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全球化作为庞大社会体系的普遍性特征和新的发展范式,在大力发展科技、促进经济全球化发展的进程中,正影响着大学组织的内外变化。在大学组织内部,知识的形成与更新方式、大学组织的类型、"教"与"学"的内容与形式都不同程度地受到全球化的影响;在大学组织外部,在诸如社会实践主体性、文化的自主迁移、人文情怀彰显等问题方面的调适与改变也尤为迫切和必需。关注并分析全球化背景下发生在大学组织中的这些变化及面临的问题,对大学组织规划未来发展意义深远。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的迅猛发展,当今世界已然形成了多元文化共生共存的社会形态。而在全球化与文化多样性并存的背景下,教育也正在经历着全球化的深刻变革。从事英语教学的教师必须具备跨文化教育能力成为了时代的需要。因此透过跨文化意识的内涵、分析大学英语教师跨文化教育能力现状及问题、进而探究大学英语教师跨文化意识培养策略,对于大学英语教师提高职业素养、增强职业竞争力大有裨益。  相似文献   

大学治理离不开全球治理的国际政治环境,西方"逆全球化"动向与中国人类命运共同体战略形成价值张力,大学治理模式出现新的可能性。人类命运共同体是中国全球化战略的理论和实践支点,为讨论大学治理全球化提供了思想资源。理论上的大学治理全球化存在统一模式,但不是当前模式的任何一种。中国大学治理模式"强政府"的制度特征和兼容并蓄的文化基因为全球大学治理提供了更多可能性。人类命运共同体是中国大学治理全球化的实践逻辑,为大学治理全球化提供了在组织、国家和全球层面的治理框架:构筑以信任为特征的大学内部治理,构筑以提升大学治理能力为核心的大学外部治理,构筑以人类命运为支点的大学治理全球化。  相似文献   

大学理念是一所大学发展的基础和前提,尤其是在高等教育全球化、市场化竞争日趋激烈的时代,更是如此。大学理念的内涵随着时代的发展处于不断的丰富与革新之中,表现出历史性、时代性与个性的特征。因此。对大学理解的解读需要纳入历史、文化、经济和社会的整体语境中才能把握。  相似文献   

论学术资本主义的生成逻辑与价值冲突   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学术资本主义是一种市场导向的知识生产与转化方式,是一种基于专业化理念的大学组织与管理模式,是一个影响大学及其成员身份定位的文化系统。政治上的新自由主义浪潮,经济上的资源依附压力,社会文化中的绩效至上、自由竞争理念,大学自身在全球化时代的组织转型等因素共同促成了学术资本主义的生成。学术资本主义隐含有一系列价值冲突,表现在大学自身的属性定位、学术科研导向及大学治理变革上。  相似文献   

知识经济中的大学:潜力与隐患   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先 ,感谢中国教育部邀请我参加此次研讨会并有机会和大家共同交流、探讨。我认为大学校长是世界上最难做的一种工作 ,因为对于大学到底应该做什么实在是很难确定。大学有太多不同的目标 ,特别是在知识经济时代大学充满了挑战。一、全球化和知识经济时代对大学教育的新要求国家的经济甚至民族文化正在向全球化发展。全球化主要以信息和创新为基础 ,以知识为先导 ,它带来了竞争激烈的知识高度密集型经济 ,从而影响到劳动力市场、家庭和教育。全球化和知识经济对大学教育提出了新的要求。一方面 ,全球化加剧了经济竞争 ,对社会工作也产生了影…  相似文献   

仅从经济或技术的视角来认识“全球化”是远远不够的 ,还必须从文化层面深入解读。对异质文化的理解与尊重 ,应成为全球化时代大学通识教育的新使命和新目标。对异质文化的理解教育 ,目的在于形成科学、平等的文明观 ,包括知识性学习、沟通技术的掌握、思维范式的转变及新的文化价值观的形成等主要环节 ,形式则应多样化  相似文献   

