革评价机制入手,实现全面衡量、有效评价,切实调动教育对象的主观能动性和勇于竞争的积极性,并确立起自主选择、兴趣导向、全面发展、主动学习、终身学习的良好习惯。  相似文献   

通过对黔东南民族地区高中数学教师的问卷调查与分析,知道教师在实施新课程的过程中,充分肯定了新课程的理念新,具有亲和力,体现时代性与应用性,关注学生数学发展的不同需求,但新教材内容多、跨度大、问题多,教学任务难以完成.新课程学习中学生的负担、学生自主学习和应用信息技术等情况,在民族地区高中数学新课程的改革成为问题.  相似文献   

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