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Given the force of colonial violence and the politics of erasure, I argue it is imperative to deeply address what Rhetorical Studies has inherited from academic predecessors and to uncover colonialism's enduring impacts on our field. I contend that much of Rhetorical Studies upholds a system of knowledge that overwhelmingly perpetuates erasure and effacement of Indigenous work and thus the political stakes of complicity in Indigenous erasure and anti-Blackness must be addressed. This account of Rhetorical Studies' dominant and embedded histories, narratives, and authors reveals how the discipline is still missing an intellectual genealogy that orients rhetorical scholarship toward indigeneity, which provides possibilities to challenge erasure. Even as settler colonialism receives more attention in Rhetoric, I suggest the necessity of a coarticulated frame that navigates Rhetorical Studies alongside direct intellectual engagement with Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) to build simultaneous attention to indigeneity and settler colonialism. This frame explains racialization and colonization must be addressed together while centering a focus on indigeneity as analytic. Launching this intellectual genealogy reveals contradictions, limitations, and complexities to hold Rhetorical Studies – to hold all of us – accountable for nurturing and building a world beyond colonialism in QJS and in our field.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the theoretical resources offered by feminist scholarship to enquire into the discourse of the intellectual and how women do being an academic. My starting points are threefold: Val Hey’s interrogation of Butler’s work and her emphasis on the importance of sociality; Carrie Paechter’s exploration of the available personal sets of masculinities and femininities that modify the ‘person who is me’; and my own attempts to draw on other traditions in theorising agency and a sense of self. Drawing on these resources I re‐read some data on academic identities to explore the potentialities of academic personhood and the discourses associated with the idea of the intellectual as a site of gendered personhood. The position of woman as intellectual is analysed in terms of Beauvoir’s assertion ‘I am a woman’ and the paradox of a universal voice and the female sex.  相似文献   

塞丝,一个在白人机制欺压下生活的黑人奴隶、妻子、母亲,拥有多重身份让她失去了自我,也让她以一种畸形的方式表达她作为一名母亲的爱:在奴隶制度下,一个母亲向自己的孩子展现母爱的最佳方式,就是杀死他们,以保护他们,使其免遭奴役。然而就是这样,塞丝也没有完全摆脱奴隶制的阴影,一直深受精神上的折磨。这种折磨导致了她在发生杀婴事件的18年后完全迷失了自我,幻想出了18年后宠儿魂归的种种事件。她对宠儿的爱是深厚的,但却也是畸形的。这份沉重的爱最终使塞丝患上了严重的人格分裂症,18年后回归的宠儿其实就是塞丝自己。与"宠儿"相处的过程其实就是塞丝在与另一个自己作斗争。最终塞丝在整个黑人社区及白人的帮助下,直面过去,重新审视过去,获得了精神上的真正解放。  相似文献   

在东西方的传统文化中,母亲的社会人格都已被固定化和模式化了,母性即意味着"无私奉献"、"忘我牺牲"和"仁慈宽厚",正如爱男人更甚于爱女人自己早已成为男权文化中心对理想女性的人格定位一样,爱子女甚于爱自己也早巳成为父权社会对理想母亲的人格定位.但奥尼尔和曹禺却在他们的悲剧中向世人展示了母性中的另一面,它颠覆了传统文化中关于母性的神话.  相似文献   

In this paper, we offer a critique of neoliberal power from the perspective of the gendered, sexualised, raced and classed politics of motherhood in English universities. By using dialogical auto-ethnographic methods to examine our own past experiences as full-time employed mother–academics, we demonstrate how feminist academic praxis can not only help make the gendered workings of neoliberal power more visible, but also enable us to nurture and sustain alternative ways of being and working in, against and outside the university. Far from desiring greater inclusion into a system which enshrines repressive logics of productivity and reproduces gendered subjectivities, inequalities, silences and exclusions, we aim to refuse and transgress it by bringing feminist critiques of knowledge, labour and neoliberalism to bear on how we understand our own experiences of motherhood in the academic world.  相似文献   

