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应用主观疲劳量表(RPE)评价训练负荷的过程是一个心理生理过程,量化结果具有较大的主观性和不确定性,需将RPE训练负荷量化结果与生理指标测试结果进行结合分析。对16名大学生足球运动员的多次训练进行跟踪,采集每名运动员每次训练的训练前RPE值、训练后RPE值和整个训练过程的实时心率;采取训练后RPE值(Foster1算法)和训练累积RPE值(Foster2算法),4种心率算法(Banister1、Banister2、Edwards和Stagno)对每名运动员每次训练的内部负荷进行测算;采用相关分析,对两种RPE算法所得每名运动员每次训练的内部训练负荷值与4种心率算法所得的内部训练负荷值的相关性进行检验。显示:两种RPE算法估算的运动负荷:与Banister1算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.91和0.79;与Banister2算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.62和0.57;与Edwards算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.75和0.69;与Stagno算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.55和0.54。显示:RPE能够有效地量化评估足球运动员的训练负荷,且“训练后RPE值”比“训练累积RPE值”能更加准确地反映足球运动员的训练负荷。  相似文献   

目的:采用训练课RPE对自行车短距离项目场地专项、素质力量和公路有氧训练课的负荷水平进行监测,比较不同水平、不同性别运动员的评分差异。方法:上海自行车队短组运动员8名,其中男子6名,女子2名。赛前4周共完成16节场地专项训练课、8节素质力量训练课和7节有氧训练课。采用Borg的11分量表对运动员单节训练课的自感劳累水平进行评分,训练课RPE由RPE乘以训练课时间进行计算,分别统计单日及每周训练课RPE(sRPE)总和。采用Pearson相关对单日sRPE与次日晨尿PH和SG的相关性进行检验。结果:总sRPE在赛前4周逐渐下降,场地专项和素质力量训练sRPE分别在第3周(W3)和第2周(W2)达到较高水平,4周期间有氧训练sRPE维持在较低水平;后两周3组运动员sRPE总体上表现出E-Female>N-Male>E-Male的变化趋势;仅女运动员的尿比重(SG)与sRPE存在低度相关,其它指标均未见显著的相关关系。结论:训练课RPE是评价自行车短距离项目训练内部负荷的有效指标,但会受运动员不同运动水平的影响。  相似文献   

基于运动过程中人体心、生理对运动负荷与强度的整体感知与反映,Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)量表用以预测机体最大摄氧量的信效度已得到众多实验研究的证实.但由于RPE值本身具有主观性,易受人群特征影响,因此,其利用RPE量表对最大摄氧量的预测结果存在争议性.采用文献综述的方法,对现有研究中采用的RPE量表模式、实验对象、RPE6-20量表区段值与临界值、运动形式与负荷以及运动器材等方面予以概述和总结.建议:在扩大群体样本量的基础上,统一实验环境与实验程序,针对某一个或几个相似性因素群进行研究与验证;在实际应用过程中则应因人而异地选择和利用相应的程序、方法,建议与其它预测指标(如心率)相结合,以提高预测最大摄氧量的准确性.  相似文献   

在体育舞蹈的训练中。运动生物力学通过动作分析、主要肌群的动员情况、肌力表现、动作控制、以及运动肢体部分与机体整体关系等方面对训练水平进行监控和评价。可以使运动员和教练员在训练中合理有效的调节运动负荷,从而避免训练过程中出观过度训练或运动性疲劳。进而预防运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

采用BFS心境量表和RPE主观体力感觉等级量表与乳酸等指标对自由泳运动员一周不同训练单元运动负荷进行了监控,结果表明,力量训练前后相比,积极心境虽然没有增加,但是消极心境有所下降,以积极性评价为主。水上专项训练前后相比,消极心境有所下降,积极心境有所增长,运动员以积极评价为主。不论是力量训练还是水上专项训练,均造成运动员兴奋性降低,激活水平下降,这与训练常识保持一致。一周训练单元的RPE乳酸监控表明,绝大部分训练单元结束后,两者之间存在高相关,变化趋势一致,提示RPE对于监控自由泳运动员水上专项训练具有生理学效度,同时仍能保持指标的独立性。两量表可以用来监控训练负荷,对于训练负荷安排有建设意义。  相似文献   

