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Thai Distance English Learners and Learner Autonomy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The study reported here represents an attempt to explore learner autonomy in a distance education setting in Thailand. Autonomy is a key element in learning a language at a distance and is reflected in the number and quality of learning strategies students employ. Data for this study were collected using a questionnaire sent to students country-wide, ThinkAloud protocols and interviews. Using a number of criteria which emerged from the study, students were grouped into two kinds of language learner: self sufficient language learners, who were able to follow the course but displayed a limited degree of learner autonomy, and dynamic distance language learners, who were more proactive in their approach to learning. The outcomes from this study were used to draw conclusions about recommendations for future distance language course development and to develop theoretical work by the author relating to autonomous learning of languages at a distance  相似文献   

The role of learner autonomy and self‐regulated learning in distance education has received much attention. The application of these concepts impacts course design and, potentially, learner achievement. In the case of distance language learning, course designers must consider not only how to help learners gain communicative competence but also language learner strategies that support success. Although the concepts of autonomy and self‐regulated learning share some similarities, they have been variously defined and applied to distance education. Current research and discussion has not synthesized the ways in which these factors can be more fully utilized to improve distance education. Based on a critical review and synthesis of the literature on autonomy and self‐regulation, this article contributes a new model for distance language learning. The model provides guidance for course designers and assists instructors in supporting their students.  相似文献   

人才培养的目标、内容、模式要根据培养对象的学习需求、自身素质、客观环境等来制定。专业课程的设置应该调研学习者的求学动机及知识水平,进行学习价值需求分析,在此基础上因材施教。课程设置上应增加实操性内容,增加多媒体和互动内容,网络学习平台要一体化设计,考试内容也要做相应改革,进而实现学生个人价值和社会价值的最大化。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Outcomes and mediators of differences in online and traditional course delivery were tested with a sample of 112 graduate students who completed an introductory course in training and development. Specifically, the individual learner characteristics of self‐efficacy, motivation, goal orientation, and meta‐cognition and their effects on success through online delivery were examined. The study also addressed three outcomes: trainees' reactions to that program, their learning, and subsequent planned changes in job behavior. The findings indicate that online learners have significantly more positive reaction levels of enjoyment and utility and significantly stronger intent to transfer their learning. Online students find the coursework more difficult, but there was no significant difference in learning based on delivery mode. Implications for both managers and educators involved in online learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Although it is widely agreed that teacher sensitivity to individual learning differences (ILDs) is an integral component of effective teaching, little research has focused on how to develop this sensitivity in teachers. This study describes the reported effects of a year‐long professional development course designed to sensitize 14 teachers to their own and their colleagues' learning differences. The teachers explored their own ILDs in a mediated context with colleagues, utilizing a battery of learning styles inventories. In order to document any teacher change as a result of the course, the researchers collected data from interviews, written critical incidents, questionnaire, and field notes. A taxonomy of teacher change in language, beliefs and practice was constructed from the data using qualitative research analysis. Teachers reported the following changes: gaining a fluency in the language of individual learning differences; gaining interventionist beliefs about students; increased legitimizing and addressing of individual learning differences; and positive outcomes as a result of their changes, that is, awareness of self‐development and increased learner success. An empirical model of developing teacher sensitivity to ILDs is presented, with implications for teacher professional development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore special educational curriculum design at senior secondary school level and whether this helps to enhance the academic attainment and self‐confidence of students with learning difficulties. An in‐depth discussion focuses on lesson planning for the individual needs and group needs of students by implementation of self‐regulated learning strategies, based on a case study in a special school in Hong Kong. A multiple methods research design was envisaged for the implementation phase of this participatory action research. Lesson observations, video recordings, teachers’ diaries and students’ interviews were collected during one academic year in a form 5 (equal to year 12 in the UK) classroom. It is suggested that curriculum design should include various elements: learning knowledge, values and attitudes, and generic skills. This differentiated curriculum design showed how subject learning targets could be responsive to both the individual and the group needs of students with learning difficulties. Conclusions also indicate that assisting students to become aware of their individual needs is beneficial both for learning and for curriculum design.  相似文献   

