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阮正军 《阅读》2015,(Z3):64-65
小朋友们,我们在学习英语时经常会碰到要表达数量多少的名词,有些表达是与汉语不一样的。1.汉语里所说的一头牛、一匹马、五枝笔、两本书,在英语里并没有对应的“头、匹、枝、本”这些量词,都是在冠词或数词后面直接加上可数名词就可以了。a cow,a horse,five pens,two books2.英语里碰到成双成对的物品时,就需要用到pair来帮忙:  相似文献   

在英语冠词体系中,零冠词是一个相对较新的概念,也是一个较为模糊的概念。现代英语语法中用其来解释英语名词前冠词空缺的现象,但是英语中冠词空缺现象并不仅仅指零冠词的一种情况。本文指出了冠词空缺现象背后不用冠词、冠词省略和零冠词的本质区别,并从冠词对名词的实指作用出发,比较了零冠词和其他两种冠词在语法功能上的异同。  相似文献   

英语中的冠词通常对意义影响不太大,正因为如此,报刊标题里的冠词常常全部被省略掉,意义仍然一清二楚。当然并非所有冠词对意义都影响不大,当一些词组可具有定冠词、不定冠词和不带冠词的形式时,冠词就导致了这几种形式之间的意义差别。例如: We are of an age(带不定冠词形式),意思是:相同年纪(的人) We are of age (不带冠词形式),意思是“成年(人)”。 这类词组的不同形式可分为下面3种情形: (1)带定冠词与不带冠词。  相似文献   

桓雪娜  龚海平 《阅读》2009,(5):36-37
在英语中,冠词总是与名词在一起使用的,但是,冠词往往又是可以省略的,冠词的省略有多种原因。其中,意思并列名词的使用时冠词的省略这一语法现象大体可以分为以下三类情况。  相似文献   

福宁 《阅读》2011,(12):48
在英语中,有很多俗语是和我们的身体部位有关系的,让我们开开眼界吧!hang by a hair千钧一发;岌岌可危;摇摇欲坠be all ears洗耳恭听all ears and all eyes聚精会神a long face郁闷(忧虑)的表情,愁眉苦脸an arm and a leg非常昂贵neck and neck齐头并进,不分上下a pain in the neck讨厌的家伙head to head交头接耳from mouth to mouth口口相传,广泛流传a tooth for a tooth  相似文献   

本文通过比较中国和瑞典大学生语料库分析冠词的使用频率。研究发现:中国学生和瑞典学生冠词出现频率依次为A/An﹤The﹤0,但是瑞典学生使用三类冠词总量要比中国学生大,在定冠词上表现最为明显;中国学生在习得英语冠词时,错误率和英语水平呈正相关,英语水平越高错误越少;口语和书面语存在明显差异,口语中冠词的错误率要远大于书面语中出现的错误;中国学生在习得冠词时出现的错误率要大于瑞典学生,具体表现为在零冠词上中国学生和瑞典学生差异最大,不定冠词最小,定冠词居中。  相似文献   

本文旨在对中国非英语专业大学生学习英语冠词过程中出现的石化现象进行实证研究。研究表明,非英语专业大学生在冠词使用中确实存在中介语石化现象,突出表现在习语及惯用法语境和类指语境中。造成冠词石化现象的原因有:语内迁移、母语负迁移、缺少教师恰当的反馈、文化知识匮乏及目标语环境的缺失。最后,本文提出了消除冠词石化现象的相应措施。  相似文献   

常乐 《阅读》2014,(19):40-42
<正>小熊维尼最近参加了一个英语俱乐部(English Club),学到了不少知识。听,他正在和小伙伴们展示自己学到的新本领呢!:嗨,小伙伴们!你们听说过"the"吗?:这有什么稀奇!"the"是冠词的一种,叫定冠词!:我也听说过定冠词"the",我还能说一些短语呢!the Greens(格林一家),the Great Wall(长城),the policeman(警察)  相似文献   

通过对形式与意义兼顾教学法在英语一般过去时和冠词教学中的效果研究,发现这一近年来颇受关注的语言教学法在我国英语外语教学的特定环境中是有效的。  相似文献   

"With" can be used as a moun,an adverb and a preposition.As a noun,it means"one of the partitions between the flues in a chimney".As and adverb  相似文献   

Idiom在英语中的定义为an expression with a meaning that can’t beguessed from the meanings of the individual words.(不能从字面判断其意义的固定词组)。例如:rain cats and dogs(倾盆大雨)这个idiom的含义并非这三个词(rain+cats+dogs)的表面意义相加。这个定义并不完全与汉语“成语”的定义对等。因为汉语中“不能从字面判断其意义的词组”还包括了“成语”之外的  相似文献   

