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This paper reflects upon the nature of a target‐setting and mentoring scheme in an 11–16 school in England, through a series of retrospective interviews with students who continued into further education. It considers the extent to which the initiative impacted both upon students’ formal academic achievement at 16+ and upon the subsequent longer‐term aspirations of these students. Interviews with students who achieved considerable ‘value‐added’ in their GCSE examinations suggested that the impact of mentoring was strongest amongst those students who came from homes where there was less expectation of them participating in further and higher education, and that this effect was not differentiated according to gender. The paper suggests that longer‐term transformation of students’ aspirations, and the challenging of gendered course and career stereotypes, will only be achieved if schools adopt a more holistic and proactive approach to careers education and to widening participation for their students, and that the absence of such proactivity will limit the longer‐term gains initiated by successful mentoring activities.  相似文献   

Schools have a particular responsibility to introduce young people to the range of possible options for them after they leave education as few families can provide this. However, in the United Kingdom, careers education is currently not strong in most schools for a number of reasons but principally due to its low status and shifts in government policy and funding. As a result, too many young people make subject choices for post-16 study that they subsequently regret. In particular, fewer young people in the United Kingdom choose post-16 STEM subjects than might do. Yet, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates are especially valued by employers. We draw on the findings of two research projects, ASPIRES and UPMAP, and argue that one way forward may be to embed careers education in STEM lessons. This can be done in ways that are respectful of and helpful to students. We recommend that an England- or UK-based project to investigate the consequences of embedding careers education in STEM lessons be undertaken.  相似文献   

This is a time of great opportunity, but also of great danger in the education of students placed at risk for school failure. Students may be placed at risk for many reasons, among which are low socioeconomic status (SES), minority status, and limited English proficiency, if they attend schools that are not prepared to build on their strengths. Although individual low-income and minority students may excel, and individual schools may have great success with high-poverty students, on average such students perform significantly worse in school than do advantaged students in well-funded schools (Knapp & Woolverton, 1995; National Center for Education Statistics, 1993, 1994). In particular, African American and Latino students have, as a group, performed significantly lower than other groups. Although the gap between these groups and White students on the National Assessment of Educational Process (NAEP) and other tests has gradually diminished since the early 1970s, the gap remains substantial, and in the most recent NAEP assessments the White-minority gap actually increased slightly for the first time since the NAEP has been given (National Center for Education Statistics, 1994).  相似文献   

In Sweden the compulsory school curriculum prescribes that education should promote learning in different subjects while simultaneously assisting students to develop into citizens of good character. To achieve these goals students need to cultivate such character strengths as respect and responsibility, so that they can create positive relationships and live in a community. The development of these skills in a school setting could be called character education. Research shows that good character education promotes the moral development of students and also enhances their academic learning. Giving voice to students is the cornerstone of character education; if adults in schools listen carefully to students educational practice can be improved. This study was conducted in a secondary school in northern Sweden. The phenomenology of the life‐world and the principles of participatory and appreciative action research guided the research. The aim was to explore student voices as they described how they do and do not wish to be treated by others. The empirical data consisted of written responses to questions posed to students in Grades 7 and 8. The data analysis revealed four themes: striving for mutual understanding, being accepted for who you are, seeking honesty and truth and being acknowledged, recognized and encouraged. A comprehensive understanding of the themes suggests how practice may be improved in educational settings.  相似文献   

实验性示范性高中集聚了一批事实上的资优学生群体,立足于不同类型学生潜质的开发,立足于为构建创新型国家与人力资源强国所需要的创新人才早期培育奠基,这批学校应在构建具有自身特点的、彰显学校办学个性的学校课程上迈出坚实的步伐。学校课程建设,应关注学生的个性化知识准备与构成,形成可供学生选择、具有现代性的课程科目、模块系统与操作实施系统,并关注凸显学生优势潜能的学校课程专门开发。  相似文献   


“Hybrid home schools” are schools in which students attend school with other students for 2 or 3 days per week in traditional classroom settings, and are homeschooled the balance of the week. This exploratory study presents self-reported reasons parents choose these schools, using an electronic survey of parents from four such schools (n = 136; 19% return rate). Findings indicate that families in these schools are relatively wealthier and more suburban than parents using tax credit programs, that they value school structures more than particular student achievement outcomes, and that they seek information on accreditation, curriculum, and the religious nature of schools in making their choices.  相似文献   

