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姚咏 《海外英语》2023,(23):72-74+85
二语是否同一语一样存在习得关键期一直是语言学领域讨论的热点。Piece等研究人员通过功能磁共振造影技术对早期语言经历对大脑二语习得神经表征的影响进行了测试和对比。研究证明:早期的语言经历会在大脑中建立相对应的神经表征。后期习得二语时,大脑会向其他认知区域寻求援助,一套替换的神经系统就会应运而生。所以,习得一语和二语时,大脑所激活的是截然不同的两个区域。一语习得关键期不能简单等同于二语习得关键期。  相似文献   

孩子的出生重塑父母的大脑 一项新的脑成像研究在分析了作为主要养育者妈妈和次要养育者爸爸的脑结构变化后,发现孩子的出生改变了父母大脑的激活模式。 研究者表示,大脑的“养育神经网络”由两套独立的神经通路构成,一个通路负责情绪加工,比如警醒、动机、报偿等,是一种进化上相对原始的通路;另外一个通路则负责社会认知,比如社交理解与共情等。这两套通路的激活使父母可以时刻关注孩子的状态与需求,为孩子的一举一动牵肠挂肚并用心地规划未来的养育行为。不过,孩子的降生更多地激发了妈妈大脑的情绪加工环路,使她们更为觉醒与敏感也更为焦虑。而对爸爸来说,则主要激活了社会认知环路。研究还发现,爸爸大脑中两个脑区间的连接强度与参与养育的时间相关。  相似文献   

吴国来 《保定师专学报》2005,18(1):97-100,104
行为研究表明,内隐序列学习的表征形式完全基于刺激,但神经成像却发现与内隐序列学习有关的大脑运动控制区域的激活,这些区域包括主运动皮层、前运动皮层、补充运动区和基底神经节。进一步的研究认为,内隐序列学习中大脑运动控制区的激活只是进一步反应的准备,对健忘症患者的研究发现,内侧颞叶区可能在内隐序列学习的高层联想上起着关键的作用。  相似文献   

联觉,是指一种感受引起另一种感觉的心理现象。音乐艺术的审美联觉是按照音的传递方式进行的,即由发音体振动——音波——音波对听觉器官的影响——听觉神经传递大脑,然后引起生理的感受。少年儿童正处于对外部事物,特别是对音响刺激敏感期,他们认识和理解事物时带有明显捕捉性,喜欢与具体的形象联系在一起,因此,在音乐欣赏时易产生情感、意象、色彩、嗅觉等审美联觉。  相似文献   

"莫扎特效应"的认知神经科学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“莫扎特效应”是近年来音乐心理学乃至音乐教育中的一个热点问题,许多心理学家对之做了解释,但大多只涉及到大脑皮层的神经加工。文章结合认知神经科学的研究成果,从大脑对音乐的认知加工、情绪加工以及两者所共有的加工机制三个方面予以综述,发现莫扎特的音乐能激活大脑的多个脑区,并能挖掘出某些区域潜在的功能,研究的结果有助于人们更好地认识大脑的高级功能。  相似文献   

联觉,是指一种感受引起另一种感觉的心理现象。音乐艺术的审美联觉是按着音的传递方式进行的,即由发音体振动——音波——音波对听觉器官的影响——听觉神经传递大脑,然后引起生理的感受。少年儿童正处于对外部事物,特别是对音响刺激敏感期,他们认识和理解事物时带有明显捕捉性,喜欢与具体的形象联系在一起,因此,在音乐欣赏时易产生情感、意象、色彩、嗅觉等审美联觉。 一、少年儿童在音乐欣赏中的情感联觉 情感,是人对现实的对象和现象是否适合人的需要和社会需求而产生的体验。音乐欣赏中的情感联觉是最常见的视听联觉,即在声音刺激下产生的视觉形象,通过审美的听觉活动,对审美对象产生或是愉悦、或是痛苦、哀  相似文献   

正借助于新型核磁共振成像技术,科学家得以发现此前未知的大脑解剖学结构长期以来,科学家一直以为大脑是一堆缠结的电线结构。运用最新一代核磁共振仪进行的研究发现,大脑的纤维排列实际上像棋盘,呈直角交叉状。早期发育过程中,大脑内的线路连接在一起,这些连接呈十字交叉,沿着水平和垂直方向延伸。这种网状结构内的连接好似高速路上的车道标线,限制了神经纤维在生长过程中的选择,具体地说就是改变方向的选择。只要能限制上、下、左、右四个方向,就能让神经纤维以更有效、更有序的方式找到适合自己的连接,从而使大脑结构适应于演化历程。科学家说,新技术或许能揭示个人化的大脑连接,有助于诊治大脑疾病。  相似文献   

