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When any new cataloguing rules are introduced, it is natural for cataloguers to worry a little about the changes and potential problems that will accompany them. When the entire cataloguing code is revised, definite uneasiness, even fear, set in. During the long years of preparation before the code was published, it was a fear of the unknown. But now that we all have our copies of AACR2 comfortingly in hand,' we can dispel the fear (or face it squarely) by examining the code and noting just how it will affect our work. Serials cataloguers will find numerous small changes from earlier practices, and a few areas where their vague fears of the unknown may be replaced by more substantially grounded fears that there will be some specific difficulties in applying the code.  相似文献   

自动化辅助分类工具   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自动化辅助分类工具是采用专家系统技术实现在PC286、386微型机上的一个辅助分类用的软件系统,它是将文献的主题词等分类特征作为产生式系统的初始值,通过分类索引知识得到若干相关分类号,再据分类规则知识和文献的其它特征对分类号集合进行裁剪,在最小分类号集合中,由用户决定最终正确的分类号。  相似文献   

Two-word compression techniques, the University of Chicago experimental search code and a phonetic code similar to the SOUNDEX coding system, were tested as search codes on a data base of 7,464 bibliographic records. These codes were automatically generated and tested for uniqueness. A modified version of the University of Chicago search code produced the best results with a uniqueness factor of 98.83 percent. The algorithms for generating these codes are explained, and implication of the findings for medium-sized libraries are discussed.  相似文献   

Conservation expertise required for software-based art varies depending on the nature and function of its components. Our focus in this study is technology, specifically related to the impact of changes and upgrades to the operating environment that can adversely impact future exhibition of software-based art. In our research to date, we found that each specific work requires individual analysis and conservation strategies due to unique technical risks. We also concluded that artist-generated source code is a primary risk for software-based works. We then devoted the next phase of our research to a closer examination of risks associated with source code. The purpose of the research reported in this article is to investigate whether examining and documenting the source code can inform conservation practice. A corollary second goal is to define relevant best practices for documenting source code for software-based art. In order to address these questions, we selected two artworks at the Museum of Modern Art for a collaborative study using students and faculty from both the Museum Studies and Computer Science departments at New York University. This collaboration helped ensure that technology skills complemented a deep understanding of art history in the museum context. We based the methodology for our study on current software engineering practices and composed diagrams and narrative documents to reflect what we found in the source code. We also relied on artist interviews to explore the requirements and goals of the system, and user manuals to assist in understanding the implementation and physical installation of the works. It was our hypothesis that once the behavior of software-based art is understood by combining a standard software engineering approach with considerations specific to artist and museum needs, conservators and programmers will be better prepared to address changes in the operating environment. Based on our experience, we found this to be true. We conclude this paper with plans for our next phase of research.  相似文献   

王芳 《兰台世界》2020,(3):45-47
《至正条格》是元代后期一部重要的法典,颁行于元顺帝至正六年。此法典久已亡佚。幸运的是,2002年韩国庆州发现该书元刻残本,2007年予以公布。其"断例"部分"职制"门有15条与元代的档案文书有关,涉及档案传递、档案查勘、档案保管、档案利用等内容,这为我们研究元代档案提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

A "shorthand" code system which would uniquely identify serials could speed library operations of ordering and checking in serials, and could facilitate retrieval of information on a worldwide basis, through computerized methods. Each serial would be represented by a brief but unique combination of letters and/or numbers. Four different code systems have been developed. Two of these systems are in growing use today: the CODEN, which are composed of six capital letters having mnemonic significance, and the ISSN (International Standard Serial Numbers), which consist of two groups of four digits each. This annotated bibliography encompasses both the criteria for an ideal code and the development of the existing codes.  相似文献   

严彬 《图书情报工作》2002,46(11):13-16
目前图书附带多张光盘的情况逐渐增多,有的期刊每期都附有光盘。在此笔者利用条码技术设置光盘的标识字符,以解决作为附件的光盘的流通和统计问题。  相似文献   

ISBN重号剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合中国ISBN应用现状,对多种中文图书共用一个ISBN代码标识作了系统归类,就ISBN重号现象作了具体分析,并试图寻找出避免重号出现的方法。  相似文献   



The Medical Library Association (MLA) Board of Directors and president charged an Ethical Awareness Task Force and recommended a survey to determine MLA members'' awareness of and opinions about the current Code of Ethics for Health Sciences Librarianship.


