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The aim of this study was to examine: 1) whether sport supplement use is related to doping and 2) whether sport supplement beliefs mediated this relationship. In Study 1, athletes (N = 598), completed measures of sport supplement use, sport supplement beliefs, and doping attitudes. In Study 2, athletes (N = 475) completed measures of sport supplement use, sport supplement beliefs, and doping likelihood. In both studies, sport supplement use predicted doping outcomes indirectly via sport supplement beliefs. Our findings provide novel evidence to suggest that sport supplement users, who strongly believe that sport supplements are effective, are more likely to dope. For anti-doping organisations wishing to prevent doping, targeting an athlete’s beliefs about sport supplements may improve the effectiveness of anti-doping prevention programmes.  相似文献   


The present study investigated athletes’ and coaches’ beliefs about the role of athletes’ entourage in deterring or promoting doping. Competitive athletes and coaches in Greece and Australia took part in semi-structured interviews. Our analysis of the interviews produced five main themes: coach influence, peer influence, doping stance, doping stigma, and entourage’s culture. Overall, coaches and peers having a close and trusty relationship with the athletes were considered most influential with respect to doping-related decisions. The majority of the athletes held a strong anti-doping stance but could not articulate why they held this position. This inability could be ascribed to the stigmatization of doping which led to lack of knowledge and anti-doping education. Finally, an anti-doping culture in the athletes’ environment was considered central to an anti-doping stance. The study findings provide valuable information towards a comprehensive understanding of the role athletes’ entourage can play in shaping athletes’ attitudes and decision for doping.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):268-279
Although the use of banned drugs in sport is not a new phenomenon, little is known about the experiences and perceptions of athletes who have committed anti-doping rule violations. This study qualitatively explored the experiences of 18 athletes (from the sports of bodybuilding, powerlifting, cricket, sprint kayak, rugby league, and swimming) who had committed anti-doping violations. Themes explored included motivations for initiating and maintaining doping, the psychology of doping, deterrents to doping, and views on current anti-doping policy. In most cases doping had started early in their careers. The perceived culture of the sport was considered central to the ‘normalization’ of doping, particularly in bodybuilding. When explaining their decision to dope, athletes engaged in processes or moral disengagement (including advantageous comparison, minimizing consequences and diffusion of responsibility). Ironically, moral arguments were perceived as the most effective deterrents to doping. Findings are discussed in relation to the difficulties in establishing credible deterrents and suggestions for the future development of anti-doping policy.  相似文献   

Background:Determining the prevalence of doping in sport might be useful for anti-doping authorities to gauge the effectiveness of anti-doping policies implemented to prevent positive attitudes toward doping.Using questionnaires and personal interviews,previous investigations have found that the prevalence of doping might be different among different sports disciplines;however,there is no sport-specific information about the proportion of adverse and atypical findings(AAF) in samples used for doping control.The aim of the present investigation was to assess the differences in the frequency of adverse analytical and atypical findings among sports using the data made available by the World Anti-Doping Agency.Methods:The data included in this investigation were gathered from the Testing Figures Reports made available annually from 2003 to 2015 by the World Anti-Doping Agency.These Testing Figures Reports include information about the number of samples analyzed,the number of AAFs reported,and the most commonly found drugs in the urine and blood samples analyzed.A total of 1,347,213 samples were analyzed from the individual sports selected for this investigation,and 698,371 samples were analyzed for disciplines catalogued as team sports.Results:In individual sports,the highest proportions of AAF were 3.3%±1.0% in cycling,3.0%±0.6% in weightlifting,and 2.9%±0.6% in boxing.In team sports,the highest proportions of AAF were 2.2%±0.5% in ice hockey,2.0%±0.5% in rugby,and 2.0%±0.5% in basketball.Gymnastics and skating had the lowest proportions at(≤1.0%) for individual sports,and field hockey,volleyball and football had the lowest proportions for team sports(≤1.4%).Conclusion:As suggested by the analysis,the incidence of AAF was not uniform across all sports disciplines,with the different proportions pointing to an uneven use of banned substances depending on the sport.This information might be useful for increasing the strength and efficacy of anti-doping policies in those sports with the highest prevalence in the use of banned substances.  相似文献   

Many contemporary forms of doping and anti-doping developed in the 1960s regarding substances, social perception, doping and anti-doping strategies and actors. The first significant steps towards regulation were made during this period. Anti-doping in West Germany was based on the principle of partnership between sport and state. However, it was not a specifically German solution but in line with the common anti-doping strategies of most other European countries. At the same time limits and obstacles of anti-doping became apparent.  相似文献   

