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大气颗粒物是对人体健康危害极大的污染物。人体在大气污染的环境中进行运动,随着通气量的增加,吸入体内颗粒物数量也增多,运动者会出现一些呼吸系统功能下降的症状,对健康和运动能力造成不利的影响。针对大气颗粒物对运动者健康和运动能力造成的影响做一综述。  相似文献   

“亚健康状态”是近年来医学界提出的新概念;是人体介于健康与疾病之间的中间状态。体育运动是“亚健康状态”向健康状态转化的重要手段,对预防和改善“强健康状态”有着重要的作用。本文通过对亚健康人群的调查和研究。提供了亚健康的症状和发生机制与机体运动不足有关,并提出长期雨系统的有氧运动是走出亚健康;走向健康的最佳途径。  相似文献   

我国体育场馆是特殊群体进行训练比赛、学校体育教学、大众健身运动的公共场所,其运动过程对空气、微生物环境有特殊的要求,易成为公共群体交叉感染、传播疾病的源头。近年来由于(大环境)空气污染导致体育场馆(局部)环境安全条件因素变化,各种环境污染对运动健康造成了负效影响。列举我国已有研究成果揭示的我国部分体育场馆环境(有害空气、致病微生物菌含量)超标对身体健康的影响现象,提出研究体育运动场馆的使用安全标准预防保障条例,迫切需要建立国家体育场馆运动环境安全防控体系与预防机制模式的理论思想,防患于未然,为实现人性化绿色健身与和谐社会发展做好思想与物质准备。  相似文献   

文章从内环境的调节机制来分析下丘脑衰老变化及运动对其内分泌调控的正面效应,从而提出适宜的健身方案,对衰老机体康复具有现实意义。从形态学研究中发现,下丘脑-腺垂体系统各核团的神经元在衰老过程中的效应超过年轻人。衰老是生物体必然的内在性退变过程,只有通过适当的体育锻炼才能延缓衰老。  相似文献   

林燕荣 《体育科技》2011,32(1):54-57
通过给受试者进行一个月高温预处理,研究血清中CK和LDH的活性变化,探讨在递增负荷运动中,长期高温预处理对机体运动能力和抗损伤能力的影响。发现长期高温预处理能提高机体运动能力,减轻自由基所致损伤,对急性运动所致机体损伤具有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

空气污染不仅会对呼吸系统和心血管系统造成损害,也会带来神经认知损害。因此,在空气污染条件下,人们往往会减少体力活动,但长时间缺乏体力活动同样不利于人们保持良好的认知功能。研究旨在对空气污染暴露条件下的体力活动对大脑形态和认知功能影响的研究进行回顾,探讨在空气污染条件下是否应当从事体力活动。得出的结论为:(1)空气中的气体和颗粒物均有可能穿过大脑屏障,导致慢性神经炎症和过氧化损伤等神经生理损伤,从而产生神经退行性病变,损害大脑的形态和功能;此外,空气污染会导致人们减少户外体力活动,增加久坐风险,从而难以获得体力活动相关的认知收益;(2)总体来看,当前多数的研究证据发现在空气污染条件下进行体力活动依然可以产生显著的认知收益,如执行功能提升,降低老年痴呆发病率等。但这种认知收益可以在多大程度上抵消空气污染导致的认知功能损害,还有待更多的研究证实。  相似文献   

肖平  徐本力 《体育学刊》2006,13(4):131-134
运用时间生物学、时间医学和运动时间学等理论,阐述了人的机体内环境存在的各种时间生物学规律(生物节奏),分析了内环境与外环境之间的时间学关联,及人在每日、每周、全年中机体各器官、系统和人的运动能力的生物节奏规律,合理的安排健身锻炼的时间、内容、手段、负荷和制定科学的健身运动处方,并据此确立了“择时健身”的新理念和“同步生物节奏锻炼法”的新方法,对提高身体锻炼效果有好处。  相似文献   

