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Characterizing the technology firm: An exploratory study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Technology firms occupy a central position in modern economies. They drive economic growth, productivity gains and have created new industries and innovative products.Many will agree that technology firms are distinguished from others in their emphasis on technological activities. Since this observation is too general, researchers suggested a variety of specific criteria and definitions. A number of definitions of technology firms appear in the literature but many are arbitrary and simplistic and none gained wide acceptance. Similarly, the number of characteristics suggested is large, reflecting a variety of perspectives and interests. In this case too no agreement exists as to which are the important ones. Also, many seem to be interrelated capturing different aspects of the same underlying concepts.This paper is concerned with the issue of definition and classification of technology firms. We demonstrate the usefulness of a different approach to the definition and classification problem. We rely on executives’ evaluations of their firms’ technology profile and level. An analysis of these evaluations reveals the underlying dimensions the executives used in making their judgments. We regard the dimensions we uncover as capturing the essence of technology firms and use them to classify the firms we study. The specific characteristics the executives used to evaluate their firms were derived from a systematic scan of the literature. Thus, the list represents the set of characteristics early researchers viewed as describing and defining technology firms. The connection to early work enhances our findings’ validity and lends some credence to our belief that the three dimensions we uncover (R&D activities which are closely associated with a set of organizational elements and market conditions, product strategy, and corporate culture) can be used by others to define technology firms and classify firms according to their technology level. In our study we use these three dimensions to classify the firms studied. We show that the commonly used practice of classifying firms as high and low technology according to the industry to which they belong is flawed.Our goal in this study is not to offer a “new” or “better” definition and characterization of technology firms or to offer the “best” approach to the generation of the classification criteria. Rather, we demonstrate here the usefulness of a different approach to the problem. While our approach does suffer from limitations it has important advantages. We hope future studies will confirm not only the usefulness of our approach but also the general applicability of the specific criteria we identify in this study.  相似文献   

研究基于社会交换理论和自我决定理论等视角,分析了领导部属关系对下属追随行为的影响,探讨了影响机制中领导支持感的中介效应与公平感的调节效应。通过对275份有效调查问卷运用层级回归分析和Bootstrap法进行实证检验,结果显示:领导部属关系对下属追随行为具有显著正向影响;领导支持感在领导部属关系与下属追随行为之间起部分中介作用;公平感在领导部属关系与领导支持感之间具有正向调节作用;公平感调节了领导支持感对领导部属关系与下属追随行为之间关系的中介作用。研究结果一定程度上可以丰富组织行为相关理论研究,也为管理实践提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

The intellectual capital-based view of the firm along with the literature about family firms serve as the basis for the present paper, which seeks to elaborate an intellectual capital model that can be applied to family firms. More precisely, our study identifies the main intangibles usually owned by family firms classifying those intangibles into human capital, structural capital and relational capital. In addition, the paper provides empirical evidence and gives examples of these intangibles through the analysis of external data from international family firms. The research question that we are trying to answer is: Which intangibles are owned by family firms for the mere fact of being family firms? Knowing the nature of the intangibles inherent to family firms can help improve their management, making the most of the intellectual capital owned by these firms when it comes to exploit their knowledge strengths.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2004,33(3):473-486
We argue that industrial district firms possess a number of shared resources that explain the competitive superiority of these firms. These factors include common reputation, intensity of exchange and combination of resources, and participation of the local institutions. Using these shared resources we aim to address an unsolved question in the industrial district literature, namely, the internal heterogeneity of the clustered firms. Our empirical research drew upon a sample of 288 Spanish manufacturing firms belonging to industrial districts. Findings suggest that, even assuming a certain degree of homogeneity among internal district firms, they develop their own particular relationships and networks and, as a result, exploitation of the shared resources is irregular. These differences can therefore be used to explain the differences in value creation among firms.  相似文献   


