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关于高校扩招的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年开始的我国高校大幅扩招,在家庭、高校以及社会各界引起强烈反响,扩招最初的动因是为了带动消费、绥解就业压力,但扩招到镀是否具有内在客观必然性,是否具有长期的战略选择意义,应采取什么对策和措施搞好扩招,都是需要认真研究和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

大学扩招已有多年,且也是大势所趋。但近几年却愈演愈烈,且已发展到研究生和博士生招生阶段。究竟这样一种大规模扩招是否可行?本文探讨了扩招的利弊,并对高校管理提出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   

今年的高校招生规模、增加招生的幅度和录取率,都创下了建国以来的最高记录。面对高校大扩招,无论是学校、家长、考生,还是教育专家都在关注,学校是否有足够的承受能力,如何突破制约高校扩招的后勤“瓶颈”问题。让我们把目光对准他们,看看他们是怎样做的。  相似文献   

高职院校体育师资队伍建设初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
高校扩招增加了高等教育学历人才及紧缺专业人才的供给,适应了社会经济的发展。然而,在实施高校扩招政策的实践中,也出现了许多问题。如师资队伍建设、经费投入、教学仪器设备等资源条件是否实现了同步增长;各级院校的发展速度、规模是否为扩招的持续健康发展提供了有效保障,等等。这些问题的提出对高职院校师资队伍建设提出了新的要求。因此,加强体育师资队伍建设是我国高等教育整体发展战略中的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

教育与市场脱节下的大学生就业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生就业难的呼声越来越高,由此引发了与之相关的一连串讨论,比如大学生的择业期望值是否太高了,比如人才市场是否规范,比如整个社会的人力资源配置是否合理……在对大学生就业难的诸多寻本溯源中,高校扩招政策受到的质疑可谓不小,扩招是不是一把"双刃剑",扩招究竟是不是"扩糟",引起了社会各界的讨论.笔者认为,扩招没有错,满足人们受教育的愿望、提高整个社会的人才层次,是一件利国利民的好事.如果一定要说扩招与就业难有什么必然联系,那只能说,是扩招暴露了教育本身存在的问题,从而使原本深藏于暗处的痼疾逐渐显现出来.  相似文献   

始于1999年、止于2006年的大规模扩招是否影响、如何影响中国高等院校的规模经济,既是一个重要的理论问题,更是一个严肃的实际问题,它影响高等教育经济与管理的研究,影响政府和高校的决策。我们引入扩招分界点虚拟变量,估计出C-D生产函数模型。模型揭示:中国高等院校规模经济效应乘数由扩招前(1978~1998年)的1.1078提升到扩招后(1999~2008年)的1.7606;人力资本、物质资本对高校规模经济的贡献率发生对换,由扩招前的"二八贡献"转变为扩招后的"八二贡献"。扩招引致高校人力资本和物质资本的结构改善,利用效率提高,创新和服务社会的能力增强。  相似文献   

关于高校扩招是否合理的争论,已成为高等教育政策的一个争论焦点。从社会再生产过程这一分析角度入手,从生产、分配、交换、消费的相互关系来分析高校扩招现象的成因、存在问题,才能找到相应的对策。  相似文献   

扩招与入世:高校专业建设如何应对   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
直面扩招与入世 ,高等教育的诸多问题都有待重新厘订。专业建设自然也不能例外。本文仅就扩招和加入WTO后 ,高校专业建设的改革与发展所面对的问题及应对策略 ,谈几点认识。一、高校专业建设所面临的问题专业建设是人才素质培养的前提基础和保障条件 ,是高等教育的重要问题之一。但从目前现状来看 ,专业建设还远远不能适应社会经济发展的需求 ,扩招和加入WTO后 ,将面临着更为严峻的挑战 ,矛盾将更为突出。其一 ,扩招与入世引发并加速市场化 ,高等院校的专业建设面临严重挑战。首先 ,高校扩招生及毕业生的结构与数量是否合理 ,直接影响…  相似文献   

高校扩招何以实施——基于“资源稀释模型”的解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然高校扩招政策已经实施十余年,但学者们对其关注度依然不减。从现有文献资料来看,学者们关注更多的是高校扩招的背景以及扩招所带来的影响等,而对我国为何可以顺利实施高校扩招给予的关注却很少。笔者从资源稀释模型(Resource Dilution Model)的视角,探讨在我国为何得以顺利实施高校扩招这一具有深远影响的政策。  相似文献   

研究生招生与就业问题是目前高等教育面临的一大课题,从1999年全国性的高校扩招以来,研究生在高校中的比例和作为教育成果嵌入社会的比例都显著增长。那么,高校的硬件和软件是否能够与这种教育相匹配?社会又是否能够对研究生的大批拥入对号入座,充分使用教育成果?这些将在下文中略做阐述。  相似文献   

Late school entry is driven by several factors, one of the key ones being the cost barrier to schooling. Policies such as free primary education (FPE) that advocate for universal coverage are therefore partly aimed at removing the cost barrier. The Kenyan Government, like many in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), introduced FPE in 2003 with the aim of universalising access to schooling, which is one of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) it signed up to achieve. Based on a case study of four sites in Nairobi, the aim of this paper is to assess whether the FPE policy has affected late enrolment. The data used were collected by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and comprise a sub-sample of 4,325 first-graders during 2000–2005. The paper applies a probit model to assess the impact of the policy on the basis of marginal effects on the predicted probability of late enrolment. The results show that the FPE policy reduces the probability of late enrolment by 14 per cent. The reduction in probability of late enrolment was greater among children residing in slums (16 per cent) than those in non-slums (9 per cent). The main implication of the findings for policy makers is that cost barriers are a likely cause of over-age enrolment.  相似文献   