兴奋剂治理需要政府与体育组织共同合作。分析当前政府介入兴奋剂治理现状,以及在兴奋剂治理过程中政府与体育组织合作的阻滞因素,认为关键在于如何合理划定两者合作的界限。通过引入法社会学反身法理论,认为法律的主要任务在于促进社会子系统内部建立一种自我反思结构,而非诉诸具体细化的规范指令和高权干预,构建一种新的兴奋剂治理范式。政府可通过优化体育组织的内在话语程序,从信息、组织、权能等方面协助体育组织构建更具反思能力、半自主的兴奋剂治理体系。同时,提出反身法理论框架下兴奋剂治理策略。  相似文献   

依法行政是现代法治国家的核心,也是推进体育社会组织发展的关键因素。我国现阶段体育社会组织的发展受制于依法行政的发展,存在体育社会组织立法不健全、体育社会组织去行政化的现实困境、行政过多干预体育社会组织管理、传统文化对体育依法行政的束缚以及体育体制改革与依法行政现实冲突等诸多问题。切实推进依法行政,形成国家与体育社会组织的良性互动,不仅有利于法治国家的构建,还有利于从根本上促进体育社会组织发展。  相似文献   

研究体育社会现象必须从建立概念入手,把社会互动在体育社会学中的下位概念开发命名为体育社会互动,并将其内涵界定为"在体育文化活动中,人们为了满足和实现自身的某种需求和利益,通过一定的途径并遵循相应的规范所进行的社会交往活动"。从行动者、目标、载体、规范和环境等环节,以行动者的人数规模、群体归属、活动项目、互动目的和互动方式等为标准,从满足个体需求、传递体育信息、促成资源共享和增进社会交往等方面,分别对体育社会互动的构成要素、主要类型和实践意义进行阐述。  相似文献   

Understanding athletes’ attitudes to doping continues to be of interest for its potential to contribute to an international anti-doping system. However, little is known about the relationship between elite athletes’ attitudes to drug use and potential explanatory factors, including achievement goals and the motivational climate. In addition, despite specific World Anti-Doping Agency Code relating to team sport athletes, little is known about whether sport type (team or individual) is a risk or protective factor in relation to doping. Elite athletes from Scotland (N = 177) completed a survey examining attitudes to performance-enhancing drug (PED) use, achievement goal orientations and perceived motivational climate. Athletes were generally against doping for performance enhancement. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that task and ego goals and mastery motivational climate were predictors of attitudes to PED use (F (4, 171) = 15.81, P < .01). Compared with individual athletes, team athletes were significantly lower in attitude to PED use and ego orientation scores and significantly higher in perceptions of a mastery motivational climate (Wilks’ lambda = .76, F = 10.89 (5, 170), P < .01). The study provides insight into how individual and situational factors may act as protective and risk factors in doping in sport.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):218-230
Athlete support personnel (ASP) implement drug control policies for sport, such as anti-doping. Interviews with 39 ASP reveal how differences between policy and practice play out in their “lived experience” of anti-doping. While most ASP support the ideology underlying anti-doping at a “common sense” level (using popular drug and sporting discourses such as “drugs are bad” and sporting virtue), they are critical of anti-doping practice. Combined with no direct experience with doping, ASP saw doping as a rare event unlikely to emerge in practice. Most ASP took a laissez-faire approach to anti-doping, relying on managers to know what to do in the unlikely event of a doping incident. Despite broadly supporting the ideas of anti-doping, ASP raised concerns around implementation with regards to Athlete Whereabouts and recreational drug use. In response to hypothetical doping events, a number of ASP would seek to persuade the athlete to discontinue doping rather than meet mandatory reporting obligations. Part of this extended from conflicts between professional and anti-doping obligations (e.g. mandatory reporting and patient confidentiality). ASP demonstrate anti-doping policies are in tension with a practice that systematically normalises substance based performance enhancement early in sporting careers. Anti-doping agencies need to do more to engage with ASP as the “front line” of drug management in sport, including resolving contradictions across policies and in practice.  相似文献   

体育法治全球化的典型例证与法理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜熙 《体育学刊》2012,(3):30-36
以体育法治全球化何以可能着手,对反兴奋剂法治的全球化和国际体育仲裁实践两个体育法治全球化的典型例证进行考察,并针对两者进行法理分析。研究认为世界反兴奋剂法治和国际体育仲裁实践直接推动了体育法治全球化的发展;体育法治全球化将催生全球体育法治体系,这一体系已经演变成一种新的全球法律治理模式,并将为其它领域的国际法律和司法制度发展提供重要的范例。  相似文献   

澳门社区体育的发展模式   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
吴树斌 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):28-31
对建立符合澳门地区社会水平与澳门实际情况的“社区体育发展模式”进行了研究。研究认为:(1)在构建澳门社区体育发展模式的过程中,首先应完善社区体育组织体系。建立组织网络系统,充分发挥各级社区体育组织的功能作用,提高组织管理水平,建立一支稳定的、具有一定专业水平的社区体育指导队伍;(2)目前澳门劳工阶层与平民大众因受各种因素、条件的影响和限制,不能积极参加或无法参加社区体育活动:(3)体育场地设施的建设与使用,未能配合到社区体育的发展。对现有的体育资源,应予充分利用和开发;(4)加强与其它体育形态的合作,在互补的基础上相互支持,以求共同发展。  相似文献   