Silicon Valley in Southern California has, over the past 30 years, become a model for high technology development in many parts of the world. Associated with Silicon Valley is a common rhetoric and mythology that explains the origins of this area of high technology agglomeration and indeed the business and entrepreneurial attributes needed for success. Governments in many parts of the world (including Southeast Asia and Australia) have tried to emulate this growth through various industry and regional development mechanisms, in particular, the science or technology park. More recently, promoting developments in information technology has come to be seen as an integral feature of these parks' activities. In this paper, we argue that the modeling process used by governments to promote Silicon Valley-like regional development has tended to model the wrong things about Silicon Valley. The models have tended to be mechanical and have failed to reflect the nature of information and information industries. While we have not sought to develop a model for Silicon Valley in this paper,we address a number of issues that require attention on the part of anyone serious about this project. After discussing problems with previous attempts to model Silicon Valley and problems associated with the activity of modeling itself, we move to consider four issues that must be addressed in any real attempt to model Silicon Valley in Southeast Asia. The first is the role of the state and the problems that state involvement may create. The second concerns the contribution that universities can make to the project. The third is the role of firms, particularly Chinese firms. The fourth is the cultural context within which the 'model' will sit. Since technology parks are seen as a popular way of promoting high technology development by governments, the revised history suggested in this paper provides fresh thinking about modeling Silicon Valley in the Southeast Asian region.  相似文献   

Flexibilty within a framework of internal labour markets is now widely seen to be an important factor in the ability of manufacturing firms to respond quickly to changes in market conditions — which is increasingly coming to be the form that competitive advantage takes in advanced industrial economies. An emerging and flourishing literature has identified a number of ‘new production concepts’ being developed in manufacturing industries, that depart from time-honoured Taylorist systems of job fragmentation and skill minimisation. The new concepts, such as ‘flexible specialisation’, ‘human-centred production’, and ‘diversified quality production’, are all in one way or another seeking to characterise a form of ‘functional flexibility’, that both enhances productivity and offers workers themselves a greater sense of involvement with their activity. The new concepts rest on the identification of a critical linkage between work organisation, skill formation and advanced manufacturing technology; they point to a convergence between the previously separate worlds of work and of learning.

In this paper the new production concepts are characterised as elements of an emergent ‘post Fordist’ technoeconomic paradigm. The present period of uncertainty can be construed as a transition between the Fordist paradigm centred on mass production, and its successors. There is nothing predetermined about the shape of these successors: this will be the outcome of a prolonged economic, industrial and political process as much as of a technical process. The choices are identified as falling between a continuation and intensification of Fordism, dubbed Computer-Aided Taylorisation; or a break with Fordism, dubbed Skill-Dependent Innovation. The new production concepts are characterised as instances of the latter approach to manufacturing management and technology. It is through this notion of ‘competing paradigms’ that this paper formulates an approach to the ‘politics’ of technological change.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(4):104716
Despite recent evidence linking various measures of gender diversity in the firm with firm-level innovation, we know little about the mediating channels underlying this relation. Building on and extending the Upper Echelon and entrepreneurship literature, we address the following question: how, i.e., through which mediating channels does gender diversity in ownership-management gets at the heart of firm innovation? We use cross-sectional survey data collected in a random sampling of 7848 firm owner-managers across 29 emerging economies during 2012–2016 to test our hypotheses. Our findings demonstrate both direct and indirect effects of our focal independent variable. Specifically, firms with greater gender diversity in ownership are more likely to invest in R&D and rely upon external capital, with such differentials explaining sizeable proportions of higher likelihoods of overall innovativeness, as well as technological and non-technological innovation exhibited by their firms. Our post-analytical extensions reveal gender diversity among the workforce and human-resource-management practices that support employees' creativity and learning as additional mediating channels through which gender diversity in ownership likely impacts firm innovation. Furthermore, gender diversity in ownership allows firms from less-advanced emerging economies to catch up in their overall innovativeness with firms from more-advanced emerging economies.  相似文献   

