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Objective: To report the first case of ciliated hepatic foregut cyst in China, and review of literature to introduce the characteristics of this disease for doctors to recognize this disease. Method: Report the clinical procedure of diagnosis and treatment for the first case of ciliated hepatic foregut cyst in China, and to review the embryologic genesis, incidence, clinical manifestation, radiologic features and therapeutic principle of this disease. Results: We performed the resection for ciliated hepatic foregut cyst under laparoscopy; the patient recovered well after the procedure. Conclusion: Ciliated hepatic foregut cyst is quite rare clinically, belongs to non-parasitic, solitary and unilocular cystic lesion, is always less than 4 cm in diameter, mostly seen in the left lobe, and has the tendency of malignant change. It should be removed as soon as diagnosed.  相似文献   

Gastric duplication cyst (GDC) lined by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium (PCCE) is an uncommon lesion stemming from a foregut developmental malformation. Its clinical and radiological presentation is usually nonspecific. In this study, we reported a 76-year-old man who presented with an incidentally found perigastric mass. An exploratory laparotomy revealed a non-communicating cyst below the gastroesophageal junction, measuring 4 cm×4 cm in size. Microscopically, the gastric cyst was lined merely by PCCE. Although rare, GDC lined by PCCE should be included in the differential diagnosis of gastric wall masses. Surgical intervention is warranted in patients who have clinical symptoms, or who are aged more than 50 years.  相似文献   

无论是证据开示制度还是阅卷制度,都是一种庭前证据信息交换制度,二者在制度理念和功能上具有相似性,在存在条件及目的上又不尽相同,这主要是受本国刑事诉讼构造的影响。鉴于此,我国应立足于本国司法实践,进一步完善我国的庭前证据交换制度,以实现保护被追诉人利益与犯罪控制、提高诉讼效率的统一。  相似文献   

行政协议的合法性与合约性审查是现行司法解释确立的双阶审查标准,然而在行政协议的合法性审查中,并未明确是否包含正当程序原则。通过对司法裁判文书的梳理,正当程序原则在行政协议合法性审查中,存在个案中未普遍确立正当程序原则作为审查要件、个案中对正当程序中的听证程序是否进行审查不明确、正当程序原则仅在裁判说理部分运用等问题。为完善正当程序原则的法律适用,建议以指导性案例的形式明确对正当程序原则进行审查,将听证程序作为行政协议合法性的必要要件,将正当程序原则解释为法定程序并在裁判依据部分适用。  相似文献   

刑事立案程序是我国刑事诉讼的启动程序,加强刑事立案监督程序是建设法治国家的要求。通过剖析我国刑事立案监督程序存在的诸多问题,在立足司法实践的基础上,提出了完善刑事立案监督程序的设想。  相似文献   

研究胡子鲶胃、前肠、中肠、肝胰脏四个部位的主要消化酶(蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶)活性以及温度、pH对其的影响.结果表明:在四个部位中,蛋白酶活力由高到低依次为:胃〉前肠〉肝胰脏〉中肠;淀粉酶活力由高到低依次为:肝胰脏〉中肠〉胃〉前肠;脂肪酶活力由高到低依次为:前肠〉中肠〉胃〉肝胰脏.胃蛋白酶活性最高,其适宜温度为30-35℃。适宜pH为5.5;肝胰脏淀粉酶活性最高,其适宜温度为25~35℃。适宜pH为6.0~7.0;前肠脂肪酶活性最高,其适宜温度为35-40℃,适宜pH为7.0~7.5.  相似文献   

作为一种外来性宗教,基督教一直谋求向世界包括中国进行积极的传播。但它在中国的传播过程中,由于与中国传统文化的异质性,在相当长时期内曾遭受着中国各阶层势同水火的排拒。近代中国历史上教案频发,民、教冲突是其主要因素,但从细节分析则各有不同。在这样的时代背景下,作为天主教传入云南最早地区的昭通,也曾在晚清数十年内发生过三次教案。即以1862年发生的第一次教案来看,虽然事件并不复杂,也未造成人员损伤,但从案发到交涉,再到最后结案耗时绵长;从它的全过程来看,除了具有与当时其他地方教案的一些共性特征之外,也有其自身独特的地方。回顾这一教案,有助于补充昭通历史的某些细节。  相似文献   

