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发展远程开放教育 助力智慧城市建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前世界各国尤其发达国家纷纷意识到智慧城市是不可阻挡的潮流并相继提出"智慧城市"战略,力争在新一轮信息技术变革中处于优势地位。在实现智慧城市战略规划过程中,人才、教育无疑是不可或缺的一环。本文从智慧城市建设对开放教育的机遇和挑战入手进行分析,阐释国内外智慧城市发展经验对人才、教育的重视,突出阐释智慧城市建设佛山模式,最后以佛山电大为例就开放教育如何助智慧城市建设一臂之力提出自己的一管之见。  相似文献   

Agency is a construct facilitating our examination of when and how young people extend their own learning across contexts. However, little is known about the role played by adolescent learners’ sense of agency. This paper reports two cases of students’ agentively employing and developing science literacy practices—one in Singapore and the other in the USA. The paper illustrates how these two adolescent learners in different ways creatively accessed, navigated and integrated in-school and out-of-school discourses to support and nurture their learning of physics. Data were gleaned from students’ work and interviews with students participating in a physics curricular programme in which they made linkages between their chosen out-of-school texts and several physics concepts learnt in school. The students’ agentive moves were identified by means of situational mapping, which involved a relational analysis of the students’ chosen artefacts and discourses across time and space. This relational analysis enabled us to address questions of student agency—how it can be effected, realised, construed and examined. It highlights possible ways to intervene in these networked relations to facilitate adolescents’ agentive moves in their learning endeavours.  相似文献   


Teachers in Asia are often perceived to occupy passive roles as citizens, subject to collectivist goals which take precedence over the interests of the individual. This assessment typically stems from a liberal-democratic perspective, which prioritises the individual as autonomous and self-responsible. While many endeavours have been undertaken by scholars outside education research to debunk the simplistic understanding of Asian thinking as passive, there remains a lack of attention to the distinctive features of Asian cultures and thought within the field of citizenship education. This article aims to provide a more nuanced understanding of citizenship education in Singapore, and challenge the perceived passivity of teachers in Asia by exploring—particularly from a Confucian perspective—how a group of social studies teachers made sense of citizenship. We identify three emergent themes from the interview samples: Relationality, Harmony and Criticality and discuss them accordingly.  相似文献   

We are still designing educational experiences for the average student, and have room to improve. Learning analytics provides a way forward. This commentary describes how learning analytics-based applications are well positioned to meaningfully personalize the learning experience in diverse ways. In so doing, learning analytics has the potential to contribute to more equitable and socially just educational outcomes for students who might otherwise be seen through the lens of the average student. Utilizing big data, good design, and the input of the stakeholders, learning analytics techniques aim to develop applications for the sole purpose of reducing the classroom size to 1. Over time, these digital innovations will enable us to do away with a model of education that teaches toward the non-existent average student, replacing it with one that is more socially just—one that addresses the individual needs of every student.  相似文献   

The climate crisis is of a severity that fills many with a sense of hopelessness. The modest steps that ordinary citizens can take to reduce energy consumption and waste seem futile in relation to the massive changes that are needed from governments and industry, and inertia often results. The responses of philosophy and education have been conscientious and constructive in many respects, but again these endeavours are overwhelmed by the intransigence of economic interests. Perhaps because of this, such responses are in danger of becoming self-referential expressions of right-mindedness or nostalgic appeals for a simpler, more natural world. The discourse betrays signs of exhaustion—an exhaustion that seems to match the exhausted condition of the planet. The present discussion offers no easy solutions but asks what might be the best way to live in relation to such circumstances and how education might contribute to this.  相似文献   

Ridgeway and Yerrick’s paper, Whose banner are we waving?: exploring STEM partnerships for marginalized urban youth, unearthed the tensions that existed between a local community “expert” and a group of students and their facilitator in an afterschool program. Those of us who work with youth who are traditionally marginalized, understand the importance of teaching in culturally relevant ways, but far too often—as Ridgeway and Yerrick shared—community partners have beliefs, motives, and ideologies that are incompatible to the program’s mission and goals. Nevertheless, we often enter partnerships assuming that the other party understands the needs of the students or community; understands how in U.S. society White is normative while all others are deficient; and understands how to engage with students in culturally relevant ways. This forum addresses the underlying assumption, described in the Ridgeway and Yerrick article, that educators—despite their background and experiences—are able to teach in culturally relevant ways. Additionally, I assert based on the finding in the article that just as Ladson-Billings and Tate (Teach Coll Rec 97(1):47–68, 1995) asserted, race in the U.S. society, as a scholarly pursuit, was under theorized. The same is true of science education; race in science education is under theorized and the use of culturally relevant pedagogy and critical race theory as a pedagogical model and analytical tool, respectively, in science education is minimal. The increased use of both would impact our understanding of who does science, and how to broaden participation among people of color.  相似文献   

