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临床医学成人专升本教学管理特点浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育的不断发展,近年来成人高等教育的实际情况也随着不断变化,因此,医学成人教育必须适应不断发展的变化需要。由山东大学2002级临床医学成人专升本学员的状况,对教学管理提供几点建议。  相似文献   

成人外语教学应该特别用心研究、了解成人学生的特殊素质,掌握他们的基础条件和个性特征。从成人学员的特点入手,研究如何开发成人学员的非智力因素,以促进成人高校的外语教学。  相似文献   

在对成人学员学习动机的激发与培养上,应针对成人学员的特点,激发学习信心;注重长期动机和近期动机的结合,及时反馈学习效果,联系成人实际,创设成功学习情景,开展研究性学习,使成人在学习过程中保持适度的学习动力。  相似文献   

<正> 怎样做好成人学员的思想政治工作,这是近年来成人教育工作者普遍关心的问题。总结以往的工作,结论是:不断研究学员思想状况,掌握他们的思想特点,按照成人院校学员思想政治工作的规律办事,才能进一步做好学员的工作。 成人院校学员具有哪些思想特点呢?从对历届学员的观察分析看,成人学员来自第一线,他们学习目的明确,干啥学啥,专业对口;学习积级性高;有一定的实践经验和自我管理能力及自我约束能力,这构成了他们能够顺利地完成学业的主要方面和优势。另外,他们工作和生活负担较重,也可称为劣势。优势与劣势这两个方面是表现在学员身上的一对矛盾,我们思想政治工作的重要内容即在于认清成在人学员的特点,化消极因素为积极因素,变劣势为优势。  相似文献   

在成人学习过程中,成人的学习动机与成人学习质量和水平有着密切的关系.如何激发和培养成人学员适度的学习动机从而使其保持良好的学习状态,对成人学员的学习有很大帮助,也是广大成人教育工作者实现有效教学,提高成人教育质量的重要保证.本文借鉴成人教育界对成人学习的一些研究成果,分析了成人学习的动机特点,提出了激发成人学习动机的策略.  相似文献   

在成人学历教育中,学员的学习目的有两重性,一是学知识,一是拿文凭。学员一般有工作,大都拉家带口,因此,对他们来说,学习时间紧,任务重,参加函授学习到课困难。针对这种情况,一般说,函授辅导时间不宣安排过多,讲课不宣过细,应该简明扼要,在学习方法、技巧方面多加引导,让学员充分发挥成人理解能力强、善于意义记忆的优势,以自学为主,指导教师的辅导只起引引路的作用。  相似文献   

文化素质是各种素质中的基础素质,在深层次上反映着人才的质量,应当不断适应教育观念的日益更新。如何加强成人高教学员的文化素质教育,培养与现代化和知识经济相适应的高素质专门人才,是成人高等教育工作者必须探讨和解决的重要课题。本文针对成人高等教育的发展趋势,讨论了学员文化素质教育的内涵特点以及重要性,并提出如何有效实施成人高教学员文化素质教育的工作设想。  相似文献   

分析了成人学员的特点 ,并根据这些特点阐述了成人教育教学应注意的基本原则  相似文献   

浅析成人英语教学的不足与改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据成人学员的自身特点,分析了成人英语教学与其他英语教学的不同之处,指出了当前我国成人英语教学存在的不足,提出了针对这些不足的改进措施。  相似文献   

“写作”课 ,是成人高教中文专业、文秘专业的必修课。在目前向素质教育转轨的大趋势下 ,这门课的教学与考试问题值得思考。成人高教学历教育很容易搞成应试教育。不少学员就是冲着文凭来的 ,一些教师也理解这一点。成人学员与在校大学生不同 ,他们大都有本职工作 ,有的还有家室的拖累 ,他们生活中没有普通高校生那种特有的大学文化氛围和学习气氛 ,在短促的面授或辅导的时间里 ,他们往往把精力放在试题和考分上 ,希望老师划考试范围、指出和讲授知识点。某些“责任心”强的教师则借鉴移植中学辅导高考的办法 ,虽然没有时间和条件搞题海战术…  相似文献   

It has often been demonstrated that adults are more likely to remember important text elements than less important elements –“levels effect”. It is not clear whether the same effect exists in children because the evidence is inconsistent. Most of the existing studies with children can be criticised for failing to include adult subjects as well as children, thereby making it impossible to determine whether the observed differences between adults and children reflect genuine differences in processing or just the effects of strategies for coping with the specific texts selected for the children. The present study partly replicated a study that found no evidence for a levels effect in children (Baumann, 1981) with a group of adults. With one passage stronger evidence for a levels effect was found with the adults in our study than was found with children, whereas with the second passage no evidence for a levels effect was found in either study. It was argued that this finding suggested that there were differences between adults and children in the extent to which they engaged in the type of processing that resulted in levels effects, but also that texts differed in the degree to which they induced this type of processing, and that the latter factor had to be taken into account in developmental studies.  相似文献   

