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《野性的呼唤》主要讲述了狼狗巴克从养尊处优的宠物犬,变成北方的雪橇犬,最后变成狼王的故事。巴克的变化主要是由于不同主人的影响。本文主要通过“环境决定论”来分析主人公巴克在米勒法官、红衣人、弗朗索瓦、哈尔和桑顿等人身边的成长历程。  相似文献   

精彩导读有这样一只狗,它叫巴克。它被人从南方主人家偷出来并卖掉,几经周折后,成为一条拉雪橇的苦役犬。在残酷的驯服过程中,它意识到了公正与自然的法则。经过你死我活的斗争,它最终确立了自己领头狗的地位。  相似文献   

雪橇犬是指借助狗挽具在雪或冰上,拉无轮载具行驶的犬只。雪橇犬拉着各式不同的雪橇,包括短程竞速橇和塑胶底距离赛平底雪橇。雪橇犬也被用来拉货运撬和毛皮猎人的高缘窄平底橇,一队雪橇犬  相似文献   

从前,有一个年老的隐士,隐居在森林里,陪伴他过日子的,只是一只那种叫作云雀的鸟儿。有一天,有两个使者,前来拜见这个老人,求他跟他们一起到他们主人的城堡去,因为他们的主人病得很重。老人带着云雀,随同那两个使者一起去了,立即被带进病人的房间去。四个医生正摇着他们的头,低声地交谈。"我们已经  相似文献   

当巴克遇上外星蚂蚁巴克是一只黑蚂蚁,每天他都要和兄弟姐妹们一起走很长的路去寻找食物,来来回回非常辛苦。于是,巴克不想每天那么辛苦地走路。怎么解决这个问题呢?巴克动起了脑筋。“巴克,你又在想点子偷懒吧?”哥哥姐姐们走过巴克身边,嘲〔cháo〕笑托腮思索的巴克。“我没偷懒!我只是想让大家干活轻松些,总会有好办法的。”“就你?还想让大家干活轻松?”哥哥姐姐们更加开心地笑起来,“我们把食物都交给你,你搬得动吗?”“我……”巴克知道自己体力劳动是弱项。这时,一辆汽车从路上驶过,猛烈的气流差点把几只蚂蚁吹跑了。巴克眼前一亮:汽…  相似文献   

在印度北部的一个小村庄里,有一个叫巴克楚的小伙子。一天,巴克楚告诉他的老师,村长在附近的镇上为他找了一份工作,他要去上班了。老师祝小伙子好运。一年后,巴克楚的朋友告诉老师,巴克楚混在镇上的一帮坏孩子当中,以偷窃为生。老师听到这个消息非常惊讶,因为他知道巴克楚本性善良。不久巴克楚回家探亲,高兴地去看望老师。“你在镇上过得怎么样,巴克楚?”“很好。”“喜欢你的工作吗?”“那份工作实在太无聊了。我交了几个朋友,他们帮我找了一份更好的工作。”“我真为你高兴。既然你过得不错,我有时间就去镇上看看你。”小伙子很吃惊,但他…  相似文献   

巴克驾驶宇宙汽车回到学校,静悄悄地飞到那个贪吃的同学旁边,神速地钻进桌肚里。巴克打开车门,把好吃的东西全部搬了出去。正当他准备再次低空飞行离开时,地面上的一只蚂蚁引起了他的注意。这是一只瘦小的褐蚂蚁,他找到地上的一点薯片碎末,高兴地搬起来,摇摇晃晃地往家赶。巴克  相似文献   

19世纪美国著名自然主义小说家杰克*伦敦在他的小说<野性的呼唤>中,给读者讲述了一只名叫巴克的狗从文明的生存环境中被倒卖到残酷恶劣北方淘金潮中,变成了一只雪橇狗.在此过程中,巴克表现出的极强的适应性正是小说的主题.小说主要通过巴克的视角来描写和透视世界,叙事方法独特,但也有一些问题.为了能更好地理解小说,本文讨论了这种叙事方法在这篇小说创作中的优缺点.  相似文献   

一个人养了一只鸭和一只鹭鸶。主人每天精心喂养,希望能够有所回报。可是,每天早晨,他却只能从鸭笼里拾到一个硕大的鸭蛋。于是,主人开始讨厌起这只鹭鸶来,那只幸运的鸭也就更瞧不起鹭鸶了。有一天,一个渔夫路过此地,这个人马上低价将鹭鸶卖给了这个渔夫。又一天,这个人偶然在湖边碰到了赶着一群鹭鸶的渔夫。渔夫指着叨了一条大鱼哗啦啦地游向自己的鹭鸶,伸出大拇指对这个人说:"您这只鹭鸶真了不起,混水  相似文献   

一天,一个盲人带着他的导盲犬过街时,一辆大卡车失去控制,直冲过来,盲人当场被撞死,他的导盲犬为了守卫主人,也一起惨死在车轮底下。主人和狗一起到了天堂门前。一个天使拦住他俩,为难地说:“对不起,现在天堂只剩下一个名额,你们两个中必须有一个去地狱。”主人一听,连忙问:“我的狗又不知道什么是天堂,什么是地狱,能不能让我来决定谁去天堂呢?”天使鄙视地看了这个主人一眼,皱起了眉头,她想了想,说:“很抱歉,先生,每一个灵魂都是平等的,你们要通过比赛决定由谁上天堂。”主人失望地问:“哦,什么比赛呢?”天使说:“这个比赛很简单,就是赛跑,…  相似文献   