The career development and disability knowledge of 97 students with learning disabilities from three postsecondary institutions in the Midwest was examined through semi‐structured interviews. Students with disabilities who were eligible for services while in high school generally did not engage in transition planning as required by federal law. Their career development activities were limited despite having unique career needs. The majority of students had difficulty describing their disability and its impact on their career exploration and planning. For students with learning disabilities at the postsecondary level, career development services should be provided, including training in self‐advocacy and career exploration in the first two years. Instruction in career self‐management skills should be ongoing.  相似文献   

在教与学的过程中,学生与教师都会提出反馈,也会收到反馈.课程应该提供不会让人感到威胁的环境,学生在其中能够向教师和其他学生充分地表达自己.学生需要得到针对他们工作和表现的、持续的、及时的反馈.提供有效的反馈有助于保证学生的需求得以满足,有助于保证他们能够开展高质量的学习.(Co-hen,2003:Thurmond 和 Wambach,2004)本文主要讨论的是对学生提供的反馈,而反馈本身也是对学习者的工作和活动的回应,帮助学习者更好地理解他所取得的进步,或帮助学习者改善他的学习或表现.反馈可以在教师和学生之间、学生与学生之间,也可以是学生对自身的长处或改进学习活动的某一方面进行的反思和评价.要使反馈真正有效,对学生提供的反馈应着重于缩小学生当前的表现与期望目标之间的差距.文中所提出的案例均来自于本人在线教学经历过的或访谈在线教师过程中了解到的.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of learning and academic achievement in engineering education. Two sets of oral exams were used as a source of information in relation to students’ learning and needs in the learning situation. Through ensuing interviews, patterns of learning strategies were discerned. Academically successful students utilised self‐monitoring skills, such as self‐evaluation and comprehension monitoring, while these skills were used only to a minor extent by those less successful. Promoting self‐regulated learning could be one way to improve student learning. The research literature, however, suggests that merely teaching self‐monitoring skills does not necessarily make a difference. This study therefore focuses on roles of tutors in identifying and promoting self‐regulated learning.  相似文献   

Three teachers, who held extreme preferences for the ways they learn, participated in a year‐long professional development course, designed to sensitize teachers to their own and colleagues’ individual learning differences (ILDs). The case study focuses on their extreme learning preferences and discusses the impact of these preferences on their language, beliefs and practice, both before and after the course. The teachers’ learning preferences were determined from their scores on seven learning/cognitive styles tools and understood further from field notes, interviews and pre‐/post‐test responses. The study suggests that teachers with extreme learning preferences tend to: (a) teach the way they prefer to learn; (b) overgeneralize and project their own learning needs onto students; and (c) hold initial pathognomonic (“blame the learner”) beliefs about students mismatched to them. After the course, the teachers changed their language, beliefs and practice in the direction of becoming more effective teachers, e.g., they held more interventionist beliefs (“I can intervene to help the learner”). The three teachers were strong prototypes who can provide insights about the importance of ILDs in learning, practice and professional development.  相似文献   

The ability to self‐reflect is widely recognized as a desirable learner attribute that can induce deep learning. Advances in computer‐mediated communication technologies have led to intense interest in higher education in exploring the potential of digital tools, particularly digital video, for fostering self‐reflection. While there are reports pointing to the salutary effects of digital video on learners’ reflective ability, a systematic inquiry into how digital video can be utilized to promote self‐reflection in an ePortfolio context remains under‐reported. In this paper, we pose two questions: (1) Do students have the confidence to create their own digital videos for reflection and do they find this activity relevant to their learning needs?; and (2) To what extent does digital video affect the level of self‐reflection and the nature of peer feedback? Results from this small‐scale exploratory case study provide evidence in support of video use as a reflective tool in an ePortfolio context and highlight the need for considering pedagogical and technological issues that are of significance for teachers, educators and ePortfolio developers.  相似文献   

An undergraduate social work program developed a service‐learning experience in partnership with a local United Way organization to complete a community needs assessment project. The experience integrated the curricula of a social work research methods course and a generalist‐macro practice course with the principles and actions of experiential and service‐ learning, evidence based practice, and civic responsibility. This integrated curricula project yielded practical, “real world” outcomes for the local community and learning outcomes for the students. Needs assessments conducted by social students resulted in particular groups of community citizens receiving targeted services from agencies receiving funding from United Way. Evidence obtained from the students who participated in this experience indicates that two important learning outcomes were achieved; a heightened awareness of the local community's resource system and a sense of connection to the local community, along with the enhancement of students ‘self‐esteem and increased self‐confidence in their abilities.  相似文献   

