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一、考据的任务考据也叫做考证,是考核辨证史料、史事和文字等等,务必信而有据。史料工作的任务是为历史科学提供十分丰富和合于实际的材料,为了使材料合于实际,史料工作就必须进行考据。考据为史料工作服务;但考据只是史料工作的一个项目,并非史料工作  相似文献   

清代孟学研究呈现考据特色,考据性的孟学著作浩繁,成绩卓著,但考据的孟学并非孟学发展的终极目的。一方面考据孟学流于繁琐;另一方面是以曲折而隐晦的形式表达思想,显示孟学在清代演变的思想轨迹,如戴震的《孟子字义疏证》和焦循的《孟子正义》。  相似文献   

本文所探讨的“传统考据方法”包括:一、归纳法;二、层次性归纳法;三、二重证据归纳法;四、处理史料间矛盾的“三殴法”(即揭示、分析、判断史料间矛盾的方法);五、利用史料间矛盾揭穿“四讳”的方法;六、内外线结合的方法。其中第一、四、五、六种,是清代考据家经常使用、现代考据家继续使用的方法,第二、三种是从“归纳法”蜕化出来的方法。从第一到第五种,是考据史料内容的方法;第六种是考据史料来源的方法。  相似文献   

清代的学术是以考据为核心的,因而出现了许多涉宋玉考据资料。我们按考据对象将其分为涉宋玉作品词语考证、涉宋玉作品成语熟语考源、涉宋玉作品修辞章法考释、涉宋玉作品习俗名物考辨四类,并进行了扼要的传播价值分析,指出了四类考据各自特有的对于宋玉传播的作用与意义,以及四者共同具有的对宋玉传播所产生的作用与影响。  相似文献   

近来,学术界有一些新的考据成果映入人们眼帘,笔者试作部分整理,列举如下(排名不分先后):1.考据成果:印第安人是中国人后裔;现代人类发源于中国;世界三大宗教皆起源于中国;伊甸园在云南;耶稣即颛顼,死后葬在吉林等研究者:宫玉海2.考据成果:禹三过家门不入是因搞婚外情研究者:纪连海3.考据成果:孔子是"丧家狗"研究者:李零4.考据成果:司马相如追求卓文君实为"劫财骗色"研究者:王立群  相似文献   

历史是一门要求注重事实、立论严谨的学科,史料则是支撑其严谨性的重要依据,但现今的中学历史教材中还存在某些偏颇之处.这就要求我们历史教师具有科学严谨的考据精神,通过对史料的广泛研读来弥补教材的缺陷.本文通过人教版初中教材中泰始皇“坑儒”、光绪帝在天安门颁布《明定国是诏》与印度种姓制度的传说三例的分析,阐明注重考据的实际作用及意义,并提出自己的考据结论.  相似文献   

俞正燮精于考据之学,擅长做考据文章,不仅学术性、规范性、可读性都很强,而且能免于落入俗套,推陈出新,因文制宜,体例灵活多样,文字长短不一,读来通畅顺达,如有的撰文专考,有的则论考结合、述中有考,甚至有的以辑代考,考据形式和内容结合紧密,而这也从另外一个侧面,体现出俞正燮作为清代著名考据学家的学术风采。  相似文献   

赵翼治史深受考据学风的影响,在治学特色与方法等方面亦与钱大昕、王鸣盛有相同之处.三者相较,钱氏、王氏着意于文字词语的音韵训诂,史料文献的辑校订补,名物掌故的训释疏通,地理典制的梳理考证;而赵翼则怀史学经世的旨趣,善于从宏观角度探求历史时势的变化和盛衰之故,进而阐发史实背后的历史通则.赵翼治史固然独具特色,但与乾嘉考据史学仍为同道,属于乾嘉考据史学的别派.  相似文献   

