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"East is East,and West is West,and never the train shallmeet."(东方是东方,西方是西方,两者是不会相会的)至少,英国短篇小说家吉普林是如此认为的.事实上,当今东方人与西方人时常碰面,当他们会面时,自然而然地必须找出一种合适的问候方式.  相似文献   

国外有这么一句谚语:"East,west,home is best."有人译成:"东方,西方,家是最好的地方。"也有人译成:"金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。"可见同样的一个意思,怎么表达是大  相似文献   

Section 1.Distance and Displacement Distance and displacement are different.When you traveled 50 km tothe East and then 20 km to the West,the total distance you traveled is 70km,but your displacement is 30 km East.  相似文献   

The Middle East     
中东一般泛指欧、亚、非三洲连接的地区。西方国家向东方扩张时,开始使用The Middle East这一词语,以后广泛流行。离西欧较近的东方地区称近东(The Near East),指土耳其等国;较远的称为中东(The Middle East),近东和中东经常混用,没有明确的界限。狭义的中东仅指伊朗和阿富汗。现在普遍指广义的中东,即除伊朗和阿富汗外,还包括埃及、巴勒斯坦、叙利亚、伊拉克、约旦、黎巴嫩、也门  相似文献   

"East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. "At least, that's what English writer Rudyard Kipling said. Truth is, nowadays Easterners and Westerners meet quite often. And when they do meet, naturally, they have to find an appropriate greeting. Aye, there's the rub. What's  相似文献   

1.Excuse me ,Which is the way to the East Park,Please?请问,去东方公园怎么走?  相似文献   

中东一般泛指欧、亚、非三洲连接的地区。西方国家向东方扩张时,开始使用The Middle East这一词语,以后广泛流行。离西欧较近的东方地区称近东(The Near Eas),指土耳其等国;  相似文献   

王浩宇 《海外英语》2012,(18):287-288
The Middle East is so religiously diverse that the three major religions,Judaism,Christianity and Islam,are intercon nected and each originated within the Middle East.Islam in its many forms is by far the most heavily represented religion in the region though many branches and sects diversify and segment it.In addition to the widely acknowledged religions,smaller,mi nority religions such as Bahá’í,Druze,Yazidi,Mandean,Gnosticism,Yarsanism,Shabakism,Zoroastrianism are also prevalent throughout the Middle East.This article begins with Mideast civilization and attempts at outlining a religious map of the region.Finally,the study concludes that Hellenistic culture,Jewish religion system and Roman polity all had found their way into spread ing the influence of Christianity before Christianity,the missionary religion established itself in the Middle East.  相似文献   

Were‘the Governor and Merchants of London trading with East Indies’as Queen Elizabeth called them when giving them her charter in 1601,better known as East India Compa- ny(EIC),still around they would be surprised at the populari- ty,power and prestige of English in India.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨东方与西方的艺术在表现方法上的根本差异:东方为延迟模仿,西方为写生模仿.作者认为,在原始时代,东方与西方的艺术有着相同的原点;造成东方与西方的艺术分道扬镳的原因在于东方与西方的不同文化基因.本文从东方与西方不同的社会结构、哲学认识论进程以及由此影响下的审美观念等方面进行了论述.最后指出,延迟模仿与写生模仿不能截然分开,这两种模仿方式在东方与西方的艺术中常常彼此渗透、相互交叉.  相似文献   

There has been a severe lack of rain and snow on the East Coast of the United States. The amount of rain and snow that has fallen in the states from Maine (缅因州) to Florida has been far below normal. The lack rain or snow is called a drought. The East Coast states are suffering an unusual drought this winter. Some areasreceived only a small percentage of the rain they normally receive. And the drought has continued into the winter. Normally, drought conditions happen during hot summer weather. Ground water supplies usually increase in the winter and decrease in the spring and summer. Some officials worry  相似文献   

