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1979年以来,江苏省高校图书馆界曾先后创办10种学术期刊,形成独特的学术群落,但这段历史未被重视,相关资料散佚,亟待整理保存。本研究采用文献调查的方法,收集现存资料,对照相关资料,梳理这段时期学术出版活动的脉络以及出版物的传承关系,记录有关的人物和历史背景,并进一步归纳江苏省高校图书馆学术出版活动的历史特征和问题,对未来的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

立信是我国会计事业的先锋探索者,在引进西方会计学术思想和传播会计专业知识过程中具有不可替代的重要地位,其出版的立信会计书刊是中国优秀会计历史文化的重要组成部分。研究近现代立信会计出版事业具有深远的历史意义与重大的现实意义。文章分析了近现代立信会计出版事业的建立背景,阐述了近现代立信会计出版事业的概况,总结了其历史贡献及经验启示,以期为新时代出版企业的进一步发展提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

王淑红  亢小玉  姚远 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):420-422
通过对晚清民初我国中外文数学论文发表情况的历史考察,特别是对《科学世界》和《科学》特殊贡献的解析,认为——在我国晚清时期,欧洲、日本期刊已经从综合性过渡到由专门数学期刊承担数学论文的发表,但我国仍以综合性期刊《科学世界》《科学》等来担当;反观数学新学科的生成以及数学家的成长,期刊的学科促生功能和学术新秀的培育功能昭然若揭:故必须重视办好各种类型的学术期刊,为学科发展和培养学术新秀创造良好的社会条件和环境,特别是办好外文期刊,以有效传播与交流。  相似文献   

Universities have had to develop new strategies to raise their profile in the international marketplace. In Malaysia, as in many other nations, publication in ISI‐ranked journals is a crucial factor. This focus is causing a strain on national journals that suffer from a lack of content, institutional support, and national recognition. This paper presents data about Malaysian journal publishing and the study questioned editors in chief of Malaysian journals to obtain opinions of the problems they encounter and possible solutions. Data were collected through interviews. The participants in the study highlighted four main issues that resulted in a weak publishing environment: institutional reputation building (academic reputation), researcher prestige/image building, lack of focus on local journal issues by legislators, and a weak publishing culture. The article concludes that the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education should pay attention to national initiatives in countries such as India and Australia that recognize national journals and reward researchers for publishing in them.  相似文献   

Sex differences in people and things orientation have been reported in a range of psychobehavioural domains. Females, on average, score higher than males on people orientation, while males, on average, score higher than females on things orientation. In this article, I reanalyse recent data on sex differences in academic publishing using Scopus journal articles from 2017 (n = 27,710 articles in India; n = 285,619 articles in the US). The results show that in both India (rs = –.71) and the United States (rs = –.69), women were more prevalent as the first authors of articles in more people-oriented fields than in fields that were more things-oriented, which had a high proportion of male first authors. The findings indicate that there are similar cross-national patterns between US and India in field-specific female-to-male author ratios when factoring in the people and things orientation of those fields. Where the people and things dimension fails to explain sex differences in academic publishing, sex differences in the empathising–systemising quotients may explain residual variation in sex differences in research subject choices. The findings reported here extend existing psychobehavioural, developmental, and evolutionary research on sex differences in interests and cognitive styles.  相似文献   

During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Dutch East India Company exerted monopolistic control over spices and coffee, with huge financial returns for those who invested in the company. Also during this time, a combination of business factors emerged to allow the early distribution of published works to gain hold and become a viable commercial enterprise. The early years of Dutch publishing are not well known but when examined they parallel the historical context in which geopolitical empires were the norm. The story of the start of a modern day publishing house is examined through the dual histories of two Dutch business ventures that thrived and failed during a turbulent time of colonial exploitation.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 美国小型学术图书馆在出版服务领域已经有较多实践,并且具有独特性和创新性。对其出版服务实践进行研究,可为国内中小型高校图书馆开展出版服务提供参考。[方法/过程] 选取美国较有代表性的5个小型学术图书馆的出版活动进行概括和介绍,并分析和总结小型学术图书馆的出版服务模式。[结果/结论] 我国中小型学术图书馆需寻求实践机会制定出版政策,广泛开展合作并进行校园宣传,展示服务价值以及增强显示度,以此开展本馆的出版服务实践。  相似文献   

