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认知神经科学通过将脑成像技术和认知心理学的实验范式结合起来,探索人类的行为的深层机制.大脑作为学习的主要器官,是认识神经科学的主要研究对象.认知神经科学关注学习所激活的脑区、神经回路以及激活的时程,从神经活动的层面上阐述学习的机制.大脑学习机制的阐明可以帮助教育工作者改进教学方法,为教育学奠定科学的基础.认知神经科学还...  相似文献   

认知神经科学的飞速发展为教育理论和实践研究注入了新的活力,而基于脑的教育将会进一步揭示隐藏在学习背后的内部机制.通过从语言学习、阅读、数学认知和学习情绪等几个方面切入来探讨认知神经科学对教育实践的影响,并揭示在认知神经科学视角下衍生出的基于脑的教育理论之意义,并对该趋势的未来研究前景做了展望.  相似文献   

脑科学研究的教育意涵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自 2 0世纪 90年代“脑的十年”计划以来 ,脑科学研究取得了长足的进步 ,本文试图 :(1)说明脑的总体工作原理 ;(2 )依据认知神经科学的最新研究分析所谓“右脑开发”之不可能性 ;(3)结合多元智能理论 ,提出一些激发脑神经生长的建议 ;(4 )总结脑科学或认知神经科学的十项成果 ,包括早期经验建构的重要性、大脑与年龄的关系、内隐记忆、语言获取、多种工作记忆的存在、演绎推理的心理模型的存在、意识、思维模式、人脑加工的独特性、智力等 ,分析其对教育活动产生的意义。  相似文献   

发展认知神经科学视野中的学前第二语言教学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
幼儿园外语教学热方兴未艾.本文从发展认知神经科学的角度出发,通过利用脑成像技术得到的研究成果,分析了学前儿童语言习得的特点及第二语言学习和脑的关系,进而分析了发展认知神经科学对学前第二语言教学的启示.  相似文献   

在过去的十几年里,发展认知神经科学已成为儿童发展科学和认知神经科学研究的一个热门领域。专家们预测发展认知神经科学将成为未来几十年里研究儿童语言发展与大脑关系的一个崭新而充满挑战的领域。尽管有关儿童语言习得的发展认知神经科学研究还存在着许多难点,但随着脑成像技术的发展,特别是功能磁共振成像和高密度的脑电、脑磁等方法的运用,这一领域已经取得了丰硕的研究成果。本文将就儿童语言习得的发展认知神经科学研究最新进展与儿童语言教育的关系作一介绍。一、儿童早期如何习得语言语言教育是幼儿教育的重要内容和基础,但幼儿语…  相似文献   

本文根据现代脑科学及认知神经科学的研究成果,阐述了学习的脑开发机制和汉字学习的脑开发特殊机制,提出了早期汉字学习的六大脑开发原则:1.及早开发原则;2.积极状态原则;3.环境濡染原则;4.分步渐进原则;5.整体—分解—联想识字原则;6.语文素质和谐发展原则,并对这些原则的内涵和脑机制予以论述.  相似文献   

“否定”是语言理解及认知表征研究的重要组成部分.随着认知神经科学的迅速发展,否定加工的神经心理学研究引起了心理语言学研究者的极大兴趣,这为否定理解研究提供了新的视角.首先从认知神经科学的角度分析了否定加工过程与机制的理论解释;接着,从否定句法复杂性和否定辖域内信息的通达性两方面综述了否定是如何影响语言加工的认知神经科学研究;最后,指出了否定加工研究中需要重点关注的几个问题.  相似文献   

认知神经科学是从脑神经的层面对认知进行研究的学科,是学习科学的一个重要领域,主要关注感知觉、选择性注意、记忆、语言、情绪和意识等的神经机制。本文介绍了认知神经科学的产生、发展、学科建设情况以及部分知名学者,并对其定义、特点、研究方法与技术进行了讨论;同时还介绍了该领域的一个知名研究机构———卓越学习中心的概况、六个在研项目、三个主要的合作实验室和学术成就;最后介绍了认知神经科学的三个新近研究,并对该学科与教育的关系及其发展进行了评述。  相似文献   

认知神经科学研究成果有助于解释婴幼儿学习的内在机制,但目前早期教育实践对其研究成果有夸大和误用的现象.这种现象某种程度直接导致了早期教育“小学化”的出现.脑是学习的物质基础,婴幼儿脑的早期发展之关键是保护和促进其生理成熟.应该根据婴幼儿大脑、小脑和脑干等脑的发育机制特点为其选择和安排适宜的学习.  相似文献   

右脑开发是广为流传的神经神话,对科学研究和教育都具有极大的危害.右脑神话源起于大脑左右两半球优势的说法,广为流传有着其复杂的原因,概括起来有三个方面:一是由于脑科学研究本身的内在局限性;二是传播中错误推论、无意简化的因素影响;三是商业炒作有意曲解的外在推力.因此,需要对教育中流传的右脑神话进行分析批判,认识其中的谬误:脑与认知科学研究证实“左右脑优势”的错误;大脑用进废退的机制证明“10%论断”的错误.  相似文献   

