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英国是世界上公认的重视英才教育的国家,而且其英才教育的理念、培养和评价等体系比较成熟。本研究通过对英国3所中学的141名数学英才学生和160名普通学生进行调查,归纳了英国数学英才学生的非智力特征:"痴迷"数学,"钟情"创新;数学知识获取方式和学习方式多元化;学习自我效能感高;数学元认知能力和英才身份认同感强。  相似文献   

如何实施英才教育,是一项世界关注的议题。英国较早认识到英才教育的重要性,在英才教育方面起步较早,政府在教育政策上予以持续支持,不仅对“什么是英才学生”作了界定,还提供鉴别英才学生的国家质量标准,并对英才教育协调人开展相关培训,依托学校开展英才学生的鉴别和培养。  相似文献   

英才教育是引领知识经济发展的主力军,数学英才教育处于各国英才教育体系中的核心地位,一直是国际上研究热点之一.国外数学英才教育研究在实践方面取得了大量的研究成果:规范的入学考试;针对数学英才生设立的英才项目;课程标准多样化;高中教学大纲内容与大学数学课程内容紧密衔接;数学英才生的教材极为丰富.中国数学英才教育研究需在以下方面做出改进:建立系统的数学英才课程;设计跨学科的课程框架;鼓励教材多样化;培养精锐的数学教师队伍.  相似文献   

英国公学英才教育的主要特点探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对英国公学英才教育的主要特点进行了探析,包括独立性、封闭性、严酷性和全面性。公学的英才教育办学模式是成功的,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

相比美国、英国等发达国家英才教育的发展情况,日本的英才教育具有其独特性。英才教育在日本官方是不被认可的,而实际上则存在着各种各样的教育机会是针对英才儿童的,这使得英才教育在日本是实质上存在的。本文从"名"到"实"较为全面地梳理了日本的英才教育状况,分析了日本英才教育"有实无名"的原因,介绍了日本英才教育的相关实施举措,以期为我国的英才教育发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

数学英才教育本质上是一种分化教学,基本目标是发展学生高的数学素质,培养学生的数学观念,以形成良好的个性 品质;采用班级群体数学和分层次梯队教学两种式。  相似文献   

英才教育之忧——英才教育的国际比较与数学课程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国一贯重视英才教育,对比美、英、法等几个发达国家英才教育的各自特点和发展趋势,可以看到就我国数学学科的英才教育而言有如下3点令人担忧:(1)激烈的高考竞争导致了英才教育的异化;(2)数学竞赛越来越多的功利性使我们偏离了英才教育;(3)过度统一的标准和教材使我们难以实现英才教育.因此,我们倡导数学教育要回归数学本质.  相似文献   

英国英才教育政策:价值转向及技术保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英才教育曾因其价值指向与教育公平相悖而广遭诟病,但英国的英才教育新政策却成功地实现了价值的转向,并为这一转向设置了坚实的技术保障.英国英才教育政策价值指向的调整以及对技术保障的设置,为我国教育界提供了若干有益启示.  相似文献   

澳大利亚新南威尔士州的现代英才教育开始于20世纪70年代,目前已经形成了较为完善的英才学生教育培养体系.在英才学生的甄别方面,新南威尔士州建立了包容、公平的选拔政策与流程.对于英才学生的教育培养,新南威尔士州形成了以普通学校为主,以选拔性中学和机会课堂为辅的学校体系.与此同时,英才教育教师的培养问题在近年来不断凸显,如何完善英才教育教师的职前教育与在职培训,成为新南威尔士州英才教育发展面临的重要问题.此外,社会民众对英才教育公平性问题的质疑仍然存在.  相似文献   

数学入学考试MAT是英国重要的数学英才选拔考试,是牛津等大学数学、计算机及相关专业的入学条件之一,数学知识与方法相当于A水平核心数学C1和C2模块水平,但问题设计却不同,重在考查考生理解A水平数学的深度而非广度.MAT的命题特征是:控制运算量,解题思维多样;分层递进设计,考查数学探究能力;构建新情境,渗透数学建模思想,考核信息加工能力;因循专业所需,甄别不同数学能力.  相似文献   

数学天赋教育是数学教育改革的重要分支,美国最近20多年的数学教育改革提供了关于数学天赋教育的有价值的经验,天才班并不是培养数学天赋学生的唯一选择,数学教师必须努力在一般课堂中识别数学天赋学生并开发他们的潜能;必须学会运用基本的策略来调整课堂教学以提高对天赋学生教学的能力;必须逐步建立自己的信念,调整自己的知识结构来培养数学天赋学生。  相似文献   

通过对208名初中数优生、数困生的问卷调查,考察两类初中生数学学习投入的特点及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)数困生的数学学习投入显著低于数优生;数优生与数困生的数学学习投入有不同的变化趋势:数优生的学习投入一直维持在较高水平,而数困生的学习投入随年级的升高在逐渐下降;数困生的情感投入水平比认知投入、行为投入更低;数学学习投入的性别差异不显著。(2)社会支持、数学观和数学自我效能感对数优生、数困生的数学学习投入均具有显著影响;社会支持对数学学习投入既具有直接影响,同时也具有间接影响;数学观和数学自我效能感在社会支持和数学学习投入之间起着中介作用。  相似文献   