学术运营是数字出版平台实现科技期刊的知识价值和学术价值的基础。基于中华医学会杂志社英文数字出版平台Mednexus的运营实践,笔者提出中国英文科技期刊数字出版平台的学术运营的内涵,并阐明数字出版平台可通过网站/数字出版平台服务、文献推送服务、对接知识发现系统、搜索引擎优化技术、对接其他数据库或文献交互平台、对接学术社交媒体等不同的方式开展学术运营活动。进而,笔者分析了中国英文科技期刊数字出版平台的学术运营的现状,并从平台运营、数字出版产业链构建、平台可持续发展的视角分别阐述学术运营过程中的难点,为科技期刊平台的建设和发展提出值得系统性思考的问题。  相似文献   

Scholarly publishing scams and predatory journals are emerging threats to academic integrity. During the last few years, the number of bogus journals has dramatically increased, defraud authors by promising fast review and prompt publishing. The current research investigates the contribution of Iranian researchers in predatory open-access journals in 2014. In this research, a total of 21,817 articles published by 265 journals from Beall’s list of predatory standalone journals were investigated. Although Beall’s weblog was taken offline on January 15, 2017, data was collected between January and March 2016 when his weblog was accessible. Results of the study revealed that Iranian researchers have contributed to 1449 papers from 265 journals, ranked this country as having the second largest contributor after India. Surprisingly, institutions with the highest share of publication in predatory journals are among the most reputable and well-known universities of the country. Un-vetted papers published in predatory journals can hurt individuals’ reputation and be a base for future low-quality research in Iran and other world countries. To avoid being victimized by questionable journals, researchers should be more familiar with scholarly publishing literacy skills to recognize and avoid publishing scams.  相似文献   

数字出版与开放获取(Open Access,OA)运动促使大学图书馆开始探索出版服务。继学术期刊OA出版之后,学术图书OA出版也成为出版领域的重要趋向。文章分析学术出版危机与期刊OA模式的成功对学术图书OA出版的影响,学术图书OA出版的现实意义与面临的挑战,介绍美国大学图书馆的学术图书OA出版服务,最后提出我国大学图书馆开展此项服务的建议。  相似文献   

赵文义 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):416-418
学术期刊出版体制的市场化改革,需要进一步解放思想,实事求是,凝聚共识.解构学术期刊出版体制背后的权力结构因素,可以全面和深入地认识学术期刊出版体制存在的问题和改革的关键点.通过对学术期刊出版的行政权力结构、学术权力结构、经济权力结构、话语权力结构的解读,试图为学术期刊出版改革实践提供新的思路.  相似文献   

韩小亚  徐变云 《出版科学》2016,24(5):97-102
介绍4种国外数字学术出版模式,分别是虚拟图书馆模式、数字仓库模式、学术文集模式、学术社区模式,并分析各种模式的优点和弊端。指出数字学术出版模式处于发展变迁状态,其发展经验与前景为:数字学术出版市场主要集中于院校机构,而非个体消费者;数字学术出版物的发行并不会分流纸版书的销量;数字内容版权的不确定性、不透明性严重影响该领域的发展进程;学术期刊出版和学术专著出版有重叠领域,值得开发;出版商的生存和发展取决于所出版图书的价值和数字化系统开发。  相似文献   

论学术期刊编辑的“工匠精神”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘飚 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):387-389
学术期刊作为一种文化产品,担负着文化积累、文明传承和知识传播的历史使命.作为文化产品的生产者,学术期刊编辑在日常的编辑出版工作中应该传承和弘扬“工匠精神”,不忘初心,以严谨不苟的职业态度、耐心执著的敬业精神、精益求精的职业理念投入到编辑工作中,尽最大努力把自己的期刊办成学术水平高、出版质量优、作者读者都满意的精品期刊.  相似文献   