在教育神经科学领域,我们需要可靠的脑科学知识为学与教奠定坚实的基础。在教学实践中,应该尊重学生的兴趣以及他们独特的学习通路。在教育神经科学中,我们已经创建了一种通用的量表来评估孩子们的认知发展以及他们在校学习,这种评价重视对学生学习的支持与促进。在教育神经科学的研究中,重要的是,科学家与教育工作者相互合作,建立研究型学校,将心智、脑与教育领域的知识联系起来,以支持并促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

This report provides an overview of neuroscience research that is applicable for science educators. It first offers a brief analysis of empirical studies in educational neuroscience literature, followed by six science concept learning constructs based on the whole brain theory: gaining an understanding of brain function; pattern recognition and consciousness; mind maps, mnemonics and other learning devices; concrete multisensory experience; higher-order creative reasoning via a multimedia-infused environment and positive emotion in educational settings. It is vital to the future of results-based education that discoveries regarding the cognitive learning process are taken into consideration when designing instruction. This research offers science educators neuroscience-backed information as a foundation to develop results-oriented curricula and teaching methods. Future research could further extend an empirically driven education system.  相似文献   

What does contemporary neuroscience offer educational practice? The promise seems immense, as we come to understand better how the brain learns. However, critics caution that only a few concrete implications for practice have emerged, nowhere near a rewrite of the craft of teaching and learning. How then can we understand better the relationship between neuroscience and educational practice? It is argued here that to speak to the classroom neuroscience has to shout across two gaps. The first and most familiar are different levels of explanation. The second concerns the epistemological contrast between explanation theories and action theories, roughly the contrast between basic science on the one hand and engineering science and craft on the other. Just as we do not expect Newton's laws in their fundamental generality to deliver specific designs for pocket watches and grandfather clocks, neither should we expect fundamental neuroscience to radically redesign particular practices of teaching and learning grounded in educational research and experience.  相似文献   

The Department of Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota and the Science Museum of Minnesota have developed and implemented a successful program for middle school (grades 5-8) science teachers and their students, called Brain Science on the Move. The overall goals have been to bring neuroscience education to underserved schools, excite students about science, improve their understanding of neuroscience, and foster partnerships between scientists and educators. The program includes BrainU, a teacher professional development institute; Explain Your Brain Assembly and Exhibit Stations, multimedia large-group presentation and hands-on activities designed to stimulate student thinking about the brain; Class Activities, in-depth inquiry-based investigations; and Brain Trunks, materials and resources related to class activities. Formal evaluation of the program indicated that teacher neuroscience knowledge, self-confidence, and use of inquiry-based strategies and neuroscience in their classrooms have increased. Participating teachers increased the time spent teaching neuroscience and devoted more time to "inquiry-based" teaching versus "lecture-based teaching." Teachers appreciated in-depth discussions of pedagogy and science and opportunities for collegial interactions with world-class researchers. Student interest in the brain and in science increased. Since attending BrainU, participating teachers have reported increased enthusiasm about teaching and have become local neuroscience experts within their school communities.  相似文献   

The primary goal of the emerging field of educational neuroscience and the broader movement called Mind, Brain, and Education is to join biology with cognitive science, development, and education so that education can be grounded more solidly in research on learning and teaching. To avoid misdirection, the growing worldwide movement needs to avoid the many myths and distortions in popular conceptions of brain and genetics. It should instead focus on integrating research with practice to create useful evidence that illuminates the brain and genetic bases as well as social and cultural influences on learning and teaching. Scientists and educators need to collaborate to build a strong research foundation for analyzing the “black box” of biological and cognitive processes that underpin learning.  相似文献   

学习与教学:一种基于脑的解读   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
脑科学研究的飞速发展正不断地为学习科学的研究注入活力。基于脑的学习的产生、原则及其内涵,教学视角下的基于脑的教学策略以及实施状况,这些都是国际教育研究领域正在探讨的前沿热点问题。基于脑的学习与教学研究对于我国的教育理论与实践有着启示意义。  相似文献   

As the brain sciences make advances in our understanding of how the human brain functions, many educators are looking to findings from the neurosciences to inform classroom teaching methodologies. This paper takes the view that the neurosciences are an excellent source of knowledge regarding learning processes, but also provides a warning regarding the idea that findings from the laboratory can be directly transposed into the classroom. The article proposes a model of five levels which describe different types of knowledge that must all contribute to new teaching methodologies. These include the levels of neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, educational theory and testing, and finally the classroom.  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者对过去30年在线学习研究的研究进展。研究如何设计在线教学是将学习科学应用于教育的一个案例。在线教学设计研究有助于发展学习科学(如认知负荷理论、多媒体学习的认知理论,以及学习的元认知、动机和情感的综合),教学科学(如有研究证据的教学设计原理不断发展)和评估科学(如多侧面的迁移测试,同时辅以保持测试和自我调查报告,学习过程中的日志文件数据,以及学习认知过程中的认知神经科学测量等)。文中反复提到的观点:学习有赖于运用教学方法,而不是单凭教学媒体就能够奏效的,在线教学设计研究应该关注数字化学习环境的特性;教学实践应建立在严谨、系统的研究基础上,包括旨在确定在线教学中有效成分的增值实验;在线学习研究应确定教学技术最有效的边界条件;在线学习研究应该起到检验和发展学习理论的作用。  相似文献   

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