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今天我们来下可爱的跳跳棋,每走一步你都会猜出一个字母,这些字母可以组成一个单词哟!是什么呢?猜猜看!1.Which letter is an insect?2.b s3.What letter is a drink?4.mo her猜出来了吗?把你的答案寄到编辑部来就会有一份小礼品等着你哟!快行动吧!我们的地址:哈尔滨市南岗区阿什河11号《小学趣味英语》“跳跳棋”收5.cak6.ed7.I’m the sixth letter in the alphabet(字母表).8.eg9.Which letter is a question?跳跳ABC…  相似文献   

1. What letter is a body of water? 2. Why is a river rich? 3. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman? 4. Which runs faster, heat or cold? Why? 5. What two words contain thousands of letters? 6. What starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T?  相似文献   

1. What letter is always on your face? 2.What letter can you drink? 3.What letters can't be found in the alphabet? 4.Which four letters of the alphabet is a thief(灏忓伔)most afraid of? 5.Which two letters of the alphabet have  相似文献   

What do you call a sheep with no legs? A cloud.Which letter comes next?A C F J O_____The next letter is U.  相似文献   

1.Which letter is an insect(昆虫)?哪个字母是昆虫? 2.which letter is a drink?哪个字母是一种饮料? 3.Which letter is bigger than lake?哪个字母比湖大? 4.Which letter is a body of water?哪个字母是水组成的? 5.Which letter is in the middle of the nightt?哪个字母在午夜? 6.Which letter is a part of head?哪个字母是头的一部分?  相似文献   

1.The little traveller hasgreater power.He takes a drinkof water,and runs a thousandmiles.Before he goes,he takesoff his hat.When he rests,onhe puts it.2 .This is the name of aday.There are six letters in it.The third letter is N,but thereis no S in it.Which day is it?3.Italways beats and hops.Itnever sleeps or stops.All ourlife we do not part.With our little…Riddles(谜语)(英文)…  相似文献   

1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C? 2.Why is the letter E so im portant? 3.Why are the letter G and letter S in “gloves”close to each other? 4.What letter is an anim al? 5.What letter is a question? Keys: 1.Because it makes fat fact。 2.Because it’s the beginning of everything。 3.Because there is love between them 。 4.It’s the letter B。 5.It’s the letter Y 。英语谜语猜猜看(英文)!湖南省宁乡县@许珂…  相似文献   

下列谜语的谜底都是英语字母,你能猜对吗?试一试。1.Can you end a game of hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)with three letters? Key:I-C—U.字母I-C—U与I see you(我看见你了)音似。2.What letter is a question? Key:The letter“Y”.字母Y的读音和单词why完全相同。  相似文献   

在英语谜语中,双关语是一种文字游戏,主要表现在词语的形式和意义上的双关。使用双关语可以大大地增加谜语的趣味和幽默。请看下面的示例:1. Which is the strongest day of the week?  相似文献   

1.Do you like popular songs more?你较喜欢流行音乐吗?2.Do you like coffee more than tea?咖啡与茶相比,你更喜欢咖啡吗?3.Do you prefer to watch TV at home?你宁愿呆在家里看电视吗?4.Which is more interesting to you?你觉得哪个更有趣?5.Which is your preference—movie stars or sports stars?你喜欢体育明星还是电影明星?6.Which do you like better?你更喜欢哪一个?7.Which do you prefer,large or small?你更喜欢哪一个,大的还是小的?8.Would you prefer going there by bus or by bike?你喜欢乘公共汽车去那儿,还是骑自…  相似文献   

12.Which travels faster,heat or cold?答案:Heat.解析:You can catch cold.答案之妙在于把you can catch cold作别解,意思是“你会着凉”。13.What is at the end of everything?答案:The letter“g”.解析:单词everything的末尾当然是“g”这个字母啦!14.It is yours,but others use it more than you do.What is it?答案:Your name(你的名字).解析:一个人的名字主要用来别人称呼。你的名字是否如此?15.What grows larger the more you take away?答案:A hole.解析:你越是从那里面拿出东西,洞就会越大。16.What has a bed but never…  相似文献   

1. Which letter goes all round an island? 2. Who always goes to bed with his shoes on? 3. I have cities, but there are not any houses in them. I have forests, but there are not any trees in thetn. I have rivers, but there is not any water in them. What am I?  相似文献   

1.Which letter does not belong inthe following series?(哪个字母不属于以下系列?) a.D b.T c.C d.P e.Q Ⅱ.Which of the five designs is theleast like the other four?(五个图案中的哪一个与其他四个不同?)  相似文献   

中国有谜语,外国亦如此。谜语的英文单词是riddle。英文谜语跟中文谜语一样,常在音、形、义上做文章,猜谜者需避免惯性思维,头脑反应要灵活。猜英文谜语,除可益智外,还可激发你对英语学习的兴趣,不失为学习英语的一大途径。下面列举一些趣味英语谜语,以飨读者,并作简要解析,供大家理解时参考。①What is the difference between here and there?答案:The letter“t”.解析:there去掉“t”就跟here一词一样了,反之亦然。②Who can stop a truck with one hand?答案:A traffic police.解析:交通警察一挥手,车子立刻停止。③Where were you w…  相似文献   

1. Why are girls afraid of the letter C? 2. Why is the letter E so important? 3. Why are the letter G and letter S in “gloves”close to each other? 4. What letter is an animal? 5. What letter is a question? 6. Why is U the jolliest letter?7. How do you …  相似文献   

1.What letter is a part of the head? 2.What letter is a kind of drink? 3. What letter always asks questions? 4.What letter is a large area(大面积的)of water? 5. What letter can see? 6.What letter is an insect(昆虫)?  相似文献   

猜一猜,看你是否猜得中1.What is in the middle of England? 2.How many letters are there in“Eng-lish”?3.Which is the longest word in English?  相似文献   

1. Why are girls afraid of the letter C? 2. Why is the letter E so important? 3. Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" elose to eaeh other? 4. What letter is an aninal? 5. What letter is a question? 6. Why is U the jolliest letter? 7. How do you feel today? 8. How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?  相似文献   

1.What letter asks a question?2.What letter is an exclamation(感叹) of surprise?3.What letter is a larger area of water?4.What letter is a kind of drink?  相似文献   

For this experiment, you will need:● a rulerWhich is bigger?▲Look at the two small squares. Which is bigger – the yellow one or the blue one?Which is longer?▲This lorry is losing its load. Two beams(横木) have fallen onto the road. Which do you think is longer, No.1 or No.2?▲  相似文献   

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