在21世纪的全球化背景下英语正经历着前所未有的传播与发展,这一态势必定会影响我国的大学英语教学。本文从以下方面探讨了母语文化导入大学英语课堂的重要性:1)全球化时代英语教育的跨文化特征;2)语言教学中的语境真实和文化真实问题;3)在大学英语教学中导入母语文化的探索实践。基于上述考察,本研究得出的结论是:如果我们倡导全球化环境下中国外语教育的人文主义教学理念,那么在大学英语教学中导入母语文化是提高学习者跨文化交际能力的重要策略和有效途径。  相似文献   

论英语文学的文化疆界及形象阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着"地球村"的逐步构建,人类经济与文化的发展也已经迈入全球化时代。在这一特殊时代背景下,世界物质文化与精神文化的演变在表现出同质化特征的同时也形成了多元化的发展趋势,特别是为世界文化的进步提供了强大的发展力量。文章着眼于英语文学中文化疆界的重组与划分,以民族性为特征对当代英语文学中的文学形象进行分析,从跨界研究的角度,对作家的文化身份、民族身份及其文学作品这三者间的复杂关系进行阐释。  相似文献   

我们认同当今世界政治、经济和文化的全球性事实 ,即不否认全球性的内在逻辑与民族国家社会结构调整、制度和文化变迁间存在着一定的相关性。但对于全球化本身存在的意识形态倾向却不能不加以警惕 ,因为在一个作为现代性的延伸而不是超越的全球性时代 ,民族国家的整体利益依旧是第一位的 ,这是作为一个政治、利益和文化意义共同体的国家在全球格局中免于被边缘化的前提 ,也是缓解共同体内部不断加剧的张力、保证社会持续稳定健康发展的必备条件。由此 ,从民族国家利益角度来反省全球化语境中大学的立场、大学与民族国家新的关系构型 ,对于理解所谓后现代大学的本质和功能特征 ,具有丰富的理论价值和政策实践意义  相似文献   

试论大学教师文化建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有关大学组织文化的研究是近年来高等教育管理研究的热点问题之一。本文从大学组织文化的内涵开始,阐述了大学教师文化是大学组织文化的重要组成部分,大学教师不仅是大学组织文化建设的主体力量,而且发挥着主导作用。通过对当前大学教师文化的特征及影响因素的分析,提出了建设优秀大学教师文化的基本途径。  相似文献   


This special issue showcases the Gordian knot between organisations and globalisation in education and exposes the organisational infrastructure of globalisation in education. Overarching themes include education serving the globalisation of organisational models, globalisation as re-organising educational organisations, the organising of international bodies operating in education, and global-oriented organisations and organising in education. The paper concludes with a call for utilising organisational perspectives in the exploration of globalisation in education.  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has utterly failed as a viable model of economic development, yet the politics of culture associated with neoliberalism is still in force, becoming the new common sense shaping the role of government and education. This ‘common sense’ has become an ideology playing a major role in constructing hegemony as moral and intellectual leadership in contemporary societies. Neoliberal globalisation, predicated on the dominance of the market over the state and on deregulatory models of governance, has deeply affected the university in the context of ‘academic capitalism’. The resulting reforms, rationalised as advancing international competitiveness, have affected public universities in four primary areas: efficiency and accountability, accreditation and universalisation, international competitiveness and privatisation. There is also growing resistance to globalisation as top-down-imposed reforms reflected in the public debates about schooling reform, curriculum and instruction, teacher training and school governance. Many question whether neoliberal reforms attempt to limit the effectiveness of universities as sites of contestation of the national and global order and thus undermine the broader goals of education. Neoliberal reforms have limited access and opportunity along class and racial lines, including limiting access to higher education through the imposition of higher tuition and reduced government support to institutions and individuals.  相似文献   

高校校园文化是大学精神的彰显,也是教育与学生实践活动的表征。当今时代,高校校园文化建设对高校自身的发展、学生和教育者的全面发展有着重要的现实意义,将幸福文化注入校园物质文化、校园精神文化、校园制度文化、校园行为文化四方面建设内容中,能增强高校校园文化活力,并能有效地创新高校校园文化。  相似文献   