对美国纯洁体育的追梦者卢瑟·哈尔西·古利克(1865-1918)的体育思想进行了分析,结果表明:身心灵协调发展的理念、游戏是体育本质特性的哲学观和基于体育活动发展社会文化的思想等是其体育思想的主要内容;揭示了他敢为人先、推进社会组织体育文化建设和努力构建公平公正的体育底色的精神在当下依然具有教育价值。  相似文献   

论体育文化理想的和谐诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
寻求中国传统体育文化理想和奥林匹克理想的和谐元素,发觉它们能为和谐社会提供精神资源。中国传统体育文化蕴涵在中国文化的基本精神中。奥林匹克的“费厄泼赖”与“规则、秩序”追求曾被中国文化缓行或忽视,其隐喻的社会理想具有时代价值。奥运会体现奥林匹克理想,但不该承担政治斗争的重负。体育文化理想与和谐社会理想的一致性与对话基础是追求人的全面发展,并促进社会进步。体育文化理想的和谐诉求能为和谐社会的民族凝聚力、社会道德规范和良好的文化环境提供重要的精神支撑。  相似文献   

中日女子大众体育现状的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人类社会快速发展的今天,妇女在政治、经济、文化等社会各领域的作用正日趋显著,妇女的体质问题愈加受到关注。因此,增强妇女体质、增加妇女体育人口数量,对实施和完成《全民健身计划纲要》,促进体育事业的全面发展具有重要意义。将中日两国妇女大众体育现状,包括运动目的、运动项目和体育人口等作比较分析并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(5):925-936
One of the primary justifications for middle school sport is the presumed association between sport participation and school belongingness. However, concerns regarding school sport values have called this association into question. Previous researchers have focused primarily on school sport as a single entity, with far less consideration for the different policies available to guide sport management and delivery in the school context. The authors examine the association between sport participation and school belongingness under two sport policies (i.e., interscholastic and intramural). Moderated mediation analysis is used to examine the relationships underpinning this connection in both policy contexts. Results indicate differences across policy contexts related to the salience of perceived sport and academic competence. The discussion highlights intriguing implications for sport administrators regarding school sport policy, particularly as it pertains to promoting school belongingness.  相似文献   

从先秦儒、道、医三家身体观基本理论入手,探索先秦身体观语境下的中国古代体育文化研究及其现实意义。先秦时期,在不同的思想背景和治学传统下,形成了儒家社会化身体观、道家自然化身体观、医家实体化身体观;儒、道、医三家身体观各有千秋,共同筑造了中国古代先秦身体观的理论大厦,这三者分别对中国古代体育文化施加了社会化、自然化、和实体化的影响;诞生在这一片身体观土壤中的中国古代体育文化在社会伦理层面、万物自然层面及人体自身生命结构层面对当代体育文化有所补足。  相似文献   

The development of cynical attitudes towards elite sport is a core symptom of athlete burnout and has been associated with dropout from elite sport. To date, this phenomenon has mainly been studied by investigating explicit attitudes towards sport, whereas athletes’ automatic evaluations (i.e. implicit attitudes) that have been shown to influence behavior as well were not considered. This study aimed to compare explicit and implicit attitudes towards sport of young elite athletes with high (N = 24) versus low (N = 26) burnout symptoms. Using self-reported measures, general and athlete burnout symptoms were assessed. Additionally, a single-target implicit association test was administered to examine participants’ automatic evaluation of sport. Statistical analysis revealed greater emotional/physical exhaustion and sport devaluation in athletes reporting high compared to low burnout symptoms. Implicit attitudes towards sport did not significantly differ between the groups. Furthermore, no significant correlations were observed between different athlete burnout symptoms and implicit attitudes. Athletes with high burnout symptoms show a tendency to explicitly detach themselves from sport, thus fostering sport devaluation as a core symptom of athlete burnout. However, this process does not seem to be reflected in their implicit attitudes towards sport.  相似文献   

我国体育兴奋剂监管的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育兴奋剂是服药者和管理机构之间的一个博弈,服药的程度和监管力度互为反应函数,相互制约。通过博弈论的基本理论.构建了运动员和体育管理机构的混合战略博弈模型,计算出管理机构进行检查的最优战略选择和服药者服用兴奋剂的最优战略选择。并根据分析结果,提出了加大对不服药优秀运动员的奖励、加大对兴奋剂的处罚力度和降低反兴奋剂的检测成本等对策。  相似文献   

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