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《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103803
Do low-skilled workers benefit from the growth of high-technology industries in their local economy? Policymakers invest considerable resources in attracting and developing innovative, high-tech industries, but there is relatively little evidence on the distribution of the benefits. This paper investigates the labour market impact of high-tech growth on low and mid-skilled workers, using data on UK local labour markets from 2009–2015. It shows that high-tech industries – either STEM-intensive ‘high-tech’ or digital economy – have a positive jobs multiplier, with each 10 new high-tech jobs creating around 7 local non-tradeable service jobs, around 6 of which go to low-skilled workers. Employment rates for mid-skilled workers do not increase, but they benefit from higher wages. Yet while low-skilled workers gain from higher employment rates, the jobs are often poorly paid service work, so average wages fall, particularly when increased housing costs are considered.  相似文献   

Does technology require labour mobility to diffuse? To explore this, we use German social-security data and ask how plants that pioneer an industry in a location – and for which the local labour market offers no experienced workers – assemble their workforces. These pioneers use different recruiting strategies than plants elsewhere: they hire more workers from outside their industry and from outside their region, especially when workers come from closely related industries or are highly skilled. The importance of access to experienced workers is highlighted in the diffusion of industries from western Germany to the post-reunification economy of eastern German. While manufacturing employment declined in most advanced economies, eastern German regions managed to reindustrialise. The pioneers involved in this process relied heavily on expertise from western Germany: while establishing new manufacturing industries in the East, they sourced half of their experienced workers from the West.  相似文献   

Innovative, high-technology industries are commonly described as drivers of regional development. ‘Tech’ workers earn high wages, but they are also said to generate knock-on effects throughout the local economies that host them, spurring growth in jobs and wages in nontradable activities. At the same time, in iconic high-tech agglomerations like the San Francisco Bay Area, the home of Silicon Valley, the success of the tech industry creates tensions, in part as living costs rise beyond the reach of many non-tech workers. Across a large sample of U.S. cities, this paper explores these issues systematically. Combining annual data on wages, employment and prices from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Consumer Price Index, it estimates how growth in tradable tech employment affects the real, living-cost deflated wages of local workers in nontradable sectors. Results indicate that high-technology employment has significant, positive, but modest effects on the real wages of workers in nontradable sectors. These effects appear to be spread consistently across different kinds of nontradable activities. In terms of substantive wider impacts, tech appears benign, though fairly ineffectual.  相似文献   

Linsu Kim 《Research Policy》1980,9(3):254-277
This article presents a model of development stages that shows when and why local firms in a developing country acquire foreign technologies, how they assimilate and improve imported technologies to strengthen their competitiveness, and what and when external influences affect the process of technological change in these firms. Industrial technology in Korea's electronics industry has developed through three salient stages. Initially established through the implementation of imported foreign technology, local firms in the industry then accumulated experience in product design and production operation which provided a basis for limited indigenous efforts for the assimilation of imported technology. Finally, increased market competition in local and international markets and increasing capability of local personnel, together with assimilation of foreign technology, led to gradual improvements of foreign technology. This pattern is also evident in the history of manufacturing industries not only in Korea but also in other countries. The article also presents several propositions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper develops a history-friendly model of the process of catch-up by Chinese firms in the mobile communications industry. It aims to explain how the sectoral environment in terms of segmented markets and generational technological change facilitated the catch-up of domestic firms with respect to foreign multinationals. Segmented markets provided a nurturing environment in peripheral markets for the survival of domestic firms starting with low level capabilities in their infant stage. Generational technological change opened windows of opportunities for domestic firms to catch-up with foreign multinationals in new product segments. Segmented markets and generational technological change allowed domestic firms to leverage their initial advantages in peripheral markets to catch-up in core markets. Counterfactual simulations highlight that the process of catch-up was facilitated by relatedness across technological generations. This paper contributes to the literature on catch-up and industry evolution by illustrating the role of technological change and market regimes in the process of catching-up.  相似文献   