Studies have found that motherhood is significantly associated with attrition for female graduate students in the United States. Few, however, have examined this phenomenon from the point of view of current students. Utilizing data from 30 in‐depth interviews with student mothers from a number of academic fields, this study details both the structural environments and the socio‐cultural constructs that affect the women’s daily experiences. The data highlight the fact that the symbolic nature of both roles – mother and student – is often in conflict with the structural elements around which each role is performed. Student mothers confront this dilemma through a number of strategic practices including ‘maternal invisibility’, ‘academic invisibility’, luck, and reliance on the more traditional means of economic and emotional support that come from spouses and parents. In detailing these practices, the study offers both important clues about the factors that may contribute to attrition for graduate student mothers as well as suggestions for institutional improvement.  相似文献   

在生物教学中 ,结合生物界 ,特别是人类的“母爱”、“爱家”、“协作”、“弱肉强食”、“落后挨打”等典型事例 ,以及我国老一代生物学家为了祖国不惜牺性自己一切的高贵品质 ,适时地进行爱国主义教育 ,培养学生热爱母亲、热爱祖国的高尚品德 .  相似文献   

《伤逝》、《倪焕之》、《寒夜》是中国现代文学史上反映知识分子生活的代表性作品。透过爱情婚姻这面镜像,可以窥见知识女性真实的生存及情感状态,三部作品中的女主人公子君、金佩璋、曾树生为爱情进行了勇敢无畏的斗争,也一度取得成功。但在中国男权文化全面而深刻的影响和渗透下,女性的性别内涵往往被忽视或被误读,再加上她们自身的局限性,内外双重因素使得她们和爱人无法或不能处理好爱情婚姻中理想与现实的矛盾,最终爱情婚姻与理想事业一起走向末路。她们的悲剧说明,从五四至20世纪40年代中期,尽管时代已经变化,但文化的变迁很小。中国还没有为知识女性走向社会营造文化、机会与道德认可的氛围,女性真正解放的道路依然漫长。  相似文献   

This paper explores the transition to first‐time motherhood as experienced by a small sub‐sample of women engaged in the professional care of young children. In the context of a wider study of motherhood in the UK, their experience of combining work with new motherhood was distinctive. Women who professionally care for young children present a counter‐narrative to the view that teaching and motherhood can be blended. Negotiating the boundaries between work and motherhood produced a troubling reflexivity in which difficult feelings emerged and collided. Working in urban education involves emotionally intense forms of attachment that are disrupted by pregnancy. Becoming a mother prompts a renegotiation of professional and personal boundaries, leading women to pursue mothering as a separate enterprise, marked by individual solutions to care and career. Separating themselves from their working environment, women simultaneously isolate themselves from their middle‐class counterparts who pay for childcare and return to work.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代之后小说中的知识分子情爱叙事展示出知识分子爱情的各种可能性状态,及其中所包含的意义探寻的过程。通过各自的文本,朱文、韩东、李洱、北村描绘出"性"万能、"爱情错位"、情感的"无力"与"淡漠"、"诗性之爱"承担终极价值的无力等场景,这表明客观的"知识"体系虽然参与了知识分子爱情的发生机制,却丧失了提供自明而普适的伦理价值观的能力。这一时代的情爱叙事折射出知识分子精神价值取向的迷茫与焦虑。  相似文献   

余光中作品中胎记般不可磨灭的中国情结,来自于他对故乡故土的眷恋与追慕;对传统文化的挚爱与坚守;对中华民族的认同和归依,并贯穿于他大半生的创作之中。其用心编织而成的“中国情结”,将作者眷恋祖国母亲之心与母亲思念儿子之情不可分离地紧紧连在一起。  相似文献   

路遥小说塑造了当代文学史中经典的女性群像,但作为文学重要母题的母爱叙事几乎处于“空白”,叙述中即使有母亲在场也处于“失语”状态。一方面作家客观地再现了当时社会女性的真实处境,另一方面也是作家成长经历中缺失的母爱体验使然。作家笔下尖酸刻薄的城里母亲形象和宽厚朴实的农村母亲形象的塑造及作家的情感倾向是受到乡土情结的影响。  相似文献   