Research on categories and markets suggests that audiences rely on categorical distinctions to make sense of market offerings. Market offerings that deviate from category norms risk devaluation. Although literature in this area has led to valuable insights, scholars have begun to question whether there has been an overemphasis on conformity, leaving existing theories ill-equipped to account for innovation. Within this context, we argue that research on authenticity in cultural sociology offers a useful platform for theorizing. We draw on the work of Peterson (1997), who underscores the importance of signals in evaluation. Objective features of market offerings (e.g., quality) matter, but particularly for innovations, these features are not readily visible. Because authentic producers are typically thought to be more committed, capable, and intrinsically motivated, when visibility of such objective features is lacking, authenticity may serve as an alternative indicator of value. Appearing authentic requires signaling believability with respect to category norms, while also being distinctive. Using data on 684 firms from five high technology sectors, we explore the relationship between authenticity and investor perceptions of value. Focusing on three different proxies for signals of authenticity—networks, governance, and narratives—we find a curvilinear association between conformity/distinctiveness and Tobin's q. Consistent with our view of authenticity as a signal, we also find that this relationship flattens as firms gain better track records and face stiffer competition.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to contribute to the empirical literature that evaluates the effects of public R&D support on private R&D investment. We apply a matching approach to analyze the effects of public R&D support in Spanish manufacturing firms. We examine whether or not the effects are different depending on the size of the firm and the technological level of the sectors in which the firms operate. We evaluate the effect of R&D subsidies on the subsidized firms, considering both the effect of subsidies on firms that would have performed R&D in the absence of public support and also the effect of inducement to undertake R&D activities. We also analyze the effect that concession of subsidies might have on firms which do not enjoy this type of support. The main conclusions indicate absence of “crowding-out”, either full or partial, between public and private spending and that some firms - mainly small and operating in low technology sectors - might not have engaged in R&D activities in the absence of subsidies.  相似文献   

Most of the literature on university–industry (U–I) linkages assumes that these linkages are beneficial per se. We question this assumption, suggesting that not all such linkages are equally helpful. In this paper, we explore the factors driving the formation of ‘valuable U–I linkages’, conceived as those linkages between universities and firms that have a higher potential to diffuse knowledge to other firms in their regional economy. Our empirical strategy combines case-study methodology with econometric techniques using data from two wine clusters in Chile and in Italy. The firm's knowledge base is found to be a key driver of ‘valuable’ U–I linkages. We conclude that selectivity should be encouraged among policy makers endeavouring to promote U–I linkages.  相似文献   

彭新敏  吴晓波  吴东 《科研管理》2022,43(7):135-143
核心技术与互补资产是后发追赶过程中两种不同的主导策略,后发企业往往面临两种策略如何选择与平衡的难题。本文通过海天塑机集团2001~2017年在全电动注塑机技术领域追赶的案例研究,发现后发企业由后二次创新向一次创新的超越追赶动态过程中,主导追赶策略经历了从核心技术到互补资产再到二者并重的演化;从组织双元视角看,在该过程中,企业经历了从探索与利用序列交替的间断型平衡模式向探索与利用共时进行的双元型平衡模式的转变。本文研究发现不仅揭示了后发企业从后二次创新向一次创新的超越追赶机制,同时深化了我们对后发追赶动态性的理解。  相似文献   


Globalisation is a term too easily used without reference to the basic enabling role of technology. It is the interplay between available technology and the prevailing social processes, especially dominant institutional forms, which has essentially determined the long process of globalisation. This process has gone through phases exhibiting varying core characteristics as production, transport and communications technologies especially have interrelated with the institutional structures of nation states, military forces and firms especially. However, a general trend to geographical and tendentially global expansion has been constant, along with an intensification of information processing and communications capacity. The role of technology has been to enable this physical expansion culminating in globalisation, including the techno-industrial capacity that increasingly drove it through the construction of better and cheaper artefacts.  相似文献   