The relationship between innovation and employment is addressed in this article through a model and empirical test at industry level for eight European countries in 1994-2004. We investigate this relationship for manufacturing and services and propose a Revised Pavitt taxonomy (covering both of them) in order to identify specific patterns of technological change and job creation and loss. The contrasting effects of strategies of technological or cost competitiveness are investigated using innovation variables from CIS2 and CIS3. Together with demand, wages and industry dynamics, they account for changes in employees and hours worked. The diversity in these relations across industries is also explored; when the model is applied to each Revised Pavitt class, different mechanisms of technological change and effects on jobs emerge.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(5):104486
There is an emerging consensus in the literature that locally embedded capabilities and industrial know-how are key determinants of growth and diversification processes. In order to model these dynamics as a branching process, whereby industries grow as a function of the availability of related or relevant skills, industry networks are typically employed. These networks, sometimes referred to as industry spaces, describe the complex structure of the capability or skill overlap between industry pairs, measured here via inter-industry labour flows. Existing models typically deploy a local or ‘nearest neighbour’ approach to capture the size of the labour pool available to an industry in related sectors. This approach, however, ignores higher order interactions in the network, and the presence of industry clusters or groups of industries which exhibit high internal skill overlap. We argue that these clusters represent skill basins in which workers circulate and diffuse knowledge, and delineate the size of the skilled labour force available to an industry. By applying a multi-scale community detection algorithm to this network of flows, we identify industry clusters on a range of scales, from many small clusters to few large groupings. We construct a new variable, cluster employment, which captures the workforce available to an industry within its own cluster. Using UK data we show that this variable is predictive of industry-city employment growth and, exploiting the multi-scale nature of the industrial clusters detected, propose a methodology to uncover the optimal scale at which labour pooling operates.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104658
The present study adds to the literature on routinization and employment by capturing within-occupation task changes over the period 1980–2010. The main contributions are the measurement of such changes and the combination of two data sources on occupational task content for the United States: the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). We show that within-occupation reorientation away from routine tasks: i) accounts for 1/3 of the decline in routine-task use; ii) accelerated in the 1990s, decelerated in the 2000s but with significant convergence across occupations; and iii) allowed workers to escape the employment and wage decline, conditional on the initial level of routine-task intensity. The latter finding suggests that task reorientation is a key channel through which labour markets adapt to various forms of labour-saving technological change.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the impact of foreign country factors like market size, technological strength of industries, and science and engineering (S&E) capability on the conduct of U.S. overseas R&D during the 1991-2002 period. We find that overseas markets primarily predict the entry of U.S. R&D, while the S&E capability of nations is strongly correlated with the post-entry intensity of U.S. foreign subsidiaries’ innovative activity. We also find important inter-industry differences: U.S. electrical, electronics, computer, and telecommunication industries are strongly drawn towards overseas S&E capacity; industries including Machinery, Automobiles, and Transport equipment are primarily attracted by the technological strength of foreign industry; U.S. R&D in Chemicals mostly follows overseas markets. We discuss the implications of our results to the global organization of innovative activity and innovation policy.  相似文献   

刘磊 《科学学研究》2019,37(10):1786-1796
本文利用世界投入产出数据库(WIOD)的数据,分别测算了中国制造业总体及16个细分行业的全球价值链嵌入程度以及国内技术含量,并实证分析了全球价值链嵌入对国内技术含量的影响。研究发现,全球价值链嵌入能够有效促进国内技术含量提升,并且全球价值链嵌入与国内技术含量存在非线性的倒U型关系。全球价值链嵌入通过中间产品效应、行业竞争效应以及大市场效应促进国内技术含量的提升。国内自主研发和国外技术引进都可以促进国内技术含量的提升,但国内自主研发对国内技术含量的作用要大于国外技术引进。从行业异质性来看,全球价值链嵌入对劳动密集型行业的促进作用要大于资本技术密集型行业以及高技术行业。  相似文献   

Technological change and employment effects are not new phenomena. This paper examines some responses to technological innovation in the work situation around the turn of the century, a period of rapid and unprecedented scientific and technological development. The views of Tom Mann, an articulate British trade unionist and labour leader, on a number of subjects relating to these developments are compared with some recent writing, and are found to anticipate much of what is currently being said on these same subjects. It is shown that Mann, together with a number of other trade union representatives, basically welcomed technological innovation as a means of reducing the physical drudgery and long hours commonly associated with nineteenth century working conditions, notwithstanding frequently found assumptions of Luddite attitudes. Some comparisons with and implications for today of these positive responses from workers in the past are suggested.  相似文献   