魏源《诗古微》自刊印以来,学者对其考据成就多所忽视,甚至持批评否定态度,本论文对《诗古微》的考据成就、方法与缺陷等问题加以分析探讨,认为《诗古微》确有考据失实之处,但也取得了诸多精审客观的成就,其学术价值不容抹杀,同时揭示了《诗古微》考据武断的学术根源,以期对此书的考据特色有一个全面的认识。  相似文献   

清人姚鼐说:“余尝谓学问之事,有三端焉。曰:义理也,考证也,文章也。是三者,苟善用之,则足以相济;苟不善用之,则或至于相害。”(或称义理、考据、词章)姚鼐提及的“义理、考据、词章”三方面,是我近十余年潜心探究,乐此不疲的所在。就“义理”层面而言,阅读前贤的理论杰作是重要一  相似文献   

吴国柱 《铜仁学院学报》2011,13(3):29-35,52
周汝昌被人们称为考证派新红学的“集大成者”,但周先生的红学考证却不是真正考据学意义上的红学考证。真正的考证是视证据为生命,一切从证据出发,在实证基础上得出科学的结论。而周先生却发明了“悟性考证法”,只讲“悟性”不重“证据”,专做“证据不够的推求”,把那些属于史学范畴的实证问题,强行演化为“见仁见智”的学术是非之争。  相似文献   

Validity evidence based on test content is critical to meaningful interpretation of test scores. Within high-stakes testing and accountability frameworks, content-related validity evidence is typically gathered via alignment studies, with panels of experts providing qualitative judgments on the degree to which test items align with the representative content standards. Various summary statistics are then calculated (e.g., categorical concurrence, balance of representation) to aid in decision-making. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach for gathering content-related validity evidence that capitalizes on the overlap in vocabulary used in test items and the corresponding content standards, which we define as textual congruence. We use a text-based, machine learning model, specifically topic modeling, to identify clusters of related content within the standards. This model then serves as the basis from which items are evaluated. We illustrate our method by building a model from the Next Generation Science Standards, with textual congruence evaluated against items within the Oregon statewide alternate assessment. We discuss the utility of this approach as a source of triangulating and diagnostic information and show how visualizations can be used to evaluate the overall coverage of the content standards across the test items.  相似文献   

王国维"二重证据法"的提出,既是近代中西学术激荡以及三大考古发现刺激的结果,同时也是传统金石证史在近代的延续和发展。王国维既不全然"信古",也不全然"疑古",在坚持"怀疑之态度及批评之精神"的同时,广泛占有地上地下的资料,相互比勘,反复考证,从而得出结论,在实事求是的基础上释证文献,建立古史体系。"二重证据法"不是虚玄的历史哲学,而是切实可用的历史研究方法,其在历史研究中的价值不能否定。当代简帛佚籍研究出现了盲信出土文献的现象,实乃未能很好地继承王国维的学术遗产。王氏强调"不屈旧以就新,亦不绌新以从旧",这正是当代学者正确认识出土文献与传世文献的价值,在学术研究上取得突破的关键所在。  相似文献   

本文以不同英语水平的中国英语学习者为研究对象, 采用命名实验和关键句阅读实验的在线研究方法, 着重考察了语篇因果制约度和读者的二语水平对语篇理解中预期推理的激活和编码的影响。 研究结果表明:1)在二语语篇阅读过程中, 语篇的因果制约度影响预期推理的即时激活, 当语篇因果制约度高时, 读者易做出预期推理;2) 在二语语篇阅读过程中, 预期推理概念的激活受读者语言水平的影响, 高级英语水平 读者能够在较低水平上即时激活预期推理概念, 而中级语言水平读者预期推理概念不能即时激活;3) 对于高 级英语水平读者 ,预期推理能够在激活后保存于读者工作记忆并编码于语篇短时记忆表征, 但这种编码只是 一种部分编码 。  相似文献   