在有关数学资优教育的研究中,涉及较多的是对数学资优生的界定、特征、评估及培养途径,许多国家都形成了数学资优生的教育模式。其中的许多成果及实践经验对我国的数学资优教育都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Ugur Sak 《Roeper Review》2013,35(1):53-67
In this study, psychometric properties of the test of the three-mathematical minds (M3) were investigated. The M3 test was developed based on a multidimensional conception of giftedness to identify mathematically talented students. Participants included 291 middle-school students. Data analysis indicated that the M3 had a .73 coefficient as a consistency of scores. Exploratory factor analysis yielded three separate factors explaining 55% of the total variance; however, one-factor solution seems to best fit the data. The convergent validity analysis showed that M3 scores had medium to high-medium correlations with teachers' ratings of students' mathematical ability and students' ratings of their own ability and their liking of mathematics. The findings provide partial evidence for the validity of M3 test scores for the identification of mathematically gifted students.  相似文献   

Both scholars and lay persons have long debated and continue to debate the question of what makes giftedness. The type of student to whom we apply the label mathematically gifted has not always been clear. Many educators who provide leadership and adminster special programs are generalists who may lack awareness of the nature of mathematical knowledge, the role of content learning in mathematics, the nature of mathematical thinking, and the future mathematical needs of gifted students. Thus many existing programs for the gifted seem to reflect the need to “do something” rather than careful planning based on clear objectives.

This article examines the definition of mathematically gifted, discusses current practices within the field of special education for this population, and calls for an identification procedure which includes qualitative information concerning students' higher‐order reasoning skills.  相似文献   

呼吁以人为中心、凸显学生的主体地位、强调学生的自我选择和自我判断、倡导师生民主平等的关系、充分释放人的潜能和培养人的创造力,是西方人本主义教育思想的构成内容。2009年以来我国以培养学术领域拔尖创新人才为目标的"基础学科拔尖学生培养试验计划"中,"以学生为中心",学生自主学习选择权,尊重学生个性的制度,师生民主平等的关系被倡导、重视和确立,体现了人本主义的教育诉求。西方人本主义教育思想为我国拔尖人才培养观念的完善、改革的优化,提供了一种源自异域的理论参照。  相似文献   

Education in Canada is determined at the provincial level of jurisdiction. Each province and territory has a unique system of legislation and policy, although most provinces view the education of gifted students as a category of service provision under special education. The first section of this paper provides a brief, general overview of key themes that emerge from an analysis of the relevant Education Ministry documents and literature concerning gifted education and counselling within the Canadian context. Where appropriate, the particular province(s) and/or territory(s) associated with the themes is noted. The second section highlights the work of Canadian scholars most relevant to counsellors working with gifted students. A brief review of recommended counselling needs, goals, and practices for the gifted is presented in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Metaphors are devices that people employ for both poetic purposes and rhetorical elaboration and belong to the realm of extraordinary language. Metaphors are used to connect abstract ideas and information to more concrete experiences, thus making these experiences more familiar and easier to understand. Moreover, metaphors are more than symbolic intellectual processes; they influence the conceptual understanding of our experiences and help define our everyday realities. For education, there is an important and relevant practical connection between the metaphors that teachers employ and their beliefs about teaching and classroom practices. This stems from the notion that metaphors guide one’s mental framework. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the metaphors influencing teachers in gifted education, this study specifically asked teachers to describe both their metaphors concerning gifted students as well as those influencing their teaching. In this study, nine different themes were identified. This research demonstrates a clear connection between reported metaphors and how gifted students receive their education from teachers. Participants’ answers demonstrate a strong connection between their metaphors and their classroom practices. However, strict adherence to one’s root metaphor increases the chance for dogmatism in the classroom and can lead to potentially incoherent classroom differentiation and a potential disconnect between classroom practices and the actual pedagogical needs of the gifted learner.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing questions for those who study intellectually gifted students is why some of them reach peak performances at school and others don’t. Moderator theories of giftedness assume that domain-specific gifts are transformed into achievement in a process influenced by non-cognitive and environmental variables. Thus, the current study investigates differences in the non-cognitive construct motivation (achievement goals, interest, self-concept, self-efficacy, implicit theories) and perception of classroom environment (classroom structure, class climate) between mathematically gifted high achievers (n = 66) and mathematically gifted students with non-high achievement (n = 144) using a latent variable approach. Gifted high achievers expressed higher levels of motivation than non-high achievers. Furthermore, they perceived a classroom structure that provides more tasks with a focus on learning and more autonomy.  相似文献   

台湾资优教育始于1962年,到现在已有五十余年的发展历史。了解台湾地区资优教育的发展概况,探讨台湾资优学生鉴别的相关规定和程序,分析其多元化的实施模式,讨论资优教育的原因和存在的问题,以期对我们的拔尖创新人才培养有所启发。  相似文献   

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