利用闪光融合频率(CFF)、心境量表(POMS)和主观体力感觉等级表(RPE)等心理疲劳指标,对辽宁省女子柔道运动员赛前心理疲劳进行监测,以期为教练员在赛前科学制定训练计划,减少心理疲劳对运动员带来的影响提供参考.  相似文献   

在乒乓球比赛中运动员的心理状态是影响比赛胜负的关键。使用心境量表(POMS)、主观体力感觉等级量表(RPE)和运动心理疲劳问卷(ABQ)对辽宁省乒乓球运动员赛前不同阶段的心理状态进行测试评估,并提出赛前合理安排训练内容和休息、强化自信心、确定适宜的比赛目标、激发运动员的比赛动机、运用心理训练方法等心理调控手段,积极调整乒乓球运动员的赛前心理状态,旨在为改善乒乓球运动员的赛前心理状态,提高运动员比赛中的运动表现提供参考。  相似文献   

秦宜伟 《体育世界》2014,(10):79-80
为研究当前主观体力感觉的应用现状,并对其在拳击驯良中的应用应用进行展望,通过查阅大量文献资料,对RPE的提出、发展及在运动负荷的监控、运动性疲劳诊断、机体机能状态判定等方面的研究现状进行了描述;发现RPE的概念及理论体系具有合理性,可以结合其他相关生理生化指标在拳击训练中进行应用,在比赛和比赛间隙对运动员的疲劳消除情况进行监控,结合专业化的分析,力争今后的训练和比赛中扬长避短、有的放矢地为教练员和运动员提供重要参考,所以在今后要加强主管体力感觉的概念和应用推广。  相似文献   

高诗军 《中华武术》2008,(10):52-53
一、中长跑运动员运动损伤形成的原因 (一)教练员对运动训练的基本常识缺乏了解。运动损伤的发生与教练员组织、指导有着密不可分的联系,如果教练员对运动训练和防止运动损伤的基本常识缺乏了解,就不能对运动员进行相关知识的安全教育,不懂得如何采取各种行之有效的措施来预防伤病的出现,在发生损伤后又不会分析原因,总结经验教训,致使伤病时有发生。如果处理不及时会导致伤情加重。  相似文献   

