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少年儿童体育道德发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以雷斯特的道德发展四过程学说和社会认知的道德发展理论为理论依据,采用目前国内外应用广泛且具有较好信度和效度的量表,对被试(N=300)的道德发展水平进行测量,研究目的旨在弄清我国儿童在体育活动条件下道德发展的规律,结果表明, 所测被试的道德判断、道德推理、道德意向和道德行为的得分存在着年龄差异.  相似文献   

道德发生机制是一个从抽象道德概念表征,到具体道德行为发生,再上升到抽象道德意识构建的演变过程,在这一过程中产生的道德概念、道德行为和道德意识都离不开身体的参与。纵向来看,随着认知科学的发展,当代具身认知突破传统离身认知的局限,从身心二元走向身心一体,强调身体参与道德发生机制的重要作用。横向来看,道德发生机制是在具身认知范式下,以道德心理学和神经科学等多学科视角展开研究,强调身体经验是道德概念表征的基础,肢体语言是道德行为产生的重要因素,以及身体与环境的交互是道德意识构建的基本条件。文章以具身认知视角探析道德发生机制的动态构建过程,旨在论证身体对道德发生机制的重要性。  相似文献   

运用网络欺骗情境对352名大学生进行了研究,考察了道德行为自我管理的过程及内部机制。结果表明,道德强度、个人道德哲学和德性自我意象均能显著影响大学生的道德行为自我管理过程,内疚能正向预测行为控制认知,并对道德判断和行为控制认知具有中介效应,德性自我意象对道德判断和行为控制认知具有调节效应。  相似文献   

具身道德从身体与环境相互嵌入的角度出发,注重物理环境的变化对道德判断和道德行为的影响,是道德心理学研究的一个新视角。目前具身道德的主要研究领域包括身体构造、身体洁净、环境及仪式对道德判断及道德行为的影响。具身道德对当前的道德教育产生了多方面的影响和冲击,主要表现为德育理念的人性化、德育内容的实践化、德育环境的情境化、德育方法的多样化。  相似文献   

当前学校德育存在唯理性的误区,而非理性因素对学生道德认知过程具有诱导和支配作用,对道德认知发展具’有激励和推动作用,对道德行为判断具有评价和选择作用,对道德实践具有导向、调节、控制和强化的作用。因此,非理性因素在人的道德素养与道德行为养成中具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

运用问卷法,以213名大学生为被试,调查其道德认同、人性哲学与道德判断的状况,并探讨前两者与道德判断之间的关系。结果显示:(1)大学生群体在道德认同、道德判断以及人性哲学两个维度方面得分均较高;(2)道德认同得分与道德判断呈显著正相关;(3)人性哲学与道德判断总分之间无显著相关,但是人性哲学中的"愤世嫉俗"维度与道德判断中的"该受谴责"维度存在显著负相关。  相似文献   

知觉符号等"强具身"理论不同于概念隐喻观,认为概念表征本质在于感知信息多模态的即时激活,隐喻映射存在双向性、侧重于从认知的生理基础和机制角度解释。行为研究在空间-时间、重量-重要性、温度-人际、洁净-道德等领域发现了双向映射;而镜像神经元、语义理解、"动感共振""单侧忽视"及温度-人际脑机制研究,均表明概念表征-感知信息之间存在神经生理基础与内在机制的重叠。今后应对跨通道隐喻心理机制、"感知模拟"假设、感知觉与语义在概念表征中的作用层次等问题做进一步研究。  相似文献   

宋岭 《教育科学》2022,(4):15-21
随着具身认知的发展及其在其他学科的渗透,道德具身性和具身德育逐渐成为当下的研究热潮。具身道德超越了理性、认知与直觉、情感的二元对立及这两方面的机械相加,强调道德根植于身体及其在世行动和经验,基于此的具身德育关注道德主体寓居于周遭的具身化存在与发展,为解决道德教育中存在的抑身扬心和种种割裂问题提供了路向。但具身德育研究尚处于初始建构阶段,存在着深度和系统化不够、缺乏与已有德育理论的对接、忽视文化特殊性等问题或不足。未来研究需要更多地挖掘中国传统哲学中的具身德育思想,并基于多元的证据、融合的方法和开放的视野,系统化建构更加坚实的具身德育理论与实践。  相似文献   

具身德育针对传统的"离身"倾向和现象,明确了身体及其与周围环境的相互作用在德育中的不可替代性,能有效克服德育知行脱节现象。本文从具身道德的概念隐喻、具身道德情绪、具身道德情境三个方面论述具身道德领域的脑科学研究前沿成果,为具身德育新理念提供认知神经科学依据。  相似文献   

作为两种重要的认知能力,心理理论和道德判断之间是否存在某种关系是发展心理学领域探讨的热点问题。在介绍心理理论和道德判断的概念、发展和影响因素的基础上,对两者之间的相关关系和因果关系进行分析,可以看出,未来研究应关注研究范式、领域普遍性和领域特殊性、被试年龄、特殊群体和神经影像学、教育策略等方面。  相似文献   

目的:探讨云南中小学生道德判断和道德行为的发展关系。方法:用团体施测方法对410名学生的道德判断和行为进行评定。结果:小五、初二学生及哈尼族学生的道德发展得分有一致性,男、女学生的道德发展也具有一致性;昆明学生的道德发展相关程度明显高于元江学生。讨论:中小学生的道德判断与道德行为相关非常显著,学生对道德认知的内化是影响其道德发展的关键。  相似文献   