The port is an important link in the transportation system of international logistics. The paper discusses the issue of a free trace zone policy and the development of international logistics in ports, showing the positive effects of the performance of a free trade zone policy on constructing international logistics hubs, strengthening the transshipment functions of ports and enhancing the competitiveness of the port enterprises.  相似文献   

Princess's Cat     
木槿  安培 《阅读》2008,(5):32-34
Long long ago, there was a very beautiful kingdom. But there was no cat in the kingdom. One day, an old grandma came there and brought a little cat to the king. He was very delighted, and gave the eat to his daughter, Princess Nana.  相似文献   

任何一种语言都是在人类的长期社会实践中产生、并不断地随着人类社会实践的需要而发展、变化的.为了适应当代生活工作的需要,当代英语的发展逐渐趋于用尽可能简单的形式来表达复杂的概念.在含义相同的情况下,’s属格(’s-Genitive)逐渐取代of属格(of-Genitive)便是当代英语名词属格的发展趋势.依据传统的语法规则,’s属格主要用于表示有生命东西的名词,用于表示时间、团体、距离等名词;而of属格则主要用于表示无生命东西的名词以及主低级动物等名词。例如:the girl’s hand(表有生命的名词)an hour’drive(表时间的名词)the dog’s bark(表较高级动物的名词)within a stone’s throw(表距离的名词)the country’s name(表团体的名词)the hand of the clock(表无生命名词)the law of the game(表无生命名词)在现代英语中’s属格几乎可与任何名词相搭配,在含义相同时,’s属格正在迅速取代of属格,这种情况不但出现在一般非正式的口语和书面文体中,而且在正式的文件和书籍中也屡见不鲜,以下是从近期出版的英美书刊中摘录的例子:the train’s departurethe earth’s gravitytomorrow’s businessyouth’s problemsmy family’s storythe company’s profits ’s属格取代of属格,有下列四点优越性:1. 简单  相似文献   

No man is an iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of theContinent, a part of the mane, if a clod be washed away by the sea,Europe is the lesse, as well as if a promontorie were, as well as if a Manor of thy friend or of thine owne were; any man's death diminishes me, because Ⅰ am involved in Mankinde. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.  相似文献   

Our classroom is very bright, new and clean. When you go into our classroom , you can see a blackboard and a TV set on the wall . Floating silk banners are near the blackboard and a national flag is above it. There is a dais in front of the classroom. On the dais, there're some colourful chalks and an eraser. And the name list is beside it. Near the windows, there is a"people corner". There are some portraits, such as Marie Curie, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Yisheng and so on.I 崇 拜 them very…  相似文献   

Jiangsu province has actively responded to the call of the Party and the state of building China into a country of strong “sports power” and “cultural power”,through an all-round effort in the sectors of sports material culture,sports spiritual culture,sports system culture and sports behavior culture. Jiangsu has improved the sports organization mechanism,ensured the sports public services,inherited folk sports culture,riched sports event culture and promoted high-quality sports culture.In an effort to build a province of renowned sports culture,we have seized the opportunities,taken sports culture as a starting point,and developed a strong sports culture in Jiangsu on all fronts,the experience of which is of reference value to the development of advanced sports power in other provinces and our nation.This paper adopts the methods of document review,logical analysis and investigation,re-generalizes the connotation and standard of a province of strong sports culture on the basis of the existing research results,and discusses the construction and development practice of Jiangsu’s development of sports culture and its further construction path.  相似文献   

The origin of the Cold War is a quite important problem in the history of postwar world.Thewar was faught by "cold"means-political-economic means,propaganda,and limited violence.Duringthe Second World War,the United States and Russia,proceed from the need of the antifascit strug-gle together,formed an alliance.Shortly after the Second World War,however,relations between theUnited States and the Soviet Union worsened dramatically.They could no longer cooperate and be-came opponent.The United States emerged from the World War Ⅱ a relatively unified,powerfuland confident nation,Victory gave Americans an uncritical pride in the productivity of their econo-my,in the prowess of their armed forces,in the rectitude of their motives,and in the strength of  相似文献   

龚海平 《阅读》2009,(4):40-41
在英语阅读过程,一些同学很容易犯望文生义的错误。比方说,有的同学在看到“most”修饰形容词时通常会马上想到“最……”的意思。然而,“the most+形容词”与“a most+形容词”这两种表达方式所表达的意思并不是一回事。请看这两者之间的一些区别:  相似文献   

The context of a word consists of the other wordssurrounding it and the situation in which it is used.Whenwe come across a new word in our reading,instead oflooking itup in a dictionary for its definition,we can guessits meaning from its context.There are often specificwords in a sentence of paragraph that can help usdetermine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.There aresome kinds of contextclues. .Synonym Context CluesA synonym isone type of contextclue thathelps us todetermine the meanings …  相似文献   

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