The task force and MLA staff crafted a survey to determine: (1) awareness of the MLA code and its provisions, (2) use of the MLA code to resolve professional ethical issues, (3) consultation of other ethical codes or guides, (4) views regarding the relative importance of the eleven MLA code statements, (5) challenges experienced in following any MLA code provisions, and (6) ethical problems not clearly addressed by the code.


Over 500 members responded (similar to previous MLA surveys), and while most were aware of the code, over 30% could not remember when they had last read or thought about it, and nearly half had also referred to other codes or guidelines. The large majority thought that: (1) all code statements were equally important, (2) none were particularly difficult or challenging to follow, and (3) the code covered every ethical challenge encountered in their professional work.


Comments provided by respondents who disagreed with the majority views suggest that the MLA code could usefully include a supplementary guide with practical advice on how to reason through a number of ethically challenging situations that are typically encountered by health sciences librarians.  相似文献   

Digital government is universally gaining acceptance as the public becomes more technologically advanced. It is critical for the government to embrace new technology for minimizing costs and maximizing utility of services to the taxpayers. While administrative services have been easily ported to the digital world, there are still many important citizen-centric services that have not yet been effectively migrated. Quick Response codes (QR codes) provide a means to effectively distribute many different varieties of information to the public. We propose to integrate QR code systems and corresponding smartphone applications into existing government services with the goal of providing a new level of interactivity for the public. We illustrate this through two case studies, examining the National Park Services and the Mobile Environmental Information Services (MENVIS). The focus is on developing a QR code waypoint system for park navigation, as well as incentivizing park use through gamification of site attractions. The system provides increased safety for park goers, disseminates information more effectively and accurately, and improves feedback.  相似文献   

SISAC期刊条码结构分析及性能评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文在对美国SISAC 条码作调查统计和结构分析的基础上, 指出SISAC 的功能远远超过我国现行的欧州商品期刊条码( ISSN /EAN ) , 是图书馆、发行中心和出版社实现期刊管理自动化和电子数据交换(EDI) 的重要桥梁, 也是我国期刊识别体系标准化的取向。  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了二维码及其特点与使用优势,对比图书馆现阶段使用的二维码与IC卡,展示了二维码能给图书馆带来的便捷,并以制作图书馆讲座辅助系统为例,通过对系统设计、开发与制作过程的介绍,说明二维码在图书馆未来发展中将发挥的作用。  相似文献   

文章针对目前采供血业务管理系统与档案管理系统各成体系,互不兼融,以及纸质档案定位、检索难等档案管理使用效益存在的问题,对基于网络的采供血业务档案智能化管理系统进行了研究,提出了开发专业网络接口兼容技术,实现采供血"业务管理系统"和"档案管理系统"的定时连接,实现电子档案的自动组卷与排序;开发电子仿真模型和利用采供血条形码读取技术,实现纸质档案二级类目与电子档案匹配化管理,实现业务档案的智能化管理。  相似文献   

图书馆员职业道德准则对于图书馆员职业价值观的确定、馆员的自我管理、用户服务水平的提升、图书馆社会声望的提高均有重要作用,而制订世界通用的图书馆员职业道德准则将深刻体现全世界馆员的共同价值观,促使全世界馆员统一标准、统一行动。世界图书馆员职业道德准则应以简明、清晰、准确的用语描述馆员与职业、同事、用户和社会等各方面关系的内容,使图书馆员以相同标准为用户提供更优质的服务,从而显著提升图书馆的社会声望。  相似文献   