This article proposes that the structure of demand is one of the major factors that affect the rate and direction of technological change and the evolution of high-technology industries, both over time and across countries. This article presents an analysis of the semiconductor industry in Europe, the United States and Japan, although particular emphasis is placed on the European case. The decline of the European industry (1960s) from a position equal to that of the American industry (1950s) can, to a large extent, be explained by the dominance of electronics consumer goods demand (rather than public procurement or computer demand) in the structure of demand in these countries. The later technological convergence of electronics final markets (1970s) played a major role in the commitment of the European semiconductor industry to LSI technology. This commitment, however, came too late to allow the European industry to catch up with its American and Japanese counterparts.  相似文献   

高技术产业对北京传统行业技术溢出的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建了一个高技术产业对传统产业的技术溢出研究框架,利用面板数据模型和普通最小二乘回归方程组对北京市样本数据进行了对比实证研究。研究结果表明:传统产业的技术效率主要受市场竞争和部门间创新产品贸易等方式的影响,而技术进步主要受高技术产业的技术研发投入的影响;从高技术产业与传统行业的具体对应关系角度来看,高技术产业对传统行业的技术溢出效应与行业间的投入产出关联程度密切相关。在生产技术、产品供求等方面关联较大的行业受高技术产业的技术溢出效应影响较为显著,并且偏向技术密集型行业受高技术产业的影响较大。基于本文所得结论,最后提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Using panel data analysis for a sample of Chinese high-technology industries from 1998 to 2008, this study examines how industry characteristics affect industry innovation activities. Differing from existing studies, our research considers the impact of foreign competition on innovation activities at industry level in a large emerging economy. The results indicate that the intensity of competition from foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) and domestic skill intensity affect industry buy and make activities. Foreign competition is positively associated with the intensity of buy activity, but negatively affects the intensity of make activity. Further, the findings show that domestic skill intensity weakens the impact of foreign competitive pressure on innovation activities. Our empirical evidence has important policy implications.  相似文献   

利用1995—2016年数据,采用层次回归模型,探讨中国中成药制造业的技术转移、内部研发能力影响其知识创新绩效、产品创新绩效的作用机制。研究发现,中国中成药制造业国外技术引进与产业的知识创新绩效存在负向相关性,与产业的产品创新绩效存在正"U"型相关关系;中国中成药制造业国内技术购买与产业的知识创新绩效存在正相关关系,与产品创新绩效存在倒"U"型相关关系;中国中成药制造业内部研发能力对国内技术购买与技术创新绩效间的相关关系具有正向调节效应,对国外技术引进与技术创新绩效间关系不具有调节作用。  相似文献   

跨产业间的技术融合已成为诱发新兴产业形成并提升其绩效的重要因素。利用EPO-PATSTAT数据库搜索出生物芯片产业13101项专利数据,利用Datastream、Osiris、Amadeus企业数据库搜集335家生物芯片企业财务数据。运用N指数、辛普森多样性指数和香农-维纳指数方法,依据专利数据,测算生物芯片产业技术融合宽度和深度。采用面板数据的GLS回归方法,依据2001-2013年间生物芯片产业20个样本企业专利数据和财务数据,实证分析技术融合引发新型竞争协同关系最终提升战略性新兴产业绩效的机理。研究表明:技术融合度对产业绩效有明显的提升作用,同时提高技术融合的宽度与深度更能带动产业发展;产业融合创新对产业绩效的作用机制随着产业的成长趋势呈现一条开口向下的"倒U型"曲线。这一研究具有重要的政策启示:放松产业管制,加强跨产业共性技术研发,促进跨产业间的技术融合,强化跨产业间的新型竞争协同关系,更有利于战略性新兴产业的规模扩大和绩效提升。  相似文献   