构想效度(construct validity)一直是效度研究的核心问题,本文对中国汉语水平考试(HSK[高等])和实用汉语水平认定考试(C.TEST)的构想效度进行了探讨。文章首先梳理了这两种考试的构想模型,并初步提出了操作性定义。研究样本为550名同时参加了这两种考试的考生,我们使用因素分析法对所得数据进行分析。结果显示,目前我们只能有把握地说,这两种考试都测到了考生的"阅读理解"能力,对其他能力的检验本文还不能给出明确的结论。  相似文献   

This article provides a validation framework for research on the development and use of science Learning Progressions (LPs). The framework describes how evidence from various sources can be used to establish an interpretive argument and a validity argument at five stages of LP research—development, scoring, generalisation, extrapolation, and use. The interpretation argument contains the interpretation (i.e. the LP and conclusions about students’ proficiency generated based on the LP) and the use of the LP. The validity argument specifies how the evidence from various sources supports the interpretation and the use of the LP. Examples from our prior and current research are used to illustrate the validation activities and analyses that can be conducted at each of the five stages. When conducting an LP study, researchers may use one or more validation activities or analyses that are theoretically necessary and practically applicable in their specific research contexts.  相似文献   

The concept of validity in theory and practice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The concept of validity, as described in the literature, has changed over time to become a broad and rather complex issue. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if practice has followed theory, or if there is a gap between validity in theory and validity in practice. It compares the theoretical development of the concept of validity with the methodology adopted in validity studies over time. Important phases in the history of validity, and also common arguments for and against traditional and modern validity perspectives, are presented and discussed. Thereafter, three Swedish research projects aiming to validate instruments used for selection to higher education are described. The idea is to use these projects as examples of contemporary practice, and to compare their designs, research questions and outcomes with how validity was theoretically described during their specific period of time. The conclusions from these comparisons are that practices seem to have followed theory when it comes to how the validity research programmes have been designed, but not when it comes to how they then were carried out in practice. This gap between theory and practice seems to have increased with the introduction of broader and more modern validity perspectives. The scope of the research is more extensive but results are fragmented and there is no evidence of a ‘unified’ validity argument, which has been one of the central aspects in modern validity theory. This supports the arguments that validity theory is difficult to put into practice and that there is a need for guidance on how to prioritise validity questions and interpret validity evidence.  相似文献   

To counteract what we see as a growing research-reporting concern, we propose the following editorial-policy change regarding the content of primary research articles in educational research journals: Contributors should restrict their discussion and conclusions to their data and not offer recommendations for educational practice nor speculate about the educational policy implications of their research. We believe that this change will be beneficial for maintaining a separation between evidence and opinion concerning the legitimate warrants of empirical research. We suggest viable accompaniments and alternatives to authors offering practical recommendations and policy speculations in primary-research journal articles. Among these is to rely on all sources of evidence, including systematic research syntheses based on the aggregated contribution of multiple research studies from different sources, with recommendations for practice tailored to specific situations so that both their validity and utility will be increased. It is hoped that our proposed policy change will initiate a conversation among researchers, editors, reviewers, and educational-policy experts with respect to the scope and purpose of primary research journal articles.  相似文献   

对于薛延陀名称和居地,以前学者们曾考证过,但得出的结论或与事实相悖,或经不起推敲。杜佑《通典》的一条记载给我们留下了诠释薛延陀之称来历的一把宝贵钥匙。据杜佑说,薛延陀之延陀部是贺兰部后裔.这一说法也从非汉文史料记载中可得求证。能考释薛延陀名称之来历,就容易考证出他们的原居地了。经考证,薛延陀部的原居地在漠北。  相似文献   

关于李白的出生地,历史学众说纷纭,无一定论。20世纪70年代初,敦沫若考证李白出生于中亚碎叶,但由于将史料中公元421年的历史事件与其后200年隋末的另一历史事件相混淆,此论无疑是错误的,本对80年代关于李白出生地两种有代表性的观点进行了剖析,否定了李白“出生于长安”和“李白是蜀生之蜀人”的结论,并清理了研究李白出生地应该依循的脉络和参照的史料,对从何处下手的问题也提出了作的见解。  相似文献   

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