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The results of a community college's efforts to develop a range of educational services for the aging are presented. Cultural, educational, and recreational activities provided within a college setting and through a network of neighborhood centers are described, as well as continuing education and in‐service training programs for persons who work with the elderly. The processes and problems involved in planning, organizing, and administering such a comprehensive program for the elderly in an educational institution are described and discussed.

The authors attempt to demonstrate that a wide range of opportunities exists for colleges and universities in most localities to develop a variety of services that can enhance the quality of life of the elderly. Their central message is that it is possible to accomplish a lot with quite limited resources if available resources are used well. A variety of educational services to a large number of older persons and to people who work with them was generated by a small initial grant. This grant enabled the college not only to begin to identify the educational needs of the elderly in a particular locality but also to locate a wide range of available resources (money, people, facilities) that could be used immediately to provide services.  相似文献   

This article presents baseline information on the educational experiences, needs, and interests of a statewide sample of older adults with mental retardation. Data were collected through an interview with the older person with mental retardation and through a questionnaire sent to a knowledgeable other who was matched to each older adult. Findings are presented on previous educational experiences, current educational opportunities, and educational needs and interests. Results indicate that this group of older persons strongly desires continued opportunity for learning, particularly in academic and independent living areas. Two subgroups within this sample were least likely to have access to instructional opportunities: persons 55 years or older and persons living in community residences with less than 24‐hour care. Access to this instruction would improve the independence and quality of life of both these groups, as it would for the entire sample. Implications of the findings for educators in gerontology, mental retardation, and adult education are discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of the Single European Market is the culmination of a series of changes designed to form an economic community in Western Europe. It is designed to encourage the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. The result is likely to be much higher levels of personal mobility, both educational and occupational. The main obstacles towards freedom of movement are non-recognition of qualifications and inadequate mastery of foreign languages. Various steps are being taken by the European Commission to overcome these obstacles and to promote mobility. These developments have major implications for educational and vocational guidance services. In particular, there is a need for extended information on educational and occupational opportunities across the European Community. There is also a need for improved support services for those who move across national boundaries. This is further likely to raise expectations for guidance services in countries where they are currently ill-developed. Initiatives to date in response to these challenges include European-level reports on the state of guidance services, action programmes designed to encourage innovation in guidance practice, and the establishment of a new European association for those involved in student guidance.University of Cambridge Careers Service  相似文献   

吴宪洲  东艳 《成人教育》2012,32(8):60-61
高等职业教育在现代职业教育体系中具有特强的地位,高职教育的发展动向影响整个职业教育的全局,在现代职业教育体系的办学理念、人才培养模式、社会服务、职业教育科学研究、合作办学等诸多方面发挥着引领作用。  相似文献   

Research data on levels of satisfaction with educational services in a Russian university show room for improvement in such areas as vocational guidance work; range of opportunities in the choice of specialization and optional disciplines; availability of academic and methodological literature; the quality of food services; and amount of practical training.  相似文献   

The older adult as learner has special needs. Planners of educational programs must take into account such needs. Instrumental (basic, delayed gratification types) and expressive (self-enjoyment, immediate gratification types) needs are two broad categories within which learning activities can be planned. Older adults appear to demonstrate preference for instrumental activities but most current learning opportunities are expressive in nature. In addition, older adults prefer to engage in self-directed planning if given the opportunity. It is suggested that a better scheme for assessing needs and for reaching the self-fulfillment desires of older persons is required of program administrators in institutions of higher education and other agencies.  相似文献   

