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教师在校期间的生存状态、学生学习生活的快乐与幸福已经成为当前中小学校关注的热点,其热议的焦点是教育的目的是什么。以笔者看来:教育的目的是为了促进人的发展。学校教育要关注师生当前、未来生活状态;为学生终身发  相似文献   

通过比较全国十五省市、自治区3-8年级学生20178份问卷调查数据,从区域文化和经济条件以及学校类别的差异,分析文化演化特点及儿童学校生存状态的形成,可以发现:应试压力与区域经济条件和文化传统存在一定的关系;尊师重教的传统和丰富的文化活动有利于学生的学习状态和师生关系。因此,需要顺延变革传统文化,以调动学生学习潜能为基点,开展整合性的校园文化活动。  相似文献   

教师的生存状态代表着学校的生存状态,代表着教育的发展状态。教师的生存状态,直接影响着学生的学习状态和他们的未来。关注教师的生存状态,首先是关注他们是否得到了那"五斗米",其次是关注他们是否  相似文献   

教育成其为教育,需要什么样的学习文化?教育成其为小班化教育,又需要什么样的学习文化?我们在学校办学特色"四色教育"的主体框架下,思考和探究为了"每一个"的小班学习文化。小班化教育为学校的学习文化构建提供了契机,小班理念下的学习文化建设就应该充分挖掘小班化教育的优势,使教育精致化、优质化、个性化。小班学习文化更应该关注每一个学生的生命状态,促进每一个学生的可持续发展。  相似文献   

教育成其为教育,需要什么样的学习文化?教育成其为小班化教育,又需要什么样的学习文化?我们在学校办学特色“四色教育”的主体框架下,思考和探究为了“每一个”的小班学习文化。小班化教育为学校的学习文化构建提供了契机,小班理念下的学习文化建设就应该充分挖掘小班化教育的优势.使教育精致化、优质化、个性化。小班学习文化更应该关注每一个学生的生命状态。促进每一个学生的可持续发展。  相似文献   

学生的学习状态在很大程度上不仅决定了学生的学习效率,还影响着学校的教学质量,这在中职院校体现得更加明显。作为中职学校班主任,需要密切关注学生的学习状态,了解影响中职学生学习状态的内外部因素,从而探索调节其学习状态的有效策略:创建良好的学习氛围,引导学生主动地学习;制定严格的班级纪律,构建完善的班干部体系;提升班主任的教学能力和人文素养;加强心理教育。  相似文献   

张雪莲  陈明 《教师》2011,(2):27-27
教师在校期间的生存状态、学生学习生活的快乐与幸福已经成为当前中小学校关注的热点,其热议的焦点是教育的目的是什么。以笔者看来:教育的目的是为了促进人的发展。学校教育要关注师生当前、未来生活状态;为学生终身发展服务;教育的终极目标是让学生成为一个幸福自信的社会公民:对社会有贡献、给他人以快乐、让自己能自立。  相似文献   

无锡市蠡园中学,一所坐落于江南山青水秀之区、无锡蠡湖新城之中的美丽的初中学校;一所关注师生生存状态、追求最大程度地满足学生成长需要的学校;一所以“建设积极情态.追求高效学习”为办学核心理念.倾心打造“蠡中教育”品牌的学校;一所以让全体师生“高高兴兴上学,充充实实回家”为教改信念的学校;一所以“理念立校”、“管理兴校”.“文化育校”为总体办学思路的学校;一所倾情接纳和培育教育改革者的学校;一所十分注重现代教育信息技术应用、并将校园网当做教师精神寄居地的学校。  相似文献   

学习化社会是《学会生存》中的核心主张。《学会生存》一书指出当时教育与社会,尤其是学校教育与社会的不适应状况;提出要建立一个超越学校范围、指向社会每个个体不断完善、学会学习、学习者自己教育自己的学习化社会的构想;并提出通过终身教育以及发展各个阶段的教育等措施促使其实现。学习化社会思想的教育启示在于要突破原先的教育,还原教育的本真,教会学生如何学习,从教育的本质与学生学习的角度推动学校变革,促使学生成为学习型人才。  相似文献   

从积极心理学的角度解读学校教育的缺失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
励骅  李欣 《高教发展与评估》2011,27(1):83-88,120
积极心理学作为一种新兴起的心理学思潮,为学校教育研究提供了一个新的视角,其所倡导的积极理念为学校教育价值抉择提供了新的解读:教育制度不公平导致学生成功希望的缺失;教育目标的偏离导致学生积极品质的缺失;机械的教育方式导致学生在学习中内心积极体验的缺失;受逼的学习状态导致学生自主决定感的缺失。  相似文献   