盲人通过摸读盲文进行阅读。在盲文摸读时,盲人大脑皮质功能发生改变,主要表现为视觉词形区被激活且具有多项功能,枕叶视觉皮质功能发生跨模态重组且具备获取触觉信息和高级语言加工的功能,同时顶叶-枕叶皮质间的功能连接也被增强。失明年龄相关的早期视觉经验缺失、盲文摸读训练与学习以及口语会对盲人大脑皮质功能改变产生一定的影响。对盲文摸读进行研究既为盲文教学策略的选择提供依据,又丰富了阅读神经机制的研究。未来盲文摸读神经机制研究应关注对不同年龄段盲人群体的比较研究、视觉经验缺失的影响、盲文摸读时大脑不同区域的功能以及盲文摸读的跨语言比较研究。  相似文献   

情绪调节:过程、影响因素及其神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知重评和表达抑制是最常用且最有效的情绪调节策略。情绪调节还可以分为两个方面,即先行关注情绪调节和反应关注情绪调节。当前的研究都聚焦于有意的情绪调节,而自动情绪调节也是一种重要的情绪调节方式。影响情绪调节发展与策略使用的因素包括遗传、性别、年龄和家庭等。认知重评与表达抑制的神经机制存在共享的区域,但两种策略在使用过程中又会激活与抑制不同的大脑区域。  相似文献   

背景材料两位美国科学家阿克塞尔和巴克由于发现了人类识别大约1万种气味———从腐败的肉味到爱人的香水味———的机理而荣获2004年诺贝尔医学奖。他们发现,人的鼻腔细胞膜上分布着不同的气味受体。人的基因总数的3%,即大约1000个基因被用于对嗅觉受体细胞膜上的不同气味受体进行编码,以区分不同的气味,而这些气味受体细胞与大脑有直接联系。气味受体细胞被气味分子激活后,就会产生信号,这些信号被传送到大脑的特定区域,接着传至大脑其他区域,结合成特定模式。两位科学家还发现,每个气味受体细胞会对有限的几种相关分子作出反应。绝大多数…  相似文献   

Generalist Genes: Genetic Links Between Brain, Mind, and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Genetics contributes importantly to learning abilities and disabilities—not just to reading, the target of most genetic research, but also to mathematics and other academic areas as well. One of the most important recent findings from quantitative genetic research such as twin studies is that the same set of genes is largely responsible for genetic influence across these domains. We call these "generalist genes" to highlight their pervasive influence. In other words, most genes found to be associated with a particular learning ability or disability (such as reading) will also be associated with other learning abilities and disabilities (such as mathematics). Moreover, some generalist genes for learning abilities and disabilities are even more general in their effect, encompassing other cognitive abilities such as memory and spatial ability. When these generalist genes are identified, they will greatly accelerate research on general mechanisms at all levels of analysis from genes to brain to behavior.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of some methods and results from our continuing studies of genetic and environmental influences on dyslexia, and on individual differences across the normal range that have been conducted over the past 25 years in the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC) and in related projects. CLDRC investigators compare the similarities of identical twin pairs who share all their genes and fraternal twins who share half their segregating genes to assess the balance of genetic, shared family environment, and nonshared environment influences on dyslexia and on individual differences across the normal range. We have learned that among the children we have studied in Colorado, group deficits in reading (dyslexia) and individual differences in reading across the normal range are primarily due to genetic influences, and these genetic influences are often shared with some of the same genetic influences on deficits and individual differences in language and ADHD. We have also learned from our molecular-genetic linkage studies that there are regions on several chromosomes likely to contain genes that influence dyslexia. Several specific genes within these regions have been tentatively identified through molecular-genetic association analyses, but much more research is needed to understand the pathways among specific genes, regions of noncoding DNA that regulate the activity of those genes, the brain, and dyslexia. I conclude with a discussion of our research on individual differences in early reading development, on the role of early learning constraints in dyslexia, and on how genetic influences are expressed through their interaction and correlation with the environment.  相似文献   

