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很多人都担心给孩子用的塑料奶瓶中是否含有双酚(fēn)A,但对其他塑料家电是否含有双酚A却不是很关注。其实,塑料在家电产品中使用广泛,如豆浆机、电水壶、搅拌机等,大多使用的是聚碳酸酯(PC)或聚丙烯(PP)材  相似文献   

通过HPLC-MS/MS外标定量法测定食品接触材料中四溴双酚A含量,食品接触材料经剪碎后,采用甲醇超声萃取,滤膜过滤后得到待测样品。研究仪器条件、预处理工艺条件、加标回收率等因素对四溴双酚A测定的影响。结果表明,该分析方法平均加标回收率和相对标准偏差分别为84.2%~106.3%和1.8%~4.4%(n=6),适合检测现有材料中四溴双酚A的含量。优化了色谱柱、流动相和质谱参数、萃取溶剂等条件,降低了方法的检出限,提高了检测方法的灵敏度。该方法能够快速、准确检测塑料食品接触材料中四溴双酚A含量,可为食品质量监测提供技术保障。  相似文献   

近日欧盟食品链和动物健康委员会通过一项决定:禁止生产含有双酚A(BPA)的塑料奶瓶,从今年6月起,禁止进口或在市场上销售双酚A塑料奶瓶。这一消息迅速在国内引起轩然大波,玻璃奶瓶在各大卖场脱销。塑料奶瓶都有毒吗,怎样为宝宝选合适的奶瓶,一时间成了妈妈们讨论的热门话题。  相似文献   

目的:建立同位素内标-UPLC-MS/MS法检测白酒包装内塞中迁移至酒体中的双酚A及S的含量.方法:建立一种同位素内标-U PLC-M S/M S法检测白酒包装内塞中双酚A及S含量的检测方法,并按照国家标准开展浸泡迁移实验,以评估双酚A及S从白酒内塞中引入酒体中的风险.结果:实验结果表明,仅部分内塞迁移实验中有双酚A检出,最高量22.4μg/kg,所有内塞迁移实验中无双酚S检出.结论:内塞中迁移实验中双酚A及S迁移量远远低于GB 9685-2016标准《食品安全国家标准食品接触材料及制品用添加剂使用标准》限量标准规定.  相似文献   

目前,一些研究结果提示,塑料奶瓶等塑料制品中的双酚A可能会影响婴幼儿的成长发育,并对儿童大脑和性器官造成损伤。因此,其安全性问题成为公众关注的焦点。一、双酚A简介双酚A学名2,2-二(4-羟基苯基)丙烷,简称二酚基丙烷,也称BPA,白色晶体,熔点156℃~158℃。主要用于生产聚碳酸酯、环氧树脂、聚砜树脂、聚苯醚树脂、不饱和聚酯树脂等多种高分子材料。也可用于生产  相似文献   

塑料材质的工艺品、日用品在我们当今的生活中比比皆是,孩子手中的塑料玩具、文具更是琳琅满目、色彩缤纷.但是一些不可回收的塑料用品在被我们遗弃时,也给生态环境造成了不小的负担.如果我们对它们加以重新利用,让它们的生命以艺术的方式延展,既环保又美丽,岂不是一举两得! 一、在参与游戏中产生的创意 孩子在游戏中娱乐的同时也会产生艺术的创意.  相似文献   

正前段时间,"购物小票中含可致癌的双酚A"的说法引发关注,以往毫不起眼的购物小票仿佛突然之间变得烫手了。我们不禁要问,双酚A到底是什么物质?是不是真的有害?揭开双酚A的神秘面纱双酚A是一种化工原料,可合成聚碳酸酯(PC)、环氧树脂,目前主要用于制造塑料瓶、化学纤维、食品和饮料罐内侧涂层等,使用范围比较广泛。双酚A还可用作热敏纸的显色剂,而热敏纸则广泛应用于购物小票、出租车小票、刷信用卡时的POS签购单、ATM机存取款凭据、传真纸张等。热敏  相似文献   

学习自己吃饭是宝宝成长过程中的一个重要环节。如何选择一套好的训练餐具,让宝宝吃得安全又健康呢?1.拒绝喷涂塑料餐具塑料餐具不易摔碎,通常还会喷涂好看的卡通图案,可以增进宝宝的食欲,不过这类餐具的材料存在潜在的危险性,可能会分解出双酚A,而喷涂的材料也可能是带有毒性的。  相似文献   

四溴双酚A的制造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了四溴双酚A的制造方法,探求了醇—水介质、惰性溶剂—水介质制造高质量四溴双酚A的最佳工艺条件.分别试验了不同的醇、不同醇水比例;不同惰性溶剂、不同惰性溶剂水比例;双酚A浓度;溴的用量;滴加溴的温度、滴加速度、升温速度、回流温度、回流时间,对四溴双酚A质量及收率的影响.以及如何提高生产强度,降低溴耗方法.  相似文献   

用三氯氧磷、双酚A与苯酚反应制得化合物双酚-A双(磷酸二苯酯)(BDP).采用单因素法分别对物料比、反应温度对产率的影响进行考察,确定了适宜的合成路线和反应条件.第一步,三氯氧磷和苯酚的物质的量之比为1:2.4,反应温度为110℃,反应时间为36h;第二步,中间体产物二苯基磷酰氯(DPCP)与双酚A的物质的量之比为2:1,反应温度为100℃,反应时间为19h,以MgCl2为催化剂(用量为苯酚总质量的1%)产品总收率为86.1%.  相似文献   