While educational leadership and management has experienced impressive development over the last three decades the fact that a robust comparative branch of the field has failed to emerge is equally conspicuous. This article builds a case for comparative and international educational leadership and management, arguing that the development of conceptual frameworks and instrumentation are imperative if the field is to keep abreast of globalisation of policy and practice. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is described and justified based on a cultural and cross-cultural approach focusing on the school level as the baseline unit for analysis. Specifically, the proposed framework is architectured around the interrelationship between two levels of culture, societal and organisational, and four elements comprising schooling and school-based management, namely, organisational structures, leadership and management processes, curriculum, and teaching and learning. Finally, limitations and implications of the model are discussed, including the need for the framework to be operationalised by developing appropriate research instruments.  相似文献   

This paper explores how performance culture could affect students' learning about, and disposition towards, acting as organisational change agents in schools. This is based on findings from an initiative aimed to enable students to experience acting as change agents on an aspect of the school's culture that concerned them. The initiative was informed by contemporary practice and concerns in the field of student voice, and worked with a systemic action research approach focused on organisational dynamics. This research found that students' understanding of, and disposition towards doing, organisational change, seemed to be affected by how their internalisation of performance culture mediated with their concern to maintain their organisational status. Based on the theory of organisational socialisation, it argues that this may lead to a learnt inhibition towards doing organisational change in students who struggle with their organisational status in schools.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the Reciprocal Learning Programmes between Western and Eastern educational systems through a Sister School project as well as, a Reciprocal Learning Programme through preservice programs between a Canadian university and a Chinese university. Benefits of the Reciprocal Learning Programs include reflective practice of content and pedagogical learning, cultural and societal learning, globalisation and emotional and social impact. Qualitative documentation demonstrates that educational, social and cultural dimensions are cultivated and nurtured through the Reciprocal Learning programs and have positively affected the students, educators and leaders involved in the project. Criteria for success in the programs included professional and personal commitment, educator inquiry, vulnerability, organisational commitment and multi-dimensional partnerships.  相似文献   

In recent years, the global market for higher education has expanded rapidly, while internationalisation strategies have been developed at university, national and European levels to increase the competitiveness of higher education institutions. This article asks how institutional settings prevailing in national models of capitalism motivate distinct national approaches with regard to the internationalisation, globalisation, and Europeanisation of higher education systems. While the university is defined as an organisational actor embedded in the higher education system, the higher education system itself represents an institutional subsystem within the national model of capitalism. An analytical framework is then developed on the basis of the Varieties of Capitalism approach to compare the internationalisation of German and British universities. Findings indicate that the relations between the various actors involved in the internationalisation of universities are based largely on market coordination in the British case. In contrast, this process in Germany relies more on strategic interactions between the various organisational actors in higher education. The development paths in the internationalisation of universities are found to be influenced by and reflect the specific mode of coordination in the respective higher education system and the national model of capitalism more generally. This comparative case study shows that recent conceptions of path dependence as well as conceptual tools developed in the Varieties of Capitalism literature, such as institutional complementarity and comparative institutional advantage, may be fruitfully applied to research on institutional change in higher education systems.  相似文献   

地方新建本科大学文化建设只有形成特色才能可持续发展。真正能成为大学特色文化的应该是,与区域优秀传统文化和当代主流文化发展有着密切联系,与大学发展历史和文化积淀有着天然联系,与大学适应时代要求和强化育人功能有着重要联系。林纾文化正是符合这种特质,成为了福建工程学院大学文化建设实践的重要特色之一。近年来,福建工程学院在建设特色的林纾文化方面形成明晰的思路,也取得了初步成效,为地方新建本科大学特色文化建设创造了经验。  相似文献   

Engaging change     
This paper examines the role of reflexivity in supporting middle managers in understanding and facilitating large-scale change management projects in their organisations. Utilising an example from a UK university, it is argued that the development of a conceptual model to fit local circumstances enables deeper understanding and better informed decision-making. The cultural and practical difficulties of applying industry-derived management models to higher education institutions are noted. A more nuanced approach is advocated instead, recognising the need for university managers to conceptualise their own circumstances by taking account of local organisational norms and culture to better understand and therefore manage challenging change projects. In conclusion, practical theorising can (re-)structure a complex situation and support the middle manager through the emotional and political challenges of organisational change.  相似文献   

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