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"家庭化"迁移浪潮下,如何更好地保护流动儿童权益成为社会各界关注的重要议题。本文借助生态系统理论和优势视角,系统地分析流动儿童需要满足及多元福利提供现状,研究发现:流动儿童发展需要和参与需要有较大提升空间;流动儿童家庭教育及交流单一化;流动儿童社区联系脆弱;流动儿童全人发展学校环境不足。在此基础上,本文提出"流动儿童、家庭、社区、学校"四位一体的流动儿童权益保护机制,发挥流动儿童的主体性,改善所处的微观系统,从而提高流动儿童权益保护水平。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童早期社会化最重要的场所,父母是孩子社会化最重要的指导者。然而父母与子女分隔两地的状况使得留守儿童在学习、生活、人际交往等方面面临一定的困境,对儿童的价值观念、社会规范和社会角色的形成产生一定的影响。为了使留守儿童更好地实现个人社会化,社会要给予更多的关爱,家长应强化家庭教育意识,学校应充分发挥教育优势,社区要作好辅助工作。  相似文献   

亲子教育缺失对农村留守儿童个人社会化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭是儿童早期社会化最重要的场所,父母是孩子社会化最重要的指导者。然而父母与子女分隔两地的状况使得留守儿童在学习、生活、人际交往等方面面临一定的困境,对儿童的价值体系、社会规范和社会角色的形成产生一定的影响。为了使留守儿童更好地实现个人社会化,社会要给予更多的关爱,家长应强化家庭教育意识,学校应充分发挥教育优势,社区要作好辅助工作。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童早期社会化最重要的场所,父母是孩子社会化最重要的指导者.然而父母与子女分隔两地的状况使得留守儿童在学习、生活、人际交往等方面面临一定的困境,对儿童的价值体系、社会规范和社会角色的形成产生一定的影响.为了使留守儿童更好地实现个人社会化,社会要给予更多的关爱,家长应强化家庭教育意识,学校应充分发挥教育优势,社区要作好辅助工作.  相似文献   

新时代学校教育的高质量发展,须高度重视家校社的协作共育。建构家校社协作共育机制,学校要主动作为,积极发挥主导作用。可通过强化学校德育力度、积极拓宽家长参与学校教育的路径、建立学校与社区的联动机制等方式,充分发挥学校、家庭、社区的优势,形成教育共同体,不断生成教育合力,更好地促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

在教学的过程中,教师要积极争取家长和社会的配合,让家长成为教学活动的合作者,参与到师生的教学活动中,建立学校、社区、家长共同参与的形成合力的教育资源和优势,让儿童在生活中发展,在发展中生活。  相似文献   

城市化进程的加快、社会的转型使得家庭间关系、社会组织模式、社会管理模式等发生了诸多变化,以邻里照顾为主要模式的传统儿童社区教育逐渐退出,适应现代城市特点的儿童社区教育模式还处于探索阶段。宁波市江东区四点钟学校作为儿童社区教育的创新,形成了一种新型的现代儿童社区教育模式,使儿童社区教育的功能得到了较好的提升。我国在构建儿童社区教育模式过程中要充分借鉴四点钟学校的经验,推动社区教育的有效发展。  相似文献   

培智学校的职业教育是培养智力落后儿童生存能力的教育,目的在于使其掌握必要的从事某种职业或生产劳动所需要的知识与技能,以适应社会。创建和谐社会需要多元人才观。多元智能理论倡导学生的和谐发展,培智学校的职业教育,要尽可能创设适应智力落后儿童优势智能发展的条件,使每个学生都能成人与成才。  相似文献   

最新修订的“智力障碍”定义系统,更加注重个人功能状态的改善,强调特殊教育就应该成为最有效的支持体系,帮助智力障碍儿童更好地适应社会生活。根据中度智力障碍儿童的身心发展水平,特殊教育启智学校的教育教学活动,要从实际生活经验出发,提高他们的社会化发展水平,以形成广泛的社会适应技能为主要目标,并在个人生活、家庭生活、学校生活和社区生活等方面构成一个完善的课程目标体系。  相似文献   

刘彦 《成人教育》2021,41(8):31-35
我国社会老龄化同智能科技发展一样势不可挡,老年人面临的"数字鸿沟"问题日益凸显,社区教育应深入分析老年人面对"数字鸿沟"的困境,充分利用政策优势、教学优势、资源优势开展老年人智能技术运用能力提升活动.为达到更好的教育效果,社区教育应完善教育管理与保障机制、拓宽宣教渠道、实现教育方式与内容分层、开展全方位数字反哺、聚集多方社会力量,促进老年人跨越"数字鸿沟",融入智能社会.  相似文献   

