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在1989年7月芜湖市民间文学集成编委会整理的《中国民间故事集成》芜湖市分卷——芜湖民间故事中,共收录了23篇芜湖地方神话(有一篇文章已失)。目前很难界定这些神话故事产生的详细时间,但基本可以得知是依据某个标志性山峰或江流不断传承到后世的。芜湖地方神话以活生生的人为中心,神灵色彩淡薄。这些地方神话语言通俗,传播能力极强,同时也反映出地方人民勤劳善良的美好品质。该文以安徽芜湖为例探究芜湖地方神话的艺术结构及文化色彩,以进一步了解民间神话的特点并领略其独特的文化魅力。  相似文献   

中国古诗在人类文化中的地位十分显著,它的优美吸引了国内外许多文学爱好者,但它的晦涩也同样让许多学者望而却步,尤其是非中文国家的学者。古诗所蕴含的文化和时代背景知识是诗歌学习中最大的障碍,若能将原诗背景信息介入诗歌翻译活动,通过译者向目的语读者介绍原诗的背景文化知识,让受众融入诗人创作的时间和空间,便可达到更加深入地了解原诗的目的。详细的背景文化介绍可以让目的语读者不再单纯地停留字面理解的层次,而是对整个诗歌进行较为全面的把握。  相似文献   

贵州是红军长征中活动时间最长、区域范围最广、发生重大事件最多的省份之一,具有丰富的长征文化资源。在实施乡村振兴战略的过程中,融合发展和运用好贵州长征文化资源,对弘扬长征精神、提升贵州红色文化资源的品牌感染力和知名度、推动贵州经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。基于此,文章立足于当前贵州长征文化资源开发的实际,从3个方面具体分析了乡村振兴战略与贵州长征文化资源的内在联系,并在此基础上,理论联系实际,提出了以贵州长征文化资源为依托,进一步助推乡村振兴的多条路径,以期为贵州长征文化资源的开发和运用提供参考。  相似文献   

明代"博杂"之学术特色根源于当时的博学思潮,而博学思潮之所以在明代发生又绝非偶然,究其原因,主要包括三个方面:思想文化渊源、科举制度和明代的政治思想现实及风气.其中,学术传统中的博学思想为博学思潮的发生奠定了坚实的思想基础;明代的科举制度和政治思想现实及风气在为空疏不学之风的滋长提供条件和制度保障的同时,也为博学思潮的发生准备了批判、反思的目标和对象,并提供了理论和实践以及学者群体上的保障,而这两个方面又是促成博学思潮在明代这一特定历史时期发生的决定性因素.  相似文献   

周红  任雯 《中国名城》2020,(5):61-65
贵州安顺屯堡作为明代军屯制度留下的宝贵遗产,遗存着大量传统民居建筑,具有很高的历史文化价值,蕴含着丰富而独特的历史文化信息。系统的对贵州安顺的研究屯堡聚落的相关文献和书籍按照研究的时间脉络进行了细致的梳理,主要针对建筑与规划学背景的研究成果进行了分类整理,并分析了各时期学界对安顺屯堡的研究成果和规律特点,总结了现有研究成果的贡献和不足,以期对后期的研究指明方向,做出更加切实有效的研究以供安顺地区的文化保护工作者参考借鉴。  相似文献   

杨媛 《文化学刊》2012,(4):102-106
作为中华民族大家庭中的一员,近年来侗族以其独特的歌唱形式和歌唱文化给全国乃至全世界的观众带来了无与伦比的艺术享受。由此,侗族的历史和文化也开始为越来越多的研究者所关注。当一个民族的文化从大山登上了舞台,那它就不仅仅是一个独立的文化个体,而是牵涉各种因素的文化共同体,关于它的过去、现在和未来以及对它的保护、诠释和传承都将是人类面临的共同问题,也势必关乎人类文化、民族文化的经营和发展。本文拟贵州黔东南地区侗族为例,从民族学、人类学的角度去探讨侗族歌唱活动背后深层的文化功能.以期揭示侗族这一中国少数民族的民族特性,并试图勾勒出民族文化传承的意义和理想的研究模式。  相似文献   

看到《生态文化》杂志上登载了书法家魏彦勋的题词"弘扬生态文化,倡导生态文明",也让我想起了和他的交往,还有对他的了解。有几次参加地方政府和企业组织的活动,见到了也在现场的魏先生。因为是书法家,除了参加活动,  相似文献   

