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随着家庭教育立法不断推进,政府责任越来越成为发展家庭教育事业的关键议题。立法原则方面,应确立“家庭承担主体责任,政府承担补充责任”的原则;责任形态上,运用体系化的思维,可以将其归结为尊重家庭教育的选择权、防止学校过度干预、完善组织和程序、提供家庭教育指导服务、培育和监管家庭教育服务市场、改善经济条件、代为行使国家亲权等七个方面。为此,中央层面在对家庭教育的政府责任进行立法表达时,应该按照社会治理的要求,通过顶层设计、全盘推进,推动制度性创新破解制约政府责任如何落实的难题,从而起到保障家庭教育权、提升家庭教育能力和促进儿童社会化顺利进行的功效。  相似文献   

To gain a clear sense of teacher educators at work, we need to look closely at the context in which they practice. Any attempt to address the questions of what works and the nature of evidence must be situated in the macro‐political context that constrains the work of teacher educators struggling for legitimacy and identity within both the university and the professional field of teaching. We characterize the macro‐political context as a set of neo‐liberalist forces that works to undermine the central role universities have played in the development of the nation state. As the university's role has become focused on supporting economic development and global competitiveness, this context is at odds with longstanding agendas of professional responsibility and self‐governance in teacher education. In this policy context, we argue that teacher educators need to engage in rigorous practice‐based inquiry that addresses issues of policy and governance, particularly those that tend toward direct government intervention or professional governance.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the increased power of venture philanthropy to shape education in urban communities of color in the USA. The author situates venture philanthropy’s expanded influence in urban school districts in the nexus of urban disinvestment, neoliberal governance, wealth concentration, and economic crisis. The author argues that billionaire philanthropists are using the fiscal crisis of the state to shape education policy and governance, operating as part of the ‘shadow state’. Capitalizing on austerity politics and their philanthropies’ embeddedness in the state and advocacy organizations, venture capitalists deploy their enormous wealth and political influence to restructure urban school districts that predominantly serve low-income African American, Latino, and other students of color. The goal of their neoliberal agenda is to restructure education to serve economic competitiveness and to open up the public education sector to capital accumulation. The fusion of the state and capital, through the interrelation of venture philanthropy and government at all scales, to impose policies of disenfranchisement, public school closings, privatization, and appropriation of Black urban space, constitutes a new colonialism. The article illustrates this dynamic through case studies of Detroit, Philadelphia, and Chicago.  相似文献   

The publication of the National Commission for Higher Education (NCHE) in 1996 was hailed as the first systematic attempt to map out a policy terrain for higher education in South Africa since the elections of April 1994. Its recommendations, particularly on the governance of higher education, elicited much discussion and debate. The debate continued (and continues) with the publication of the Green and White Papers, the Bill on Higher Education, and the Higher Education Act (HEA) in late 1997.This paper explores and seeks to clarify the emerging model of educational governance that has been accepted by the Ministry of Education in South Africa as the basis for managing and transforming the inherited system of higher education. Specifically, the paper considers the philosophy of “co-operative governance” and the governance recommendations of the NCHE Report and the HEA. These documents are examined in relation to state control and state supervision models of higher education governance. The paper concludes by considering the politics of policy development in the transformation of the South African higher education governance system.  相似文献   

旰飞 《学科教育》2013,(6):52-57
“治理”作为一种新型的管理理念和实践方式,在当前获得了人们愈来愈多的重视。“治理”理念倡导教师和学生对学校治理权利的共享,引导教师与学生通过协商、对话、合作以及公民伙伴关系等方式积极参与学校公共事务的管理,从而扩大和提升学校的公共利益,培育学生的更为健全的公民品质。因此,学校“治理”与公民教育之间所形成的是一种有机联结的关系,学校组织的治理型建构可以为公民教育提供坚实的生活基础和制度保障,而公民教育则可以通过唤醒学生的公民意识和治理意识,提升他们的治理意愿和治理能力,从而推动学校治理的发展。基于“治理”理念而建构起来的公民教育,不再是灌输式、概念式的公民教育,而是一种主体性、实践性的公民教育,它可以更好地培育学生的公民权利与责任意识,使学生成长为治理型的公民。  相似文献   

During the 1990s, state governments considered in excess of 100 initiatives to reorganize, restructure, or "reform" higher education governance arrangements. The recent wave of governance change has revealed an important insight about reform activity: Large-scale redesign of a state's higher education governance system occurs in a distinctively and decidedly political context--namely, at the intersection of legislative institutions, state higher education agencies, electoral cycles, and campus politics. This article describes the landscape of public higher education governance in the states and assesses recent trends, reviews the modest research literature on the politics of reform, and reports selective results from a recent national survey of higher education governance reform in the 50 states. The article concludes with suggestions for the framing of future research on the politics of governance reform.  相似文献   