本文搜集国内外跳远训练常用的训练手段与方法,并对这些手段与方法进行分类,为初、中级教练员提供训练课所需的手段与方法。对其中可以量化的手段与方法提供计算负荷的简易方法,继而计算跳远训练课主体结构的负荷量,寻求不同级别跳远运动员在不同训练期的合理运动负荷。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the changes in ratios of different intensity (rating of perceived exertion; RPE, heart rate; HR, power output; PO) and load measures (session-RPE; sRPE, individualized TRIMP; iTRIMP, Training Stress Score?; TSS) in professional cyclists. RPE, PO and HR data was collected from twelve professional cyclists (VO2max 75 ± 6 ml?min?kg?1) during a two-week baseline training period and during two cycling Grand Tours. Subjective:objective intensity (RPE:HR, RPE:PO) and load (sRPE:iTRIMP, sRPE:TSS) ratios and external:internal intensity (PO:HR) and load (TSS:iTRIMP) ratios were calculated for every session. Moderate to large increases in the RPE:HR, RPE:PO and sRPE:TSS ratios (d = 0.79–1.79) and small increases in the PO:HR and sRPE:iTRIMP ratio (= 0.21–0.41) were observed during Grand Tours compared to baseline training data. Differences in the TSS:iTRIMP ratio were trivial to small (= 0.03–0.27). Small to moderate week-to-week changes (d = 0.21–0.63) in the PO:HR, RPE:PO, RPE:HR, TSS:iTRIMP, sRPE:iTRIMP and sRPE:TSS were observed during the Grand Tour. Concluding, this study shows the value of using ratios of intensity and load measures in monitoring cyclists. Increases in ratios could reflect progressive fatigue that is not readily detected by changes in solitary intensity/load measures.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse the training load in wheelchair basketball small-sided games and determine the relationship between heart rate (HR)-based training load and perceived exertion (RPE)-based training load methods among small-sided games bouts. HR-based measurements of training load included Edwards’ training load and Stagno’s training impulses (TRIMPMOD) while RPE-based training load measurements included cardiopulmonary (session RPEres) and muscular (session RPEmus) values. Data were collected from 12 wheelchair basketball players during five consecutive weeks. The total load for the small-sided games sessions was 67.5 ± 6.7 and 55.3 ± 12.5 AU in HR-based training load (Edwards’ training load and TRIMPMOD), while the RPE-based training loads were 99.3 ± 26.9 (session RPEres) and 100.8 ± 31.2 AU (session RPEmus). Bout-to-bout analysis identified greater session RPEmus in the third [P < 0.05; effect size (ES) = 0.66, moderate] and fourth bouts (P < 0.05; ES = 0.64, moderate) than in the first bout, but other measures did not differ. Mean correlations indicated a trivial and small relationship among HR-based and RPE-based training loads. It is suggested that HR-based and RPE-based training loads provide different information, but these two methods could be complementary because one method could help us to understand the limitations of the other.  相似文献   

目的:通过对江苏女子篮球运动员在联赛准备期中损伤特征的研究,为有效控制职业女子篮球运动员的损伤风险提供研究依据。方法:以备战2018-2019年WCBA联赛的14名江苏女子篮球运动员为研究对象,通过sRPE监控运动员的训练负荷,通过跟踪调查记录运动员的损伤情况,分析训练负荷对损伤的影响。结果:江苏女子篮球运动员的慢性损伤率为100%,非接触性急性损伤高于接触性急性损伤,健将级运动员的损伤风险显著高于一级运动员(P=0.020);sRPE与基于Polar心率带的训练负荷得分(r=0.644,P=0.000)有显著性强相关;以中等负荷组(491~590 AU)为参照,低负荷组(98~490 AU)损伤风险有所降低(OR=0.912),而高负荷组(591~676 AU)的损伤风险(OR=2.174)和极高负荷组(677~1 219 AU)的损伤风险(OR=1.692)有所增大,其中高负荷组的损伤风险显著性上升(P=0.040)。结论:职业女子篮球运动员普遍患有慢性损伤,好发非接触性损伤,损伤部位以膝关节、足踝部和腰部为主;健将级运动员比一级运动员发生损伤的风险明显更高;中等负荷的训练课下运动员有较低的损伤风险,但减少负荷并不能有效降低损伤风险;相反增大负荷会使损伤风险显著增加,而进一步增大负荷时损伤风险又会有所下降。  相似文献   


The measurement of relative physiological stress during training is important because this is the stimulus for the long-term adaptive response. Measurements of perceived exertion (RPE) have been reported to correlate with the heart rate during field-based training sessions. Nevertheless, there are few studies on how well RPE tracks with the heart rate over repeated training sessions in elite soccer players. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the within-participant correlations between variability in session-RPE (sRPE) and the heart rate in elite male soccer players, and to determine whether the playing position moderated these correlations. The field-based training of four central defenders, four wide defenders, six central midfielders, two wide midfielders and three attackers from an elite English Premier League squad were monitored over an entire in-season competitive period, giving a total of 1010 individual training sessions for study. Correlations between session-RPE and heart rates were quantified using a within-participant model. The correlation between changes in sRPE and heart rates was r = 0.75 (95% CI: 0.71–0.78). This correlation remained high across the various player positions (wide-defender, r = 0.81; central-defender, r = 0.74; wide midfielder, r = 0.70; central midfielder, r = 0.70; attacker, r = 0.84; P < 0.001). The correlation between changes in RPE and heart rates, measured during a season-long period of field-based training, is high in a sample of elite soccer players.  相似文献   

