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This study explores the large horizontal mergers in the cable industry that have catapulted some large multiple system operators toward substantial market power in the exhibition stage of the industry without much response from antitrust authorities. It reviews the mergers and analyzes the antitrust implications for the industry.  相似文献   

This article examines the welfare benefits of cable television (CATV) merger and acquisitions in the multi-channel video programming distribution (MVPD) market. In particular, it seeks to answer whether cable subscribers are better off in competitive markets than in concentrated markets. This article estimates the impact of mergers by examining Korea's regional market-share data for MVPD operators with a hierarchical-choice model. First, the estimation results show that the consumer value of the CATV platform, in terms of the category values in a nested logit model, was significantly lower in the concentrated markets than in the more competitive markets. Second, the study compares these findings with those in the literature about the U.S. market. The following question is prompted: Why is direct broadcast satellite competitive with CATV in the United States but not in Korea? This article points out that differences in regulatory policies, particularly as they relate to the treatment of vertically integrated networks, do have significant effects on the effective boundary of MVPD competition across platforms. To support this argument, this article provides details on the policies and market characteristics of the Korean MVPD industry.  相似文献   

The author considers the effect of cable on market concentration in local television markets using different types of market definitions for the analysis. He concludes that cable has introduced competition and that it has lowered concentration levels in local markets, thus altering the structure of television markets put in place by FCC television allocation plans and limits of local economies.  相似文献   

The article examines shifting patterns of ownership for cable programming services from 1994 to 2003. In these years, vertical integration in the cable industry declined, as cable's multi-system operators divested equity in programming services. Meanwhile, broadcast network-owning media conglomerates invested heavily in cable, tripling their holdings among the top 20 most fully distributed cable channels, as well as launching and acquiring dozens of additional, less widely distributed channels. In light of the Federal Communications Commissions' recent attempts to revise rules regarding television ownership, the author argues that while vertical integration has declined, the market power of the broadcast networks has grown by means of a new kind of horizontal integration that reaches across broadcast and cable channels. This shift is reshaping cable as a market which, despite growing product differentiation, is trending toward less competitive conditions that are akin to the broadcast oligopoly. This article shows that these broadcast-cable alliances contributed to the development of the new synergistic practice of repurposing.  相似文献   

This article analyzes structural changes in the information industries including publishing, broadcasting, film, cable, telephony, software and data processing, and the Internet in the era of "convergence" before and after 1996. The cross-industry network structure was mapped using annual data on mergers and acquisitions among information industry firms obtained from the Journal of Mergers and Acquisitions. A comparative network analysis of these ownership transactions indicated that the consolidating structure of information industries after 1996 was affected by both deregulation and digitization, and that telephone corporations played the most central role in the transformation of the information industries. As well, cable and Internet industries noticeably transformed their industrial relations over this time period.  相似文献   

This study examines cable system diversification into three nontraditional services: pay-per-view television, high-speed Internet access, and telephony. An econometrics model based on the Industrial Organization Model is used to explore the factors that have led to variation in diversification among cable systems. Specifically, this study examines how three sets of variables, namely, cable system characteristics, market structure, and market demographics, influenced cable system diversification. Multiple linear regression was performed to identify the determinants of cable system total degree of diversification, which is defined to be the number, from 0 to 3, of the three nontraditional services offered by a cable system. Regression results indicate that Multiple System Operator (MSO) ownership, the number of basic cable service subscribers, and the number of broadcast television stations receivable over the air all had a statistically significant positive relationship to cable system total degree of diversification, whereas the number high-speed Internet service providers in a cable franchise area had a statistically significant negative relationship to cable system's total degree of diversification.  相似文献   

The authors show that although there is increasing competition between cable television, broadcast television, and radio, broadcast television remains a strong competitor and has not yet been displaced by cable television in the advertising market. Radio still remains competitive, but not to the degree of broadcast television. The authors suggest that cable television will not rapidly overwhelm and push broadcast industries out of the market.  相似文献   

Using industrial organization as the theoretical framework, this study examines the relation between market competition and the media performance of Taiwan's cable television industry. The media performance of cable television systems is defined as the subscribers' satisfaction with program service, customer service, and community service. A telephone survey was conducted to collect data for the study. This study's findings in general support a positive relation between market competition and media performance, which accords with most previous studies.  相似文献   