Community participation in school management—and in hiring and firing of teachers in particular—has been actively advocated as an effective reform to improve school and teacher accountability in the Global South. This paper examines whether such reform functions in practice as suggested in theory, drawing on the findings of a case study of community schools in rural Zambia. Using the concept of the ‘context of practice’, efforts have been made to understand the local meanings of community participation in school management rather than that of the central government or development partners. Such analysis illuminates the important roles that local economic and cultural capital, complex cultural norms and unexpected micro politics play in shaping the way parents and communities are actually willing and able to participate in school management, and how these issues influence school and teacher accountability. The findings also underscore the difficulty that teachers face when attempting to respond to the local demands, especially in the context of grossly inadequate resources being allocated to them by the state. The paper concludes by arguing, first, that community management of schools in Zambia was an unfunded and unclear policy that shifted financial responsibility to already marginalized rural communities and, second, that direct hiring relationships between parents and teachers will dilute the importance of the political accountability of the state to ensure quality education for all.  相似文献   

大学生担当意识的强弱不仅关系到他们的自我教育能力和自我发展水平,而且关系到他们能在多大程度上肩负起历史使命。培养大学生担当意识是我国传统文化的基本要求,是大学生成长过程的客观需要,是高校德育工作的必修课程,是社会发展的精神动力;通过对当前大学生担当意识培养现状的分析,发现当前对大学生担当意识的培养方面存在着家庭教育认识偏颇、社会教育环境乏力、学校教育失范、自我教育缺失等问题,给出了大学生担当意识的培养需要从高校、家庭、社会、学生自身等方面实施培养。  相似文献   

义务教育阶段的“择校热”和“就近入学”一直备受争议,民办学校的兴起为择校提供了新选择,也冲击着义务教育的发展格局。民众对优质教育资源的渴求助长了各地招生乱象,严重影响了义务教育的公益性与普惠性。国家全面推行的“公民同招”政策在有力维护教育起点公平,确保良性竞争的同时,也面临着现实困境和深层隐忧:公平起步与均衡依赖的鸿沟、自主择校与政策调剂的分歧、民办与公办学校的分化。平衡两类学校的协同发展,稳步推进政策,不能搞“短平快和一刀切”。需通过优化资源、维护程序公正,加强校际治理,逐步冲破改革阵痛,促使义务教育优质均衡发展,把新政之弊降到最小。  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, American governors have become increasingly active in education politics. Where they once told state education chiefs to “make me the best education governor ever,” they now demand control of state boards of education, push for state control of school funding, and urge statewide standards for teacher evaluation. This article surveys the growth of gubernatorial interest in education in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. It argues that sustained financial pressure on state budgets and widespread calls for educational equity have undercut both school districts and legislatures as effective arbiters of education policy. These twin pressures have forced governors, who have a statewide political constituency and are responsible for the state budget, to accept greater control over education policy.  相似文献   

未成年学生家庭教育责任转移的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育的社会功能和教师的社会责任随社会的发展而变化。家庭教育的责任转移是随着我国社会的政治、经济发展和工业化、城市化、现代化的推进而出现的。家庭教育的责任转移,引发了教师社会责任的功能性扩展、发生在青少年学生身上的各种问题增多以及家庭和社会对学校教育的过分依赖,进而导致教育责任的严重失衡。采取有效措施,实现教育的责任分担,使家庭、学校和社会共同肩负起对青少年学生的教育责任,对于发挥教育的整体功能,促进青少年学生的健康成长极其重要。  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is a form of education seen by many governments and educators as a preparation of the types of students needed for the future. STEM education is being developed in many countries without the support of official policy, such as is the case in Canada. In the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and a private non-profit organisation, Achieve Inc.?, have been enlisted to develop policy to guide the development on STEM nationally. Due to its influence in global politics and economy, many countries, including Canada, are interested in how the United States is preparing its citizens for the future through STEM education. In this paper we present a critical discourse analysis on STEM policy from the United States as a basis to discuss: biopolitics in science education; notions of citizenship in contemporary school education and science education; and citizenship and STEM education.  相似文献   

通过对英国学校领导发展历史的梳理,本文发现英国学校领导的发展历史是国家从不干预到提供资助、进行管制和提供培训,并逐渐形成国家主导的学校领导发展治理模式的过程。国家主导的学校领导发展治理模式为英国学校领导发展的项目创新提供了强有力的政策支持及经济保障。然而,也正是由于集资助、管制和提供为一身,英国的学校领导发展逐渐为唯一的培训模式所垄断,其未来发展面临着挑战。  相似文献   

Policy as numbers: ac/counting for educational research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an account and a critique of the rise of the contemporary policy as numbers phenomenon and considers its effects on policy and for educational research. Policy as numbers is located within the literatures on numbers in politics and the statistics/state relationship and, while recognising the longevity of the latter relationship, it is argued that the governance turn and neo-liberalism have strengthened the role of numbers in contemporary education policy. This phenomenon is situated in the contemporary ‘structure of feeling’, which sees politics reduced to managing the everyday and the evisceration of a progressive imaginary. The paper then documents the impact within education, focusing both on the emergent global education policy field and on the national agenda in Australian schooling and the related rise of ‘gap talk’, both globally and nationally. The paper concludes by drawing out some implications for educational research, suggesting that we as educational researchers are also being positioned by policy as numbers.  相似文献   