Developmental intergroup theory would predict that children develop fewer or weaker stereotypes about toys that have less distinguishable gender attributes than those that are clearly associated with a gender. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of neutral and ambiguous toys in 31 three‐ to five‐year‐old children’s play behaviour and understanding about gender. Overall, children did not categorise more perceptually salient (ambiguous) toys than less distinguishable (neutral) toys to their own gender. Colour was the most frequently used reason for the toys’ gender assignment. The findings also showed that with age, girls’ play complexity increased linearly, whereas boys’ scores did not. A play substitution scale measuring play creativity or maturity showed no gender differences. The discussion highlights the role of perceptual salience in sex‐dimorphic toy preferences and behaviour and their application to educational issues.  相似文献   

通过调查问卷的形式向衡水市5所幼儿园发放220份问卷,以在园幼儿家长为调查对象,对家长选择玩具的总体情况进行分析。调查主要针对家长为孩子购买玩具的情况展开。调查结果表明,家长更倾向于为孩子选择益智玩具,认同玩具的益智功能,尤其是3~6岁的男孩,但家长为1~2岁孩子选择的玩具则倾向于娱乐类玩具。同时家长受教育水平与家长为孩子选择玩具的情况有显著性差异。  相似文献   

游戏和玩具在儿童生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,但现代儿童玩具对儿童的自由游戏产生了种种束缚:限制了儿童游戏的场所,剥夺了儿童想象的空间与自由,过于注重“教育性”对“游戏性”有所削弱,使得儿童游戏产生孤独化趋向。要走出这些束缚就需要:引导儿童游戏回归自然,鼓励儿童自主找寻和制作玩具,玩具设计要体现多元化的功能与价值,把玩具作为情感交流的桥梁。  相似文献   

作为一种重要的精神元素和审美的深度结构,游戏建构了中国幻想小说的思想内容、叙事方式。小说以儿童或儿童式人物在五种游戏语境中的"追寻"游戏为核心,通过对权力意味下的童年的游戏性重构,在对以成人文化为主导的权威意识形态的消解中,确立了一种以想象力、生命感为内涵的新的精神主体。  相似文献   

In spite of continuing patterning of curriculum subject preference and choice by gender, there has been little recent attention to the argument developed in the 1970s that children play with different toys according to their gender, and that these provide girls and boys with (different) curriculum‐related skills. The article describes a small‐scale empirical study that asked parents of 3–5 year old children to identify their child’s favourite toys and viewing material, and analysed responses according to children’s gender. The most frequently identified toys and viewing materials were subjected to content and discourse analysis, with the intention of identifying both educative aspects of content, and the gender discourses reflected. The article explores conceptual issues around categorisations of ‘education’ within toys and entertainment resources, positing the notion of ‘didactic information’ to delineate between overtly educational content and other social discourses. Analysis reveals toy preferences to be highly gendered, with boys’ toys and resources concentrated on technology and action, and girls’ on care and stereotypically feminine interests. Didactic information, and aspects developing construction and literacy skills, were identified in the selected toys and resources for boys, and were lacking in those for girls. All the toys and resources could be read as implicated in ‘gendering’: the various gender discourses, and other discourses around aspects of social identity reflected in the toys and resources are identified and analysed. The analysis presented suggests the value of reinvigorated attention to children’s toys and entertainment resources in terms both of the education they afford, and their role in the production of social identities.  相似文献   

The goals of the present study were to identify the impact particular stereotyped toys have on young children's complexity of play; to identify how these behaviours may influence children's cognitive development using play assessment; and to ascertain the toys that would be most appropriate for use in play assessment sessions. A total of 30 children who ranged in age from 18-47 months were observed playing for 30 minutes in a playroom. Analyses revealed that higher levels of play complexity were only manifested when children played with female stereotyped toys. The implications for practitioners of this and other findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the presence of toys in childhood has remained steady for decades, the types of toys that fill children's toy boxes have changed, especially over the last 10–15 years. Many of today's toys are marked by technological enhancements, from a shape sorter driven by a singing bear to robotic plastic animals designed to match a toddler's favorite television show. Although examining the effects of these changes is still an unexplored area, research to date suggests that there may be costs to the quality of caregiver–child interaction when using these toys together. This leads to two possibilities: (1) the design of the enhancements themselves hurt interactions; or (2) these toys can still be beneficial to interactions, but caregivers simply need to be aware of the potential pitfalls. In this study, we explore whether providing caregivers with a subtle cue about the potential negative impacts of technological toys on caregiver–child interaction affects their behavior.  相似文献   

幼儿自制玩具对幼儿多元智能发展具有重要作用。自制玩具是我园的办园特色,我们注重营造幼儿自制玩具活动的好氛围,运用本土特色的材料制作了种类丰富的自制玩具。我们利用自制玩具这个平台,开展幼儿园小、中、大班幼儿如何基于自制玩具促进多元发展的实践研究,完善我园的园本课程,归纳并提炼出五项行之有效的行动策略。  相似文献   

幼儿自制玩具对幼儿多元智能发展具有重要作用。自制玩具是我园的办园特色,我们注重营造幼儿自制玩具活动的好氛围,运用本土特色的材料制作了种类丰富的自制玩具。我们利用自制玩具这个平台,开展幼儿园小、中、大班幼儿如何基于自制玩具促进多元发展的实践研究,完善我园的园本课程,归纳并提炼出五项行之有效的行动策略。  相似文献   

非专门化玩具是在性质上与专门化玩具相反的一类玩具。一般无固定用途,其玩法的确定性不强。大多是日常生活中的废旧物品或天然材料(如破皮球、空饮料盒子等)。家长巧妙利用非专门化玩具如分类整理,旧玩具新玩法,破旧玩具随意组合等,可充分发挥它们的价值,促进学前儿童想象力、记忆力、思维能力的发展。  相似文献   

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