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(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Ⅰ.下面是一些常用的对话,请把它们补充完整。1.A:are you?B:Fine,thank you.2.A:are you?B:Im12.3.A:W ho is duty today?B:I am.4.A:Is Joan athom e?B:,I don tknow.5.A:is A nn?B:She is school.K ey:1.H ow2.H ow,old3.on4.Sorry5.W here,atB.提高阅读Ⅰ.你知道常用的电话用语吗?请将对话补充完整。K ate:1,2548901.Sam:H ello,is2Joy?K ate:N o,this is K ate.Joy isn t3.Sam:H i,K ate.45Sam.H ow are you?K ate:6,thanks.Sam:78Joy?K ate:She is in the bookshop.Sam:9,thank you.G ood-bye.K ate…  相似文献   

Horse friends Three horses are standing in a triangular field, which is exactly 100 yards on each side. One horse stands at each comer, and simultaneously all three set off running. Each horse runs after the horse in the adjacent comer on his left, thus following a curved course,  相似文献   

Three horses are standing in a triangular field, which is exactly 100 yards on each side. One horse stands at each comer; and simultaneously all three set off running. Each horse runs after the horse in the adjacent comer on his left, thus following a curved course, which terminates in the middle of the field, all three horses arriving there together. The homes obviously ran at the same speed, but just how far did they run?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(15分)1.—W here is your brother?—H e is.A.in hom e B.in school C.athom e D.on school2.I think it is hat.A.K ate B.K ate s C.K ates D.K ates3.Thanks the greatphoto of your fam ily.A.for B.on C.of D.in4.Please these things to m e tom orrow.A.bring B.look C.do D.take5.There are tw o windows the w all.A.under B.in C.on D.behind6.—A re the shoes under your bed?—A.Y es,itis.B.Y es,they are.C.N o,it isn t.D.N o,they are.7.—A re you Jim?—Y es,I.M y nam e Jim.A .is,is …  相似文献   

Three horses are standing in a triangular field, which is exactly 100 yards oll each side. One horse stands at each corner: and simultaneously all three set off running. Each horse runs after the horse in the adjacent corner on his left, thus following a curved course,  相似文献   

NMET2003书面表达下面是江西一考生的答卷:Dear Bob,You said you were going to learn Chinese in Jianxin Chinese school and asked me to find a flat for you. Now I am writing to tell you something about the one I' ve found for you. It is on the second floor at Fangcao street and covers 25 square meters, It's divided into three parts - the bedroom, the bathroom,and the kitchen. When entering the bedroom, you will see a bed on your left, in front of you lies a sofa. There is a window on  相似文献   

1.It is over from Shijazhuang toBeijing.A.three hours’driveB.three hour’s driveC.three hours’drivesD.three hours drive2.—W here is m um,Lily?—She left a(an)saying thatshe has som ething to do.A.m essage B.letterC.excuse D.sentence3.K uom intang C hairm an(国民党主席)LienChan’s visit to the Chinese m ainlandbuilt a“”across the Taiwanstraits(海岸).A.school B.factoryC.bridge D.city4.This is that all of us believeit’s very im portant.A.such useful inform ationB.so useful inform a…  相似文献   

Our village     
This is a photograph of our village. Our village is in a valley. It is betweenn two hills. The village is on a river. Here is another photograph of the village. My sister and I are walking along the banks of the river. We are on the left. There is a boy i…  相似文献   

On 16th July 1969,the United States ofAmerica sent three astronauts’into the space.They flew off in a spaceship2 towards the moon.Four days later,the spaceship reached the moon.Armstrong left it and landed on the moon.Hebecame the first man to walk on it.After a while,Aldrin joined him.  相似文献   

The Pigeon     
This is a round square.In the square there are hundreds of pigeons.Some girls are feeding the pigeons.Look at that girl on the left.It is me.  相似文献   

No failure, moderate failure, severe failure, and slight failure are the four failure modes generalized observed in the dynamic response of the single-layer reticulated dome under vertical impact load on apex. TE (the time that the end of impact force) and TF (the time that members are broken) are two key times in the failure process. Characteristics of dynamic responses at the two key times are shown in order to make the failure mechanism clear. Then three steps of energy transfer are summarized, i.e. energy applying, energy loss and energy transfer, energy consump-tion. Based on the three steps, energy transfer process for the failure reticulated dome under once impact is introduced. Energy transmissibility and local loss ratio are put forward firstly to obtain EL F(the energy left in the main reticulated dome) from the initial kinetic energy of impactor. More-over, the distribution of failure modes is decided by EL F which leads to the maximum dynamic re-sponse of the reticulated dome, but not by the initial impact kinetic energy of impactor.  相似文献   