The Second Careers program undertaken by the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences during 1975–1976 was designed to help older persons seeking second careers in the health care field make realistic career decisions. The program grew out of an awareness that persons over 45 are not adequately served by American educational institutions and frequently are denied opportunities to embark upon second careers in which they can make significant contributions. The age group 45–65 now makes up 20% of the American population. This group of persons is increasingly well educated, politically active, and relatively healthy; many are not inclined to settle for retirement or continued participation in jobs they may have outgrown. This population includes the early retiree; the homemaker returning to the marketplace either from choice or necessity; and the individual who seeks counseling, training, and education to support a midlife change to a new career. Second Careers was established for this large and educationally underserved group. This article describes a model program, conducted over a one year period, which combined classroom work and field experience with individual and group counseling. It involved twelve part-time students, all of whom made significant career decisions by the end of the year. Although this effort focused primarily on exploring career opportunities in the health care field, the model can be adapted to almost any educational setting. This paper is offered as a guide for individuals and organizations involved in or contemplating similar educational, counseling, and/or service programs for older persons.This article reprinted with permission fromEducational Gerontology An International Quarterly Vol. 4(1) Hemisphere Publishing Company.  相似文献   

As the number of older people, particularly those 85 and older, continues to increase, older persons themselves, family caregivers, and service providers need coordinated information distilled from gerontological research to cope with the issues and conditions brought about by the aging process in the context of contemporary American society. The State of Michigan, through the Calvin College-Grand Rapids Community College Consortium on Aging, has funded the development of a model regularly-scheduled interactive television series to disseminate gerontological information to support successful independent living for elders. According to studies by the U.S. Bureau of the Census and others, increasingly, more and more middle- and older-aged persons will utilize educational approaches in trying to cope with the changing life circumstances they and their families face as they grow older. This is because the proportion of middle- and older-aged persons with at least a high school education increases with each successive cohort of the population. Professionals in the aging networks on the national and state levels are calling for increased, coordinated information/educational approaches to help people deal with the realities of aging in contemporary American communities. The Administration of Aging has suggested that there is no realistic way the United States will be able to deal effectively with all the ramifications of a rapidly aging society unless communities form partnerships between institutions of higher education and community-based agencies to develop educational strategies in combination with the delivery of key services to empower older people to maintain independent living in their own homes. This model project mobilizes and coordinates resources in a metropolitan area (Grand Rapids/Kent County with over 500,000 people) to educate older and younger persons to grow older independently and successfully through regularly scheduled interactive television programs. These programs focus on the specific issues and resources pertinent to successful aging in contemporary American society.  相似文献   

The use of peer counselors with various populations has had a major impact on many areas of mental health service provision, including services to the elderly. Training older persons to serve as peer counselors requires specific attention to characteristics of older adult learners. This paper offers practical suggestions for the design and implementation of peer counseling programs for older adults. These suggestions include both general principles to serve as a guide in developing a program, such as selection of trainees, setting training goals, and providing follow‐up training and supervision, and specific recommendations on conducting effective training, including group size, number and length of sessions, educational format, and leadership qualities.  相似文献   

增强高职院校社会服务能力既是高职院校职责所在,也是促进自身发展的强大动力。当前高职院校服务经济社会发展主要有"订单式"人才培养、科技服务、教育拓展服务、校内资源共享服务和兄弟院校对口支援、辐射带动等模式。高职院校要从创新办学理念、提升办学实力、提高人才培养质量、建立健全社会服务机制和深挖社会服务潜能等方面来实现其服务功能。  相似文献   

作为我国地方企业家兴办职业教育的先驱,张謇致力于家乡职业教育的发展,在长期的实践活动中,他提出了普及生计、谋生立足的平民主义职业价值观,教育经济双赢、产学结合的合作教育观,广开门路与节俭办学相结合的教育经济观,学习西方与园地制宜相结合的教育发展观,其思想对促进我国现代职业教育的和谐发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

中职免费教育政策既是提升中职学校吸引力的现实需要,更是国家职教发展战略的诉求.纵观十年,该政策在优化教育结构、提高中职学校吸引力、增加初中毕业生受教育机会等方面做出重要贡献的同时,也面临偏离教育公平目标、对学生的吸引力有限、降低了中职学生向上流动机会等问题.因此,后续政策需要建立政府主导和企业参与的财政保障体系;提高中职学校教育质量,提升中职学生向上流动机会.  相似文献   