The current longitudinal study examined the development of general cognitive abilities of 4–6-year-old children of low-income, ethnic-minority families in preschool over two and a half years by determining the changes in general, and in verbal and fluid cognitive abilities, relative to age norms, using an intelligence test. The results revealed significant increases over time, relative to age norms, in full scale and in both verbal and fluid intelligence test scores of disadvantaged children, with medium effect sizes. These gains in measured intelligence were moderated by children's home language and age. Children who gained most also profited most from their increased abilities with respect to emergent school skills. Gains in verbal intelligence predicted emergent school vocabulary, but gains in fluid intelligence did not. Overall, gains in fluid intelligence predicted emergent math skills, and gains in verbal intelligence predicted emergent math skills only among older children.  相似文献   

This study explored parents' (N = 351) educational optimism in terms of their trust in the possibilities of school to develop children’s intelligence. It was found that educational optimism could be depicted as a bipolar factor with optimism and pessimism on the opposing ends of the same dimension. Optimistic parents indicated more satisfaction with their children’s school and had a relatively positive assessment of their children’s academic success, which they explained in accord with their dynamic notion of intelligence, i.e. the child’s effort and help from the teacher. Parental notions of intelligence seem to serve as an important interpretative source for educational hopefulness.  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(1):37-53

This article focuses on the beliefs of primary school children aged 7–11 years in England concerning the impact of adult-led after-school extended provision (EP) on their development of non-cognitive skills (NCS). In responses to a questionnaire survey and focus group interviews, children were more positive than parents, teachers and school governors, believing EP enabled them to acquire numerous NCS, including most emotional intelligence competences, but excluding social skills related to locus of control. Findings support the argument that EP affording NCS development may enhance academic achievement, indicating that NCS development embedded in primary curricula may also benefit academic achievement.  相似文献   

智力因素对于人才的成长,科技的发展,社会的进步起着重要的作用。智力因素培养与外语教学有着十分密切的关系。在外语教学中应重视培养学生的智力因素。  相似文献   

Teacher nominations are often used in school settings to identify gifted children. However, although high intelligence is part of almost all definitions of giftedness, prior research has consistently shown that not all children nominated as gifted by teachers have high intelligence. In order to further understand the characteristics of these students, we herein explore the role of another cognitive construct, namely working memory (WM). In a sample comprising N = 81 fourth graders, both WM and intelligence showed the same predictive value for characterizing teacher-nominated gifted children, pointing to the importance of the thus-far-unattended WM for characterizing these students.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 171 children, we examined classroom quality as a potential moderator of the link between three distinct but related aspects of cognition (fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and executive functioning) and math achievement across the kindergarten year. Multilevel modeling analyses were conducted to account for nesting of students within classrooms. Results revealed significant aptitude by treatment interactions for fluid and crystallized intelligence, suggesting that classroom practices may affect children differently depending on their abilities. Children with higher levels of fluid intelligence and of crystallized intelligence fared better in higher quality classrooms. Results also provide some support for Cattell's investment hypothesis. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈多元智力理论与教师角色转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国哈佛大学教授、发展心理学家加德纳提出的多元智力理论,在当前西方的教育教学改革中产生了广泛的积极影响,已经成为许多西方国家上世纪90年代以来教育教学改革的重要指导思想。多元智力理论打破了传统智力理论,认为智力是多元的,不是单一的,每一个受教育者都是独特的,都以个别的方式对人类的文化做出有价值的贡献。在我国教育改革不断深化、素质教育全面推进的新形势下,研究借鉴加德纳多元智力理论,为教师角色的转换提供有益的启示:从传授知识的严师转为学生发展的促进者;由课程的忠实执行者转为课程的探究者;构建教学双主体之间平等、和谐的新型师生关系。  相似文献   

The authors report results from a correlational study of 225 school counselor trainees' emotional intelligence and leadership qualities. Higher emotional intelligence correlated with higher leadership self‐efficacy and self‐leadership. The results indicate that emotional intelligence may be a relevant aspect of leadership training for school counselor graduate students.  相似文献   

The current research investigated the variability of school effects on intelligence development in considering two economically and socially distinct groups of children. The data came from a nationally representative sample of primary school children from urban and rural areas of China. Two standardised reasoning tests were used to assess fluid intelligence. The between-grade regression discontinuity approach was applied to disentangle the schooling effect from the age effect. Results showed that the combined effects of schooling and age were 5.09 intelligence points per year, in which the schooling effect (4.37 points) was larger than the age effect (.72 points). The patterns of schooling and age effects were different in urban and rural subsamples. For the urban subsample, the schooling effect was smaller than the age effect for children from grade 1 to 3, but the schooling effect became larger than the age effect from grade 4 to 6. For the rural subsample, however, the schooling effect was always larger than the age effect. The effect of one year of schooling for rural children (5.59 points) was larger than that for urban children (3.15 points). These results suggest that schooling effects are closely related to the context where children are growing up.  相似文献   

随着高校后勤社会化和学分制改革的逐步深入,如何更好地推进大学生思想政治教育进公寓工作是摆在高校学生教育工作者面前现实而紧迫的问题.我校近两年的实践证明,在学生公寓社区构建以学生工作站为平台的育人机制是深入推进思想教育进公寓行之有效的途径之一.  相似文献   

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