This article attempts to map the business and economics curriculum and explain some of the reasons for it being as it is; and to examine the number of students choosing to study the subjects and the ‘perceived relative value’ of studying economics and business studies. In 1988 a National Curriculum was introduced for all 5–16-year-olds in state schools in England but curiously neither business studies nor economics were mandatory subjects. In England, government education policy has influenced the development of the business and economics school curriculum in four main ways: first, in defining a core curriculum; second, in changes in school type; third, in the treatment of the academic/vocational divide; and, finally, in the development of a qualifications framework. With a new government elected, changes in education policy will therefore have an impact on the study of these subjects. We argue that while business and economics are very popular options for study by 14–19-year-olds, this area of the English curriculum needs further strengthening, and that all students should have the opportunity to study business and economics in some form to develop their own economic wellbeing and to better understand the world in which they live.  相似文献   

This study documents the inclusive, deliberate, and unintended educational practices in Japan for mathematically gifted students. It also aims to identify various schools’ strengths and challenges in improving the mathematics education of these students. Case studies with multisite designs were undertaken in five middle schools selected using purposive sampling. Mathematics education practices – assessed in terms of assessment, mathematics instruction, support and interventions, and teachers’ collaboration – guided the data collection and analysis. The primary goal of this study was to describe current school practices and identify common strengths and challenges (including outlier practices across schools) which were valuable in generating conclusion regarding how certain practices might lead to different student and/or teacher outcomes.  相似文献   

我国素质教育步履维艰,应试教育愈演愈烈,择校之风越刮越猛,学生负担越来越重。这不是偶然的,它是社会激烈的生存和发展竞争在教育的反映。深层矛盾只有通过深化改革来解决。在解决教育深层矛盾方面,教育部门和学校要切实负起责任,党委和政府要解决深层次问题,家庭和社会则要积极配合。只有齐心协力,综合治理,并且持之以恒,我国教育存在的问题才有望逐步解决。  相似文献   

高中思想政治课与高校思想政治课对提高青年学生的思想道德素质方面发挥着重要作用。实现好二者的衔接,是搞好对青年学生进行思想政治教育的有效手段。实现二者的衔接,应该做好以下几个方面:教育主管部门应该重新审视高校思想政治课的课程设置;高校思想政治课教师与高中思想政治课教师应该互通有无,取长补短;应该改变传统的评价机制,发挥学生的主动性。  相似文献   

Mixed marriages are a hemorrhage in the body of American Jewry. In the average Hebrew school classroom 20–25 percent of the students will someday marry out. Even in day schools 5–10 percent will marry out, although most of them will influence their spouses to convert. (Jewish children who do not receive a Jewish education will marry out in even higher percentages, and rarely influence their partners to become Jewish.) This exogamy (outmarriage) results in a doubling of the divorce rate. In addition, the majority of the children of exogamous manages do not identify themselves as Jews. Can Jewish educators influence some of these children to consciously seek Jewish mates? only if they try.  相似文献   

The recent report on the Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians (SFFP) and the revised Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) reframe the preparation for medical school (and other health professional schools) in terms of competencies: what students should know and be able to do with that knowledge, with a strong emphasis on scientific inquiry and research skills. In this article, we will describe the thinking that went into the SFFP report and what it says about scientific and quantitative reasoning, focusing on biology and physics and the overlap between those fields. We then discuss how the SFFP report set the stage for the discussion of the recommendations for the revised MCAT, which will be implemented in 2015, again focusing the discussion on biology and physics. Based on that framework, we discuss the implications for undergraduate biology and physics education if students are to be prepared to demonstrate these competencies.  相似文献   

The American experiment with charter schools advanced on dual impulses of increasing opportunities for disadvantaged students and unleashing market competition. While critics see these independently managed schools as a form of privatisation, proponents contend that they are public schools because of funding and accountability arrangements and potential benefits, and believe that the economic logic around these schools will produce equitable educational opportunities. This analysis considers how charters are or are not instances of privatisation in education, showing that the marketised environment they are intended to nurture serves as a route for profit-seeking strategies. In reviewing the research on charter school organisational behaviour and outcomes in marketised environments, I find evidence of de facto privatisation in function if not in form. As charter schools often act like profit-seeking entities, but fail to achieve expected academic and equity outcomes, the concluding discussion considers how these schools are placed between conflicting goals, and serve as entry points for private organisations seeking to penetrate the publicly funded education sector. I conclude that perhaps their most important role is in serving as a vehicle for privatising public policy—diminishing the public while enhancing the position and influence of private interests and organisations in education policymaking.  相似文献   