The rated and observed moral behavior, judgment, and affect of 120 preadolescent, predominantly lower-class boys from early-divorced (before the boys were 6), late-divorced (between 6 and 10), and parentally intact homes were investigated. In addition, the mothers' discipline (power assertive, inductive, and love withdrawal) and affection were examined by asking subjects about their mothers' methods of dealing with their transgressions. Moral behavior was assessed with resistance-to-temptation, self-criticism, altruism, reparation, and teacher-rating measures, while moral judgment was evaluated with 3 Kohlberg items and moral affect was investigated with 2 story-completion items maximizing guilt. The major findings were: (1) when relevant variables (IQ, SES, age, sibling status) were controlled, few differences were found between father-absent and father-present boys; (2) however, father-absent boys were reported by their teachers as less advanced in moral development than father-present boys; (3) the sons of the divorced women showed more "social deviation", according to their teachers, but were more advanced in level of moral judgment than were the sons of widows; (4) divorced women disciplined with more power assertion than widows, according to their sons' reports.  相似文献   

品德的基本心理结构包括道德认识、道德情感、道德意志和道德行为方式四种成分。道德认识来源于道德实践,其内心的体验就是道德情感。道德认识和道德情感促使个体产生道德信念,成为推动个体道德行为的内部动力。因此,大学生的道德教育要遵循品德形成的心理结构规律,注重道德实践和道德内化,帮助学生树立坚定的信念和顽强的意志。  相似文献   

道德是人类社会永恒的追求。文章在分析皮亚杰和科尔伯格的道德认知发展理论及其研究的基础上,着重探讨科尔伯格将理论运用于学校道德教育实践提出的采用道德讨论策略和公正团体策略促进儿童道德判断水平发展的方法。据此提出中国学校德育应该摒弃只对有关道德知识的讲授和灌输,应加强学生自身的主体建构,改善其道德认知的结构,提高其道德行为的水平以发展其道德品格。  相似文献   

我国当代大学生的道德人格特征与建构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
道德人格是透视和把握大学生道德素质的一个窗口,它是道德素质的集中体现。目前,我国大学生的道德人格随着时代变迁而呈现出“四轻四重”的新特征,即重个体轻集体的道德价值取向、重时尚轻传统的道德品质认同、重外显轻内隐的道德信仰选择、重感性轻理性的道德行为表征。大学生道德人格的这些变化是社会转型与道德相对独立性交互作用的结果。为此,要通过内容的整合以及创新的思路与途径进行道德人格的建构,以促进我国当代大学生道德素质的提高。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine demographic and individual difference variables that predict level of prosocial moral judgment and self-reported prosocial behavior and to test mediating or moderating relations among predictors. The relations of prosocial moral reasoning and self-reported prosocial behavior to perspective taking, sympathy, age, sociometric status, and gender-role orientation were examined with a sample of 149 Brazilian adolescents who completed a series of questionnaire measures. Prosocial moral judgment was expected to be predicted by both sympathy and perspective taking, whereas sympathy or prosocial moral judgment was expected to mediate the relations of femininity and perspective taking to prosocial behavior. Self-reported perspective taking and sympathy interacted when predicting prosocial moral judgment; adolescents who were high in either sympathy or perspective taking (or both) scored high in prosocial moral reasoning. A feminine orientation predicted sympathy and perspective taking, perspective taking predicted prosocial moral reasoning and sympathy, and sympathy had both direct and indirect paths (through moral judgment) to prosocial behavior. The findings generally were consistent with the contention that both the tendency to take others' perspectives and to sympathize are related to level of prosocial moral reasoning, which in turn motivates prosocial behavior. Moreover, patterns of correlations among variables were similar to those found in the United States.  相似文献   

道德认识是道德主体心理三大因素之一,它是由道德感知、道德判断、道德选择、道德智慧等环节组成的一个复杂的过程。道德蜕化是道德认识、道德情感、道德意志三大心理因素共同作用的结果。道德认识能够判断善恶是非,是道德情感、道德意志、道德行为产生的根据,它会对道德内外化过程中的道德蜕化起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

This meta‐analytic review of 42 studies covering 8,009 participants (ages 4–20) examines the relation of moral emotion attributions to prosocial and antisocial behavior. A significant association is found between moral emotion attributions and prosocial and antisocial behaviors (= .26, 95% CI [.15, .38]; = .39, 95% CI [.29, .49]). Effect sizes differ considerably across studies and this heterogeneity is attributed to moderator variables. Specifically, effect sizes for predicted antisocial behavior are larger for self‐attributed moral emotions than for emotions attributed to hypothetical story characters. Effect sizes for prosocial and antisocial behaviors are associated with several other study characteristics. Results are discussed with respect to the potential significance of moral emotion attributions for the social behavior of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate possible interactive links between theory of mind (ToM), moral disengagement and relational aggression, using a moderated mediation analysis, with gender as a moderator, in a sample of 120 Greek preadolescents. Results indicated that relational aggression was significantly positively associated with moral disengagement and negatively with ToM. Moderated mediation analyses indicated that boys with deficient ToM were more likely to morally disengage from their actions which in turn resulted in relational aggression, while poor ToM was directly linked to relational aggression only for preadolescent girls. Moral disengagement had a direct effect on relational aggression only for boys, while ToM was found to partially mediate the relationship between moral disengagement and relational aggression only for girls. The results emphasize that the co‐morbid effects of socio‐cognitive factors should be taken into consideration when relational aggression is explored.  相似文献   

19世纪20年代关于东西方文化的论争中,常乃德主张文化多元说,反对文化的二元说,要求从概念和事实上对于中西文化进行辨析;认为整理国故,必须有补于人生,不可玩物丧志;提出以古今文化的角度代替中西来思考文化。  相似文献   

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