Secondary school enrolment in Uganda has historically favoured males over females. Recently, however, researchers have reported that the secondary enrolment gender gap has significantly diminished, and perhaps even disappeared in Uganda. Even if gender parity is being achieved for enrolment broadly, there may be a gender gap concerning age-appropriate enrolment. This is an important next step in educational research concerning gender equity in education worldwide. There is little information about what individual, family and regional factors influence age-appropriate enrolment. Therefore, this study investigates a potential age-appropriate enrolment gender gap for secondary-aged youth, and examines the factors that influence gendered enrolment behaviours in Uganda. Implications for policy, practice, and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,中国大学招生入学考试出现了一个新的变化:从统一招生考试到自主招生考试。发生这种变革最主要、最直接的动因是中国实行市场经济、政府职能由大政府向小政府转变,与此相伴随的是高校办学自主权逐步扩大。高校自主招生的实质是要求面对灵活多变的市场需求,实现中国高校拥有办学自主权的目标。目前,对高校自主招生政策能否成为一项国家教育考试政策争论颇多,本文就我国目前和今后的发展走向分析后认为:实行高校自主招生制度是可行的,而且是必要的。  相似文献   

高校招生人数影响因素分析及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,高校招生规模急剧扩大,对此现象社会志士见仁见智,众说纷纭。高校招生人数的确定是否具有科学性,人们有质疑,质疑的主要指向是招生规模的确定有一定的随意性。回应和解惑质疑,必须强化数据分析,进行定量研究。利用主成分分析法,对高校招生的影响因素进行分析,可以探寻影响高校招生人数的主要因素。建立招生人数与主要影响因素的多元回归方程数学模型,可以探究高校招生人数与主要因素之间的变化关系。以此为基础,就能较为科学地预测未来的、合理科学的高校招生人数。  相似文献   

The extent to which legislation and special education policy have impacted on the nature of the educational enrolment of students with a disability in Australia has not been clearly addressed. Although there are no detailed and systematic national data on the enrolment of students with a disability in inclusive settings, special classes and special schools in Australia, some broad trends are apparent. The legislative background to these trends is discussed. As might be expected, there are variations in the nature of the educational enrolment of students with a disability across the states and territories of Australia. Enrolment trends in the two most populous states, New South Wales and Victoria, are examined and discussed within the context of their respective special education policies, disability discrimination legislation, and educational precedent.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,由于境外合作办学单位的加入,我国高等学校的招生竞争将会更激烈、更复杂。为此,我们一定要树立高等教育全球观,加快高校招生改革步伐。多年的招生实践使笔者认识到,高校要在当前形势下,按世贸组织规则搞好公平有序的招生竞争,必须增强招生的自主性,扩大招生的开放性、拓展招生的多元性、模糊招生的区域性、明确招生的层次性和强化招生竞争的规范性。  相似文献   

Expanding school enrolment in Kenya was given the highest priority in the leverage of development. The number of pupils has grown from 2.9 to 5.56 million in the 20 years since 1975. There has been a similar expansion at the secondary level. And the expansion at the university level has been even faster, which is more than four times than that in 1984/85. But still the increase in enrolments was not enough to absorb pent‐up demand. The female enrolment has significantly improved, and female teachers constitute 39.5% of the total number of teachers. The imbalance is vast between the educational supply and economic demand (employment). The question is whether the growth can be maintained; whether it is enough.  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化进程的推进,我国城乡高等教育差距进一步拉大,农村高等教育的增长情况并没有随着整个高等教育的扩招而迅速扩大。本文通过对农村高等教育现状的分析,找出了制约农村高等教育发展的因素,并在此基础上提出了改善农村高等教育的政策建议。  相似文献   

We discuss the design and implementation of educational programmes aimed at increasing university enrolment. We focus on a means-test policy introduced in the Italian province of Trento, which consists of a monetary incentive in the form of a grant. To reduce inequalities in access to higher education, aid is awarded according to merit and financial need. Previous research has shown that this programme has no effect on the university enrolment. Therefore, our aim is to understand, through examination of a unique data set, why the policy failed; we also argue that the most effective design of educational policies considers the targeted population's demand for higher education, as well as socioeconomic context. In this way, we provide insight into the formalisation and efficacy of the eligibility conditions. Though our research is concerned with a province, our findings have important implications for how educational programmes should be designed and implemented nationwide and abroad.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a comprehensive picture of social selectivity in higher education in Italy by focusing on enrolment and two alternative indicators of success: retention and timely completion. The existing literature has shown that young individuals of disadvantaged backgrounds have lower enrolment probabilities and higher chances of withdrawal. This paper analyses the size and features of this cumulative disadvantage, shaping the chances of high-school leavers of eventually attaining the university degree. We analyse whether social background inequalities are stronger at enrolment or at later outcomes, and how these inequalities vary with previous schooling experience. We confirm previous evidence that disadvantaged groups with respect to enrolment are also disadvantaged on persistence, add new findings on timely completion and show that cumulative inequalities are very strong. Inequalities are strongest among students holding technical and vocational high-school qualifications and weakest among well-performing students from lyceums. In addition, we examine the role of labour market conditions and whether they explain geographical differences. Enrolment, retention and timely completion probabilities appear negatively related to local youth unemployment rates, suggesting that with poor labour market prospects, individuals lose motivation and reduce their engagement in education.  相似文献   

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