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胡主席指出:“军队建设贯彻以人为本的理念,必须充分尊重官兵的主体地位和创造精神,促进官兵全面发展,心系基层、情系官兵,切实维护官兵权益,不断改善官兵的物质和文化生活条件,进一步调动官兵的积极性.“这既是对军队贯彻科学发展观本质要求的深刻提示,同时也是对我军坚持以兵为本科学内涵的明确规定,为我们深入理解和贯彻以兵为本提供了指导.以兵为本是我军建军治军的科学理念,也是军队政治工作的内在要求、核心理念.其内容非常丰富,内涵非常深刻,它的提出有其科学依据.……  相似文献   

抗战时期,女性作家以小说为代表的叙述类文学作品中呈现的主要写作向度为家国、河山.这种写作向度,显示了女性在"抗战"这个特殊历史时期,对自我主体在社会中存在地位的思考与期望.特别是丁玲的小说作品,既有其作为国民的"为革命"的大气势,也有其作为女性的"为自我"知识分子式的细腻反思,两种写作思维在其作品中互相交杂、碰撞,显示出此时期在抗战主流话语下,女性写作中女性意识的自觉遮蔽与自觉觉醒.  相似文献   

基层文化工作是构筑军队建设的重要组成部分,当前的军队基层文化工作存在着内容单调,导致基层文化工作失去生机活力.因此,军队基层文化工作必须以科学的发展观为指导,把"以兵为本"、"为兵服务"作为文化工作开展的出发点和落脚点,提高思想政治工作的针对性和有效性,才能强有力地推动和谐军营的全面建设.  相似文献   

抗战时期的贵州晴隆"二十四道拐"是中国西南抗战生命线上的战略枢纽和重要节点,既有滇缅公路"民族之魂"与史迪威公路"形象标识"之称,又有"抗战文化化石"与"亚洲战争图腾"之说,蕴藏着极为丰厚的人文内涵和精神特质.它既是中华民族抗日御侮史上的一座丰碑,又是战时中华民族"在苦难中凝聚、在艰辛中取胜"自强不息抗战精神的体现.战火中淬炼的抗战精神,既是中华民族能在抗战中凤凰涅槃、浴火重生并最终取得胜利的精神动力,也是新时代背景下激励华夏儿女为实现中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗的强大思想武器.  相似文献   

日前,26岁的横店影视城群众演员史中鹏突然成了网络上的红人,原因是他扮演日本兵,一天竟然在不同剧组"死"了8次。据统计,横店影视城在去年一年,共接待剧组150个,其中有三成以上涉及抗战题材。而在这些抗战剧中,很多"抗日奇侠"俨然"神功附体",有的以绣花针为暗器,能在瞬间致日本兵于死地;有的拥有  相似文献   

曹关群 《安顺学院学报》2018,(1):106-110,115
"九 · 一八"事变发生后,中华民族危机日益深重.政府和军队在普通学校直接开展国防教育的同时,以 《中华教育界》 等为代表的教育期刊也以其独特的方式积极参与了学校国防教育.《中华教育界》 开展的国防教育实践,是全面抗战爆发前抗战准备的有机组成部分.  相似文献   

在孙子兵法的思想体系中,统领全书思想的纲领是孙子在《军争篇》中提出的"故兵,以诈立,以利动,以分合为变者也",即兵以诈立,是指导一切战争最根本的谋略原则;兵以利动,是一切军事斗争最根本的出发点、依据和归宿;兵以分合为变,是军队的部署、调动、投入战争所采取的基本的形式和方法。  相似文献   

"令之以文,齐之以武"是千百年来将帅们统兵治军必遵的法则,也是其战必胜、攻必克的法宝.在今天市场经济大潮中,孙子的治军思想经久弥新,"仍能提供有价值的指导作用".  相似文献   

建炎元年五月,为重整军权,南宋王朝设立了御营司和御营五军。作为最高军事指挥机构,御营司直辖御营五军的体制打破了自宋初以来"枢密院调兵,三衙掌兵"的传统;但作为强化对全国军队尤其是行在部队控制的措施,御营司未能完成其使命,它存在4年即遭废罢。  相似文献   

抗战初期,国民党抗战军队比较努力地进行抗战,在中华民族的历史上写下了光辉的一页,也起了一定的进步作用.  相似文献   

This article is a personal appreciation and analysis of the poetry of Michael Rosen. Drawing on his work over 30 years, the article argues that at the heart of Rosen's work is a passionate belief in aesthetic, political and personal emancipation. Included in the pleasure that his work evokes, is a challenge to a number of preconceived notions about childhood, literature, relationships and living. He questions how children see adults and how adults see children, and with a breathtaking honesty, the whole world of children's literature and its impact on conceptualisations of children is put in the foreground. The article examines Rosen's use of autobiography in his poems, his groundbreaking use of free verse in children's literature and his relation to modernity.  相似文献   