为了讨论男子散打项目低氧环境下心率及主观体力感觉等级变化特征,以8名优秀男子散打运动员为研究对象,采用文献资料法、实验测试法、数理统计法对低氧环境下若干指标动态变化情况进行分析。本研究认为,同等负荷下模拟高度变化是引起散打运动员心率升高的主要因素,有无低氧刺激对于散打运动员心率影响较明显,主观体力感觉(RPE)变化特征与心率变化吻合程度较高。提示散打运动员低氧训练改变模拟高度时应遵循渐进性原则,加强首次接触低氧刺激时心率监控,在散打低氧训练中可以采用心率和主观体力感觉(RPE)结合使用,使负荷安排更合理并得到及时反馈。  相似文献   

运动员训练自我监控量表及其简表的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据运动员训练自我监控行为表现特征和前人的研究结果建立了运动员训练自我监控的训练前、训练中、训练后3个一级因素和计划性、准备性、执行性、意识性、方法性、反馈性、补救性、和总结性8个二级因素的运动员训练自我监控模型.通过对851名运动员的问卷调查,发展出了运动员训练自我监控量表及其简表.心理测量学的分析表明,这套量表具有较好的内部一致性信度、重测信度、内容效度和结构效度.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the variability of weekly match and training loads in adolescent rugby union players across a competitive season, and to investigate the effect of match frequency on load distribution across different activities. Internal match and training load data (i.e. session-rating of perceived exertion (sRPE)) were collected daily from 20 players from a regional academy across a 14-week season. Data were analysed using a mixed-effects linear model, and variability was reported as a coefficient of variation (CV). Differences between 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-match weeks were assessed using Cohen’s d effect sizes and magnitude-based inferences. Mean weekly total match and training sRPE load was 1425?±?545 arbitrary units (AU), with a between-player CV of 10?±?6% and within-player CV of 37?±?3%. Mean week-to-week change in total sRPE load was 497?±?423?AU (35%), and 40% of weekly observations were outside the suggested acute:chronic workload ratio ‘safe zone’. Total weekly sRPE loads increased substantially with match frequency (1210?±?571, 1511?±?489, and 1692?±?517?AU, for 0-, 1-, and 2-match weeks, respectively), except for 3-match weeks (1520?±?442?AU). Weekly match and training loads were highly variable for adolescent rugby players during the competitive season, and match frequency has a substantial effect on the distribution of loads. Therefore, match and training loads should be coordinated, monitored, and managed on an individual basis to protect players from negative training consequences, and to promote long-term athlete development.  相似文献   

The menstrual cycle (MC) phases carry to several psychophysiological alterations; however, no study has investigated the impact of MC phases on training load or technical training. In the present study, we investigated the effect of the follicular phase (FP), ovulatory phase (OP), and luteal phase (LP) on training load and technical training in young athletes. Twelve female athletes performed regular daily training sessions with the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and duration being registered every session. Training impulse (TRIMP), monotony and strain were calculated. MC symptoms, RPE, and duration were also measured during technical training, which was carried out on a specific day during each phase. The TRIMP was not affected by MC phases during regular training (p > .05), but training monotony and strain were higher in FP compared to OP (p < .05). During the technical training, MC phases did not affect RPE (p > .05), but the session was longer in both FP and LP, compared to OP (p < .05). MC symptoms were exacerbated in FP compared to both OP and LP (p < .05). These findings suggest that MC disorders were elevated during FP, which indicate that monitoring MC phases might provide important feedbacks for programming training and expected results during competitions.  相似文献   

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