In recent years, the frequent use of suspensions and the racial disparities in their application, particularly for nonviolent behaviors, has created a maelstrom of public pressure for schools to adjust their suspension practices. In an era of increasing institutional accountability for schools, there is evidence that schools may be responsive to policy shifts when they are under institutional pressure to do so. Several school districts have recently revised their out-of-school suspension policies, but researchers know little about (a) if these changes in policy actually change students’ odds of suspension and (b) if so, how these changes might shift racial disproportionality in suspensions. This analysis examines the recent removal of suspensions for low-level infractions from the formal school discipline policy of a large, urban district. I use student-level data to compare the frequency and disproportionality of suspensions before and after the discipline code change. Findings suggest that although suspension rates decrease overall, multiple suspensions per student are more likely. With regard to disproportionality, black girls and white boys are more likely than expected to receive a first suspension in the post period as well. These findings highlight the importance of exploring heterogeneity in outcomes resulting from potential unintended consequences of policy change.  相似文献   

English language learners (ELLs) are the most rapidly growing student population in U.S. elementary and secondary schools, and this growth rate will continue throughout the next few decades. Indirect evidence has suggested that the youth population that grows the fastest has the highest risk of dropping out of school. This article reviews the literature on ELL students with a focus on the risk factors that characterize this expanding population. Limited English proficiency, disadvantageous socioeconomic status, and different cultural background are identified as the leading factors that influence ELL students’ school outcomes. The authors discuss implications of these risk factors to teacher education and professional development in teaching ELL students.  相似文献   

Market forces and diversity: Some evidence from the 14-19 curriculum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using an economic analysis of market forces in schooling, this paper investigates change and diversity in the 14-19 curriculum of 16 schools in three local education authorities in England. Using qualitative data from interviews with several teachers in each school, it focuses on changes in the schools' curriculum for modern foreign languages, economics, and business studies. During the period studied, schools had some freedom to choose the courses they offered in these subjects. The interaction between the policies of promotion of competition through comparison (i.e. league tables) and the promotion of competition through specialization is considered. Evidence is found of the influence of local schoolingmarket hierarchies on curriculum change in these schools, and this operated chiefly through changes in school enrolment. Some evidence was found of schools' curricula being influenced by trends set by key schools and the occupation of niches pre-empting choices by other schools. These processes were slowly developing and deepening as market changes exert stronger constraints on school behaviour over time. It is concluded that the impact of quasi-markets on schools' curricula may only be apparent when these processes have had the opportunity to develop more fully.  相似文献   


This paper considers whether subject choice at 14–16 influences post-16 transitions, taking into account prior academic attainment and school characteristics, and if so, whether this accounts for socioeconomic, gender, and ethnic differences in access to post-16 education. We consider post-16 progression to full-time education, A-levels, and studying two or more facilitating subjects at A-level. We use ‘Next Steps’, a study of 16,000 people born in England in 1989–1990, linked to administrative education records (the National Pupil Database). We find that students pursuing an EBacc-eligible curriculum at 14–16 had a greater probability of progression to all post-16 educational outcomes, while the reverse was true for students taking an applied GCSE subject. Curriculum differences did not explain the social class differences in post-16 progression, but an academic curriculum was equally valuable for working-class as for middle-class pupils. Pursuing an EBacc-eligible curriculum particularly strongly increased the chances of girls and white young people staying in the educational pipeline, whereas applied subjects were particularly detrimental for girls. An EBacc-eligible curriculum at age 14–16 increased the chances of studying subjects preferred by Russell Group universities at A-level.  相似文献   

通过CNKI、万方数据库等权威网站查阅所有关于我国高职实用性体育课程的研究后发现,目前的研究只着重关注学生与职业相关的体能、技能和人格培养方面.而就以往经验和目前现状而言,学生即使没在体育课中专门学这些方面,对工作也能较快适应.但许多人在步入职场后都会出现相关的职业伤病,自己却不知该如何预防和处理.  相似文献   

New South Wales has embarked on an ambitious programme of quality assurance. This is designed both to contribute to the development of schools through the provision of recommendations for improvement in student outcomes and to offer a means of holding various levels of the educational system accountable. The paper outlines some of the particular ways in which one state system has tackled these issues. It identifies the key questions which form the focus of the review process and discusses some of the ways in which the review agenda is negotiated with schools and located in relation to evidence on students’ learning outcomes. It then turns to a step‐by‐step discussion of the review methodology, including the steps taken to ensure schools’ ownership of the resultant recommendations. The paper concludes that there are some distinctive features of the educational process which need to be respected by programmes of quality assurance if student learning is to be enhanced.  相似文献   

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