The Medical Library Association's certification plan, never of real significance in employment and promotion practices in health sciences librarianship, does not reflect the many changes which have occurred in swift progression since adoption of the code in 1949. Solutions to the problems which have accumulated since then are sought in a brief examination of trends in credentialing and certification in the health professions and in the library field, both general and special. Emphasis is given to the historical development of provisions in the MLA Code for the Training and Certification of Medical Librarians, the limited opportunity for practical implementation of most of the provisions, the importance of the code in stimulating the Association's educational programs, the impact of the Medical Library Assistance Act, Regional Medical Programs, and increases in demand for health information on manpower requirements for health science libraries, the specific dissatisfactions MLA members have expressed over certification, and the role of the Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a New Certification Code.  相似文献   

国际标准书号与图书条形码释义及其转换算法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正式出版的图书封底所印制的图书条形码与图书的国际标准书号(ISBN)有着密切的关系。了解他们的含义,明确他们之间的转换关系,对于图书馆自动化管理系统(特别是采访查重子系统)的设计应用和出版社图书条形码的编号问题有着重要的作用。文章介绍了两者的含义及其之间的转换算法。  相似文献   

图书馆员职业道德规范有利于约束图书馆员在其从业生活中的行为,有利于维护图书馆知识自由,有利于保障信息用户权利。文章在定位图书馆员职业道德内涵基础上,介绍了国际图联IFLA/FAFIE所制定的图书馆员职业道德规范的意义及内容。结合泰国图书馆协会TLA、智利图书馆协会CBC所制定的图书馆员职业道德规范个案特色,提出了对图书馆员职业道德规范的特色化建设、执行保障力度及图书馆协会角色定位的思考。  相似文献   

梁静  文奕 《图书情报工作》2022,66(15):140-147
[目的/意义]代码是研究数据的一种,但不同于文献中用到的研究数据集,文献中涉及的代码的价值还未受到足够的重视,针对代码的相关发布政策和规范也尚未统一和完善。[方法/过程]以计算机科学领域为例,概述代码共享的意义和价值,对相关概念进行辨析并概述本文研究框架,从提交、审核和发布3个环节归纳计算机科学领域权威出版商及旗下期刊和会议对文献代码关联发布的规范政策。从代码发布所依托的预印本、学术合作网络、赛事汇总网站、综合数据存储库及专业代码存储库等不同来源入手,分析文献关联代码的存储状况并进行评价。最后对国内外相关现状进行总结,并对未来文献关联代码发布规范的制定和存储库建设提出建议。[结果/结论]对于文献关联代码资源,目前国际上对文献代码资源的提交、审核和发布等不同环节已经有相当的重视,尤其针对初始的提交环节,多数国际权威出版商都从硬性要求、存储库推荐、代码资源引用等方面进行了规范。在文献代码资源建设上,多数代码资源作为附属研究数据随同文献存储于综合数据存储库、赛事汇总网站等存储库中,以文献代码为中心的专业文献代码存储网站也随着重视程度的增加在逐步建立。国内对文献代码资源的重视程度不足,在文献代码资源的建设上仍处于初期,仅有极少数期刊会对文献代码资源的提交进行规定,在资源存储上也少有尝试。针对目前文献代码资源建设的不足,本文从完善文献代码资源提交至发布全流程规定、统一代码存储库推荐、挖掘文献代码资源更多适用功能和场景等方面提出相关建议。  相似文献   

RFID技术在高校图书馆书库管理中的应用实践与探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前高校图书馆书库管理普遍存在图书上架量大、图书错架乱架、读者有意藏书及图书盘点难等四大难题,从而影响书库管理的效率和质量。国内外图书馆关注的RFID技术具有自动识别、自动追踪、多标签识读和存储信息量大等优势,对破解书库管理的四大难题具有针对性。但通过对RFID系统的分析,发现在图书馆盘点速度、自动借还、防盗效果和识读准确率等方面与当前条形码系统相比还不具备优势,影响RFID技术优势的发挥。为促进RFID在书库管理中的推广应用,提出不断完善RFID技术、制定RFID在出版物的应用标准、大力研发导电油墨、开发图书自动追踪及定位功能、重视中间件的开发等5方面的大对策。  相似文献   

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