In these two essays we explore the questions: what are the essential features of a workable context for science education? What are the givens, the “of courses,” the “fundamental dispositions” toward science and toward education necessary — or at least sufficient — to provide a fertile ground upon which a functional approach to science education can be established? In the present essay it is argued first that science education must reflect that science is a way of thinking — in fact, more comprehensively, a way of being; and second, and that the fundamentally antiauthoritarian spirit of science must be reconciled with education, with its built-in tendency to be authoritarian.  相似文献   

实地调查是比较教育研究中不可或缺的方法,通过实地调查可以深入了解所研究区域的教育文化及其功能,通过实地调查能够收集到全面的、真实可靠的一手教育资料,通过实地调查能够形成区域教育知识,实地调查具有建构比较教育学理论的基础作用。关于在比较教育学领域中如何开展实地调查,日本著名比较教育学者大塚丰教授在日本比较教育学会会刊《比较教育学研究》2005年第31号上发表的《作为方法的实地调查——研究比较教育学方法论的一个视点》一文能够给我们提供许多具体的指导。  相似文献   

The marketization of K–12 education has led to an increase in school-based marketing efforts. Relatively little research, however, has examined how public schools market themselves, who is involved in marketing, and how these marketing efforts impact key stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers, students, and parents. We explore these questions in this qualitative study of school-based marketing efforts at South Boulevard,1Because of the long and public history of desegregation litigation associated with the school and with the school district, we use real place names throughout the paper. Thus, we disclose both the school's name—South Boulevard Foreign Language Academic Immersion Magnet—and the name of the city in which the school is located—Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in order to maintain the authenticity of the case and the findings. a foreign language immersion magnet elementary school in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. Analysis of data from participant observation and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders reveals that administrators, teachers, parents, and students actively participated in marketing and recruiting, and that these efforts were associated with a number of implicit and explicit costs. Introducing two concepts from the business literature—business-level strategy and brand communities—yields a number of observations and policy questions. Finally, the shifting role of parents and administrators in an increasingly market-like school-choice environment is discussed.  相似文献   

The engagement of academics in organizational change in higher education institutions is generally understood as involving a wide range of behaviors, and previous studies have situated academics’ actions at various points along a continuum between passivity and pro-activity. This article complements this approach by asking how—rather than in which contexts—academics act as central agents for change in higher education. Rather than trying to assess their global level of proactivity in a given change situation, we aim at identifying the actions which show them behaving more or less strategically. We argue that the notion of ‘bricolage’—widely used in organization theory—can be useful in this respect. Based on a qualitative study of the creation of 20 post-graduate nanotechnology programs on French university campuses, the article shows that academics participating in curriculum change engage in three distinct forms of bricolage. We suggest that the bricolage lens can identify two types of actions via which academics implement more or less pro-active strategies—identifying a repertoire of resources, and assembling those resources—and so allows us to reflect more deeply on how these actions may demonstrate several forms of agency, as well as several different relationships with norms, in each organizational change situation.  相似文献   

Editor's note: At present and for a period to come, a most important and urgent task in basic education is to bring about the "switching of tracks" from exam-oriented education, (or yingshi jiaoyu) to quality education (or suzhi jiaoyu). We have often said that the hope for reviving the nation lies in education, and the hope of reviving education lies with teachers. If we are to bring about this "switching of tracks" from exam-oriented to quality education, we shall have to successfully cultivate group after group of new teachers capable of carrying out quality education. In today's issue of this paper, we deliver the following report on the experience of one school—the Lingling Teachers' Vocational College—in cultivating new lower middle school teachers who will carry out quality education; this report and the experience it describes should hold, for us, a certain significance of leading us in thinking about the subject.  相似文献   

近年来,农民对其子女享受优质教育的愿望越来越强烈,大量农村中小学学生向城市"移民"。研究发现:"农村教育移民"社会适应状况良好,特别是人际关系方面;"移民"后班级的竞争程度、"农村教育移民"的家庭月收入、移入学校对待"农村教育移民"的态度等是影响其社会适应状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

The study of education in China has an importance which is not limited to a specific field. Education cannot be studied in isolation. In a Chinese context, the relationship of the education system with the political and economic systems, the aims and objectives of education, the philosophy of the important educationists all help us to understand modern Chinese society better. In a wider educational context, the more information available about Chinese education, the greater is the material available both to those interested in comparative (socialist) education systems and to those examining the role played by education in the "Developing" and "Third World" countries. That is why I am delighted to have the opportunity — through the pages of Chinese Education — to provide new information and translation for all those interested in this widely applicable and relevant subject.  相似文献   

The current educational discourse on Emmanuel Levinas's concept of subjectivity has focused on the pure openness and subjection of the self to the other. Based on such an understanding, some educational theorists hold that Levinas's work has given us new hope for the mission of education, while others deny its relevance. I suggest that this interpretation of Levinas has missed the complete structure of his account of subjectivity, and, as a result, a full appreciation of its potential for education is yet to be realized. Offering a different account of Levinas's subjectivity, I join Gert Biesta and Sharon Todd in seeing Levinas as essentially important in providing new inspiration, a new way out of both the humanist trap of a fixed essence, where education inevitably becomes socialization, and the posthumanist impasse, where education loses its ground and its orientation. Levinas's subjectivity has made it possible for us to forge a pedagogy that is different from socialization and interruption — a pedagogy of becoming — and allows a genuine educational mission of subjectification, albeit toward a new, much different subjectivity.  相似文献   