Until the mid‐1970s, the politics of urban school desegregation concentrated almost exclusively on the attainment of some form of racial balance. The racial balance paradigm became the focal point for desegregation planners and for local, state and national dispute about ‘forced bussing’. However, in its 1977 Milliken II ruling, the Supreme Court added critical new elements to the urban school desegregation paradigm. By affirming a desegregation plan which included remedial education components in all‐minority schools, and which required state participation in financing these components, Milliken II heralded a new era of urban school desegregation. Resource issues and school effectiveness issues joined racial balance issues in the crucible of desegregation politics. In this chapter, the post‐Milliken politics of urban school desegregation are highlighted through examination of the St Louis and Kansas City cases. New goals, new issues, new alignments of interests and new political strategies are apparent, presenting new challenges to students of urban education policy and politics.  相似文献   

Drawing on a variety of social and political theories about the nature and future of democracy, this paper develops athesis about the politics of inclusive education. It concludes with a brief preliminary evaluation of the potential of the UK Labour Government's Education Action Zones policy for the development and governance of inclusive schools.  相似文献   

This study examined the cultural aspects of a transfer articulation policy between public community colleges and state universities enacted by a newly consolidated state governing board for higher education in a northeastern state. A qualitative multisite case study design explored how key stakeholders, faculty, administrators and staff viewed the transfer policy from their unique perspectives. Tierney’s (2008) cultural analysis of governance was used to examine the effectiveness of communication and decision-making on the part of the board. The study also applied Handel’s (2011) theory of a transfer affirming culture along with Jain, Herrera, Bernal, and Solorzano’s (2011) research on the requisite services for pretransfer and posttransfer success of nontraditional students. The use of several theoretical frameworks provides “a more powerful lens than when using only one in helping to interpret and understand culture” (Kezar &; Eckel, 2002, p. 440). The study was guided by the following question: How do community college and state university faculty, administrators and staff perceive the Transfer Mobility Policy in relation to their campus cultures? The findings identified difficulties with community college curricula and student transfer advising as well as a cultural gap between the community colleges and the state university. They underscored the politics that surrounds higher education governance reform and resultant clash between political and academic cultures. This study may help policy makers promote statewide transfer and articulation initiatives and be instructive for faculty, administrators, and staff as they seek to improve the success of students who transfer from community colleges to four-year colleges and universities.  相似文献   

This paper considers how the issue of child labour is located in Cambodian education policy debates and how it is affected by the major constraints surrounding the Cambodian education sector. In particular, it asks why Cambodian policy makers have not sought to address the issue explicitly despite its considerable, and adverse, impact on children's school education. In doing so it first identifies the Cambodian education sector's passive approach to child labour, leaving it as a problem to be resolved by wider economic development. Secondly, it finds that the major constraints surrounding the education sector, including the issue of its governance, contribute to sustain a wide gap between stated education policies and actual practice, thus further diminishing working children's chances to benefit from a school education.  相似文献   

Policies aimed at both reducing the costs associated with schooling (particularly through fee-free education) and decentralising responsibility for education delivery have become a central part of international education doctrine. This article draws on the ‘politics of scale’ literature to highlight how these education reforms are contested at different scales, in turn leading to uneven administrative and material outcomes. It examines education policy reforms in Papua New Guinea, which have – contra international trends – sidelined non-state actors and strengthened the state’s role in managing education services. National fee-free education policy has been contested at different administrative scales. Church administrators have rallied (without much success) at national directives; subnational administrators and politicians have had greater success, rolling back some aspects of national policy; while local-level schools have employed their own tactics to resist national fee-free education policy. In turn, this case study highlights how fee-free educational policy shapes and is shaped by conflict at multiple administrative scales. The article’s findings have implications for debates about the relationship between fee-free education and decentralisation policies.  相似文献   

教育与生产劳动相结合是我国教育方针的重要组成部分,新中国成立70年来,我国劳动教育政策取得了重大进展,基于政策转移视野,我国劳动教育经历了借入苏联模式、探索自身路径、绝对去西方化、开辟中国模式、形成新时代价值体系五个阶段,从"工具理性"逐渐走向"价值理性"。未来,应以"五育融合"为出发点,探索劳动教育的新路径:以劳动教育作为击破应试教育壁垒着力点,深入促进学生综合核心素养与学业能力的提高,探寻以劳树德;建立并持续完善劳动教育课程体系,以劳动教育促进学生对其他学科课程的掌握,实现以劳增智;立足实际需要,建立政府、社会、家庭、学校"四位一体"劳动教育实施协同创新体系,使劳动者在合目的性与合规律性统一的劳动中获得自我确证,探索以劳育美;教育治理重心下移,多方持续进行中国特色劳动教育育人体系的实践基地和法律制度建设,保障劳动教育有效可持续实施。  相似文献   

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