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香港回归之后,香港特别行政区建立了以香港永久性居民中的中国公民为主体的特别行政区政府,开始了“港人治港”的新的历史时期。香港原有的资本主义制度得以维持。依照《香港特别行政区基本法》的规定,除国防和外交事务属中央人民政府负责管理外,香港特别行政区享有高...  相似文献   

2005年9月,我们海南省基础教育课程改革考察团前往香港,访问了香港特别行政区的考试与评核局和教育统筹局,对香港特别行政区近年来高中教育课程改革和考评制度改革的情况进行了系统的考察。值得借鉴的改革1.学制改革香港特别行政区计划实施的新基础教育课程,是在计划于2009年开  相似文献   

澳大利亚国家和地区政府都认识到,要通过教育与培训系统培养高技能的劳动力,以推动国家经济发展,增强国际竞争力,使澳大利亚在全球经济中处于有利地位。为此,政府制定了一系列政策以支持学生通过学校学习  相似文献   

在最新公布的《全球竞争力》报告中,瑞士被评为最具竞争力的国家。 瑞士教育和科研国务秘书莫洛·德拉布朗乔认为瑞士教育对于国家竞争力的贡献主要体现在两方面。第一方面是高质量的高等教育和科研。瑞士一共有12所大学,这些大学都是研究型大学,没有单纯以教学为目的的大学,  相似文献   

紫荆花红旗──香港特别行政区区旗区徽张景奎1984年12月18日,《中英联合声明》签署。1985年5月27日,《中英联合声明》正式换文生效;中国政府立即开始以“一国两制”的精神起草香港特别行政区基本法。1987年5月20日,香港特别行政区基本法起草委...  相似文献   

教育定位是来源于市场定位的一种塑造形象、增强自我竞争力的策略。大学教育定位分当前定位和未来定位两种。在确立大学教育定位时,必须依据一定的原则和方法,进而通过定位内容的界定来进行。  相似文献   

据俄罗斯新闻网2012年10月23日报道,按照俄罗斯"全球教育"发展规划,2013年至2015年,俄罗斯政府计划每年投入15亿卢布(3年共45亿卢布,约合1.5亿美元)用于资助超过2000名俄罗斯大学生到国外大学学习。"全球教育"发展规划的目的是提高俄罗斯高等职业教育的竞争力,提高公共和市政管理水平,增强高科技企业和社会团体的创造性与流动性,提高俄罗斯青年的国际竞争力。根据文件要求,学生申请的国外院校必须在俄罗斯政府认可的国外高校名单之中,符合条件者,其毕业证书将会在俄罗斯境内自动获得认证。政府将为此建立专门的评审委员会,申请人应具备的条件是:获得俄罗斯高校高等教育文  相似文献   

对美国研究生院委员会发布的报告《研究生教育:美国竞争力与创新力的支柱》出台的背景及其主要内容进行了解读.该报告明确了研究生教育对美国国家发展的重要性,强调研究生教育是美国国家竞争力和创新力的支柱,呼吁大学、企业、政府通力合作,支持研究生教育发展,以加强国家创新能力,提升国家竞争力,保障国家安全和持续繁荣;梳理了美国高校、企业和政府为支持和推动研究生教育发展所采取的措施及取得的成效,并对美国研究生教育的未来发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

教育定位是来源于市场定位的一种塑造形象、增强自我竞争力的策略。大学教育定位分当前定位和未来定位两种。在确立大学教育定位时,必须依据一定的原则和方法,进而通过定位内容的界定来进行。  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化阶段,以培养应用型本科人才为目标的普通高等院校要以增强大学生就业竞争力为重点,以产学合作教育为途径,有效地培养和提升大学毕业生就业竞争力.  相似文献   

Aspiring to become an international city in Asia, the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has been investing more in higher education. In order to enhance its global competitiveness, all public universities in Hong Kong have gone through different forms of quality assurance exercises, including teaching and learning processes reviews, research assessment exercises, management and governance reviews, as well as quality assurance council reviews. In the context of the significant emphasis placed by Hong Kong on the internationalization of higher education, this article examines the major approaches and strategies that the HKSAR has adopted in enhancing quality in teaching, learning, and research in higher education, and also discusses the major challenges for quality assurance confronted by the city-state.  相似文献   

本文在概述香港高等教育发展历程的基础上,分析了世纪之初香港高等教育所面临的主要问题、重要改革举措和政策变革。香港高等教育在21世纪初的主要发展和改革表现在:素质评鉴机制的制度化,大学管治体制和教职员薪酬制度的改革,大学角色的再定位,社区学院和私立大学的发展,以及大学教育的国际化等方面。这些改革对香港高校与政府的关系、高校的角色定位等都带来重要影响。香港高等教育的国际化发展,将使香港高校在中国内地高等教育体系中扮演越来越重要的角色,推动香港与中国内地高等教育的互动和发展。为此,香港与内地之间需要加强在高等教育政策上的协调与合作。  相似文献   