Objectives: The use of gasless laparoscopy with an abdominal wall-lifting device for benign gynecological diseases was compared to conventional laparoscopy with CO_2 pneumoperitoneum. Methods: From February 2007 to July 2007, 76 women with uterine and/or adnexal benign diseases and candidates for laparoscopic surgery were recruited in this study. Thirty-two women underwent gasless laparoscopic surgery and 44 women underwent pneumoperitoneum laparoscopic surgery. Results: Diverse pathologies, including adnexal cyst, uterine myoma and ectopic pregnancy, were treated successfully with gasless laparoscopic surgery. Compared with the patients in the pneumoperitoneum group, the similar hospital stay (P=0.353) and in-traoperative blood loss (P=0.157) were observed. However, the mean operative time in the gasless group was significantly longer than that in the pneumoperitoneum group (P=0.003). No severe intraoperative or postoperative complications were found in either group, except for one case of laparotomic conversion in the pneumoperitoneum group due to dense pelvic adhesions. The total hospital charges were significantly less in the gasless group than in the pneumoperitoneum group (P=0.001). In 38 cases of ovarian cyst resection, the mean operative time in the gasless group remained longer than that in the pneumoperitoneum group (P=0.017). The total hospital charges were also significantly less in the gasless group than in the pneumoperitoneum group (P<0.001). Con-clusion: Our preliminary results demonstrated that the laparoscopic procedure using the gasless technique was a safe, effective method to treat benign gynecological diseases. Moreover, it was easy to master. As a minimally invasive treatment, gasless laparoscopic surgery provides a good choice to patients in the undeveloped regions in China without increasing the patients' and the government's burden significantly.  相似文献   

有着“展现当前司法制度弊端的一个标本”之称的佘祥林“杀妻”案留给了我们太多的思考与追问。究其根源,“有罪推定”的办案潜意识是造成这些错案的根本原因。作为一项系统工程,在当前中国,“无罪推定”原则的贯彻与落实,需要三个基本的制度构建来作为支撑:即确立“任何人不受强迫自我归罪原则”、非法证据排除规则和完善诉讼结构。  相似文献   

This paper on the migration of the surplus farm labor during the economic transition of China focuses on a case study of Zhejiang, China's eastem coastal province, with 45 million population and located in relatively developed area since the reform in 1978. The background and mechanism of Chinese surplus farm labor migration are discussed briefly in the first section. Detailed analysis and development of this topic are based on the Zhejiang case, and consists of two parts: a review of the migration history of surplus agricultural labor in Zhejiang since the 1978 reform: and further analysis and key points are given in the second part. The third sector focuses on challenges and recommendation of policies. Project (70041025) supported by the NSFC.  相似文献   

目的:了解抗精神病药物所致恶性综合征(NMS)的临床特征并探讨NMS发生的影响因素。方法:对某院1例恶性综合征患者病例资料进行分析并复习相关文献资料。结果:抗精神病药物所致NMS男多于女,青壮年居多,传统抗精神病药物与多种抗精神病药物联用、增加剂量过快是产生NMS的危险因素。结论:NMS病情凶险,死亡率高,临床上要认真评估抗精神病药物应用指征,综合考虑患者的个体素质、营养、躯体及精神征状等多种因素来选用抗精神病药物,使用中密切观察病人耐受性,缓慢增加药物剂量,特别是对精神发育迟滞患者、老年患者、有器质性病变及夏季应用吩噻嗪类药物的患者应仔细观察,减少危险因素,有效预防NMS。  相似文献   

There are concerns in the literature that the use of case‐based teaching of anatomy could be compromising the depth and scope of anatomy learned by students in a problem‐based learning curriculum. Poor selection of clinical cases that are used as vehicles for teaching/learning anatomy may be the root problem because some clinical cases do not provide enough opportunities to learn anatomy and are, therefore, inappropriate for case‐based teaching. Although anatomy educators are expected to respond to the identified deficiencies of case‐based anatomy teaching, making sure that students acquire sufficient anatomical knowledge to practice safely and successfully, there are no tools available that can help improve the selection of clinical cases for case‐based teaching. The author proposes a composite index, which incorporates considerations of anatomical knowledge for evaluating clinical cases/conditions for suitability in case‐based anatomy teaching. The development of the case anatomical knowledge index (CAKI) using a modified Guttman procedure is described. The scalability of the index was measured using the coefficient of reproducibility. A total of 47 clinicians participated in the validation activities that measured interrater and intraclass reliability. The CAKI was able to consistently discriminate between clinical cases/conditions with higher demand for anatomical knowledge than those with lower demand for anatomical knowledge. A review of the literature suggests that such an index has not been previously reported. Given the concerns about the depth and scope of anatomy learning in case‐based teaching, these findings have international relevance. Anat Sci Ed 2:9–18, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