Given world aging, social workers will be involved in assisting older persons in their home-country and/or abroad in various types of governmental or nongovernmental agencies. This paper identifies potential opportunities for social workers with gerontological backgrounds interested in working in international and cross-cultural settings. Discussed are the role of social work education in assisting the development of student interest and competence in working with and for older persons in an aging world. Also discussed are international opportunities in field placements for work with older people.  相似文献   

教育信息化2.0时代,职业教育信息化建设从注重"物"的标准化供应转向满足"人"的多样化需求。在此背景下,教育信息化企业参与职业教育不再满足于做单一的产品提供商,开始向综合服务、运营服务转型,以满足消费主体的个性化、多样化和深层次的教育需求,技术和服务相结合的业务类型,成为教育信息化企业的发展趋势。目前这类企业参与职业教育还存在合作持续性欠缺、服务延伸不确定以及话语体系不一致等问题,通过开发企业自身服务供给能力、界定信息化供给的"所为"与"所不为"并强化制度环境的外部保障,庶几可突破教育信息化企业参与职业教育的瓶颈,促进新型产教融合的进阶提升。  相似文献   

高等职业教育与人文教育的结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从高等职业教育与人文教育的关系、两者结合中存在的问题及解决策略三方面进行了分析,高等职业教育中人文精神的缺失、人文教育薄弱、学生人文素质欠缺等现象,从而使高等职业教育取得良好的效果,达到真正的教育目的。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted among special education administrators in 1,450 local education agencies (LEAs) nationwide, to determine the availability of vocational programs and transition-oriented services for handicapped youth. Results showed that most LEAs offer at least some vocational programs; transition-oriented services as not as frequently available, particularly in smaller LEAs. In addition to size of LEA, community employment opportunities and the availability of adult services were related to whether an LEA offered any transition-related services.  相似文献   

This article examines issues affecting the education of deaf people under Nigeria's 6-3-3-4 system of education. The system was introduced in 1976 and serves all categories of learners in Nigeria, irrespective of disability. The broad aim of education under the system is to provide all Nigerian learners a wide variety of educational and vocational opportunities to ensure the optimum development of their potential. Evidence indicates that the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system in Nigerian schools, including schools for the deaf, remains unsatisfactory. A plethora of problems running the gamut from inadequate personnel training programs, lack of facilities, failure of inclusion programs, to limited vocational preparation opportunities, inadequate funding of services, and absence of a legislation supporting the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system are identified as the major factors militating against the effective implementation of the system in Nigerian schools, including schools for the deaf. The implications for improvements in these areas to achieve a more meaningful implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system are discussed.  相似文献   

高职高专院校图书馆开展数字化参考咨询服务的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代通讯技术、计算机技术、网络技术和多媒体技术的迅猛发展,促使图书馆数字化参考咨询服务应运而生.高等职业院校是高等教育队伍中的一支新生力量.高职高专院校图书馆同样面临着数字化参考咨询服务的探索与实践.高职高专院校图书馆应努力开展数字化参考咨询服务探索,通过采取多馆联合咨询服务,集中优势资源为我所用.为学校教学及科研活动提供完善地、深层次地咨询服务.  相似文献   

地方职业大学是我国高等教育改革的产物,历经三十年的发展,不仅发挥了人才培养、知识创新、科技服务的高校办学功能,而且在整合地方教育资源,提升地方教育服务经济和社会发展质量方面也功不可没。总结与回顾地方职业大学的发展历程,必须关注其并校重组及优化配置区域教育资源的贡献,以利人们能在社会需要的基础上正确认识职业大学的历史价值,更多地吸取职业大学的办学经验,推进中等和高等职业教育体系的协调发展。  相似文献   

高职教育要适应经济社会对职业人才的需求实现可持续发展,必须进行教育理念的创新,要树立速度发展观在内的五个观点;要以教学为中心,坚持产学研结合,校企结合,推进教学改革,采用先进的教育技术建设职教特色;同时还必须建设先进的校园文化加强管理。  相似文献   

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