It is clear that while transition from being a driver to being a non-driver is an important, and often negative, event in the life of older adults, there is little support available to help older adults through this transition. This study focuses on increasing our understanding of issues about driving cessation and to inform the development of educational programs to assist older adults in positively adapting to retirement from driving. A total of 201 adults over age 70 with a valid driving license completed a mailed survey containing both open and closed-ended questions. Of the 96% of participants who were current drivers, 73.4% had never considered retiring from driving. While 70.6% of participants indicated that an educational program could help people plan to retire from driving, 55.8% indicated the possibility that they would participate in such a program. Participants provided insights into the format and content of educational programs to help older adults retire from driving including coping after retirement from driving, alternative forms of transportation and how to access them, and helping to decide when to retire from driving. It is imperative for practitioners to identify ways to help older adults who are resistant to planning for retirement from driving.  相似文献   

Play is an important activity in young children’s lives. It is how children explore their world and build knowledge. Although free play, which is play that is totally child directed, contributes to children’s learning, self-regulation and motivation, adults’ participation in children’s play is critical in their development, especially their language development. Guided by children, adults can help scaffold children’s language, and especially their learning. We suggest that adults scaffold children’s language during play by using research based strategies such as asking questions that invite extended responses and new inquiry, provide meaningful feedback and effectively use wait time, which provides children with the opportunity to respond to adults’ comments and questions. The goal is to provide adults with strategies to scaffold children’s language development during play while allowing children to direct their own play activities.  相似文献   

儿童和成年人习得第二语言的优势各不相同。总的说来,在良好的课堂学习环境中,成年人比儿童占优势。对儿童及成年人习得第二语言的优势及特点的认识、研究对第二语言教学及学习都有指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper reviews how and why children's acquistion of syntactic structures is influenced by verbal communication with adults. It argues that those interactions involve cooperative problem-solving and can be interpreted within interactionist theory. It surveys several ways in which adults model a child's syntactic structure to convey the child's intended meaning. These are: expansion; extension; modelling without prior child utterance; and modelling after metalinguistic interruption of the conversation.University of BielefeldState Institute for Early Education  相似文献   


There has not been ample recent research on teaching older adults. However, as described below, there is mounting research in how and why older adults want to learn. This brief discussion is derived from work undertaken for a workshop in Hong Kong on issues in teaching older adults. It combines recent research on learning and teaching in higher education as it applies to older adults. The paper addresses: learning and ageing, learning choices, an information processing view of learning, deep and surface learning, teaching and learning approaches, formal, non-formal and informal learning, teaching roles, evaluation, and technology. Some sections are exemplified with information from teaching older adults in Australia and Hong Kong  相似文献   

It is now well established that learning disabilities (LD) persist into the adult years, yet despite a developing literature base in this area, there is a paucity of evidence-based research to guide research and practice. Consistent with the demands of the adult stage of development, autonomy and self-determination are crucial to quality-of-life issues to adults in general, and specifically to adults with LD. There are many areas of functioning in which adults need to adapt successfully, such as employment, family, social and emotional, daily living routines, community, and recreation and leisure. In essence, there are a myriad of challenges and outcomes as adults navigate the trials and tribulations of LD as it manifests itself into adulthood. This review of the extant evidence-based literature seeks to discover relevant knowledge that can be shared with practitioners who serve adults with LD in a variety of professional and volunteer roles, particularly in adult education settings.  相似文献   

王蕊 《成人教育》2012,32(6):46-47
转化学习是成人学习理论新进展的重要方面,通过转化学习,成人能够认清并更正原有扭曲的意义观点,对于成人的持续发展意义重大。但在成人教育的实践中,由于成人存在一定的"自我中心主义",在一定程度上阻碍学习者对根深蒂固的信仰、观念、判断标准等方面进行批判性反思,实现转化学习并非易事,因此成人教育应重视开发转化学习的针对性课程,力求促使成人形成更具包容性、开放性的意义观点,以便更好地适应生活。  相似文献   

A national data base was employed for the first time to examine in detail the educational participation behavior of adults 60 years and older. Participation rates, subjects studied, reasons for participation, and locations utilized for learning were found to vary significantly in relation to relative age, educational attainment, sex, race, income, and other participant characteristics. The “old old” and the socioeconomically disadvantaged were much less likely than other older adults to continue their education. What they studied, why, and where contrasted markedly not only with the patterns for adults in general but also with the patterns for other older adults. It is concluded that conventional programming approaches are inadequate for reaching older adults generally, and are particularly inadequate for reaching the old‐old and the socioeconomically disadvantaged.  相似文献   

“作文教学难”是汉语语文教学界的共识。作文教学“成人化”是“作文教学难”的最主要原因之一。“成人化”包括强调“作文”必先“做人”、强调“文以载道”和强调“典型性”原则。应考虑减低作文评判标准的“内容”要求和真正让学生写“放胆文”。  相似文献   

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