采用问卷法研究了1791名不同年级、性别、学校类型中学生师生关系与友谊质量的特点,结合同伴特征和问题行为分析了学校氛围对中学生学校人际关系的影响,并探讨了中学生学校人际关系与社会适应的关系。结果发现:(1)中学生的师生关系总体上重点校好于非重点校,初一、高一好于高二,在亲密性和支持性维度上,年级与学校类型、年级与性别的交互作用显著;(2)中学生的友谊质量总体上重点校好于非重点校,高一、初一略好于初二,女生好于男生,学校类型与年级的交互作用显著;(3)重点校拥有不良同伴的学生和问题行为较多的学生比例均显著少于非重点校;(4)师生关系与友谊质量各维度可以预测中学生社会适应过程中的自我肯定、自我烦扰和社会疏离感。  相似文献   

It is generally believed that classroom learning experiences very much influence students’ academic development. However, relatively little is known about whether classroom learning experiences have much effect on students’ affective and social development. In this study, we argued for the importance of learning experiences on students’ affective and social development. From research on Accelerated Schools Project and active learning, we conceptualised Positive Learning Experiences, Teacher Support in Learning, and Active Learning Experiences as three components of learning experiences and developed relevant measures to tap these learning experiences. Using research data from a large-scale student survey in Hong Kong (N = 19,477), we examined the construct validity of learning experiences and quality of school life. Confirmatory factor analysis provided very strong support for the measures and the underlying constructs that they tap. In two-way analysis of variance, the effects of gender and school level (secondary versus primary) on learning experiences and quality of school life were examined. Significant gender and school-level main effects, as well as gender by school-level interaction effects, were found for students’ ratings of their learning experiences and quality of school life. Female students gave more favourable ratings than male students, and primary students gave more favourable ratings than secondary students. In addition, gender differences in these ratings in secondary schools were relatively smaller than in primary schools. In subsequent multilevel modelling, learning experiences were strong predictors of quality of school life after controlling for the effects of gender, school level and average school achievement. These findings provide strong empirical support for the significance of classroom learning experiences for students’ social and affective development.
Chit-Kwong KongEmail:

快速的城市化过程对一些地区的中小学规模产生了强烈的扩张效应,这给城乡义务教育班级与学校规模的合理调整带来严峻挑战。中国义务教育城市化有两个显著特征:一是一些人口大省的小学城市化水平低于城市总体的城市化水平;二是初中城市化水平不仅明显高于小学而且大大超越城市总体城市化水平。受人口自然增长放缓、农村人口迁移流向不确定、城市化水平的区域发展不平衡及隐性城市化人口激增等因素影响,中国的义务教育在学校数量和规模方面呈现总量基本合理、城乡差异化发展、隐性生源压力日增、一些地方大班额问题突出等特征。解决上述问题的思路是:把农村和城镇作为两个向度,在数量和规模间寻找不同的平衡点;保持教育城市化水平与区域总体城市化水平的协调一致;善于利用小班额预存的人数弹性空间,以应对流动人口流向的不确定性;对城市化进程较快的人口大省和中心城市周边地区的人口流向实施科学监测,并建立有效控制班级和学校规模的预警机制;提高义务教育统筹协调层次,保证各级政府在实施流动人口子女教育方面责权对称。  相似文献   

采用《中国中学生心理健康量表》调查1783名示范性高中学生的心理健康现状,结果发现:示范性高中学生在量表各个因子上的检出率为4.3%~18.5%,学习压力和情绪不平衡两个因子的检出率接近20%,显示示范性高中学生的心理健康状况不容乐观;示范性高中男生的心理健康状况好于女生;汉族和少数民族示范性高中生心理健康状况没有显著差异;一类示范性高中学生的心理健康状况好于二类和三类示范性高中学生;示范性高中二年级学生的心理健康状况低于一年级和三年级;来源为城市的示范性高中学生心理健康状况好于来源于农村和乡镇的示范性高中学生;心理课开课情况和学校心理服务状况对示范性高中生的心理健康状况有显著影响.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):696-712

Student network is a teaching strategy introduced as cooperative learning to all educational levels above the upper primary schools (grade 5 and above) in Ethiopia. The study was, therefore, aimed at investigating to what extent the student network in Ethiopia is actually practiced in line with the principles of cooperative learning. Consequently, data collected from 156 secondary and 315 upper primary school teachers revealed that the student network is rarely practiced in line with the principles of cooperative learning. And this was found with statistically significant differences between the upper primary and secondary schools. The upper primary schools seem better in practicing the student network in line with the principles of cooperative learning than the secondary school. Accordingly, the study concluded that, albeit the student network remained a canon strategy to improve students’ learning in Ethiopia and its practices are supposedly recommended to be in line the principles of cooperative learning, challenges related to parents, students, school administration and teachers seem to cripple its smooth practice in line with the cooperative learning principles.  相似文献   