Learning outcomes in higher education are of considerable interest to students, teaching staff, researchers, tertiary education institutions and funding authorities. To improve the quality of learning outcomes may require a better understanding of what happens in the learning process from the perspective of the learner. This study makes use of a number of current instruments for the evaluation of student learning to explore aspects of learning outcomes in terms of academic achievement. The students evaluated were either in their first year of study (N=194) or in the third year of their course (N=118). A causal mode of learning outcomes was developed for each group and evaluated using the PLSPATH program to explore the impact of student‐related causative factors. A number of these factors were shown to have a direct effect on student academic achievement, as measured by annual grade point average (GPA), with some consistency across two year‐levels. The most important factor in predicting academic performance for both groups was students' prior academic performance. Approaches to learning and English language skills were also shown to have some predictive value. Students' metacognitive skills and self‐efficacy, though showing strong inter‐relationships with other factors, did not show a direct effect on academic achievement.  相似文献   

Educational psychologists have found that metacognitive calibration predicts learning outcomes in self‐regulated learning. In this research the authors apply theories of metacognition from educational psychology and postulate that metacognitive calibration influences learning time and performance in online learning. Data gathered from 230 college students who completed online self‐regulated assignments in an introductory information systems course confirms that higher calibration accuracy leads to better performance on assignments, which contributes to higher exam grades. In addition, higher calibration accuracy also reduces the amount of time students spent on the online assignments. However, time spent on the assignments is not a mediator of the effect of calibration on learning performance. This research presents pioneering work in examining a holistic model that assesses the impact of metacognition in online learning on both assignment and exam level learning outcomes using field data collected through a natural learning setting. The findings highlight the need to include metacognitive calibration as one of the learner characteristics in research models addressing student performance in online learning.  相似文献   

This follow‐up study, written by Kristiina Lappalainen of the University of Eastern Finland and Hotulainen Risto of the University of Helsinki, investigated whether young adults designated as having part‐time special education needs (PtSEN) during their comprehensive schooling had differentiated educational and vocational paths, perceived self‐concept, strengths, and self‐worth when compared with students not designated as having such needs. Results show that young adults with PtSEN (n = 38) have less academically oriented educational paths than those not having special educational needs (No SEN) (n = 165). The self‐perceptions of young adults between the groups under study differ from each other only in the physical appearance domain for the PtSEN group. Strength perceptions showed that those in the PtSEN group consider neither learning nor mathematical skills as their strengths when compared with the No SEN group. In addition, the PtSEN group has higher global self‐worth ratings than the No SEN group. According to our comparison, young adults with PtSEN backgrounds perceive deficiencies only in those domains which are directly linked to school.  相似文献   

Community service learning is the integration of experiential learning and community service into coursework such that community needs are met and students gain both professional skills and a sense of civic responsibility. A critical component is student reflection. This paper provides an example of the application of community service learning within an undergraduate health unit at the Queensland University of Technology. Based on survey data from 36 program participants, it demonstrates the impact of CSL on student outcomes. Results show that students benefited by developing autonomy through real world experiences, through increased self‐assurance and achievement of personal growth, through gaining new insights into the operations of community service organisations and through moving towards becoming responsible citizens. Students expect their CSL experience to have long‐lasting impact on their lives, with two‐thirds of participants noting that they would like to continue volunteering as part of their future development.  相似文献   

Most people visit a science center in order to satisfy specific leisure‐related needs; needs which may or may not actually include science learning. Falk proposed that an individual's identity‐related motivations provide a useful lens through which to understand adult free‐choice science learning in leisure settings. Over a 3‐year period the authors collected in‐depth data on a random sample of visitors to a large recently opened, hands‐on, interactive science center; collecting information on why people visited, what they did within the science center, what they knew about the subject presented upon entering and exiting, and what each individual's long‐term self‐perceptions of their own learning was. Presented is a qualitative analysis of visitor interviews collected roughly 2 years after the initial visit. Although there was evidence for a range of science learning outcomes, outcomes did appear to be strongly influenced by visitor's entering identity‐related motivations. However, the data also suggested that not only were the motivational goals of a science center visit important in determining outcomes, so too were the criteria by which visitors judged satisfaction of those goals; in particular whether goal satisfaction required external or merely internal validation. The implications for future informal science education research and practice are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:194–212, 2010  相似文献   

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