闻晖  王晓军 《海外英语》2012,(11):287-289
This paper is a case study on three negative stereotypes that Chinese have about North American culture on the basis of the theory of Kluckhohn’ s Value System,Hofstede’ s Value Dimensions and Edward T.Hall’ s Model.This study is a qualitative study which is mainly based on analyzing.Then some good ways are provided to help Chinese people overcome some negative stereotypes about North American culture so that they can have a more accurate understanding on American people and American culture and communicate with Americans with less obstacles.  相似文献   

A Blind Spot     
It seems to be strange to you there is ablind spot on the eye. Here is an interestingexperiment (实验)that can make somethingdisappear,when one eye is open. Make a card about the size of a postcardand write two English letters L and Ron it.L on the left and R on the right.First,hold the card about 80cm away and you seeboth the letters.Then close your right eye and  相似文献   

This is my bedroom. There is a small bed in the bedroom. A trash bin is behind the door.There are two bedside-tables near the bed. There is a picture over the bed. There are two big closets in front of the wall. Some dresses are in them. There is a big bookshelf in front of the bed. There are some books on the bookshelf. A table is near the windows. There are two pens, ten pencils, and three rulers on the table. There are two beautiful curtains over the windows. I like my bedroom.这是我的…  相似文献   

N am e押X ing H uina姓名:邢慧娜D ate of birth押Feb.25熏1984生日:1984,2,25Birth place押Shandong Province出生地:山东省H eight押166cm身高:166厘米W eight押50kg体重:50公斤Item押Long-distance running项目:长跑X ing H uina was born on February25熏1984in Shandong Province.She is now a senior stu鄄dent in Shandong U niversity.X ing H uina w as the cham pion of W om an10000鄄m eter race in the28th O lym pic G am es.H aving failed in the5000鄄m eter race熏shedidn’t give up.She went torunw ay穴跑…  相似文献   

A Once upon a time a merchant was going on a journey. He left two bags of money with a friend. "My friend." said the merchant, "there are three hundred  相似文献   

I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a 1)neighboring town of Venice,Italy,the city of lights and water. As we enjoyed our coffee,a man entered and sat at an empty table beside us.He called the waiter over and placed his order,saying,"Two cups of coffee,one of them there on the wall." We heard this order with interest and 2)observed that he was served one cup of coffee but he paid for two.When he left,the waiter put a piece of paper on the wall,saying,"A Cup of Coffee." While we were still there,two other men entered and ordered three cups of coffee,two on the table and one on the wall.They had two cups of coffee but paid for three and left.This time also,the waiter did the same:He put a piece of paper on the wall,saying,"A Cup of Coffee."  相似文献   

A life-size double self-portrait, the painting is unparalleled in the history of art. The "European" Frida is seen sitting on the left wearing a high-necked, white lacy dress. An artery has been severed and blood drins through the surgical clamp onto her skirt to merge with its embroidered flowers. Her alter ego is the  相似文献   

教学内容:小学英语(EEC版)第三册第七课第一部分。学习目标:学会说打电话时常用的句型,学会用英语提建议。教学重点:Is X X there?This isX X.Let’s go swim m ing this afternoon.教学流程:Step O ne:G reetingsStep Two:Leading in the class(W hen Iask the questions,m y m o-bile rings.T he screen show s:A w om aniscalling to m e.W e are speaking.)W om an:H ello.Is M iss Y ao there?This is M iss Chen.T:H i,M iss Chen.This is M iss Y ao.W om an:Let’s go swim m ing thisafternoon.(T he screen show …  相似文献   

"My last Duchess" is not only Robert Browning's masterpiece, but also his most well-known famous article. The way his writing is a dramatic monologue, it is based on the assumption characters that written in first person tone poems.There is a fictional speaker, one or more listener in such poetry. The most significant feature is the presence of three dramatic elements: the dramatic speaker, the silent listener, and the dramatic scenes. In the three, the most crucial element is the speaker. When the speaker is speaking, at the same time display poetry plot, characters and scenes through the hero's mouth.  相似文献   

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