杨乐 《海外英语》2014,(19):193-194
The Call of the Wild is Jack London’s first bestseller and is one of the most popular novels during the early twentiethcentury in America. It is considered as a model of American literature. This novel depicts how Buck turns from a dog to a leading wolf that returns to the nature. Buck reflects not only the figure of the author but also his aspirations and pursuits. When comparing Buck with the author, it can be said that to a large extent Buck is the author himself-the combination of reality and ideal.  相似文献   

杰克·伦敦的《荒野的呼声》以一只名叫"布克"的狗为叙述主体,这个叙述主体的特殊性尤其值得关注。在"布克"身上交织着三种属性,即狼性(元主体性)——狗(过渡属性)——人(精神主体性)。"布克"最后回归了原始的狼性,带着对自由的渴望在荒野上自由的奔跑,与此同时,杰克.伦敦也表达了他对阶级、自然、人性以及自由的种种特殊而深刻的理解。  相似文献   

郑健 《海外英语》2012,(10):211-212
The Call of the Wild is one of the most famous novels written by Jack London.By borrowing vivid materials from his rich living experiences and diverse philosophies from different sources,he manages to make a dog named Buck the hero,an impressive image which at tracts broad attention of both readers and critics.The writer intends to explore the author’ s diverse philosophies,from the perspectives of Marxism,Darwinism,Social Darwinism and the Superman Theory respectively.And the writer will also point out this is caused by the col lision of different social ideas at that time.  相似文献   

3.T he w ild anim alThe wild anim al was strong in Buck,and as hetraveled across the snow,it grew stronger and stronger.A nd as Buck grew stronger,he hated Spitz m ore andm ore,although he w as careful never to start a fight.B ut Spitz w as always show ing his teeth to Buck,trying to start a fight.A nd B uck knew that if he andSpitz fought,one of them w ould die.The fight alm ost happened one night w hen theystopped by Lake Laberge.There w as heavy snow and itw as very cold.The lake w as …  相似文献   

巴克是美国作家杰克·伦敦的大作《野性的呼唤》中的主人公.巴克的主人连续不断的在更换,从法官米勒,到狗贩子到哈尔,再到约翰·桑顿.本文主要从人性的角度分析谁是巴克最好的主人,以帮助后来的读者更好地理解《野性的呼唤》.  相似文献   

The Call of the Wild,written by the famous American novelist Jack London,has attracted a large number of both readers and scholars ever since it came out.It provides the public with a fresh perspective through narrating the whole novel from the point of view of the protagonist Buck,a dog.Against the background of countless people flooding into the Alaska to search gold in order to fulfill their dream of becoming rich,which,to some extent,represents the American dream at that time,this novel vividly mirrored the then phenomenon,so illuminating and thought-provoking that it is of great value to analyze the disillusionment of American Dream through Buck.Therefore,this paper aims at exploring the disillusionment of American Dream through analyzing Buck and his rich life experiences.  相似文献   

Constructing and experiencing boyhoods in research in London   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
When Rob was about 14‐years‐old, at an all male boarding school, he was so glad that he did not have a tiny penis like another boy who was called girl. He was popular because he was good at sport, missed his mum and dog terribly but never showed it (except a little to his mum and dog) and talked a lot about girls he fancied. These memories were triggered by an interview based study on the identities of 11‐ to 14‐year‐old boys in London which we conducted from 1997–2000. Rob was the interviewer, and he interviewed boys in groups (45: 36 single sex and nine mixed) and individually (79) in 12 London schools.  相似文献   

It is with great regret that we announce the death of Gregory Buckland-Smith known to so many of us in ICEM simply as ‘Buck’. He was educated at London University and the Royal Military College of Science. After qualifying he contributed to many journals, particularly in the educational field. On the outbreak of war he joined the army and spent much of his time working on radar. When the war ended he worked with the Foreign Office in Germany as Head of the Films Division. As early as 1945 he was reorganising schools radio in Germany and playing a leading role in the re-establishment of the Institut fur Film und Bild. These were early days in film making also, with films such as ‘A School in Cologne’ and ‘Berlin Looks to the West’. ‘Buck’ also made many friends during this period in Germany and in other countries and was involved with ICEM virtually from the beginning. He was one of our very few honorary members.  相似文献   

独立前夕,穆苟忐忑的心情与众人热烈期盼的心情形成了强烈对比。因他为了保全自己,而把基希卡出卖给了英国人。穆苟的变节行为透露出穆苟既渴望又恐惧的心理矛盾:他一方面以基希卡为崇拜模仿对象,并想取代基希卡成为部落的英雄;可是另一方面,在出卖基希卡后又受到对自己氏族英雄背叛的良心谴责。将以穆苟的原型塑造为主线,用圣经原型批评与后殖民批评方法来解读基督教在的殖民进程里所扮演的角色来揭示其去殖民意义。  相似文献   

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