为研究经历留守初中生的学校联结和学习倦怠的特点及二者的关系,使用问卷调查法对886名经历留守初中生进行调查。结果发现:(1)八年级学生的学校联结显著低于七年级,而学习倦怠显著高于七年级;(2)随着母亲外出务工时间增长,留守初中生的学校联结有减弱趋势,而学习倦怠有升高趋势;(3)学校联结在母亲外出时长对学习倦怠的影响中起到了完全中介作用。减少母亲外出务工时间、提高留守儿童的学校联结有助于预防学生的学习倦怠。  相似文献   

Love Around Us     
<正>Love is around us. At home, I feel the love from my parents. At school, I feel the love from my classmates and teachers. Even on the street, I feel love from strangers.Last Sunday, I went out to buy some novels. It was hot. I felt a bit sick. I stopped calling~(1)my mother. Then I found I can’t~(2)speak. Two little girls came along. They found I was pale, so  相似文献   

程丹 《铜仁学院学报》2006,8(2):21-22,35
关爱工作是贴近学生,架起沟通心灵的桥梁,建立起良好师生关系,培养学生爱心,促进学生情感与价值观全面正确发展的一项重要工作。做好关爱工作就要忠诚工作,热爱学生,平等待人、尊重学生,关心学生,做学生的良师益友。  相似文献   


This paper discusses illegitimacy and single motherhood in the postwar period in the Netherlands from the perspective of what was considered to be in the interests of the child: being adopted by a married couple or being raised by the birthmother. It focuses particularly on the impact of psychiatry and the legalization of adoption in 1956 on the emancipation of the single mother and her child. The paper argues that the release of single motherhood and illegitimacy from the moral-religious stigmata of a “sinful fallen woman” and a “damned” or “degenerated” child has, in the Dutch case, not proceeded as a linear process. The process of emancipation toward proud and independent lone motherhood stagnated in the 1950s and 1960s because, when adoption was legalized, illegitimacy became an issue over which scientists, especially psychiatrists, gained the power of expert control. Guided by dynamic psychology and what they conceived of as the best interests of the child they declared single mothers to be victims of “sociopathology” and, consequently, unfit for motherhood. Adoption became the preferred option. This medicalised approach continued to dominate until the reawakening of feminism in the late 1960s made self-sufficient lone motherhood once more a respectable choice.  相似文献   

教师情感素质的培养是形成教师高素质的关键。教师情感可以从三方面来培养:(l)认清无私奉献与市场经济等价交换原则的矛盾,培养对教育事业的情感;(2)认清传统教育与尊重学生个体的矛盾,培养热爱学生的情感;(3)辩证地认识教学工作与科学研究的关系,培养热爱所教学科的情感。  相似文献   

This article is an autoethnographic account of how I negotiated intersectional identities as a Latina, mother, and professor, mentoring students of color. Specifically, I examine the ways mothering shaped my relationships with the students I mentored. I engaged in “othermothering” and utilized “pedagogies of the home” by creating reciprocal relationships of caring and nurturing. Utilizing critical race theory (CRT) and testimonio, I argue that my identity as a mother of color successfully negotiating the tenure track impacted the ways in which I mentor(ed) students of color.  相似文献   

关于“人”和“爱”的思考是张洁作品中的两个重要主题。本文就《爱,是不能忘记的》、《方舟》、《祖母绿》等张洁前期作品分析作者对“爱”的思考:从对两性之爱的精神构想到两性之爱失落后对社会的无私奉献的爱,再到两性之爱、母爱的相继失落后的爱的追求。  相似文献   

Despite notable steps toward gender equality and significant changes in gender roles, women continue to face tension between academic aspirations and the more traditional role of caregiver. The goal of the present research was to examine how this conflict might be revealed through assessments of associations that cannot be consciously controlled. In two experiments, college women completed implicit association tasks measuring the strength of their academic identification. Experiment 1 (N=55) showed that implicit academic identification was weaker when motherhood cues were present (rather than absent). In Experiment 2 (N=73), implicit academic identification was weaker when participants reflected on their aspirations to become a college graduate rather than aspirations to be a mother. These findings emphasize the malleability of the implicit academic self-concept. More precisely, they document that subtle exposure to cues and more deliberate thought processes produce distinct effects. This research contributes to a better understanding of contextual influences on the academic self-concept of college women and their potential implications for academic performances.  相似文献   

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