We review the recent literature on technological change and diffusion to shed new light on the evolution of the world’s cross-country income distribution. Technology is viewed as non-rival knowledge in the sense that firms in more than one country can simultaneously use it. R&D investments generate often also a return outside the innovating firm itself; these knowledge externalities are called technology spillovers. We emphasize that technology is to some extent tacit, and technology diffusion often involves the face-to-face interaction of people. Our paper reviews the evidence on whether international trade, foreign direct investment, and other cross-border activities are important for technology diffusion.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the role that scientific status plays in initial public offerings of technology focused firms. The paper builds on the literature of the sociology of science as well as the work of Spence (1974) and Podolny (1993) and argues that the presence of a Nobel laureate affiliated with a firm making an IPO provides a signal of firm quality to potential investors. Moreover, and building on the work of Podolny and Scott Morton (1999) and Stuart et al. (1999) we hypothesize that the importance of status diminishes as other measures of firm quality become available. We test our hypothesis for two periods of initial public offerings in biotechnology. We document that there is a clear difference in “maturity” of the firms across the two windows on a number of metrics. Consistent with our hypothesis that Nobel laureates play an important role as a non-financial signal of firm quality, we find that first-window firms with a Nobel laureate affiliate realize greater IPO proceeds in the amount of $24 million. In the second window the amount of money raised is not significantly different between Nobel and non-Nobel firms. This finding is consistent with the signaling literature that argues that the importance of a signal is inversely related to the availability of cogent information on firm quality. Consistent with this view, we also find a change between the two windows in the importance of other non-financial metrics used to convey value. Our research is one of the first to examine the dynamic nature of signals. Because we are unable to distinguish the extent to which the reduction in uncertainty at the firm level is correlated with the reduction of uncertainty at the industry level, the question remains as to the extent to which the diminished importance of signals in our second period is due to a change in market uncertainty versus a change in firm uncertainty.  相似文献   

近年来,国外领导学理论研究人员开始关注领导过程中追随者及其追随行为的作用。本文通过回顾国外追随理论的相关研究成果,通过对53位在中国企业任职的基层员工和管理层进行个别深入访谈,归纳出中国企业有效追随行为的主要特征,并对中、外员工,以及基层和管理层认知的有效追随行为特征进行比较分析。分析结果表明,团队合作、正面心理、主动行为、表达观点、适应性、服从、沟通、忠诚、可靠、主人翁意识、使命感、正直等12个特征是中、外员工、以及中国企业基层和管理层共同认知的有效追随行为的主要特征,但不同群体对这些特征的看重程度和理解程度均有所不同。此外,协调能力、学习、职业激情等3个特征是中国企业管理层对有效追随行为特有的认知。该研究结果揭示了不同情景下有效追随行为特征的共性和独特性,为今后研究人员深入开展追随理论的研究提供了初步的实证依据。  相似文献   

汪涛  颜建国  王魁 《科研管理》2021,42(3):46-60
中国企业产能过剩的成因一直是经济学界的热门研究问题。但是,以往研究大多站在宏观行业视角或者政府视角,鲜有从企业微观视角来研究中国企业产能过剩的前因。本文基于资源基础观和制度理论的整合视角,研究了民营制造企业的政企关系如何影响其产能利用率。基于对2005年世界银行的中国营商环境调查数据进行分析,结果发现民营制造企业的政企关系与其产能利用率之间具有U型关系。研究还发现这种U型关系在地方经济增速趋势较差时期,以及企业内部治理水平较低的情况下更加显著。本文研究丰富了有关中国企业产能过剩的研究,对微观企业与宏观政策制定者都有着较大的启示意义。  相似文献   