The French media are protected by a wide range of legislative and regulatory measures. The intricacies of French media policy--determined by objectives often not imminent to media--are reflected in the development of the French cable systems. Planned as a secondary utilization market for film and television productions increasing the demand for new French works, the development of French cable systems has been ailing economically for a long time. This study sets out to analyze the driving forces of media policy as to cable systems and their economic effects, leading to a long-term evaluation of the efficiency of French cable policy.  相似文献   

The authors argue that program exclusivity will be an important factor in the future of the cable television industry. They assert that prohibiting cable program exclusivity may limit the First Amendment rights of cable programmers and operators. The authors conclude that the best chance for increasing competition if program exclusivity continues is to increase the number of market participants.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the concentration of ownership among cable companies and diversity in the cable networks during a period of regulatory uncertainty—a period when the cable ownership rules were announced but did not have legal impact due to legal challenges from the industry. The results show that although cable ownership rules had not been legally in effect, they did pose potential threats to the industry and affected the cable television industry by decreasing the level of concentration among cable networks while increasing the level of concentration among cable system operators.  相似文献   

Both the shift from a planned economy to a market economy system and the advent of the information era pose great challenges to Chinese university journals. The strategy of the Chinese government is to improve the system of university journals by encouraging mergers and partnerships with the aim of reducing the number of titles while improving their overall quality. The specific case of a geosciences journal demonstrates that Chinese university journals do have the ability to meet the challenges they face.  相似文献   

J. Kendrick Noble seeks the reasons for mergers and acquisitions in schlarly and professional publishing in the desire for market penetration and growth. He also offers a forecast about how long the current wave of merger activity is likely to last. J. Kendrick Noble, Jr., is first vice president of PaineWebber, Inc. and a leading analyst of the publishing industry. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

This study investigated vertical foreclosure effects in the Korean cable television market. While it focuses mainly on vertical foreclosure, the study also examined reciprocal carriage between large vertically integrated cable operators. From the analysis of cross-sectional data regarding cable operators' carriage information in Korea, two conclusions were derived. First, vertically integrated cable operators tend to carry their affiliated channels and were less likely to carry their rivals' channels. Second, the data suggest that large vertically integrated cable operators were engaged in reciprocal carriage.  相似文献   

Product competition for news viewers in the cable national all-news market was examined. As the cable news networks do not directly compete with each other on price to consumers, it was expected that they would compete for audience by differentiating programming. A content analysis identifies program differentiation among the competing cable all-news networks. Each offered a distinctive style of programming. The different program formats and substantive content in each have the effect of counterprogramming, giving viewers a choice.  相似文献   

本文从四个方面分析了跨国传媒集团在其经营实践中的低成本战略 ,并论述了对中国传媒集团的启示。这四个方面 ,分别是通过跨媒体降低生产成本 ;通过购并降低扩张成本 ;通过整合纵向产业链降低交易成本 ;通过经营战略集中化防止成本扩散  相似文献   

In this study I explored the effects of the development of direct competition in the delivery of cable services to a small Arkansas city. The emergence of competition produced lower prices, better customer service, increased choices in programming, and technological improvements as the market structure moved from monopoly to duopoly and achieved an equilibrium in which each service company serves a 50% market share. Because neither firm is producing a profit under the current situation, I argue that in the long-run the competitors may switch to oligopolistic pricing behavior and focus on nonprice competition in an effort to achieve profitability.  相似文献   

Some key questions for publishers in today’s market are: Could Amazon’s recent merger and acquisitions strategy create a disruptive or paradigm shifting business model in the publishing industry? Do their recent actions post mergers and acquisitions illustrate a predicable pattern of behaviour that publishers can strategize around? This paper will explore these questions and look at some of the possible reasons behind Amazon’s business practices and the possible consequences to publishers.  相似文献   

Bundling can be a pricing mechanism by which monopolists capture economic surplus from consumers.We suggest that given the cost structure of media markets, channel bundling in the cable and satellite market could also emerge in a competitive environment. A la carte channel pricing on cable television may or may not increase consumer welfare and could decrease total welfare. Because bundling may create other problems, policymakers may consider allowing cable and satellite networks to sell packages of channel space to viewers at a given price, allowing viewers to choose which channels they want in their packages. We term this option quasi-bundling.  相似文献   

Local television news markets have been defined in terms of oligopoly theory, in which the number of competitors is limited and firms must pay significant attention to pricing behavior and product differentiation. The author explores how the development of independent television stations, cable television, and video recorders is changing the market from oligopoly to monopolistic competition.  相似文献   

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