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成为主角 年初时看到有朋友在网上转载“一万小时成功定律”,里面讲“无论任何人,只要经过一万小时的训练,都可以成为某个领域的专家。” 我不清楚这条定律在其他行业中的应验程度,但起码在我们钟表媒体业,1万小时的训练还远远不足以成为专家。因为很多时候,一款在表展上亮相的新表,它的历史往往可以追溯到1万后面带1或2个“0”个小时之前,如果你不清楚其中的来龙去脉,就无法真正了解这款作品。  相似文献   

作家马尔科姆·葛拉威尔写了一本类似“成功学”的书——《异数》。书中的核心思想是告诉人们一个真理:一万小时定律。意思是不管你做什么事情,只要坚持一万小时,基本上都可以成为该领域的专家。练习一项技艺何尝不是这样呢?  相似文献   

一万个小朋友的心里,就有一万只穿靴子的猫。小朋友,穿靴子的猫在你的心里什么样子呢?请挥舞你想象的翅膀,来重新写这个童话。  相似文献   

文宇 《家教指南》2005,(3):57-58
里维伦德·鲍勃·理查德是一个成功者。他曾在奥运会上得过冠军。理查德得冠军的秘密是:决定试一试,并且马上行动。早在幼年,他就懂得:要实现某种目标,首先必须这样想,其次必须这样做。理查德13岁时下决心当一名杰出运动员。他选择了撑竿跳高,训练时间超过一万小时。他从一万小时的训练中悟出了一个“秘密”:“你希望做什么———你决定做什么———决定了你能够做什么。”但是,你或许会提出疑问:理查德身体健康,四肢发达,天赋良好,这才是他成功的原因。”不过,任何确立了生活目标的人只有努力工作才会成功。让我们看一看一位身体不像理查德…  相似文献   

我只能做你们人生的亲戚,不能做你们人生的拐杖。——父亲对儿子说的心里话你的肩膀能够担一百斤,你就成功一百斤,你的肩膀能够担一万斤,你就成功一万斤。一句话,能挑重担的人就是成功  相似文献   

配合单元:人教版四年级上册第三单元《幸福是什么》 [设计理念] 幸福是什么?如果用这个问题去问一万个人,肯定会有一万个不同的答案.因此,我们也就有一万个幸福的理由。幸福是一种感觉,来的时候悄无声息,离开的时候也不留痕迹.但你却能从一句问候、一个眼神、一个微笑中感受到它的存在,  相似文献   

我有一个手提箱要给你,里面有100万美元的现金。手提箱放在离你现在住的地方大约1小时车程的一幢大楼上。条件是:你要在两个小时内到达那幢大楼。如果在两个小时之内到,我就把皮箱交给你。你就多了100万美元。但是,只要你迟到一秒钟,你就一分钱都得不到。  相似文献   

我有一个手提箱要给你,里面有100万美元现金。手提箱放在离你现在住的地方大约1小时车程的一幢大楼上。条件是:你要在两个小时内到达那幢大楼。如果在两个小时之内到,我就把皮箱交给你,你就多了100万美元。但是,只要你迟到一秒钟,你就一分钱都得不到。那么,你什么时候开始出发去那幢大楼呢?  相似文献   

编辑同志: 我今年17岁,与外婆的感情一直很深。记得我10岁时,外婆就悄悄地对我说:“伢,好好学习,我给你一万元钱。”我说:“外婆,我还小,你就把这一万元钱存到银行,等我上大学时再用。”不久前,外婆病重,她在临终前把这一万元存单交给了我。在分割外婆  相似文献   

提成儿子拿着录取通知书向爸爸说:"按学校规定,录取分数线以下少一分交一万元。如果我当时少考一分,你今天就得交一万元。按10%提成,你最少要给我一千元。"  相似文献   

Falling in love with your lovers, it might be like living in the heaven. But when you find your lover is not the person you thinking of, it may be like falling down to the hell. James Joyce is a great writer who is always expert in writing the inside of the characters. His writing is always full of images of impressionism and epiphany. Impressionism is through the character's instant impression, especially the feelings of seeing light, shadow and color, present the individual activities in the field of emotional hazy.  相似文献   

Here is a well written and well edited book with focus on the concept of design in modern educational technology practice. It is for both new and experienced designers; those new to the field might find opportunities to expand their practice, while experienced designers will find affirmation of many past practices and the opportunity to explore new ideas for future projects. If you think this book is likely to be of value to you, I suggest you buy your own copy Diane P Janes  相似文献   

小雅 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):12-14
1.每日练习。你的声音就是你的工具。你可以阅读、写、记英语,但如果你不磨砺自己的工具,你的口语水平就不会得到提高。开始可多用英语进行简短的交谈。你在课外说得越多,你的口语水平就提高得越快,你掌握得也就越快。这包括高声朗读,运用新单词,用英语交谈、提问、演讲,听自己的录音。希望录音机和镜子在你学习英语的过程中成为你的好朋友。  相似文献   

Working in a country where the work culture is unknown to you—Oman in the Middle East—you are faced with yourself. What you need is a profound knowledge of the cultural, social and educational surroundings you are working in, which I did not have. Coming from a working‐class background, I was not unfamiliar with adjusting to cultural differences, but here I was the ‘advantaged’. I was the ‘expert’, with western knowledge: highly valued by some, feared by others. Living up to your expert role in unknown territory is a daunting process, as this article highlights.  相似文献   

本文以作者的教学实践,说明用教育心理学的理论指导教学活动、讲究课堂教学的艺术性对提高教学质量的重要意义。  相似文献   

Whether your preferred destination is the executive suite or simply the nearest exit from your current position, don't let your job take you aimlessly down any path. In fact when it comes to career planning, don't think in terms of "jobs" at all, says corporate transitions expert William Bridges, Ph.D. Instead he suggests building your career plan on "doing the work you're best at for the employers who need it."  相似文献   

Stress is a problem for everyone, young or old, But when you are a teenager it might feel like the world is on your shoulders, You have to go through many life-changing experiences: your body changes, your mind changes and you might feel all grown-up, and yet you are still treated like a child by your parents and teachers, With all these problems facina you it is easy to become stressed!  相似文献   

领导是一个组织的核心人物,在组织中占有举足轻重的地位。作为一个领导者如何才能在工作中被同事折服,不仅需要有一定的业绩,还要有一套自己的方法和艺术,才能带领组织朝更高的目标迈进,走向成功、辉煌。  相似文献   

在英语学习中 ,词汇是非常重要的。要想尽快扩大词汇量 ,我们必须了解词汇的增长方式 ,从而找出最好的记忆方法。  相似文献   

September 2 May all your days be blessed with someone who cares for you, accepts you and your flaws, who will watch over you and protect you. Someone who will encourage you to believe in life and in your wishes and dreams, who will give you strength and guidance and care for you throughout eternity.  相似文献   

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