Context Open Source Software (OSS) development is a knowledge focused activity which relies heavily on contributors who can be volunteers or paid workers and are geographically distributed. While working on OSS projects contributors acquire project related individualistic knowledge and gain experience and skills, which often remains unshared with others and is usually lost once contributors leave a project. All software development organisations face the problem of knowledge loss as employees leave, but this situation is exasperated in OSS projects where most contributors are volunteers with largely unpredictable engagement durations. Contributor turnover is inevitable due to the transient nature of OSS project workforces causing knowledge loss, which threatens the overall sustainability of OSS projects and impacts negatively on software quality and contributor productivity.ObjectiveThe objective of this work is to deeply and systematically investigate the phenomenon of knowledge loss due to contributor turnover in OSS projects as presented in the state-of-the-art literature and to synthesise the information presented on the topic. Furthermore, based on the learning arising from our investigation it is our intention to identify mechanisms to reduce the overall effects of knowledge loss in OSS projects.MethodologyWe use the snowballing methodology to identify the relevant literature on knowledge loss due to contributor turnover in OSS projects. This robust methodology for a literature review includes research question, search strategy, inclusion, exclusion, quality criteria, and data synthesis. The search strategy, and inclusion, exclusions and quality criteria are applied as a part of snowballing procedure.Snowballing is considered an efficient and reliable way to conduct a systematic literature review, providing a robust alternative to mechanically searching individual databases for given topics.ResultKnowledge sharing in OSS projects is abundant but there is no evidence of a formal strategy or practice to manage knowledge. Due to the dynamic and diverse nature of OSS projects, knowledge management is considered a challenging task and there is a need for a proactive mechanism to share knowledge in the OSS community for knowledge to be reused in the future by the OSS project contributors. From the collection of papers found using snowballing, we consolidated various themes on knowledge loss due to contributor turnover in OSS projects and identified 11 impacts due to knowledge loss in OSS projects, and 10 mitigations to manage with knowledge loss in OSS projects.ConclusionIn this paper, we propose future research directions to investigate integration of proactive knowledge retention practices with the existing OSS practices to reduce the current knowledge loss problem. We suggest that there is insufficient attention paid to KM in general in OSS, in particular there would appear to an absence of proactive measures to reduce the potential impact of knowledge loss. We also propose the need for a KM evaluation metric in OSS projects, similar to the ones that evaluate health of online communities, which should help to inform potential consumers of the OSS of the KM status on a project, something that is not existent today.  相似文献   

Based on a wide-ranging literature review, we argue that the information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure has not received adequate attention for its role in the development and maintenance of industrial clusters. This article develops expectations for how firms in an industrial cluster make use of a public, broadband ICT infrastructure, particularly in support of e-commerce applications. We further address the question of whether ICT use, by enabling stronger ties to non-cluster partners, can weaken clusters. A case study of a successful biotechnology cluster in Denmark and Sweden—the Medicon Valley—is used to explore ICT use in a knowledge-intensive cluster context. We conclude that ICT use appears to strengthen rather than weaken the Medicon Valley cluster, and that firms located within a cluster appear to gain some unique advantages from their ICT usage that are not necessarily available to firms outside the cluster.  相似文献   

In recent years, firms have increasingly contributed to and been confronted with a patent landscape characterized by numerous but marginal inventions, overlapping claims and patent fences. As a result, firms risk their patent applications to be pre-empted or to be infringed upon by rivals. While both aspects constitute major challenges for the appropriation of returns to inventive activity, extant literature suggests that participation in the market for technology might actually resolve or at least alleviate these problems. In this paper, we investigate the effect of pre-empted and infringed patents on firms’ engagement in in- and cross-licensing. Based on a sample of more than 1100 German manufacturing firms our results show that firms engage in in-licensing as a reaction to pre-empted patents and in cross-licensing if their protected IP was infringed upon. However, these effects vary depending on the fragmentation of technology fields and whether the firm operates in a discrete or complex product industry.  相似文献   

International or multinational corporations have changed in the ways in which they handle technology development and transfer. Responding to various pressures that have emerged since the late 1970s, these international firms have moved towards increasing rationalisation of their technology activities. An increasingly significant development has involved the emergence of technology co-operation agreements amongst firms in various industries. The trend amongst some companies towards increasing cartelisation in both the development and the use of technology may have important implications for the markets in which technology is transferred. This has important ramifications for the governments of countries which are significant purchasers, such as Australia.  相似文献   

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