仇怡  吴建军 《科学学研究》2010,28(9):1338-1346
首先简要回顾了近年来我国高技术产业的发展状况及其对外贸易情况。以我国1998-2007年间31个省市区高技术产业的面板数据为基础,运用行业集中度和HHI指数对我国高技术产业总体及其各行业的集聚度进行了测量。在此基础上考察了我国高技术产业集聚与国际贸易的关系,并检验了高技术产业的国际贸易、产业集聚对地区全要素生产率的影响。研究表明,我国高技术产业具有典型的区域集中特征,产业集聚度逐年增强,不断增长的高技术产品国际贸易不仅促进了产业集聚,同时提高了当地的技术水平。  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, Brazilian IT policy has changed substantially from greenhouse protectionism in selected segments of the market to a more liberal regime. This article analyses the impact of liberalization on IT equipment production, diffusion, employment, and foreign trade. There were both benefits and setbacks, depending on the aspect analyzed. Users benefited from greater access to imported equipment, which could eventually contribute to productivity growth in the overall economy.On the negative side, there was a loss of local linkages with internal sources of components, technology, and employment. The article concludes that the future of the Brazilian IT industry does not seem to be in commodity hardware production. Rather, it lies in design- and engineering-intensive applications. Such "production close to use" can spur domestic use as well as create business opportunities for domestically owned companies in markets not dominated by foreign multinationals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of recent and future technological changes and choices in the banking industry. It tries to avoid one common approach, namely: listing new computing and telecommunications equipment; assessing how rapidly it will diffuse into the banks; and then assessing the effects on employment and skills. The reason for avoiding this approach is because it has not been successful in building up a picture of the complex relationships between technological changes and employment and work. Our approach attempts to integrate classification of technological changes with study of banking operations and competition and cooperation within and between banking and financial organizations. The paper concentrates on issues surrounding technological innovations in the clearing banks.  相似文献   

余子鹏  田璐 《科研管理》2020,41(12):103-111
The manufacturing industry is the skeleton of a country′s economy, which is the foundation of national wealth, technological innovation and national defense. The quality of manufacturing industries is the measurement of economic efficiency, production technique efficiency, structure balance, material and energy consumption ratio and pollution discharge etc.that is combination of economic efficiency, factor efficiency and social efficiency. By extracting the essence of quality of manufacturing industry, the paper has established manufacturing development quality indicators which is the main innovation points of the paper, to reflect the quality of factor allocation and environmental improvement degree, which includes industrial contribution ratio and environmental improvement degree that embodies manufacturing industry efficiency and sustainability.  Ten hypotheses have been put forward through theoretic analysis of the effect of factor endowment such as human quality, research and development investment,state-owned and foreign capital proportion, and industrial environment such as industrial competition, supply-demand situation, industrial specialization, industrial tax policies, industrial export, import of technical parts, and macroeconomic environment such as financial development level and environmental regulation and investment etc. on the quality of manufacturing industries.  By collecting data of physical investment and human capital of manufacturing enterprises in scale from 2000-2015,calculating manufacture development quality index and influencing variables such as R&D investment, human capital quality etc., the paper has used correlation analysis and econometric model to verify the validity of the hypothesis, which is exploring the effect of factor endowment and business environmental factors on manufacturing development quality, and seven hypothesis has been confirmed while a hypothesis is falsified and two hypothesis could not have been verified.  Findings show that R&D investment, pollution abatement, human capital quality promotes the quality of manufacturing industries, which means that high-quality R&D investment and human capital may increase the efficiency of manufacturing industry and pollution abatement helps reduce pollutant discharge to protect environment. That state-owned capital and demand-supply situation have the strong positive effect on manufacturing development quality, which proves that state-owned capital may support long-term research & development investment and technological innovation, and workable competition situation between demand and supply may urge enterprises improve operations. The ratio of manufacturing export-import and foreign capital proportion, industry concentration degree and tax rate imposes negative impact on manufacturing development quality,which reveals that in the past period the manufacturing export-import and foreign capital lead manufacture industry relying heavily on technical parts and capital abroad, and that industry concentration degree upgrading and tax ratio rising reduce the industrial effective competition and discourage business initiatives.  According to the analysis results above, policy suggestions are that advancing domestic R&D investment and human capital which is the most important active elements to promote technological innovation & progress and improve business performance, that strengthening the pillar position of state-owned capital in technological catching up and talent cultivation to conquer core technology autonomously because the characteristic of state-owned may guarantee the R&D willpower to overcome key core technology which needs large volume and long-term investment, that reducing dependence on foreign technology and key components & parts gradually by strengthening R&D, that improving the level of technology and added-value of manufacturing export products, and saving energy and reducing emission by increasing green technology R&D to upgrade manufacturing development quality on basis of the promotion of technology and efficiency.  相似文献   

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