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Jake: Hi, could I speak to Ms Laura Barclay, please? Laura: Speaking. Jake: Hi Laura, this is Jake Simmonds--the CEO of International Property Management Systems. How are you? laura: Fine thanks. Erm... Jake: We met last month.., the harbour-front property development.  相似文献   

Jenny meets her friend Nancy in the Garden Street. They are very happy to meet each other(互相). Then Jenny tells Nancy about her new house.Jenny:Hi, Nancy! I' m so glad to see you here!Nancy:Hi, Jenny! I' m glad to see you too! How are you?  相似文献   

一、创设情境,初识分数1.引出12。创设小蜜蜂给熊宝宝分蜂蜜的情境,引出"半杯",并提出问题:半杯可以用什么数来表示呢?(教师根据学生的回答板书1/2)2.引出1/3和1/4。由第五只熊宝宝,引出1/3和1/4,并分别板书。  相似文献   

一、教学片段 Step 1. Lead-in T: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hi, Mr. Lu. T: It's quiet. There is no noise any more. No one is speaking. There is no noise. There is no whisper.(迅速地板书 whisper) No one is making a noise or a whisper. A whisper is a very low sound. It means soft noise. As we already know, Jiangxiang school is a most unusual school. It is quite unlike any other school in Sichuan. It is quite unusual, not the same as usual.(板书 unusual)Where do you have English class, in Chengdu or in Yangzhou?  相似文献   

1.英美人见面时的用语在熟悉和不熟悉的人之间有所区别,这和我们中国人是一样的。在不太熟悉的人之间,偶尔碰到打声招呼,只需说:Hi/Hello!或Good morning/afternoon.即可。如果你认为需要和对方多说几句,那么可以谈谈天气。当然,英美人很少为谈论天气而谈天气。往往是由谈天气引出其他话题,如外出野餐、看电影等,从而拉近彼此间的距离。  相似文献   

英语精粹1.Hi,Mary.2.How are you?3.Nice to meet you.4.How about you?5.See you later.场景一问候与告别Bill:Hi,Mary.Mary:Hi,Bill.How are you?Bill:I’m fine,thank you.And you?Mary:I’m fine,too,thank you.Bill:How is your mother?Mary:She is very well,thank you.And how is your  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Free talk T: Hello,everyone. I' m very glad to have a class here. So I'd like to make friends with you. Hi, what's your name? Nice to meet you! What's her name? Good, you help me. You are helpful.  相似文献   

Going to the Zoo
(M: Maria;J: Jane)M: Hi, Jane. It's Sunday tomor- row. What are you going to do?  相似文献   

教学过程: Step 1.Greeting and revision 1.Before class,Say a chant. T:Hi,class.First,Let’s say a chant:  相似文献   

学习要点预热 张老师:Hi,everyone!同学们:Hi.Mr.Zhang!张老师:今天我们开始学习新课。这一课的主要句型有。  相似文献   

这是一节青年教师的汇报课,教学内容为"平行四边形的面积"。教学过程大致如下:1.教师创设情境:长方形和平行四边形两个图形面积大小的争论,引出问题。学生想出用数方格的方法,进行比较。2.教师再次引出问题:一块大的平行四边形土地,要求它的面积,  相似文献   

Chip: Hi,Lori! Lori: Hi, Chip! Chip: What are you takingthis semester? Lori: Well, I hope I get ceramics.Juan: Hi. Shelley! Shelley: Hi, Juan!Juan: There's the bell. We have togo to homeroom. Shelley: Who's your homeroomteacher?Juan: Let me check the schedule. Let's see . . . my homeroom teacher is ...  相似文献   

【情景对话】 A: Hi, Li Li. What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the music club.A: Oh, can you play the trumpet? B: Yes, I can. I can play it well. What can you do?  相似文献   

The Shape of the EarthTeacher.Green!or.What about yours?Kevs:1.B 2.A 3.C0:How does Li Lei likeWhere are you from,Mr EI am from Sydney.Do you like working hereYes,I like it very much.Where is Mr Brown now7.Hi,Chen Hong!Hi.Sun Wei!Do you WOt:No,I WOrk in a …  相似文献   

A.常用句式: 1. Good morning (afternoon,evening, night). 应答: Good morning (afternoon,evening, night). 2.Hello!/Hi! 应答: Hello!/Hi! 3.How are you? 应答: Fine (I'm fine), thanks (thank you). /I'm all right(OK). Thank you./Very well, thank you.  相似文献   

教学过程: 一、游戏导入,引出主题——"引"爱 1.交代游戏规则:同桌一人伸出食指,另一人伸开手掌,试着用手掌抓住手指,然后角色互换。  相似文献   

Tom: Hi, how much do you want for this? Saleslady: 150 yuan. Tom: What! Don't try to rip me off! I know what this is worth. 50 yuan, tops. Saleslady: No way! It cost me more than that. (grabs a calculator) 120 yuan. Tom: Come on! If you don't give me a better price, I won t buy this from you.  相似文献   

A: Hi,Jack. Nice to see you!B: Hi,Wu Dong. Nice to see you,too! Oh, youare repairing your bike. What's wrong withit?A: Nothing serious. I just have it checked fortomorrow's picnic.  相似文献   

猫力魔力:Hi,大家都在干吗呀?出来冒个泡,噗噗~  相似文献   

1 英语中有26个英文字母,其中有5个元音字母(A、E、I、O、U),其余为辅音字母。 2 英语中有48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。 3 Hello/Hi常用于打招呼和问候,但打电话时用Hello而不用Hi。如:Hello,this is Tomspeaking.  相似文献   

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