民事审限制度是一项具有中国特色的民事诉讼制度,设立该制度的目的在于规范裁判权力,提高诉讼效率。我国现有的民事诉讼法及最高人民法院的有关司法解释对民事案件审限的基本框架都作出了规定,但在内容设计方面存在不少的问题。本文采用价值分析和实证分析的方法,对审限制度在民事诉讼一审程序中的运作进行深入的探讨,在调研得到的资料基础上,指出我国目前民事审限制度存在的问题,同时对产生这些问题的原因进行反思,最后就一审民事案件审理期限制度的改革与完善提出一些建议。  相似文献   

浅谈死刑复核程序的公开问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
死刑复核程序是把握犯罪人生命权的最后一道关口,因此意义重大。但我国现行的死刑复核程序弊端颇多,从某种意义上来说,这道程序已经名存实亡。如何使它发挥应有的效力呢?本文仅从将死刑复核程序予以公开这个角度提出建议,力求以公开克服死刑复核程序的弊端。实现此程序的“公正”与“效率”价值。当然,这也要以死刑复核权收归最高法院统一行使为前提。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼法再修改将庭前审查程序中案卷移送的方式回归到全案移送,其存在着无法防止不当公诉和排除法官预断,以及难以实现案件繁简分流和辩方庭前参与的弊病。究其原因,这是由于我国刑事诉讼程序中尚无司法审查制度支持,对检察权和司法权关系定位不当,以及受传统诉讼观念影响所致。就此,我国应该逐步建立预审法官制度,完善配套程序,以实现庭前审查程序的过滤、分流和保障被告人人权的功能。  相似文献   

Students frequently engage in note-taking to improve the amount of information they remember from lectures. One beneficial effect of note-taking is known as the encoding effect, which refers to deeper processing of information as a consequence of taking notes. This review consists of two parts. In the first part, four lines of research on the encoding effect are summarized: 1) manipulation of the lecture material, 2) manipulation of the method of note-taking, 3) the importance of individual differences, and 4) the testing procedure used in the empirical studies. This review highlights the fragmented nature of the current literature. In the second part of this review five forms of cognitive load that are induced by note-taking are distinguished. Cognitive load theory is used to integrate the divergent results in the literature. Based on the review, it is concluded that cognitive load theory provides a useful framework for future theory development and experimental work.  相似文献   

对25例患肺结核的高校学生,在全面监督下不住院化疗进行了临床观察总结,其结果:痰菌阴转率100%,病变吸收率100%,说明此种方法可以收到住院化疗的同样效果,值得在高校推广应用。同时,针对高校肺结核发病率不断上升的情况,采取了一些措施,这样对于预防肺结核,控制传染源,降低发病率是十分有益的。  相似文献   

血清透明质酸是近年来在临床上应用较广泛的肝病及非肝病的检测指标.本文用放射免疫学方法对82例正常献血员,134例肝病患者血清及慢性阻塞性肺病、肺心病、冠心病、肾病、类风湿性关节炎和系统性红斑狼疮等非肝病患者透明质酸进行了检测.结果表明肝病患者血清透明质酸明显高于对照组,非肝病各组明显高于正常对照组(p<0.01),具有一定的临床诊断意义.因此,血清透明质酸对肝病的诊断、分型、病情进展以及非肝病诊断有一定价值.  相似文献   

公诉案件的预审程序是在检察机关提起公诉与人民法院正式开庭审判之间设置的由预审法官对公诉案件进行事先审查的程序。通过考察西方主要国家的预审制度的具体设置和运行机制之现状,从人权保障和公正、效益的诉讼理念方面分析,预审制度对于防止庭审法官的事先预断和对公诉案件进行筛滤等方面发挥着重要的作用。它反映了诉讼的科学化和民主化,有其存在之合理性和必要性,结合我国的公诉案件庭前审查程序的现状,对于构建适合我国国情的公诉案件预审制度提出了具体的设想和建议。  相似文献   

校园电视的创新与发展:环境分析、定位与发展目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简要梳理中国大学校园电视发展历史和趋势的基础上,对当前校园电视所处的环境从不同层次上进行了系统分析,并归纳得出校园电视正在迎来空前发展的历史机遇这一结论。本文明确探讨了校园电视的定位与功能、节目类型、频道设置、节目编播等基本问题,大胆提出把校园电视发展成为校园第一媒体的全新目标。  相似文献   

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