This article investigates how the use of the term immersion to describe one's experience abroad performatively interpellates individuals and reproduces power relations. A collaboration between an anthropologist (Doerr) and a study-abroad student (Suarez), it analyzes the student's interpretation of three types of experience he had in Spain: staying with his uncle, an immigrant from Colombia (his first month), studying abroad (his second month), and backpacking (his third month). Suarez described the experience of his second and third months, but not the first, as immersion. Drawing on Louis Althusser and Judith Butler, we argue that his calling a particular experience immersion (or not) defined the meaning of the act and settings, performatively interpellated people involved, and suggested the nature of Suarez's relationship to them. Also, comparing it with his interpretation of his immigrant parents' experience of assimilation in the United States, we analyze how these naming acts reproduce what we call regimes of learning that hierarchize learning experiences by the learners' background and contexts, and show the ways the game of immutability perpetuates relations of power through the performative use of apparently neutral yet loaded terms; we suggest how to avoid this.  相似文献   

白先勇是当代台湾小说家中的一个“奇才”,他的小说笔调华丽,描写细腻,视角独特,对命运的思考深刻。本文以《永远的尹雪艳》为例,通过他对颜色的运用,对命运的思考,以及“永远”的含义等几个方面,来解读他的小说的特质。  相似文献   

君士坦丁缔造了东罗马帝国,其在位期间所推行的基督教政策对帝国历史的发展影响深远,意义重大。其宗教政策的政治动因是为其政治目的服务的,主要表现在:实行宗教宽容,巩固政治地位,扩大割据势力;利用基督教统一帝国;控制基督教,强化专制皇权。  相似文献   

This study examines the rhetorical strategies utilized by Boris Yeltsin during his rise to prominence and his role in what some call the second Russian revolution. The author contends that the Russian leader used three distinct rhetorical roles— the revolutionary, the conciliatory, and the conservative—to present his discourse between 1985 and 1991. With this critical vocabulary, the author argues that Yeltsin's successes and failures related to his fitting use of rhetorical roles in relation to the exigencies that emerged during the final years of the Soviet Union's existence.  相似文献   

郭风的儿童文学创作以散文见长,他以富于个性的审美追求在自己的作品中构筑起一个独特的艺术世界。本文探讨郭风散文审美形式特征,即隽永传神的艺术画面,有较强的视觉效果;反复吟咏手法的运用;吸收传统艺术表现手法,做到动静、虚实结合。  相似文献   

融化百花与断章取义——钱钟书用典研究之三   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文联系典故的性质、类型、特点及钱钟书的用典理论研究其在创作中的用典实践。钱钟书厚积薄发,学化为才,在创作中自觉或不自觉地把满腹的诗书故典与自己的生活阅历结合起来,化而用之,达到了一种隶事与否,读者不知,作者也不自知的境界。这是其学人小说、学人散文的一个重要特色,也是其运用典故的一种美学追求。  相似文献   

英国19世纪批判现实主义小说家哈代在其一生长达60余年的诗歌创作生涯中,写出了近千首诗,结集成八个诗集。作为其诗歌重要组成部分的抒情诗在主题、写作风格及语言运用上有着独特的艺术特征。就主题而论,这些诗着重歌颂爱情和友情,或借草木山水抒怀;在写作风格上,它们体现出融现代主义于浪漫主义之中,意境清新、优美,形象生动的特点。而在语言运用上,则是浅显易懂的常用词与生僻词甚至自造词混杂使用,局面语与口语混杂使用。  相似文献   

杜牧是晚唐最著名的诗人之一,曾有“晚唐翘楚”之誉。本文试图用色彩来分析诗人的世界观和内心情感流程,并从诗人色彩的运用入手,用一种全新的视点走进诗人最隐秘的潜意识中,挖掘他灵魂深处的情感经历。  相似文献   

Here I write an appreciation of Settlage’s account of experiences with preservice teachers in the United States. Focusing on his use of notions of narrative and counterstories I explore the politics of experience in education looking at how he uses narrative and story, the politics entailed in the polyvocal evidence he presents and the significance of the ethnographic context for his account. After a discussion of these three significant conceptual insights I conclude with a return to his account and his somewhat diffident reflections about the project he reports on.  相似文献   

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