A common feature of contemporary science education curricula is the expectation that as well as learning science content, students will learn something about science—its nature, its history, how it differs from non-scientific endeavours, and its interactions with culture and society. These curricular pronouncements provide an ‘open cheque’ for the inclusion of history and philosophy of science in science teacher education programmes, and for their utilisation in classrooms. Unfortunately this open cheque is too often not cashed. This paper will discuss an important aspect of the contribution of science to culture, namely its role in the development of worldviews in society. A case study of the adjustments to a central Roman Catholic doctrine occasioned by the metaphysics of Atomism which was embraced at the Scientific Revolution will be presented. Options for the reconciliation of seemingly conflicting scientific and religious worldviews are laid out, and it is claimed that as far as liberal education is concerned, the important thing is to have students first recognise what are the options, and then carefully examine them to come to their own conclusions about reconciliation or otherwise.  相似文献   

This article analyses the growing focus on teacher competences in European policy discourse against the backdrop of global convergences in education reforms. It traces key ideas, policy recommendations, peer learning and documents which underscore the relevance of teacher quality for education improvement, as recently stressed in the European Commission Communication and Staff Working Documents Rethinking Education. The intertwining of teacher competence frameworks with other areas of education policy is outlined — key competences in school education, the quality of initial teacher education, and the continuous professional development of teachers — teasing out reasons for their central role. Some insights from research and peer learning then explore key implications in the defining and implementing of teacher competence frameworks in national education systems. A comparative viewpoint further analyses current policy trends about teacher competences across European national contexts, in discourse and practice. In order to do so, a framework of analysis takes into account system features as key variables affecting national policy — roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, governance and education cultures, and the status of the teaching profession. Across the variety of policy practices, the analysis endeavours to trace some emerging patterns and trends, highlighting paradigmatic national examples, with some food for thought.  相似文献   

Although traditional departments of anatomy are vanishing from medical school rosters, anatomical education still remains an important part of the professional training of physicians. It is of some interest to examine whether history can teach us anything about how to reform modern anatomy. Are there lessons to be learned from the history of anatomical teaching in the United States that can help in the formulation of contents and purposes of a new anatomy? This question is explored by a review of US anatomical teaching with special reference to Franklin Paine Mall and the University of Michigan Medical School. An historical perspective reveals that there is a tradition of US anatomical teaching and research that is characterized by a zeal for reform and innovation, scientific endeavor, and active, student‐driven learning. Further, there is a tradition of high standards in anatomical teaching through the teachers' engagement in scientific anatomy and of adaptability to new requirements. These traditional strengths can inform the innovation of modern anatomy in terms of its two duties—its duty to anatomy as a science and its duty toward anatomical education. Anat Sci Educ 3:202–212, 2010 © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Squire  Dian D. 《The Urban Review》2020,52(1):173-197

Using a short story fiction counter-narrative, this critical race study examines how faculty of color within higher education and student affairs doctoral-granting programs bring critical epistemologies to their decision-making in the student admissions process and work to decolonize the academy despite neoliberal pressures. Faculty of color depart from current accounts of faculty decision-making in doctoral education in two key ways—by disregarding standardized measures of success and by considering diversity throughout the entire admissions process—leading us to important insights about how faculty of color differ from white faculty in their perception of and in their emphasis on diversity, equity, and justice in the admissions process. The implications are both broad and specific for creating dynamically diverse campus climates in an era of persistent challenges to affirmative action. The findings speak to the ways that those concerned with educational diversity and equity can support diversity and equity efforts in a neoliberal, color-blind environment. In a world defined by such policy and practice and a country that determines options and opportunity based on race, this study centers the voices of faculty of color in their institutions and analyzes how identity and institutional logics influence behavior.


We discuss contemporary theories in mathematics education in order to do research on research. Our strategy consists of analysing discursively and ideologically recent key publications addressing the role of theory in mathematics education research. We examine how the field fabricates its object of research by deploying Foucault’s notion of bio-politics—mainly to address the object “learning”—and ?i?ek’s ideology critique—to address the object “mathematics”. These theories, which have already been used in the field to research teaching and learning, have a great potential to contribute to a reflexivity of research on its discourses and effects. Furthermore, they enable us to present a clear distinction between what has been called the sociopolitical turn in mathematics education research and what we call a positioning of mathematics education (research) practices in the Political.  相似文献   

从文化人类学的视角来看,大学与中小学的伙伴合作实质上是双方在变革压力背景下为应对各自文化危机所共同选择的一种文化交往,这种交往不断加深的过程也是一个文化涵化的过程,在此过程中双方必将因文化的差异而发生深刻的文化冲突。正是在这个遭遇内在文化冲突的关键阶段,继承和发扬"反求诸己"的中国传统文化智慧,能够有效地化解因这种冲突所带来的潜在合作危机,从而促进大学与中小学的伙伴合作不断走向文化融合。  相似文献   

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