This study used data from the Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning project, which involved data on the academic performance of more than 90,000 New Zealand students in six subjects (i.e. reading, writing and mathematics in two languages). Two sub-samples of this dataset were included for detailed re-analysis to test the general applicability of the Australian model of Quality of School Life (Ainley et al. 1986) in the New Zealand context. The first sample comprised 336 year 8 students from elementary schools and the second sample consisted of 272 year 10 students from high schools. Furthermore, two structural equation models were developed and tested, expressing relationships between students’ quality of school life perceptions, students’ attitudes to mathematics, and their effects on mathematics achievement. The quality of school life questionnaires scales [Ainley and Bourke, in Res Pap Educ 7(2):107–128, 1992] were used as indicators of students’ perceptions regarding learning, teachers and peer relationships. The model proposed that perceived quality of school life would affect students’ attitudes of liking and confidence in mathematics, which would in turn affect their academic performance. After controlling for other variables in the model, students’ perception about their self-efficacy to learn mathematics was more directly related to outcomes than to perceptions of teacher quality or peer involvement. Data analyses revealed no apparent relationships of these factors to mathematics achievement. Moreover, results for both samples led to the conclusion that the perceived quality of learning is connected with ‘confidence in’ and ‘liking mathematics’, which in turn predict students’ mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effects which repeating a class has on ninth grade students’ development of mathematical competency. The following research questions were addressed: How many students repeat grades in the different types of schools? How do students who repeat a grade differ from those who do not in their performance and background characteristics? How much extra mathematics do students repeating a grade learn in one school year? What are the differences between various types of school? Can students with poor mathematics grades in particular profit from repeating a grade? The sample is a sub-sample of the PISA-I-Plus study and comprises N = 360 ninth grade students. The total sample of PISA-I-Plus is representative for all ninth/tenth grade students from the different school types in Germany. The data survey was carried out in the ninth grade and then repeated after the students had repeated a year. The results document differences in the amount of grade repeat quotas between types of school. Furthermore, compared to students not repeating, those repeating a grade had lower mathematics (d = 1.02) and german (d = 1.14) grades, a lower level of mathematical literacy (d = 0.51), and lower test results with regard to basic cognitive abilities (d = 0.32). In terms of the development of mathematical literacy, the students repeating a grade could improve by an average of 23 points (d = 0.27) on the PISA mathematics scale. However, the results identify 38 percent of students repeating a grade who do not make any significant improvement in mathematics or even get worse. A differentiation according to school types shows that students repeating a grade in integrated comprehensive secondary schools and in schools with several educational levels in particular do not, on average, show any noteworthy improvement in their mathematical literacy. The analysis of the school grades received in mathematics shows that students whose mathematics grades are unsatisfactory do not benefit more from repeating a grade than students whose mathematics performance has been rated as being “satisfactory” or better. The article concludes with a discussion of the possible consequences of changing the way in which repetitions of grades are dealt with.  相似文献   

探讨体育锻炼对高中生生活事件应激的影响。结果:(1)男生的应激水平明显低于女生.男生的运动量明显高于女生;(2)应激水平存在城乡差异,市区学校较县城和乡镇学校应激水平低;(3)高三与高一应激水平整体上高于高二;(4)高二运动量显著高于高三,高一与高二无明显差异;(5)不同运动量对应激水平的影响均有明显的差别,大、中运动量的学生应激水平较低,小运动量的学生应激水平较高;(6)运动量与应激水平呈负相关。  相似文献   

本研究采用《青少年心理社会发展量表》对579名中学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)在性别方面,男女生之间总体上差异不显著。(2)在区域方面,东西部学生差异显著,东部学生的发展好于西部学生。(3)在年龄发展方面,高中生不如初中生勤奋进取,更加孤独疏离,但自我同一发展好于初中生。(4)从发展趋势来看,初高中阶段的心理社会发展趋势相同,呈现出倒“V”形状,初二和高二的发展好于其他年级,分别达到初中和高中的最好状态,初三和高三是最差的状态。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the beliefs of students, parents and teachers on the purposes of schooling in order to provide a context for understanding beliefs and attitudes to school learning and achievement. Focus groups were conducted with Year 9 and 10 students (aged 13–15 years) and parents and teachers in three secondary schools in different socio-economic areas in an urban district. Four categories were identified in relation to beliefs about the purposes of schooling: (1) to learn and gain self-knowledge; (2) to develop life and social skills; (3) to optimize life chances and quality of life; (4) to enable future employment and economic wellbeing. Comparisons revealed that students, parents and teachers all believed in the learning purpose of schooling, but did not all endorse an economic purpose. Students had the broadest views on school purposes. The greatest alignment between views was found for students and parents. The greatest difference between groups was found for students and teachers from high socio-economic area schools. Findings were considered in relation to national curriculum aims and external pressures from globalization. Overall, findings are conducive to a lifelong learning approach, pointing to belief in the intrinsic value of school learning independent of any economic function it may serve.  相似文献   

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