Even though the acquisition of early literacy skills obviously depends on stimuli and incentives in children’s environment we may expect that genes define the constraints for acquiring some or all early literacy skills. Therefore behavior genetic analyses were carried out on twin data including 27 identical and 39 same sex dizygotic twins, 4 years old. We focused on a series of early literacy skills selected because they are developing in the focal age range: writing the proper name and mama, rhyming, and alphabetic knowledge. The data for each skill were subjected to structural equation modeling. First, it turned out that even in this young group genetic differences are the primary force in shaping early developing writing skills. Second, bivariate analyses showed that similar environmental and genetic influences are involved across various skills. Third, from secondary analyses on the available twin studies on early literacy it was apparent that the findings of this small-scaled study correspond to outcomes of other large-scale twin studies.  相似文献   

中外通感研究对比与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近几年国内外通感研究进行了跟踪观察和分析,发现国内外对于通感的研究在内容、规模以及学术界彼此交流的程度上皆呈现出不同的特点。文章对这一研究的结果进行扼要地对比介绍和分析,希望能给国内学术界同行提供借鉴和帮助,促进中国通感研究走向世界,融入多元对话和文化整合的语境之中。  相似文献   

"通感"的认知性立体透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘珍 《宜春学院学报》2004,26(1):103-106
通感大量存在于文学作品和日常生活中。从认知的角度来看,通感也是一种隐喻。本文以概念隐喻理论为基础阐述了通感的思维与认知方式,指出通感隐喻的认知基础是概念系统中感官域之间的相识性心理联想,在通感隐喻的意义建构过程中,联想推理机制有着总体的共性和民族的差异性。  相似文献   

通感是人类认知领域中复杂的心理认知现象之一。研究探讨通感的形成机理有助于我们进一步揭示通感的基本认知规律。以心理空间理论以及后续发展的概念整合理论为依据,研究探讨了某一感觉特征在心理空间是如何进行相互投射,各项信息在合成空间中的创层结构中怎样进行组合、完善和扩展。这一感觉同另一种或多种感觉的相互连通造成了词语表达的语义变化以及新的意义的产生,由此揭示出通感的形成机理及其认知规律。  相似文献   

Sentences convey relationships between the meanings of words, such as who is accomplishing an action or receiving it. Functional neuroimaging based on positron-emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging has been used to identify areas of the brain involved in structuring sentences and determining aspects of meaning associated with sentences. This article reviews this literature, beginning with studies that compare sentences to low-level baselines, which identify brain regions involved in many language functions, and progressing to more narrowly constructed experiments that contrast one sentence type with another, which are designed to identify brain regions involved in quite specific sentence-level processing operations. These studies suggest that at least some syntactic and sentence-level interpretive operations, and/or the resource system that supports them, utilize the same brain areas regardless of whether language is spoken or written. They also suggest that several brain regions may provide support in these processes and that there are individual differences in what parts of the brain are involved in these functions.  相似文献   

日常语言中,存在着大量视觉与嗅觉、味觉、触觉、听觉感官相通的“一通多”视觉通感。这类将其他感官特征映射到视觉感官的隐喻性表达,是建于视觉的独特生理特征和源于过去经验的认知联想基础之上的。视觉通感的认知构建,须具备两个基本条件:一是感官域间的相似性心理联想;二是其相似性的认知突显。  相似文献   

Individual differences in mathematics performance may stem from domain-general factors like working memory and intelligence. Parietal and frontal brain areas have been implicated in number processing, but the influence of such cognitive factors on brain activity during mathematics processing is not known. The relationship between brain mechanisms during symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison and individual differences in working memory, nonverbal IQ, and mathematics achievement were investigated to determine possible associations with behavior and brain function. A number of brain areas showed correlations with working memory and number processing. For symbolic digits, working memory showed a positive relationship with brain activity in a network of bilateral parietal, temporal, and right frontal regions. For nonsymbolic dot arrays, working memory showed a negative relationship with several parietal and frontal brain areas. This relationship indicates differences between behavioral and brain function measures and points to the importance of working memory and basic number processing.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCoronaryarterydisease (CAD)continuestobethemajorcauseofmorbidityandmortalityinourcountry .TheactivityofbloodcoagulationfactorshasbeenshowntobeanimportantriskindicatorforCAD .However,circulatinglevelsofcoagulationfactorsmaynotaccuratelyreflectt…  相似文献   

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