说明了在全球化深入发展的时代背景下,香港政府对香港现行高等教育体系进行改革的动机与目的。阐述了香港政府在此次教育改革过程中所起到的积极作用。明确了在全球化进程中,政府可以通过转变管理思想,改进管理方式,更加有效地促进高等教育系统以积极、活跃的方式参与区域社会经济的建设。  相似文献   

In the changing higher education environment, universities increasingly engage in areas outside the traditional teaching and research missions. The new missions extend over wide yet specialized areas, such as technological advancement, internationalization, entrepreneurship, and enhancement of teaching and learning. To effectively handle these areas, universities require specific talents that may not be found in conventional academic and administrative cadres. The transformation highlights blurred boundaries between academic and non-academic spheres of the university. Situated in the University of Hong Kong (HKU), this paper explores how the university utilizes new professionals and administrative staff in new missions. Qualitative interviews with university staff reveal their profiles and perceptions in evolving organizational structures. By examining understudied subjects in Hong Kong, it discusses implications of changing university staff and how universities may optimize their new talent.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief overview of the Hong Kong system of higher education and the roles of the government, the Education Commission, the University Grants Committee, and the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation in relation to the planning, development, funding, and quality assurance of higher education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It then describes the extent to which transnational education (i.e., non‐local education delivered in Hong Kong) plays a role in meeting the demand for higher and continuing education in Hong Kong and recent measures taken by the HKSAR government aimed at assuring the quality of such offshore provision. It concludes with some comments as to how transnational education may be expected to contribute towards meeting the demand for higher and continuing education in Hong Kong in the future.  相似文献   

在教育全球化背景下,知识为本的高等教育培养模式已经不能适应现代社会对人才的需求,大学必须通过大胆的变革和创新来谋求新的发展。香港高校以成效为本的教育范式作为教育革新的手段,把课程作为引导学生发展的“跑道”,取得了成功。成效为本的课程强调以学生为中心,以目标为导向,以能力为本位,以学习成果为证据。香港高校基于成效为本的课程改革主要体现出四点特征:一是以培养高素质的现代人为目标,分层级实现目标;二是以权变的课程体系让学生获得全面均衡的学习经历;三是通过指向能力发展的、细化的课程学习目标来对学生的学习成效进行评估;四是为确保课程达到育人目标而赋予院校颁授的学术资格。这些实践经验对于我国开放大学制定人才培养目标、课程结构与内容设置、课程组织与实施、课程评估与质量保证具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the transformation of pro-Beijing labour education in the socio-political context of Hong Kong. It explores the reasons that Hong Kong pro-Beijing educators initiated Workers’ Night Schools for adults; the organisation of schools in many locales and the transformation of labour education that workers received in these educational settings. The history of the development of this organization is deeply intertwined with the politics of education and the social transformation of that period. That development provides an understanding of how the pro-Beijing educators constructed an alternative culture that opposed the colonial government and was later transformed to serve as a pro-hegemonic force in the post-1997 era. In addition, rapid and widespread changes were taking place throughout Hongkongese life. Labour education was once viewed as a radical project to enhance working-class’s anti-hegemonic consciousness, socialist practices and political activism in the colonial Hong Kong. The introduction of international standards, global benchmarks for career and technical education and the transfer of sovereignty have created a new situation forcing these pro-Beijing educators to respond quickly. This article aims to see how the pro-Beijing educators related to international standard for vocational training and how the schools transforms itself to fit into the industrialized, market-oriented and globalized society of HKSAR (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region).  相似文献   

在抗日战争初期,岭南大学、广东国民大学等广州的几所高校为谋求保存,纷纷迁往当时的英租界地区——香港继续办学。这些高校迁港后虽办学时间不长,但对于香港教育的发展以及促进其与内地的交流,却有重大的意义。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力和国际竞争力的不断提升,香港与内地在教育交流方面日益频繁,来内地高校求学的香港在校大学生数量逐年上升。文章基于计划行为理论,采用结构方程模型对香港8所公立高校在校大学生来内地求学的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制等三个因素进行定量分析。结果显示,三个因素对香港在校大学生来内地高校求学的行为意向均具有显著影响,其中,行为态度对行为意向的影响最大,其次是感知行为控制,主观规范影响最小。基于研究结果,提出提升内地高校质量和国际声誉、改革教学模式、重视对香港在校大学生的招生宣传、创造良好香港在校大学生毕业就业环境等对策建议。  相似文献   

Globalisation and the evolution of the knowledge-based economy have caused dramatic changes in the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalisation on universities are not uniform even though similar business-like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In the last decade, government bureaucracy, public service institutions and higher education institutions and universities have been significantly affected by the tidal wave of the public sector reform around the world. Apart from improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, universities are confronted with a situation in which the principles of financial accountability and responsiveness to stakeholders prevail amidst the massification stage under the condition of global economic retrenchment. In response to such pressing demands for change, policies and strategies of decentralisation, privatisation and marketisation are becoming increasingly popular measures in university governance. Reform strategies and measures like quality assurance, performance evaluation, financial audit, corporate management and market competition are adopted to reform and improve the performance of the higher education sector. This article examines the most recent higher education reforms and restructuring in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, with particular reference to the issues related to globalisation of decentralisation and marketisation in higher education.  相似文献   

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