运动对胰岛素抵抗相关疾病的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大量研究表明胰岛素抵抗与多种疾病有着密切的关系,因此胰岛素抵抗被认为是当今影响人体健康的最主要代谢性疾病。由于对其病因和发病机制尚未充分地了解,所以缺乏针对病因的有效治疗手段。在现有的防治手段中,体育锻炼和饮食治疗是整个治疗的基础。国内外的学者针对胰岛素抵抗的不同病症选取了不同的锻炼方法进行了大量的研究,取得了很多有价值的研究成果。本文针对不同状态下的胰岛素抵抗的发病机制和体育锻炼的效果进行了归纳和总结,希望能为运动防治不同疾病状态下的胰岛素抵抗提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本刊新辟《运动防病治病》专题讲座,由运动医学专家马振国先生主持。马振国先生是大连市体育科学研究所所长,中国儿少骨发育研究国家课题组成员,多家媒体健康栏目顾问专家。长期从事竞技体育科学和群众体育科学科研工作,主张:科学运动健身、发挥运动防治疾病潜能的学术观点,并已在群众性运动健身推广中得到有效证实。马振国先生还寄语广大读者:运动锻炼的健身效果是没有上限的,只要运动锻炼的方法是科学的,我们的健康目标就一定能实现!  相似文献   

“电子雾”污染将成为主要的环境污染源之一,应引起人们的重视。但是,人们尚不需要对此如临大敌,谈虎色变。因为电磁辐射具有衰退性。所以电磁污染波及范围相对有限,不会像空气污染或水污染那样造成大范围,大面积的恶性污染危害。而且减轻电磁污染的危害,还有许多具体的方法和措施。  相似文献   

Moderate endurance exercise has long been considered an essential element to maintain cardiovascular health, and sedentary behaviour in the general population has been related to a significant increase in all-causes of mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality and cardiovascular disease incidence. However, a growing group of people performs an intense exercise that leads to multiple heart adaptive changes that are collectively called “athlete’s heart”. In this review, we discussed the evidence of cardiac remodelling process secondary to repetitive and strenuous exercise in some predisposed athletes that produces intense and probably deleterious changes in cardiac morphology and function with no clear clinical significance in long-term follow-up. Moreover, we also discussed the individual biological response to exercise assessed by myocardial damage, inflammation, oxidative stress, fibrosis and ventricular hypertrophy biomarkers showing different intensities with equivalent exertion.  相似文献   

雾霾是社会广泛关注的问题,PM是雾霾的主要组成成分。大量研究表明PM污染会对呼吸系统和心血管系统造成不良影响,PM污染会引起呼吸道和心血管系统的一系列不良反应,并可能导致运动表现下降。但目前关于PM污染对运动表现的影响的研究还非常少,只有极少量关于急性PM污染暴露对运动表现影响的研究,几乎没有关于长期暴露对运动表现的影响的研究。对现有的PM污染对运动员健康和运动表现影响的有关研究进行综述,以期为相关研究开展和在高PM污染环境下运动提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

ObjectiveSoccer match-play is typically contested over 90 min; however, in some cup and tournament scenarios, when matches are tied, they proceed to an additional 30 min, which is termed “extra-time” (ET). This systematic review sought to appraise the literature available on 120-min of soccer-specific exercise, with a view to identifying practical recommendations and future research opportunities.MethodsThe review was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. Independent researchers performed a systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO in May 2019, with the following keywords entered in various combinations: “soccer”, “football”, “extra-time”, “extra time”, “extratime”, “120 minutes”, “120 min”, “additional 30 minutes”, and “additional 30 min”.ResultsThe search yielded an initial 73 articles. Following the screening process, 11 articles were accepted for analyses. Articles were subsequently organized into the following 5 categories: movement demands of ET, performance responses to ET, physiological and neuromuscular response during ET, nutritional interventions, and recovery and ET. The results highlighted that during competitive match-play, players cover 5%–12% less distance relative to match duration (i.e., meters per minute) during ET compared to the preceding 90 min. Reductions in technical performance (i.e., shot speed, number of passes and dribbles) were also observed during ET. Additionally, carbohydrate provision may attenuate and improve dribbling performance during ET. Moreover, objective and subjective measures of recovery may be further compromised following ET when compared to 90 min.ConclusionAdditional investigations are warranted to further substantiate these findings and identify interventions to improve performance during ET.  相似文献   

探讨学校体育在"三爱"教育长效机制形成中的作用,为建立"三爱"教育长效机制提供参考。采用文献资料法、科学归纳法等,分析"三爱"的提出及其科学内涵。结论:建立"三爱"教育长效机制是必要的;学校体育在"三爱"教育长效机制形成中具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