What Is in This Special Issue? This special issue attempts to build a bridge of cultural understanding between Chinese and Western education and culture.By bridge,we mean the connection that one can make between philosophies and practices of education in the East and West,both past and present.This is a daunting but not impossible task,as shown by the four articles included in this issue.The bridge-building effort can open up an opportunity for dialogues,reflection,learning,and relearning.This is critical in today's world when both East and West are actively seeking new paradigms to reform their educational practices,and looking to each other for inspiration.This bridging process does not come naturally or smoothly.It presents challenges at multiple levels,language,terminology,contexts,or institutional differences.This special issue provides an opportunity to examine these possibilities as well as difficulties.  相似文献   

秦鹏钧 《海外英语》2023,(5):201-206
“:中国”这一古老的东方国家对于西方人来说一直是一种比较复杂的存在。受到交通条件等诸多要素的影响,西方人对于中国的认知和探索往往都受到一定的局限“,中国”也成为西方人心中遥远而神秘的东方国度。到了近代,随着西方实力的不断增强以及殖民范围的不断扩大,欧美国家开始对中国这一东方国家有了更加清晰的认识和更为具体的描述。中国形象也在西方中心主义、殖民主义等思潮的影响下逐渐被西方社会所鄙视和批判。文章主要探讨美国记者、旅行家托马斯·华莱士·诺克斯(Thomas Wallace Knox)所写的《少年旅行家的远东游记》(The boy travellers in the Far East)中所呈现的晚清中国形象。诺克斯明确表示这本书旨在为美国的年轻读者展示一个真实的中国,他本人也确实详细记载了中国的风土人情。然而,他的描述同样受到了其所在西方大环境的影响。这也就意味着诺克斯无论怎样在内容或形式上去试图强调这种真实性,这部作品中的“晚清中国”也都会不可避免地成为西方语境下被“刻板化”和“他者化”的形象。  相似文献   

"东方是东方,西方是西方,两者是不会相会的."至少,英国短篇小说家吉普林是如此认为.事实上,当今东方人与西方人时常碰面.当他们会面时,自然而然地必须找出一种合适的问候方式.最佳的做法就是遵守这个耳熟能详的行事准则:"入境随俗."  相似文献   

Vasco da Gama was the person who discovered the sea route to the East Indias.In 1469, Vasco da Gama was born in Portugal. His father was an important officerat court. When he was 20 years old, he was famous as a warrior and sailor.At that time, Arabs and Indians controlled the commerical activities between the East and the West. In order to get the spices, precious stones and pearls directly, in 1497, da Gama led the fleet to India. They sailed along the west coast of Africa and reached the Cape of Good Hope, then turned north towards northeast. On May 20, 1498, they got to India. In the July of 1499, they arrived Portugal.  相似文献   

后殖民主义将后现代主义理论运用于对东西方关系的解释,将西方的东方学的实质归结为东方主义,其核心理念是西方中心论。作为西方关于东方的话语系统,东方主义是一种以西方为中心的权力认识论,是西方试图控制东方的一种思维模式,其中浸透着强烈的西方中心论和文化帝国主义倾向,其宗旨是为西方对东方的殖民扩张和控制进行合理性论证。  相似文献   

A DRESDEN,Germany,J une 5(Xin hua)-Visiting U.S President Barack Obama said on Friday that themoment is nowto restart the Middle East peace process and called on Israelis and Palestinians to make concrete and serious steps to achieve peace.  相似文献   

东方主义是西方虚构东方的一套思想体系,其话语霸权阻碍了世界多元文化的和谐发展.文章通过对<南岳之秋>中意象的分析,体现了英国现代诗人燕卜荪对东方主义的话语成见的有意识纠正,打破了西方对中国形象的思维定势,并探寻了燕卜荪在后殖民语境中再现真实中国的思想根源.同时,阐述了东方主义对人们思想的束缚,揭示了超越东方主义需要东西方学者的共同努力,要挣脱东方主义的桎梏,就必须具备回归历史客观现实的有意识纠正.  相似文献   

王强 《英语辅导》2001,(8):23-23
Jerusalem: A US-led commission began inves-tigating(调查) 10 weeks of Middle East blood-shedyesterday, starting talks with Israeli and Palestinianleaders.  相似文献   

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