Academic book and journal publishing constitutes the majority focus of university presses. Besides commercial scholarly publishers, academic scholars and researchers view the opportunities provided by university presses as important venues for the dissemination of their research. This discussion focuses on the disciplinary imperative to publish scholarship that is ever more fluid and specialized as academic disciplines continue to become further nuanced in their response to the increasing knowledge produced by humanities and social science inquiry. The focus is on university presses and not commercial scholarly presses, although constitute a significant locus of scholarly publishing. What are the general characteristics of academic specialization and university press publishing? Further, how is disciplinary fluidity, especially evolving specialization, reflected in university press book publishing nomenclature and how scholarship is tied to the intellectual preoccupations of academic specialization? Multi- and inter-disciplinarities further articulate disciplinary publishing, accelerating disciplinary fluidity. Examples from disciplinary and emerging configurations of disciplinary nomenclature utilized by university presses offers insight into specialization and publishing. Academic history publishing is used to illustrate newly emerging fluid disciplinary configurations.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a flood of papers and preprints, has placed multiple challenges on academic publishing, the most obvious one being sustained integrity under the pressure to publish quickly. There are risks of this high volume-to-speed ratio. Many letters, editorials, and supposedly “peer reviewed” papers in ranked and indexed journals were published in a matter of days, suggesting that peer review was either fleeting or non-existential, or that papers were rapidly approved by editors based on their perceived interest and topicality, rather than on their intrinsic academic value. In academic publishing circles, the claim of “peer review”, when in fact it has not been conducted, is a core characteristic of “predatory publishing”, and is also a “fake” element that may undermine efforts in recent years to build trust in science's budding serials crisis. While the world is still centrally focused on COVID-19, the issue of “predatory publishing” is being ignored, or not being given sufficient attention. The risks to the scholarly community, academic publishing and ultimately public health are at stake when exploitative and predatory publishing are left unchallenged.  相似文献   

The limitations of existing proposed and operational publishing models intended to replace the academic journal are briefly reviewed. Three ‘insights’ are described, the first is into the ‘means/end’ confusion of much current net-based publishing activity, the second is that it is the purpose, not the form, that is the important aspect of the traditional academic journal model, and the third is that satisfactory net-based publishing models need not contain a central publisher. From this new viewpoint is developed the Deconstructed Journal (DJ) model which it is suggested is a better model for network based academic publishing. It also solves some of the problems of the current model. Although the main focus of the DJ model is the replacement of the STM journal it has implications for all areas of academic journal publishing.  相似文献   

数字化背景下学术期刊融合发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络技术的迅猛发展,使数字出版成为出版业不可逆转的趋势和潮流,也使学术期刊的生存发展受到冲击.数字化背景下,学术期刊应认真思考自身发展优势,努力寻找新的发展模式.学术期刊的融合发展不失为学术期刊数字化发展的一种有益探索.具体探讨学术期刊融合发展的几种模式,旨在为学术期刊数字化发展提供新思路.  相似文献   

学术期刊移动出版的可行性及功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖艳  魏秀菊 《编辑学报》2016,28(2):114-117
针对学术期刊是否适合移动出版的问题,概述国内外学术期刊移动媒体应用现状,对学术期刊移动出版的功能进行分析.认为移动出版以其获取信息便捷、传播信息快速的优势,在学术期刊数字化出版中可发挥的独特功能如下:架起学术与科普的桥梁;充当期刊的大众宣传与内容导读平台;提供便捷的检索查询途径.调查结果显示,以中国科协精品科技期刊为代表的中国优秀学术期刊对新兴移动传播方式具有很高的积极性,微信传播发展快速.这些都表明学术期刊移动出版具有可行性,可与期刊网站等其他出版形式共同构筑学术期刊的数字化出版格局.  相似文献   

《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》AR出版实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵宇 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):74-76
通过对AR技术在出版领域的应用现状进行分析,提出学术期刊进行AR出版的可行性,并借助《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》出版平台初步实现了科学研究成果的动、静态AR展示,取得了很好的演示效果,使读者获得了更加真实直观的视觉体验。探讨了学术期刊AR出版的特点以及与第三方AR平台的合作模式,以期为学术期刊AR出版的发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解学术图书馆对新的出版环境的感知和应对情况以及学术图书馆出版服务现状,分析学术图书馆参与数字出版的潜在动力和优势条件,从理论与实践两方面论证学术图书馆参与数字出版服务的重要性、必要性和可行性。[方法/过程]首先介绍学术图书馆在促进学术交流中所承担的角色与使命,分析学术出版的功能作用;讨论学术图书馆参与数字出版的潜在效益。继之,主要选取分别代表开放存取期刊、仓储和图书的DOAJ、OPenDOAR、DOAB作为开放存取出版现状的调研对象,选择ARL和SPARC研究图书馆出版服务相关报告并调研图书馆出版联盟,以了解国内外学术图书馆的出版服务现状。在此基础上,进一步分析总结学术图书馆参与数字出版所具备的内容资源、技术平台、用户、人才等方面的优势条件,并简要讨论学术图书馆参与数字出版的角色和功能定位。[结果/结论]总结学术图书馆参与数字出版的动因和条件以及可能面临的不确定性,并相应提出可能的应对策略。  相似文献   

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