“肠漏”指的是在外界应激、高脂膳食等作用下,肠道通透性发生改变,使得肠道内革兰氏阴性菌发生移位,产生一系列的免疫激活。脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)是肠道革兰氏阴性菌的主要组成部分,也是内毒素的主要活性成分。应激能够损坏肠粘膜屏障,增加肠道通透性,从而使LPS移位进入血液,在血清中由LPS结合蛋白运输至单核细胞和巨噬细胞,再与Toll样受体4(Toll like receptor-4,TLR4)结合后激活机体的神经免疫系统,相关脑区免疫系统的激活可能导致抑郁行为的发生。TLR4信号通路过度激活是抑郁的触发因素之一。适度运动可以弱化“肠漏-免疫激活-抑郁性神经炎症”,缓解海马神经发生、神经营养因子的减少。运动对“肠漏-免疫激活”的调控是治疗抑郁行为的潜在靶点。对该机制的探讨、梳理,有助于正确理解“肠-脑”对话机制在抑郁行为发生中的作用,也为运动干预抑郁行为提供更多的研究思路。  相似文献   

BackgroundOutdoor physical activity (PA) brings important health benefits, but exposure to polluted air increases health risks. This study aimed to quantify the tradeoff of PA under fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution by estimating the optimal PA duration under various pollution levels.MethodsA risk-benefit analysis was performed to estimate the optimal outdoor moderate-intensity PA (MPA) duration under varying PM2.5 concentrations.ResultsAn inverse nonlinear relationship was identified between optimal MPA duration and background PM2.5 concentration levels. When background PM2.5 concentration increased to 186 µg/m3, the optimal outdoor MPA duration decreased to 2.5 h/week, the minimum level recommended by current PA guidelines. When background PM2.5 concentration further increased to 235 µg/m3, the optimal outdoor MPA duration decreased to 1 h/week. The relationship between optimal MPA duration and background PM2.5 concentration levels was stronger when exercising at a location closer to a source of air pollution. Compared to the general adult population, adults aged 60 years and older had substantially steeper curves—the optimal outdoor MPA duration decreased to 2.5 h/week when background PM2.5 concentration reached 45 µg/m3.ConclusionThe health benefit of outdoor MPA by far outweighs the health risk of PM2.5 pollution for the global average urban background concentration (22 μg/m3). This modeling study examined a single type of air pollutant and suffered from measurement errors and estimation uncertainties. Future research should examine other air pollutants and indoor PA, incorporate short- and mid-term health effects of MPA and air pollution into the risk-benefit analysis, and provide estimates specific for high-risk subgroups.  相似文献   

研究目的:为了解老年运动补液的生理学机制,强调补液在老年运动中所起的重要作用。研究方法:利用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法对以往研究进行归纳、演绎与分析。研究结果和结论:以经济、安全、有效为原则的最优补液是白开水,其次为蜂蜜水;而在经济条件和观念接受程度允许的前提下,运动饮料的补充效果最佳,并建议老年人慎用能量饮料;同时,老年运动补液要遵循"一总三分"原则,即要在"少量多次"总原则的基础上,针对运动前、中、后的不同时段分别按照,"未动即补"、"未渴及补"和"止动继补"的3个分原则进行科学合理的补液,以达到降低运动风险,提高锻炼效果的最终目的。  相似文献   

Florida-James G  Donaldson K  Stone V 《Journal of sports sciences》2004,22(10):967-80; discussion 980
Athens sits in a basin approximately 450 km2 in area, surrounded by mountains and open sea. Anthropogenic emissions in conjunction with the topographical and meteorological conditions can result in high air pollution within the city. The pollutants of concern for athletes competing in Athens 2004 appear to be nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone and particulate (PM10) pollution. Exposure to elevated ozone concentrations has been reported to give rise to symptoms that include cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, headache, eye irritation and a decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second. All of these effects are likely to impact upon performance, and several studies of cyclists suggest this to be the case. In contrast, the impact of ambient concentrations of NO2 appears to be negligible on normal activities, but at high exercise intensities the impact remains unclear. The use of currently available information and models to predict the effect of ozone and other pollutants on elite athletes is problematical, since such models are based upon significantly lower ventilation rates than those achieved by some elite athletes. In addition, it is already known that the response to ozone can vary somewhat between individuals. Since the individuals who will be competing in Athens are physiologically very different to the participants in most published studies, it is difficult to predict individual responses. There is some evidence to indicate that adaptation to the adverse health and performance effects of ozone can occur, so that performance is partially recovered on re-exposure. The adaptation is not seen in all studies and appears to be dependent on several factors, including the initial sensitivity of the individual to ozone. Antioxidant supplementation has also been shown in some studies to partially ameliorate the adverse effects of ozone by counteracting the oxidative stress mechanism associated with this pollutant. Whether this transfers to performance enhancement per se remains unclear at present. Additional research is required to gain a sound understanding of the effects of a complex mixed air pollution exposure on the pulmonary function and performance of athletes exercising at high work intensities.  相似文献   

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