5月15-17日,《对外传播》召开2013年全国通讯员年会,来自北京、吉林、黑龙江、浙江、海南、贵州、广西、河北、新疆建设兵团、宁波、烟台等地的12位通讯员与会。中国外文局总编室副主任张娟、对外传播研究中心副主任陈燕和于运全、《对外传播》主编林良旗分别就外文局今年重点业务活动、境外涉华舆情研判、中心传播理论研究成果、地方外宣工作案例研究  相似文献   

敏涛 《生态文化》2007,(1):F0004-F0004
这是一片喧嚣的热土,这是一个滚动的舞台,这里充满了火一样的激情,这里留下了乡亲们的欢颜。这是什么地方?是“鹤北林业局综合文化体育活动中心”。  相似文献   

从门多萨的《大中华帝国史》看欧洲早期汉学和中国明代社会(下篇)吴孟雪四《大中华帝国史》反映的明代社会中国明代社会的状况和风貌,在门多萨的这本书中也有许多具体生动的介绍,例如明代中央与地方的某些行政制度、明代的对外交往、教育与考试情况、妇女的地位、保甲...  相似文献   

Creativity is currently at the centre of a lively scientific debate in which scholars from different fields are engaged. The interest on such topic is mainly due to its potential positive impact on economic development; thus, understanding the determinants of creativity becomes important in terms of policy decisions. Although the existing literature has identified some determinants of creativity, evidence on the specific impact of such determinants on particular creative talents and on the degree of creative complexity within a local area is still scant. This work tries to fill this gap starting from the thought that the mental cross-fertilization of talents in different fields is what stimulates the best and most original ideas. By considering artistic, scientific, and economic creativities as the main modes in which creativity can show itself, the paper explores empirically the relation between local socio-economic characteristics and the concurrent presence of multiple creative talents.  相似文献   

The last few years have seen a remarkable increase in the number of cultural events and festivals. The increasing competitiveness among them and the need to safeguard their future viability make it necessary to identify factors that not only attract and satisfy new participants, but also retain previous attendees. Accordingly, this article examines the relations between motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in the case of a cinema event the Valdivia International Film Festival (Chile), distinguishing, in turn, between local attendees and visitors. To achieve this goal, a structural equation modelling is performed based on the data obtained through a survey conducted among festival attendees. The results show there are different motivations for attending a festival (leisure, professional motives and cinema) and that some directly affect satisfaction and loyalty. Similarly, satisfaction is presented as an unquestionable antecedent of loyalty, the latter being measured by means of different concepts. Finally, the research highlights some significant differences between residents and tourists and seems to point to the existence of a kind of cultural tourism focused on an interest in the cinema, which contributes to the festival’s continuity and sustainability. All of this allows us to extract some implications for the managers of this type of event and for those responsible for the destination’s cultural and tourist policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experience of 25 large U.S. orchestras over a 21-year period for the presence or absence of the cost disease. Appropriate measures of input and output are discussed. Measures of productivity, compensation per worker, and unit labor costs are calculated and compared to similar measures for the manufacturing sector. The history of ticket prices and attendance is reviewed, and price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The relationship between all these variables is explored, and some policy recommendations are offered.The author is grateful to Professor William Baumol and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. She also wishes to thank Heather Dinwiddie and Dan Patterson of the American Symphony Orchestra League for making the orchestra data available. Support for this project was provided by a grant-in-aid of research from Indiana University Southeast.  相似文献   

自庆历、熙丰以后,宋代“《文选》学”由兴盛走向衰落,其衰落的原因很复杂,是合力作用的结果。其中,政治运动、文学思潮、新旧党争、科举制度、宋代理学、统治者的好恶、文学家政治家的个人力量、文章选本、审美风尚等均参与其中并发挥着不同程度的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对<仪礼>乐制顺应礼仪主体和主题的论述,通过对变异乐礼文字的比较解读,解析礼乐仪节蕴藏的调理人性、和乐君臣情感、维系社会稳定的调节功能,揭示以乐师、乐器为载体的礼乐文化所负载的鲜明的刚性等级秩序,以及乐礼在具体使用过程中灵活变通的柔性原则和人文关怀的和谐理念.  相似文献   

The technological shift of museums is extensively documented, even if research on the impact of technologies on cultural practices and social patterns at large is still lacking. As part of a research programme conducted by the Louvre and HEC Paris, the article proposes a conceptual analysis of ‘real’ (visiting the museum) and ‘virtual’ (visiting its website) experiences of museums. It contributes to the understanding of whether the two experiences are substitutes or complements using a newly created measurement scale. In addition, the article also aims at enriching the contemporary discussion on the artworks’ aura and the authenticity of the cultural experience in the digital age.  相似文献   

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